Yeah you are. I just got to be careful! :3 I know..... :( But there might be similar competitions at college!
Yeah..... I'm lucky enough to be safe from it, but I feel bad for the victims. I know! OMG if you would have been there.... Ans about that.......
How did it go? And what level were you in?
Yeah. The last time that I saw enemies stagger is Days (DDD if you count Julius at times.) Not sure about re:Coded though, but I think they stagger. I just wish KHIII will have enemies staggering again.
It's already been confirmed that it will be released in 2014, but I wonder if re:Coded will be playable or it will be like 358/2 Days, where it's a movie.... I guess we just have to wait and see!
I agree. And don't forget that the KHIII version of Dearly Beloved should be the best among the current KH Games as possible.
Lol. To be honest, I have a tendency to forget things easily.... Yeah.... but besides that, there was a massive earthquake at around the middle...
Oh my gosh, I think I'm having a fangasm.... Anyways, Are those rides really summons? And I think that the guns that Sora was using could be a command style. And I agree with hatok that KHIII should have flowing combat against enemies. But overall, the game looks good. Now I just need to save money for a PS4.....
The models do look odd. At least this game is still early in development. You guys gotta understand that. Just because the things that they show in the trailer doesn't mean that it will appear in the final game. As for the music, like what I've said, early in development. For the amusement park rides thing, I'm not sure what world it could be.... Prankster's Paradise I suppose?
And Only Tear and Jade survived and they leveled up instead of Luke and Guy (Who were both dead.) And as a result, Tear and Jade are 4 levels more than Guy and Luke. Is this a good thing? And I also heard that you get to fight against him more.... Really?! Tear and Jade barely survived that encounter, and I have to fight it again soon?! I'm Screwed.....
You are welcome! (2X) How come? In my area no. But I'm not sure about the others.... So how are you? My class made it in 4th place during the...
Heyo Alex! Welcome to KH-Vids! Don't worry, I never had a PlayStation either. I play the games, yes, but that doesn't meant that I own a PlayStation. :3 Anyways, read the rules, look at the FAQs, ask any one of us if you need any, and most importantly.... have fun!!! See you around the forums!!!
Sounds delicious! And my favorite movie when i was a kid!!!! And i hope you feel better! Yup. It's more of an I want to go outside thing. There...
It went great! And my class will participate in a singing competition between the freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors. (Not on the sae team...
Hey. Don't blame me for my idiocy. I should be blaming myself.
I honestly expected a screamer but this works too!
Whoops. I didn't read that quite right..... -_-"
Yeah..... So how was your day? I had to be stuck in the house with nothing to do.... Stupid typhoon..... I was looking forward for the contest.... :(
What are you talking about? If you are talking about Super Smash Brothers for the Wii U and the 3DS, it's going to be released in 2014.
Since I was born.