OMG I'M SO SORRY!! Yes we do, but I've had a RIDICULOUSLY busy couple of days. Sorry to keep everyone waiting :( See, this is what I'm talking about. I love you guys but my uni work is getting to be way too much for me to even visit the site. aaaaaaaahhhhhhh I'm putting up the thread soon I promise!!!!
guys just so you know, this may be one of the last Idols until about November...simply because I have an assessment every week from now until then. So unless I can get someone to take over for a month or so Idol will take a little break
Realised I never put guidelines bad! Theme for KHV Idol 14-Acoustic Versions!Rules: Basically, sing any song you like, but the instrumental must be a piano or guitar versionDeadline: Saturday the 7th of SeptemberHappy Singing! :)
Ladder Updated! 1. PaW (109 points) 2. Amethyst (90 points) 3. darkhorseD (80 points) 4. Mish (73 points) 5. Janson (66 points) 6. Fearless (64 points) 7. Tummer (43 points) 8. Romani (40 points) 9. Zelda (38 points) 10. Fork (28 points) 11. Calxyin (24 points) 12. Dinny (20 points) 12. TheFishXigbarTriedToDrown (20 points) 13. HoT (16 points) 14. Odamadillo (14 points) 15. Heart (9 points) 16. Flowergothic (2 points) 16. Moshi (2 points) Will post new guidelines soon :)
Votes have been counted! Told ya it was a tight race! 1st place, with 2 votes each, goes to entries 1, 2 and 3. Congratulations to Zelda, Fearless and Amethyst! 2nd place, with 1 vote each, goes to entries 4 and 7. Well done to PaW and TheFishXigbarTriedToDrown! 3rd place, with 0 votes, goes to entries 5 and 6. Well done darkhorseD and Mish! We hope to see you again for another round of KHV Idol!
Both your suggestions have been added :)
ah mi dates messed up. Ah well, guess I'll be more prepared next time...
Just sent mine in! Sorry for the lateness :/ anywho, seeing as I'm not working tomorrow I can actually listen to this! WOOOO!
Yes, yes it definitely is
I'm in! Emeli Sande-next to me ...I may find a better instrumental soon....
Hello all! Welcome to yet another round of voting for KHV Idol! This round's theme was Popular Hits, and used a bit of experimentation on my part. Entrants were asked to pick a number between 1 and 10, and then were given a few options of songs to choose from. We have quite a few entrants here, so yay for participation! HERE ARE YOUR ENTRIES!!1234567 Voting ends in 7 daysAll entrants must vote You cannot vote for your own entryHappy voting! :)
It worked! Thanks! I have work now, but I'll put up the thread as soon as I get back (should be a few hours) :)[DOUBLEPOST=1376229451][/DOUBLEPOST]Guys, the voting thread is up! Really tight race this time around...good luck to you all! Remember that all entrants must vote, and you can't vote for yourself! :)
I didn't get yours Paw. Try again maybe??
yeah I got yours! :)
People! The deadline is very soon and I only have a handful of entries! get them in :)
I find it pretty easy, actually, and I think it has to do with being australian, and having the rest of you live far away. Like I can pretty much tell the forum is dead at around 4pm here, but its all buzzy between 10am and I try to make that the time frame I talk to people. I have this one friend though who will message me at like, 7pm over here and he'll be like "its 5am and I can't sleep". So I have a general idea of time zones and when I can speak to others, because its so different. The best thing is when I post something late at night before I go to bed (such as this) and then I wake up the next morning with emails of replies...cos then I feel popular and such. While I'm sleeping, the forum still buzzes around apparently lol.
Gonna go with What? This time around.
Johnny Depp-I really don't think that needs an explanation Phillip Phillips-because he is an amazing singer and my inspiration and his songs are awesome and*faints* Amy Lee (Evanescence)-she seems so down to earth, plus she's awesome Chester Bennington & Mike Shinoda-Linkin Park is my all time favourite band, as if I wouldn't want to meet them! Mariska Hargitay-Olivia fcuking Benson Christopher Meloni-Elliot fcuking Stabler Matthew Gray Gubler-Spencer fcuking Reid Actually, make that the entire cast of Criminal Minds Ummm, I'm pretty sure that's it /fangirl stuff
Yeah, we're gonna sit over here generally being all coupley and disgusting and such