Oh gosh, why does this have to be so hard..... Misty.
I vote for none other than the winner of the KH Trivia Tournament, Krowley! :3
No matter who's in here, I'll vote for Jayn!
First and current inpressions? Favorite Kingdom Hearts Character and Why? Favorite Kingdom Hearts World and why? Favorite Kingdom Hearts Game and why? Since when did you become a staff member? Where did you get the pic on your signature from? Any Magic that you rarely use? Favorite Boss? Boss that you had the hardest time beating. (Including and not including secret bosses.) If Roxam joined the KH Trivia Tournament, who do you think will win? Sorry if I put a lot of KH Questions. Since you and Roxam know a lot about KH.
I wish I could, but the internet is pretty dang slow around these parts, so.....
By guessing from what seems to be a remixed version of Dive Into the Heart (Destati), I'm guessing it's the release of a remixed version of the Original KH Soundtrack.
Exactly. I thought the film and book series is supposed to end on the Deathly Hallows. Unless the movie is a prequel.
Okay. Thanks for your recommendations!
I got that, and I'm serious. I was really scared during the first game, this is just a different level.
And I'm totally scared s***less during the first 15 minutes that I played.
I'm 15. Will turn 16 next August 17.
Oh yeah, He's also the Main Character in Ninja Gaiden. Never played it though, but I'm planning to. What do you think is the best Ninja Gaiden to...
This guy: Spoiler: Show Spoiler Or this guy?: Spoiler: Show Spoiler
Welcome back to KH-Vids!
Oh..... Whoops...... I use Cifer a lot. Since Bleach is the first anime that I really like.
She can't see it. But she can feel it. :3 Sorry if I offended you Miss Fearless.
Dolan invasion!!!!
I live in The Philippines.
I'm the different, out of earth, or hard working one.
So, where did you get your username from? From the DoA character?