i remember when I was younger in my high school days I would give in to peer pressure and skip school with my friends, skipping a few days turned into skipping a lot which turned into me getting in a lot of trouble.
Good Evening readers, As you noticed my name is Denis, been a member of KH-Vids for a while now and couldn't believe that I never introduced myself so I just wanted to take this time to do so. Misty is a member of my community and I'd like to return the favor by sticking around this place with you friendly people and hopefully getting to know most of you. The things I like include Soccer, football, basketball, reading and generally working out. I'm a huge fan of Square Enix ever since I was little and played my first Final Fantasy game. I have no idea if signature links are allowed here but if they are not feel free to remove it ( if you're a mod or admin of course ) If you all have any questions don't hesitate to ask :D