Spoiler: ZEXIS (HeartlessOfLight Edition) ~Hot Spring- Command Room~ This was it. The time had finally come; ZEXIS was ready to finally make it's way to the source of the distortions that took them from their homes: The Temporal Tower."So the thing that's causing the distortions or whatever is a tower? Who woulda thunk it." Sonic said as the meeting was dismissed."I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss it's threat. The name, Temporal Tower, implies it holds some kind of power over time. Perhaps someone is controlling that power." Shadow said in response to Sonic's comment."Well whatever it is, with a team this big we're sure to take it down!""Perhaps. But what use are the two of us without the-"Shadow was cut off by Sonic, who had willed the seven Chaos Emeralds to appear around him."You were saying?""Hmph. You never cease to surprise me." Shadow said, smirking slightly.Dismissing the emeralds, Sonic turned and looked at the newly-formed ZEXIS."Y'know, I never thought I'd be into the whole "army" thing, but now that I'm actually a part of one, it's kinda cool.""What do you mean?""Well, I'm so used to just dealing with stuff on our home world, like Dr. Eggman or whatever kind of monster decides to mess with us, and the past few times I've done it by myself. But here with ZEXIS, there's so many new people, all from different worlds and places. It makes our home seem so small when you know there's a whole bunch of worlds out there.""I've never thought of it that way. Perhaps you're right.""But enough of that, we got two hours to kill before we move out. I'm gonna go run some laps before we go. Later, Shadow." Sonic said as he exited the Command Room.Shadow, however, simply left the command room and made his way to where the array of ships were stationed, where he boarded the Dai-Gurren to wait out the two hours ZEXIS had before moving out. In the back of the command room stood Jonby. In his hand was a picture. A picture of his good friend Egopoppy, or better known as Arin. This picture, however, did not depict Jon's friend as the Poppy Brother we know him as now, but as a normal human being. Perhaps the forms that Jon and Arin have now are temporary."I'm comin', buddy. Just you wait." And then everyone else in ZEXIS prepared for the coming battle in their own respective ways, as I am too lazy to describe them right now. Except, however, for one certain mercenary... ~Hot Spring Bathroom~ Deadpool sat in the bathroom. Still licking himself. Yech.You know, we've been back to normal for about three posts now. Don't you think it's time to stop?Noooo, don't stop! It's like watching yourself in a porno-EXACTLY WHY WE SHOULD STOP.Since the voices in my head wouldn't shut the eff up, I decided to listen and put my pants back on...For now."Hey, weren't we supposed to...Be somewhere?"Well...I remember that Leeron guy saying something about everyone gathering in a command room or somethin'.Perhaps you should just read DarkTraitor's last post. I'm sure it has some useful info in it."Good idea."So I looked up and read the last post by that DarkTraitor person...You know, how do we know she's even trustworthy? I mean, look at the username. DARKTRAITOR. Come on, I can't be the only one that sees this.Focus."Oh, right, the post. Let's see, leader of Japan, yadda yadda yadda, Temporal Tower, blah blah blaaaah, leaving in two hours. Two hours, eh?"I looked down at the watch I wasn't wearing to figure out exactly how long we had left."Let's see...Leeron said two hours. If I convert that into Cove time...Carry the two, add three...We should be outta here by the end of the real world's November."Oh, come on, it couldn't possibly take THAT long, could it? "Excuse me, have you read this RP? Like...At all?" Point taken. "Well, maybe we'll get lucky and the plot will move fast. But for now, I'm gonna head on back to the Dai-Gurren to catch a few Z's before killy-killy fun-time begins." And then I did that. Yay. Deadpool post over. ~Avia; Quarantined Northern District~ The group had been suddenly attacked by several disgusting creatures of differing forms, each one looking as unnatural as the last.Stryker, however, recognized these creatures, immediately readying his weapons, a pair of photon-powered knuckle-type weapons."So it was SEED messing stuff up here, huh?"Stryker charged forward toward the Delsaban, tossing quick jabs on the first one he saw before finishing his "combo" with a powerful uppercut.Before the next Delsaban could attack, Stryker pulled back his right fist, where it began to glow brightly."Take this!" He called as he thrust his fist forward, punching straight through not only the first Delsaban, but one behind it as well."You like that?" Stryker asked sarcastically."Alright, now it's my turn!" Naruto called out as he took three kunai knives out from the pack on his waist and threw them at the Pannons, hitting each of them in the "face". "Bullseye!" Wasting no time, Naruto created a Shadow Clone to his right. He then held his hand out toward the clone, who began to spin chakra in Naruto's hand. Naruto and his clone charged forward towards a Sendillan that had charged the two of them upon seeing them. The spinning chakra grew into a Rasengan, but the clone continued further, making the Rasengan orb much larger. Naruto and his clone were within range of the Sendillan, and finally the Naruto thrust his attack into the enemy. "Giant Rasengan!" Naruto called as the orb of chakra expanded outward, sending the Sendillan flying into the distance. Might Guy and Rock Lee struck a pose next to one another, preparing to attack. "Alright, Lee. This is what we were warned about. Are you ready to show our new comrades what we're really made of!" "Yes, Guy-Sensei!" "Let's do this! Master and Student combine to become one in spirit!" Guy exclaimed as he held his arms outward. "The flames of our youth become a raging inferno and blaze across the sky!" Lee added as he leaped onto Guy's shoulders, arms also outward. "The power of our souls burns with a mighty flame! Master-Student Combining! Mighty Rooooock!" Lee then flipped upside down and backwards, positioning himself in a way that his face was aiming the opposite direction of Guy's, holding on to Guy's neck to stabilize himself. Lee's legs were aimed upward while Guy's stood on the ground. "I will watch your back, Guy-Sensei!" "Got it! Alright, you disgusting creatures, my star pupil and I are gonna finish you off, starting with you rhino-things over there!" Guy charged at a duo of Sendillan, coming to a halt in between them. One of them were in Guy's view, the other in Lee's, albeit upside down. "Hyaaa!" Guy kicked upward and sent the Sendillan in his sights flying upward. While the kick took both of Guy's feet off of the ground, Lee was there to land, thus leaving Guy upside down. "Oraaaa!" Lee then performed an upward kick identical to Guy's, sending Guy's feet back to the ground. "To the sky!" Guy jumped up after the two beasts, positioning the "Mighty Rock" formation horizontally between the two airborne Sendillan. "Now!" Guy and Lee detached from each other and pushed off of one another, allowing them to perform their finishers. "DYNAMIIIIIC FINIIIIISH!" The two of them yelled as they kicked clean through the beasts, killing them with excessive flair. The two bushy-browed shinobi then landed on the ground, striking a Y-shaped pose. "Perfect execution, Lee! Especially for our first time performing this technique." "Thank you, Guy-Sensei! I could not have done it without you!" Ryu and Ken used their respective special abilities to keep the SEED at bay, taking each one out as they came. Suddenly, Ken gasped. "Ryu! Behind you!" Ryu turned to see a Delsaban charging him. He raised his arms in an X shape to block the attack. The creature swung it's bladed arms at Ryu...But didn't even come into contact. Ryu looked out from behind his arms to see that some kind of shield was protecting him from the attack, and that the seal that Nagisa had placed on him a while ago was glowing. "What...What is this?" The shield expanded slightly, pushing the attacking Delsaban back, before finally disappearing. Wasting no time, Ryu charged a move. "Denjin..." Ryu took a few seconds to charge his attack while the creature staggered. The ball of energy grew larger and larger in his hands. The Delsaban finally recovered and attempted to attack Ryu again. "Hadoken!" Ryu let loose the attack, striking the Delsaban head on. It was a OHKO. Ryu looked at the seal on his hand. "So this is more than just a seal...Interesting." Erza, not even bothering to use an armor of higher strength than her currently equipped Heart Kreuz Armor, readied her blade as several SEED surrounded her. "I've faced more fearsome beasts on C-rank missions. Show me your best." Immediately, four Pannons leaped towards her, but were cut clean in half before they could even make contact. Next, two Delsaban attacked, attempting to cut through Erza just as she had cut through the Pannons. They were, however, disarmed (literally) by Erza's quick thinking. Now arm-less, Erza took the opportunity to finish them off in one swing each. Finally, a Sendillan was targeting Erza, preparing to charge. Erza stared it down, motioning for it to come at her. The beast did just that, as it ran full-speed toward Erza. It would find it's charge cut short, as Erza's blade pierced through it's front side, leaving a motionless corpse on her blade for a moment before the Sendillan exploded out of existence, just like the rest. "Pitiful." Ansem oddly watched everyone fight as he himself dealt with some of the creatures with relative ease. He looked to X and Zero. "You two, you seem to be able to detect energy sources better than most of us. I suggest you both try and track down the source of these beasts. We will hold them off here." X was unsure for a moment, but reluctantly agreed to Ansem's suggestion. "Alright. Zero and I will look. Let's go!" "Right." X and Zero then ran off ahead of the group, fending off stray SEED as they went, attempting to look for the thing that was controlling their attackers. Ansem smirked slightly as he turned back to fight, though nobody noticed.
Because oops I forgot you sent me that last one I'm sorry. ;-;
Reserving: Kinzie Kensington (Saint's Row) Zimos (Saint's Row) Angel De LaMuerte (Saint's Row)
Excellent! Glad you can clearly read my god like posts now. I guess not everyone can handle so much Wonder in one post. c:
Is this better?
Yes. Yes it will be a lot of banners. *weeps internally* And yes, all of these guys are gonna be played. I already know when they're coming in and everything.
Okay, so, since the release of The Wonderful 101, it's been confirmed that aside from the main seven Wonderful Ones, the remaining 93 heroes are all named and themed...And as such I am required to list them all by name. May Bushy have mercy on my soul. Here goes nothin', officially reserving: Wonder-Red Wonder-Blue Wonder-Green Wonder-Pink Wonder-Yellow Wonder-White Wonder-Black Wonder-Clean Wonder-Beetle Wonder-Rex Wonder-Gamer Wonder-Kungfu Wonder-Mailman Wonder-Toy Wonder-Socho Wonder-Guitar Wonder-Vegetable Wonder-Samurai Wonder-Zombie Wonder-Sniper Wonder-Lunch Wonder-Judo Wonder-Pirate Wonder-Armor Wonder-Yeti Wonder-Professor Wonder-Magician Wonder-Painter Wonder-Chef Wonder-Bath Wonder-Fighter Wonder-Pierrot Wonder-Clown Wonder-Shopping Wonder-Makeup Wonder-Patissiere Wonder-Schoolgirl Wonder-Goddess Wonder-Nurse Wonder-Diva Wonder-Tennis Wonder-Music Wonder-Ribbon Wonder-Cheerleader Wonder-Flower Wonder-Fruit Wonder-Ghost Wonder-Ice Cream Wonder-Oracle Wonder-Babe Wonder-Rabbit Wonder-Kabuki Wonder-Sister Wonder-Witch Wonder-Prince Wonder-Pixie Wonder-Dancer Wonder-Santa Wonder-Yang Wonder-Diver Wonder-Matador Wonder-Prisoner Wonder-Death Wonder-Wonderland Wonder-Astronaut Wonder-Voodoo Wonder-Gambler Wonder-Vender Wonder-Treasure Wonder-Telephone Wonder-Sailor Wonder-Automobile Wonder-Science Wonder-Clockwork Wonder-Art Wonder-Jungle Wonder-Movie Wonder-Bulb Wonder-Radio Wonder-Bonsai Wonder-Tombstone Wonder-Cellphone Wonder-PC Wonder-Motorbike Wonder-Padlock Wonder-Beer Wonder-Money Wonder-Fireworks Wonder-Toilet Wonder-Locamotive Wonder-Dynamite Wonder-Rock Wonder-Fixit Wonder-Medicine Wonder-Plane Wonder-Mop Wonder-Signal Wonder-Measure Wonder-Camera Wonder-Antenna I can't feel my fingers.
New trailer for the game:
No problem. I shall remove her. Thanks for telling me.
Reserving: Gadot (Final Fantasy XIII) Maqui (Final Fantasy XIII) Yuj (Final Fantasy XIII) Also, Bushy has allowed me to take Kirbopher (TOME). Thanks, buddy. c:
~Avia~ Upon hearing Archer's description of the creatures, Ansem nodded. "Those were indeed some of the creatures that attacked me and my comrades...Along with larger, stronger creatures." Ansem opened both hands and summoned a light-blue energy blade in each hand, holding them with a reverse grip. The blades vaguely resembled hands on a clock. "Watch each other's backs. They could come at us from anywhere." Lee looked to Naruto. "Naruto, have your shadow clones found anything?" "One sec, I'll find out." Naruto closed his eyes, allowing him to see where his clones were, and what they were doing. His first two clones were still searching. His third, however...Was gone. Suddenly, Naruto felt the memories of the third clone flowing back to him. "I lost a clone. He was attacked by one of those...Things." "Did your clone see what it looked like?" Lee asked. "He was caught off guard, so he only caught a quick look...It was like...Jelly." Naruto explained. "Jelly, huh...That could either mean they're indestructible and can re-build themselves...Or one good cut will be enough. I'm hoping for the latter." "X, let's enter Scan Mode again, maybe we can detect these creatures' energy signatures that way." Zero suggested. "Good idea." X responded. The reploids entered the aforementioned "Scan Mode". No major changes were made to their looks, but in their eyes were several programs working to detect both known and unknown energy readings. They could no longer see the details of people or objects, only their energy signatures and how strong those readings were. The group was now on full alert as they kept an eye out for these mysterious, dangerous creatures.
Reserving: Yue Jin (Dynasty Warriors) Li Dian (Dynasty Warriors) Cai Wenji (Dynasty Warriors) Jia Xu (Dynasty Warriors) Wen Yang (Dynasty Warriors) Guo Huai (Dynasty Warriors) Zhong Hui (Dynasty Warriors) Deng Ai (Dynasty Warriors) Cody (Street Fighter series)
Nawww, I'm not that heartless despite what my username implies.
Oh boy...I see why you'd get that feeling of dread, yeah. I wish you luck, buddy.
I'd recommend an anime for you to watch but my brain is clouded as buals at the moment, lol. Sorry to hear about the water damage. That is never...
Yoooo. Not much, just being sick with an awful cold. Yerself?
♫♪From Shadows, we'll reclaim our destiny, set our future free.♪♫
Reserving: Bagramon (Digimon Fusion) Tactimon (Digimon Fusion)
Reserving: Bagramon (Digimon Fusion) Tactimon (Digimon Fusion) EDIT: Also, an OC: Username: HeartlessOfLight Character of Choice: Dan Maku Picture(optional): Here. (Male on the right. Ignore the bird.) Game/Anime/Etc. the Character is from: Based on Danmaku Unlimited 2 Additional Info: Dan is a high-ranked soldier of the Interstellar Security and Planetary Warfare division of Earth's Space Military. His space craft, the Senko, has two modes for combat. A-Mode, which allows the ship to fly through the air and space with ease, while also giving it's pilot access to powerful beam weaponry, and G-Mode (as seen in Dan's picture above), which transforms the ship into a humanoid mecha, allowing for ground-based combat using the similar beam weaponry that A-Mode uses. While in G-Mode, the Senko also has access to the Plasma Blade, a sword-like weapon that can cut through most metals with ease. Dan is also a skilled fighter when outside of the Senko. He is armed with state-of-the-art Plasma-based weaponry such as a fully-automatic Plasma Rifle and a high-powered Plasma Magnum. Finally, he also wields a Plasma Knife on his belt for close-quarters encounters. Personality-wise, Dan is calm and easy-going when not in battle, but as soon as a fight begins, his only focus is eliminating his target or targets as quickly and efficiently as possible. He has a tendency to get angry when his comrades are preventing him from being able to finish an objective quickly.
Reserving: Takuya Kanbara (Digimon Frontier)