Me: *shrugs* oops, hey doc when can i go head to the training room? Dracon: alright *wraps up the plates and heads on back with the food*...
Me: ehh, i just thought of food so thats why im up, i didnt even know i was badly injured..was it that bad? Dracon: *picks up 2 plates stacking...
Me: alright doc.... *sits there twiddling my thumbs* Dracon: *is in the dinning hall now* do you want to pic up some stuff for CR too?
Me: *looks at rosey confused* how'd you know that i like mopar?
Me: *one to arrive* thats a nice evo there!!! twin turbo at all? *getting even more excited because im around girls that know things about cars*
Me: um i really hate to ask this because it makes me seem really unprepared but do you guys know of a carnival near here? *looks outside not...
Me: *looks down seeing my shirt dirty and has a hole in it as well as my pants being messed up too* y'yeah i think i'll have to get some new...
me: *see's a tad bit of sadness in her face as she stops talking and decides to change the subject* well...what would make me happy would be to go...
Me: no no *waves my hands outwards* it's fine i've kinda enjoyed the peace of being alone, it allows me to slow down and enjoy the small things in...
Me: oh no no no the pleasure all mine I mean to be surround but such nice beautiful women makes me happy, I've been alone for so long, I used to...
Me:*stands up* to late ashley when someone meets me they usually always share a bond *holds out my hand to help her up while im looking at rosey...
Me: *looks over placing a hand on her shoulder* im very sorry to hear that but look on the bright side,you have those two lovely ladies as...
Me: but doc you know i hate waiting.... Dracon: im surprised he's already up
Me: i'll go get it Dracon: no you stay we'll get it.. *heads on off the the dinning hall* Me: *looks at the doc* so what should i do til they...
Dracon: what are you doing? your supposed to be resting Me:you know i dont rest well when im hungry
Me: *stirrs up awake* im hungry... Dracon: what the? o.=.o
Dracon: is there anything we could do to help at all, gather any supplies or anything?
Dracon: so it really was that bad when they fought
Dracon: then can you explain why their like this?
Dracon: thats the only thing i could think of...there would be no way they'd be like this..