I was bored. It looked sexy. sue me. It was way to shiny, like as in, if i alked with someone it was the first thing they noticed about me, it was very out of place as to how i normally look, and did not like it (even tough, i have like multiple hair styles and like to alternate.) already fixed the shiny'ness, srry,if i ever try to do something unexperienced and stupid again, i wont forget to take pics.
Replacing things for ducks is always cool. ducks are awesome. I think I want a pet duck.
did you really just...? nope iquit, blrgh :v thanks, I wont use shampoo, that kinda helps, its just so silky stuff, but i think the grease went down a lot after i washed it with just watter, thanks a lot! the duck is that?
nice avatar, the new demons seem interesting.
windows 8 is bad .
ok, so i decided to play with my mom's hair products to see if i could make my hair look like Ventus's, From Birth by Sleep, yeah I kinda succeeded with the spiky swirl and stuff, but when i went to wash away all the stuff from my hair, my hair stayed a bit straighter, but i dont mind that part, i actually perfer it, but my hair stayed shiny. shiny. like, reflecting light shiny, not sparkly, but shiny, just REALLY shiny, i tried washing it a million times and it won't stop being shiny ;~; What do KHV? What do?
nice to see you have a decent automobile now.
yeah, i realized both after i posted, was gonna delete it but, meh, just left it anyway, i normally don't think like this, sorry, i just went trough some major relationship-problem-bs lately, and am a bit paranoid, like i said, just ignore me when im like this :x
(Edit: I forgot this thread was just about asking for numbers, I accidently went into more complex stuff below, just ignore me :v) look, I really don't wanna bluntly say "yes" and sound like a jerk, but, once you know enough information, once you know what works and what doesn't, once you learn how you should portray stuff, It's simpler than you would expect, a lot simpler, critically so... actually all you really have to do is follow a few rules, and have a few outlooks in mind...
pch... that almost never works...
I cant wait, and im afraid ill get spoilers, so ive started watching it (playtrough) through YouTube, they're on an island this time... So yeah,...
Your new asig is amazing, that opening is awesome, did you finish it? You planning on playing Dangan Ronpa 2?
experience and intuition.[DOUBLEPOST=1386131910][/DOUBLEPOST] but if you want a serious answer, most religion and art teachers ranging from Elementary to high school, are female, and most relatively over-generous teacher are also female, so i just assumed... yeah
Maybe she sees all the potential you have with that spiritual energy.
Agreed, and it kinda is, you cant get any smaller than that.
are they trying to troll or into "loli" or something? because its one thing to make a character's features unrealistically big, but when they make them unrealistically small it looks even weirder...