A rhyme reply i did not expect But is was a very nice surprise And you not have my poet's respect For writing a good verse for my eyes Your style...
I return my home from it's resting place Hoping to see many a new face So read these words and claim your key To the place where we can all rhyme free There is no best or worst on this page For this is part of the enjoyment age Come forth golden oldies above Twenty three And all of youth much younger than me. Here i won't tolerate directed attacks of any kind But i welcome those who speak their mind Be you my friend or my foe You are welcome here so have a go The melody of the mind plays for us all And that is what will make this home stand tall Now i leave the mic here for the next voice Who it will be that is your choice.
Llave the most confusing of the human race The man of constant changing face I hope these words are to your liking Because i fear your lightning...
Hello there the man of just white bone This is a gift i have shown I hope you enjoy the words used Yes i do hope you are amused The poet is...
Wigglz my friend hello It is that weird hermit guy you know He bids you a good day And he is sorry for fading away But remember he will always...
True they would come to consume us all But none of us want to fall So gather power from the friends we have made And lets summon the Keyblade.
I have long missed our rhyme cycle Ienzo And it gives profile readers a good show So lets rhyme until the darkness wins And we get consumed by our...
Amaury i have a forum of my own So i knew for staff all names are shown I hide simply because i can That is the life of this hermit man.
Sora is the worst part And he is there from the start But at least Leon makes things better quite quick So excuse me while i hit Sora with a brick.
I know the feeling Ienzo my friend Now i have taken 1.5 to the end It has gotten really boring for me But guess that is how it is meant to be.
Sounds like you have a story to tell My ear is open as you know well So let this hermit help you smile And he will do it Oda style.
I hope you are well I am hidden as you can tell So reply when you can Please don't ignore this Hermit man.
Glad to see life in my here And now I am very near But will i remain I do not know Since it is now your show.
It's too late for me. You've got a future to save, I... don't. See you around, kid. Geoffrey St John Sonic Universe #43
Nora Valkyrie is right i did have a fight with some users. And i did leave the site as a result of it. I came on today because a friend contacted me asking if i was alright. I appreciate you making this thread for me Amaury so thank you. If you wish to keep in contact with me then pm me and i will try to reply to you every now and then.
I have a lot to deal with my friend but thanks for asking Amaury.
As good as I can be for now.
Once again you set the bar really high. Nice work Nas I hope your next one is just as good!
I'd sooner let Xehanort possess me then get killed by Sora and brought back for Sephiroth to cut me to ribbons and burnt my remains .
You being the only premium?