124... but I kind of wish I returned the counter to zero by posting. >: D
"Base, you do not look so good." Jose drew in closer to Base with a concerned expression. "I'm fine. I can hold off on any healing for, I think. I want to wait until we hit a milestone like getting down to just two instruments. Maybe one more before we take on the boss. I don't have any Ethers on hand..." But Base knew it too; he was weakening. "I feel close to something..." "Que es?" "I don't know... I just feel it... like I have an untapped power... but I'm just not ready yet." "Try a spell. You seem to do pretty well with those, amigo. I know, I know... there is the business of the magica in short supply, but maybe it will awaken what you feel." Jose led Base on with a puffed up chest. "If you say so..." Base thought for a moment. "I can give this potion I have to anyone who needs it if someone,... anyone can heal me with a Cure Spell." Then, he faced his trumpeting foe. "Blizzard!"
Jon effectively wrapped Stitch from head to toe in a spare sheet in the cupboard, to the point only Stitch’s face could be barely seen under the faux-satiny cowl. Jon stepped back to survey his work and frowned when another Earth-visiting Extra Terrestrial, making him feel like he could only make the fact he was moving an alien more obvious by stuffing little Stitch in the basket of a bicycle. Stitch, on the other hand, had no idea why Jon had just slapped his own hand into his pale face. “Stitch can get to car. Easy.” Stitch said confidentially, but looked less reassuring dressed as a burrito. “No no no no no. There’s Security cams… I’m sure they’re back on… if they weren’t already! GOD!” Jon shouted at the top of his lungs and instant clasped his hand over his mouth; it was going to cost them if questions started to be directed toward the humble little motel room. “Easy.” Stitch repeated. Jon, however, was not convinced. Jon wheeled around and facepalmed once more as he spoke. “Stitch, let me break this to you gently: this is not your world! You can’t always win, because you’re not the protagonist; you’re an individual. You can’t just find some whimsical, happy solution in a song about triumphing over- Stitch?” In the middle of his speech, Jon whirled back around, and found an absentee Stitch. “Hello?” Within the next instant, he felt a claw tap his shoulder from behind and he whirled around again and almost jumped back twenty feet on the spot when he found Stitch more efficiently wrapped in the same sheet. The wrap was far more efficient, as the sheet covered Stitch as a well-made Ninja costume. “A midget fuzzy blue ninja in a tailored white garb… how…” Jon looked for the right word that didn’t fit. “Inconspicuous.” “Leave it to Stitch. You got to car.” Stitch spoke with a tone to match the disguise, at which point Jon, again, facepalmed. “Fine. Remember what I told you. It’s the Dark Blue Jetta.” Jon grabbed his keys off a ring by the door and slipped on his black leather jacket over the white tee-shirt he’d put on with a pair of jeans in order to banish the wetness of the suit before it. Wrapping his hand over the doorknob, he cracked the door open slightly. “Sure you got this?” Jon asked, but received silence. “Stitch?” Jon turned his shoulder and saw, with a smirk on his face, an empty room. * King Mickey stood his ground as he fended off a whole new swarm of Heartless. However, this time, the foes had gone up in the roster; Neoshadows clawed and danced about him in an animalistic coterie. “Don’t you know the damage you can do to this world and others by tampering with the light and darkness balance of this entire planet?” King Mickey affronted the voice from earlier, whom he knew just had to still be watching. “Well yeah. Otherwise I wouldn’t be transposing this little diddy. It’s about time Darkness had a solo.” The voice returned, unaffected. * Marlena gazed in awe as the smoke dissipated to return her world to a nearly normal state, save for the big blue presence in her room. Meanwhile, the big blue guy was all too happy to be there. A manic, animated apparition with exaggerated features, the mysteriously familiar figure flashed the young girl a big, toothy grin. The portly phantom- “WHOA! Hey! Uh uh!” At that moment in the flow of space, all things ceased around the before mentioned figure as a tirade on the writer began. “Listen pal, I’ll deal with the Kennings until my name is said, but after so many, they get sooooooo annoying! Spice it up! And for the sake of Agrabah, just say my name already.” The writer thus apologized the only way the startled writer knew how to: by typing “I’m Sorry” into the text where it is currently placed. “Well, that’s a start.” The erroneous interloper then- “Sebax… just say my name already…” To which the writer responded: Nobody does it better than you. Just, let’s get back to the story so we don’t leave Marlena out of the introductions. “That’s another thing. This girl screams “Fan service” and “A hormonal teenage boy scripted me!” Come on, aren’t you a little bit above a Mary Stu “Cheerleader fallen from grace” archtype?” AHEM! “Sorry…” You’ll see. Now then… continue… please. The writer was starting to get fed up with the childish antics. Once more, time returned to its natural flow. “I hear your name’s Marlena. Can I call you Mary for short? Your last name wouldn’t happen to be Stu, would i-“ AHEM! The Fourth Wall does have purpose “Fiiiiine.” Genie could read the text, but Marlena was simply all the more lost by the reply. “Well, let’s even up those introductions. I am: The ever impressive” He became an Arnold Doppleganger in look a sound, “The one… contained!” He struggled inside a plastic container, “The often imitated…” He spoke in Falsetto as he rested a wooden dummy version of himself on his knee. “But never” The room filled up with a chorus of the same persona all saying the word “Duplicated” out of sync with each other. The one closest to Marlena, whose lower half was a wisp of smoke, turned said tail into a microphone and called into said microphone, “Geeeeeeniiiieeeee uuuuuuuuuuuuhve thuuuuuuhhhh LaaaAAAAAaaaaaaammmmp!” At which point the same Genie turned into a mildly portly woman with big hair, who wore a purple dress. “And you’re getting a Genie, and YOU’RE getting a GENIE! Everybody’s getting a Genie!” Quickly, one of the random Duplicates jumped out of the crowd of Genies and bounded on Marlena’s bed frantically. “I’m in love! I’m in love with-“ WHAM! The previously mentioned Genie extension had a frying pan slammed into his face by the now returned to normal original. Upon impact, all the duplicates disappeared in an audible puff of ethereal grey smoke. Marlena was speechless. She tried to form words, but gibberish came out of her mouth. “Woa, looks like we got an academic here. That… or a Politician.” Genie laughed like Robin Williams. “Really, Sebax? That’s pretty lazy.” Sue me. “I won’t, but I think I know who will.” “Who are you talking to?!” Marlena finally managed to cry out, her blond hair in disarray. “WHO ARE YOU?” “First: Just somebody who reminded me I needed to thank some people…one minute… and Second: Did you pay any attention to my shtick from before?” Unfortunately for Marlena, the Genie then proceeded to ignore her completely and summoned… wait! No, Genie, you can’t do that! Ohhhhh well, it’s happening so I suppose I have to write it! RAWR! The Genie summoned Robin Williams and Dan Castelanatta. Both of the two actors seemed displaced as displaced could be, rather confused to be where they were all of a sudden. It did not help matters there much as Genie gave the two gentlemen a great big handshake simultaneously. “Thanks, guys, really. If it weren’t for you two, well-“ Genie continued to appear to speak, but appeared as though he had been put on mute as he went through more gregarious actions. Dan turned to Robin with a shrug. “I just voiced him for the second movie and the TV series. You invented his sound… plus… he sounds more like you. I need to get back to doing a recording for Homer. He caught me mid-"Doh!"” And so Homer J. Simpson entered the room via Dan’s vocal chords. Robin bowed his head and bit his nearly nonexistent bottom lip. “That’s awkward.” He said in a way only Robin Williams could. “I was just doing an act on how the Simpsons haven’t been funny in years.” He shrugged back at Dan. He gave the fellow actor/comedian a wink to hint he was merely joking. “Well, guess that means we have a lot in common, huh, Robin?” Homer said, as Dan played along with the joke. Responding to his own retort, Homer gave his signature “Woohoo!” as Dan lifted both his arms in fake triumph. “Besides that… how do we fix the blue guy? And who decorated this place? My aunt Helda?” Robin noted upon the miming Genie along with the frilly and lacy room. “There can never be too many dollies, Robin, Dear…” Robin did his Mrs. Doubtfire voice sweetly and clasped his hands together. When he looked to the side, he found the Genie had transformed to resemble a hybrid Genie/Mrs. Doubtfire character, but was still miming. “Creepy… he’s standing the way I’m standing… he’s moving the way I’m moving! How does he know what I’m about to say?! This is nuts! Stop that!” Robin shouted as he edged away from the mimicking Genie. At stop that, the Genie transformed into a Robin Williams/Genie hybrid and became the exact mirror reflection of Williams, except in 3D and Genie was blue with a larger chin and eyes. “Woa, I need to lay off the drinks!” Dan brought Barney the drunk into the room the same way he brought in Homer, even adding a forced belch to the end of the phrase. “My heart valve implant is working overtime right now, Dan. I know, because all of a sudden, I have a craving for hay and an irrational fear of hamburger buns and ketchup.” Robin Williams referred to the Bovine implant he’d had put in after a heart attack years ago. “Welllll, that last input kinda changed the mood, don’tcha think?” The Genie finally spoke, speaking directly to the writer once again. “We go from jokes to heart attacks… nice…” At which point Sebax politely reminded Genie that he could ask Maka to take the big blue wall demolisher off the list of characters. “O Captain, my Captain!” “Oh great, another imitator…” Robin Williams slapped his hand to the side of his head. “Nope, we’re connected at the hip.” Genie corrected. “Why if we were any more one person, we’d see the Lone Ranger, now in theaters, for the price of one admission.” Robin crossed his arms. “Disney even has its characters under contract to make shameless plugs, huh?” Genie sank significantly. “I am not at liberty to say… my contract says so.” “Well, anyway, it was nice to see you again, Genie. Haven’t really given you much attention since the VCR died.” “Yours or everyone’s?” Dan asked. “When’s the last time you watched a VHS, Dan…?” Robin asked. “Yesterday…” Homer was back. “Fox is too cheap to release any more Blu Ray or DVD copies for Seasons of the Simpsons anymore, since Hulu and Netflix happened.” And with that, Dan and Robin disappeared back to whence they came, so Sebax could avoid legal suites coming from two major corporations at once, already having a conniption over the Disney jokes in the first place. “Have a little fun.” No. Now get to work. Genie sighed. “So, recognize me yet?” Genie flashed a million dollar smile at Marlena, who responded by nodding her head in an extremely slow fashion, with her jaw dropped. * Yen Sid stared the young man down. He could tell then by Caleb’s plea exactly why he could sense before that Stitem seemed like an excellent candidate to wield a Keyblade. Still, Yen Sid also knew it was unlikely the young man had one already or, at the very least, was prepared to use it. “I am afraid I cannot allow you run into such a dire strait, Caleb Stitem.” His baritone voice exuded authority. “However, I can leave you with a useful tool that may abide in providing you the opportunity to be of great use to those I cannot directly help.” Drawing out both his arms out as wide as his armspan allowed, Yen Sid forced into existence a small device with a round screen and two round extensions that made the palm sized device resemble a hidden Mickey to a great degree. The device floated toward Caleb on a bobbing flight pattern until it was in reaching distance of the lad, at which point it simply continued to hover in place. “Across the land, there are many from our worlds that have landed here. Use this device to be able to tell you when you are near an undocumented find. When you draw near to a new out of place visitor, the screen will flash red. When the device has successfully documented a find, the light will turn green and it will save information you learn about them in a file under their name.” He grinned. “I presume you might have been expecting something perhaps more… archaic…? Ansem the Wise can be thanked for teaching an old dog new tricks, I suppose.” With that, he clapped his hands together… and vanished instantly, leaving nothing behind.
Jon and Stitch finished their pizza slices contented with the after-taste. Jon shook his head, all the same, as he took another sip of Coke. “Hey… any clue why you’re here?” It was the elephant in the room, and Jon couldn’t believe he had ignored it thus far. Stitch obviously gave the notion some thought. “Stitch… is… not sure…” “Well…” Was all Jon had to say to that. “You can stay with me if you like.” “No. Stitch doesn’t want anyone hurt. Has happened... before.” Stitch was defiant, but in a sincere fashion, as he crossed his arms, regrowing the lower extra set he had to hold his Coke in the process. “I don’t mind sticking my neck out, but- Hey! I think I know where to go!” Jon had a sudden epiphany that showed. “Hmm?” Was Stitch’s high-pitched, curious response. “Stitch! You just landed to Earth and don’t have a clue where you are! Where are you going next?” Jon took up the personality of a radio announcer following a major sports game. Apparently, Stitch didn’t get it. “Uhhhh…” He took a quick sip of his Coke and stared at Jon unsure of what to say. “Stitch going to Disneyland!” Jonathan imitated the way Stitch sounded when a bit manic, and laughed his high-pitched laughed. * King Mickey walked the cobblestone path of the park with anxiety under every footstep. It was dark out, and he could feel an innumerable amount of yellow eyes all transfixed on him in the darkness. “How can there be so many concentrated in one place?” He asked himself. When he got a reply, he jumped with surprise. “Why, they’re here with me, of course.” Came a mysterious male voice from… all around; Mickey could not place where it came from. “Welcome, your Majesty. I have been charged with ensuring you will not be of much use to anyone who will not have any clue what is happening… my you are a smart little lab rat…” He sounded so empty and condescending… it gave Mickey chills. The King almost didn’t react in time when a large black ring was tossed at his feet and exploded on impact. Mickey quickly dodged the explosion just in time as it blasted with a shrill shriek that, at the very least, hurt his ears as well as dazzled his eyes with a fiery release that last for around four seconds. “Who are you? I don’t recognize your voice!” Mickey shouted angrily into the night air. “Sorry. No typical villain mistakes with this guy. You’re not going to live long enough to tell anybody, probably… but just in case, I’d like to keep the mystery alive.” And he laughed, a cold laughter that came from every direction at once… Mickey knew he was in for a big fight. * Marlena Serento laid on her trim stomach in her self-decorated room, painting her nails a brilliant shade of blue. Fun. blasted from the radio as she went to work on her nails, without a care in the world… actually… no… she was trying to push that one care out. Her mind wandered back to earlier that day. “Sorry, Marly.” The Armadillos Cheerleading Co-Captain said with a sickly sweet grin shortly after school. “We really are. But your time as Cheer Captain is over.” “What? You can’t do that!” Marly had bit back under the light of the familiar school gym. “Oh, but you’ll find that I can… we voted. Lates.” And a condescending peace sign was flashed as Marlena stormed out. The day had lead her back home to the comfort of her room, where she then proceeded to cry her eyes out. Tragedy rarely happened to her, so being kicked in the dirt was something very new to her, and it showed up in the way she felt. Most curious of all, she had yet to notice the oil lamp sitting by her bed, just peeking out from underneath the frilly skirt of the sheets. She continued painting her nails until they were all completely coated, and she smiled with the satisfaction of feeling like she looked better. She was about to head to the bathroom to apply lipstick… or maybe to the kitchen for a quart of Ben and Jerry’s Ice cream… she didn’t have time to make up her mind before her pinky toe caught the handle of the golden oil lamp below her bed and she wound up with her chin hitting the edge of the bed before she landed face first onto the wooden floor. She made a noise of utter disbelief and discontent as she lifted herself up from the floor to see the obtrusion. She didn’t spend very long being mad at it. She had never seen it before, after all… what was it doing here? With curiousity abounding, she picked it up, but no later than when she placed her hands upon it, it jumped back out of her hands back onto the floor. Startled beyond belief, Marlena gasped in awe as she darted toward the back wall of her room while grey smoke erupted from the spout of the lamp and filled the room up to knee level. “No… way…” Marlena was wide eyed and sorely tempted to make a dash for the window, except there was a single problem. Marlena came from money, and currently, her room was a little sector of a penthouse apartment where her family lived. There was about twenty stories between her and the ground, at the moment. She wanted to scream, but somebody else started to do that for her… and they were coming from out of the lamp! "HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Oi..." Was shouted first, and then Marlena shrieked at the top of her lungs when it became evident a giant blue monster had arrived into her room. * Yen Sid nodded to Donald. “I can sense now that there is a great surge of magical power emanating from nearby… perhaps even more powerful than my own…” He shut his eyes. “There is also…” He opened his eyes in terror. “Donald, Goofy, I feel I should tell you that the King is in great need of your assiss-… hmmmm… I am most sorry, but I do not believe you will make it in time, should Mickey not be powerful enough to overcome his present foe…” He shook his head. “Most agrieving…”
Name: Marlena Serento Gender: Female Age: 14 Personality: Sweet and bubbly at times, while deathly serious at others. She's never watched anything Disney (Save for Aladdin) nor has ever played any of the Kingdom Hearts games, nor has she ever played Final Fantasy even. Brief Bio: She's a cheerleader in High school who has been kicked off her team. She's not the most complex individual. Keyblade: Does not and will not have one. Appearance: Theme Song: Also, requesting the use of the Genie from Aladdin. Name: Sebax Gender: Male Age: 19 Personality: Completely psychotic. He loves to toy with people and lead people to their demises, and he will try. He controls music and sound waves, able to morph the waves and release them from himself, much like any other boss-like Nobody. He's a mastermind villain much in the vain of the Joker, but with his own personality. He's known for one-liners and musical puns. Brief Bio: Though he wears the robes of the Organization, it is unknown where this enigma erupted from. Keyblade: Rotary blade, a solid black sword with a ball handle that resembles a quarter note. Has an arsenal such as that the Rotary blade can turn into a scythe, which resembles an eighth note, and has an array of whole note bombs that are separate from the sword and explode on impact (The explosion last for four seconds each) Appearance: For now, a complete mystery. He keeps his hood up at all times. Theme Song: The 13th Struggle
"Put'em up and fight! Put'em up an-" In a burst of white feathers and barely more than a whisper, Donald Duck disappeared with a single hit. Jose and Panchito took time out to remove their hats in respect for their fallen friend in the short amount of time to follow. Panchito removed his sombrero and rested it on his bandolier strewn chest, as Jose removed his pork pie hat while the parrot let a single tear drop fall solemnly from his saddened face. "Poor Señor Donal'. He really didn't want to go." Jose sniffed. "Sé." Base was unhappy too about the loss, but he nudged Panchito and said quickly following. "I know what you said, but the others..." "Oh!" Panchito was taken aback by the initial culture shock, but quickly corrected himself. "I know.... I know, Jose... Better?" "There's really no "better", but I didn't want anybody to be confused." "I see. "Si?" Base asked. "No, See." "Oh, see." Base realized the homophone. Jose found some levity in the situation. "Si, I see by the sea: a C" "If Donald were here, he'd like that!" "Me choca hablar esto, pero sereis en proximo mas culidad, problimente."[1] Base spoke with chagrin to the pair. Panchito slapped back on his Sombrero and tilted it over his brow as he assumed a insulted expression. "Hey! You said keep that to a-" "I know... I don't want the others to get upset. We like you guys. Why do you think we call you so much?" Jose leaned on his umbrella and took a lengthy drag from his cigar nonchalantly. "Might have something to do with the critical hit fiesta too." Jose wasn't stupid, and neither was Panchito. Jose tapped his cigar and let the ash drop to the floor as he gave Base a knowing smile. "Hey, I'm just trying to be nice. And hey! I like you three!" Base defended himself honestly. "Shouldn't you be attacking by now, amigo?" Panchito crossed his arms and prodded at Base with an Elbow as he next took to unholstering his pistoles. He gave Base a wink, as did Jose after him, with both the arms in hand. "You're right. Better keep it simple though. I might be running out of magical power, and I'll need that for the big boss." Panchito sighed. "Ah yes, I don't think I'll be around to see it..." His mood improved. "But I am with you, Jefe! Vamanos!" Base nodded with a lopsided grin. Keep it simple. Whirling his Keyblade in hand, Base aimed at the Trumpet once more with another combo. OOC: [1] "I hate to say this, but you guys are in a dangerous proximity, probably."
Cyprus went about the business of knocking on doors in order to wake up the students from slumber. The night had passed normally, and Cyprus awoke early as to be the first one up; such was his nature. It was much to his surprise however, when knocking at Topaz’s door, he spotted a sight that made his stomach turn. There was Nurse Joy, with her back to him, walking down the dark hallway… in her underwear… Cyprus clasped one hand over his eyes and lost some of his balance. “Nurse!” He barked. In response, Nurse Joy shrieked and turned toward him, not that it mattered; his eyes were tightly shut and covered. “Headmaster! I didn’t expect anyone to be up this early!” “It’s 6:04!” Nurse Joy paused for a moment. “Do people normally wake up that early…?” “Yes!” “Oh…” Nurse Joy went absolutely beet red in her frozen face, and dashed back into her room. At that moment, Lucia walked out of Cyprus’, stretched out her back by extending her front paws, and yawned. Meanwhile, Cyprus was mentally scrubbing the image of the not altogether unpleasant, but far too young Nurse out of his mind. “Students! It’s time to go! There is a great deal to do today!” He was on the verge of tears, and Lucia could tell from his manic voice. Simply, Lucia shook her head in an almost grimace. Wake up, everyone! We're back!
OOC: Will add more to Jon and Stitch as well as Mickey later, since they won't be interacting with anyone yet.. Luxord and Demyx are asleep until morning... there will be morning... right? Yen Sid nodded appreciatively. "I would dispense with more formalities, Caleb Stitem, however, I feel you already know who I am." Yen Sid smiled with wicked wisdom. He turned next to Donald and Goofy. "I suggest that an eye be kept on this boy... he has... potential...."
Jonathan rushed into his room and looked about his room for a place to put Stitch for the time being as the creature regained consciousness slowly. This was absolutely unbelievable! Not only because it happened, but because it happened to him; it just so happened Stitch was among his favorite Disney characters. In fact, if he had to pick a number one, it would have to be Stitch. Still, there was still the ever thinning line of doubt Jonathan still had about the actual identity of the alien. What was it Stitch had muttered when he took him in? Jonathan thought for a moment and was startled to recall the exact word Stitch had uttered: Sora. Quickly, Jonathan laid the wet Stitch down on the bed farther from the door, and even his own lack of dryness seemed not to bother him at all. “You said Sora?” He said to Stitch with apprehension. “Is this the same Sora from Kingdom Hear- Wait, no.” Jonathan suddenly realized Stitch wouldn’t probably know the name of the game he was talking about. Kingdom Hearts… Jonathan had first played the first game when he was seven and he’d been still playing all the games as they came out. His love of Disney created the love of the separate game series. The more Jonathan wrapped his head around it, the more he realized that Stitch came from this realm of reality, if this was really Stitch, so figuring Stitch had any idea where he was, well, that was an insurmountable problem. He tried a different take. “Who is Sora?” “Sora is a Hero.” Stitch struggled to say. His sentences didn’t flow, but instead each syllable was extenuated. His English wasn’t pigioned, so this told Jonathan a great deal more. Stitch had already been to Earth and had met Lilo; that was suggested, but never actually happened by Kingdom Hearts II. Stitch was a rover in the games, and oddly wound up in Radiant Gardens before becoming an accessible summon. “Lilo. Who is Lilo?” Jonathan had to make sure. “L-Lilo is Ohana.” Stitch sputtered up a bit of water still caught in his lungs as he tried to sit up, but couldn’t. “Do you know how you got here?” The instant Jonathan finished his question, there came a knock at the door. “****.” He added with a mix of disappointment and fear of who was there. “Oh! And sorry. You’re probably not used to hearing that word. I’ll try to keep that down then….Ummm… Stitch, can you walk?” Stitch sat up and stared curiously at Jonathan, seemingly to size him up. “Yeah. I know, I know. Stitch has to hide.” His English was fine save for the 3rd person speech pattern, but other than that, Jonathan was glad he didn’t have to struggle to keep the alien cloaked, and that he knew for a fact the creature really was Stitch. As Stitch jumped from the bed and dive underneath the skirt of the bed, Jonathan slowly walked for the door. When he opened it, he saw Mrs. Feinberg standing there in a pink bathrobe and rolling pins in her hair. Mrs. Feinberg was a heavy set woman in her late 50’s, and looked even older than that; she wasn’t exactly Ms. America to be sure. Jonathan stuttered as the pink bathrobe wardrobe was somewhat confusing; the questions he asked himself was ‘Why would anyone walk out of the safety of privacy wearing that… when they look like that, at least…’ “I heard a splash and I got up just in time to see you running into your room. What are you up to, young man?” Mrs. Feinberg was not only a callous, rude, and nosy neighbor, but she was also a chain smoker, which wore itself heavily on her voice. “Me? Oh! I just thought I’d take a dip after work today.” Jonathan lied in a not so very smooth manner as his suit continued to drip. Mrs. Feinburg wasn’t the brainiest of the bunch, but she wasn’t that stupid; she looked at Jonathan with an incredulous expression. “In your suit?” “Well, after so many auditions-“ Jonathan tried to cook up more lies in record time, but was stopped abruptly. “Auditions?! Waitaminute, you an actor? Don't say anymore... Well, that explains in then.” Mrs. Feinburg said in a haughty tone. “I worked in showbusiness for thirty years.” She turned away and started walking away, throwing her arms up in the air. “Actors. Oi vei!” Jonathan was left behind holding the doorknob with a mixed expression of ‘What just happened?’ and ‘That went better than expected.’ Swiftly, he shut the door. “Stitch?” Stitch’s head popped out from under the bed skirt curiously, and the whole blue alien soon followed. Stitch dusted himself off and flicked a dusty bun off his shoulder before looking up at Jonathan. “Where is Stitch?” ‘Oh boy…’ How could Jonathan explain it? “Well, this planet is Earth, but not the Earth you’re from, I’m sure. For one thing, this is California, and for another thing, I don’t think there’s any Liloes you would know over in this Hawaii… at least… probably not. My name is Jonathan Archie.” He repressed the urge to say “I’m you’re biggest fan!” effectively and instead asked, “Would you like a drink or something to eat? All I have really is some Coke and Cold Pizza with some Ramen in the cupboard, but you’re welcome to anything you want.” “Jon-a-than” Stitch repeated with some difficulty. “You can call me Jon.” “Jon!” Stitch smiled. There was the row of sharp teeth, but, oddly enough, the smile was more friendly and benign than wicked. “Thank you.” Stitch nodded his head, and looked for the kitchen, rubbing his stomach. Jonathan opened up the small cooler in the room and took out two Coca-Cola Cans along with two slices of Pepperoni Pizza. He took one of each for himself, and gave the other of each to the hungry alien, who took it all appreciatively. “So, what do you say? Friends?” Stitch had taken a bite of Pizza, but nodded and swallowed. “Yes. We are Friends.” * Demyx rolled over and over but simply could not, would not get some rest. “Oh man…” He uttered dismally, and rolled over again, and finally found a space comfortable enough in the dirt to sleep. For a moment, he was relaxed… until he saw the scorpion not a hair’s distance from his nose. As it flared up its tail, ready to attack, Demyx quickly jumped out of sheer fear and started running around the rock until he tripped over a pair of boots in the dirt. He took a mouthful of sandy earth as he slammed to the ground, and noticed the boots quickly. “Hey, who put these- Wait a minute! These are Organization XII- Luxord!” He couldn’t string together one sentence before he noticed the sleeping fellow Nobody resting under the rock peacefully. Luxord awoke at the calling of his name, and looked at the happy Demyx with a look of sheer dismay. He realized then that not only was he stranded in a desert… he now had Demyx to look after. “Bullocks.” He yawned as he spoke with disappointment. Demyx didn’t catch onto the disappointment, and instead crawled back underneath the rock to sit by a fellow member of Organization. “Hey! Luxord! Ummm… have any clue why we’re here?” Demyx shrugged. Luxord cocked an eyebrow and shut his eyes. “There’s no tells at the moment.”He used gambling jargon to say the same thing as “Not an effing clue.” “Oh…” Demyx’s happiness faded, and the sheer cold of the desert started to affect him again. He shivered and shook, keeping a distance away from Luxord, but over time, he scooched slowly over towards the Gambler of Fate. Luxord opened one eye and stared Demyx down. “Pray tell… what exactly… are you doing, Demyx?” Luxord demanded with a condescending tone. “Oh! Umm… well… you know… it’s pretty cold out, and we’re in this together, so I figured….” He was desperate for warmth, but tried to hide it. “I fold.” Was Luxord’s staunch “No” reply, and he turned back to sleep. “Please…?” “It’s not in the cards, my friend.” “Come on! It’s f-freezing out here! I won’t e-enjoy it more than you, y-you know.” Demyx could feel the cold right down to his bones, and it felt like his toes would fall off in his boots. “Fine!” Luxord just wanted to shut up Demyx so he could rest. “Yay! I am not going to freeze!” Demyx responded by glomping Luxord, but removed his arms as he slowly started to feel warmer from the awkwardly harvested body heat. “Uh. Thanks.” He said uniformly, so as to not appear like he enjoyed the interaction, since it was as uncomfortable for him as it was for Luxord. But… he was warm! The pair thus fell asleep. Night travel in the desert would not be possible for now, so they had to wait until morning to seek out answers as to where they were. * King Mickey breathed heavily, letting his Keyblade crash to the ground as the night became still once more. He’d dealt with the Heartless, but doing so had taken a lot out of the mouse. “I’d… I’d better stick around here and make sure there’s no more of the Heartless around here.” He said exasperated as he cast away his Keyblade back into the light. “Huh. Disneyland…” * “Donald. Goofy.” Without any other form of warning, Yen Sid approached the pair from behind as he neared the shore of the Hudson River. He didn’t need to say anymore… he knew they would recognize his voice. However, in a moment, he came to realize there was in their company a young man. “And who, may I ask, are you?” He could feel it… this individual had potential to wield the Keyblade, but he was not sure if the Earth denizen was yet aware of that fact. If the young male did not, Yen Sid would not be the one to tell. He knew, in the dexterous expanses of his universal mind, he could and should not divulge too much all at once.
"Quack?" Donald opened his eyes after Karina had gone, almost certain he'd be gone soon after. When he realized he wasn't he sighed heavily in relief. "Guess that'l show 'em!" Base spat on the ballroom floor. He'd just gotten his bell run by a set of drums, and had shared the damage with Krowley, but to a degree that neither had to worry just yet. Still, it was better to still have all the Caballeros. Base knew he was using too much magic, so now was the time to go simple. He merely attacked the Trumpet plainly.
Spoiler: Locations: View attachment 36285 Blue drip mark-Jon Archie and Stitch- Portola Inn and Suites, Huntington Beach, Orange County, CA Gold Star- King Mickey- Disneyland, Anaheim, Orange County, CA Grey Target- Luxord and Demyx- Chihuahua Desert, Big Bend National Park, Brewster County, TX Yellow drip mark with star- Yen Sid- Empire State Building Roof, New York, NY The curious thing about all the stories that unfolded at the same moment, each one about to start on separate journeys, was that each of the four that started just then all had their eyes shut for the same duration of time. The closing off from the world around them was each for a different reason, but all the same, they each started with their eyes shut, and opened them at the same exact moment. There were five of these individuals who had their eyes closed for no other purpose than that the world they knew had been closed off to them, so there was no other way but to be asleep as they fell from the sky and scattered to their own landing spots. There was one who closed his eyes of his own accord, and this was Jonathan Archie; who closed his eyes by the Portola Inn poolside just to breathe a deep breath that expanded his chest with the scent of night air and chlorine. Jonathan was a young, recent High School graduate who had attended several different schools throughout his life over the course of several moves. Eight Public schools, one private school, two years of Homeschooling on the same grade, and one charter school, to be exact; divided amongst three states, Florida, Maryland, and New York. A talented young man who was typically deemed an “intellectual” by his previous teachers, young Jonathan, then 19, had decided to do the rash thing and seek out to see if he could conquer Hollywood over a summer before attending College in the fall. Truth be told, he really had no intentions of actually achieving much success, because as talented as he was as a performer, he also knew enough to not expect much from the world of show business; this little excursion from his last home in northern New York was merely to get his feet wet. At the moment, getting his feet wet in cinema had nothing to do with the act of literally getting his feet wet by the pool, except for the fact he was staying at the 2-Star Portola Inn Motel for $50 dollars a night while he waited in a forced exile for his cheap apartment complex to be properly rid of its flea infestation. Fortunately, the Portola was a comfortable enough establishment and Jonathan was even thinking of working out a more permanent residence in lieu of returning to the previous place, since, in any case, the Motel was only ten minutes from Disneyland; growing up in Florida, he had surrounded himself with everything Disney and had become something of an authority on much of the history, films, and cartoons. He doubted that would happen though, since he knew at some point his recent string rejections would catch up to his wallet, so he lapped it up while he could. Dressed in the suit he wore to acting interviews, without the tie and shoes and socks, Jonathan just sat by the poolside and let his feet soak in the cool water after a full day of assorted rejections. He tired quickly in the late hours of the evening, and he tried not to ruminate since he was out there before bed to clear his head in the first place. Slipping his aviator sunglasses back over his serious and hazel eyes, down from out of the hairline of his blownout Caesar cut black hair, he stood up and rolled down his pant legs as he crossed over to the chair he’d left his towel on. Contemplating his move forward to bed as he dried off his pale (he had the Irish in him to thank for that), long-toed feet, Jonathan was sharply brought back into the more apparent worlds when, all of a sudden, the pool sounded with a loud splash that sprayed mist lightly at the back of his neck. Curiously enough, the entire area went dark for a moment as every light in the Motel quickly dimmed out and came back to full brightness. Invariably, Jonathan Archie suffered from both anxiety and the occasional night terror for little to no reason, but the fact something so odd in first impressions had just occurred spurred in him what felt like due cause to be afraid. He dropped the towel almost instantly and looked back towards the water. Other than a few small waves radiating from the center of the pool, there seemed to be nothing apparently wrong with it, but Jonathan presumed from the added silence there was, in fact, something very major to fear. Cautiously, Jonathan approached the pool where he’d sat merely moments before, and looked over the surface. Nothing, save for the light lapping of water against the sides of the pool and the ambience of the Huntington beach area. He was about to breathe a sigh of relief and return the comforting safety of his room when he looked below the surface and saw a truly terrifying sight: someone or something was at the bottom of the pool. A small, blue thing with long ears and a stance that suggested it was both bipedal and was seemingly glued right to the ceramic floor of the tiny pool. Jonathan had no time to think, despite the fact he could barely make out the shape of the creature with refraction from above, but instead dived right into the illuminated pool to rescue whatever was seemingly stuck down there. Here he found the most curious thing of all: this creature was easier to lift than its current predicament lead on in. In little to no time, Jonathan was kicking to the top of the pool with the blue creature in one arm as they broke to the surface. “Hang on, little buddy!” The urgency demanded Jonathan shouted something reassuring, whether it was more for himself or the creature he wasn’t quite sure at all. “Hang on.” He tried to breathe as he swam to the nearby edge of the pool, since the pool was barely 8x8 feet. Heaving his rescue over the side, Jonathan lifted himself, his suit absolutely drenched and his black hair flat over his head and dripping, over the top of the edge and tried to catch his breath as quickly as possible. Whatever that thing was, as he had yet to get a good straight on look at it, he had no idea if it was still alive, needed resuscitation, or whatever. He figured it was best to rush to check. Leaping to his feet, he found, to his surprise, Stitch lying on the tiled poolside floor. Jonathan stopped functioning for a minute to assess the situation out of undeniable shock. This was Stitch, from the Disney film “Lilo & Stitch” granted, not looking as cartoonish and instead had actual fur and a more solid, tangible appearance. His big black, teal-shaped eyes were not visible at the moment as his eyes were closed, and Jonathan’s heart stopped when he noticed the worst thing of all: Stitch was not breathing. ‘How do you perform CPR on an alien from a Disney animated film?!’ Jonathan asked himself incredulously as he started to push the little creature’s small stomach repeatedly. Nothing happened yet. He continued on anyway, because he could absolutely not give up. The further he went, as he started to doubt whether or not this was actually Stitch, but, save for the hyperrealism, the two comparisons matched up perfectly from the long ears on the squat, brachycephalic head to the flat feet with the pads showing underneath. Jonathan Archie counted paces, and once done, almost stopped himself when faced with the task of performing mouth-to-mouth with Stitch. The wideness of the maw was certainly an issue, as the mouth was nearly as wide as Stitch’s head, and, if this really was Stitch, there was green, goopy saliva he didn’t want to even know about. There was no time to be skittish though, and so Jonathan pressed his lips to the center of the seemingly Stitch-like creature’s mouth and breathed in; fortunately, no returning goop. Still nothing. It wasn’t until Jonathan moved back to pumping the stomach that the creature unmistakably turned out to be Stitch, since the way that he sputtered back into life sounded exactly like Stitch! Blinking and sputtering out water, Stitch awoke and tried to breathe and found the task difficult, evidently. Jonathan looked over his shoulder and then around at the different apartments. He knew that sooner or later, someone would have heard the noise and so would come down to the pool to investigate. With no time to think about what he was doing, Stitch was picked up, carried, and rushed into the second floor Motel room of Jonathan Archie, just as Stitch finally started to really wake up. “S-Sora?” Stitch asked tiredly and confused as it reached up one clawed finger toward Jonathan unthreateningly. Jonathan rushed in the door of his room; having left it unlocked, he hoped for dear life that the electricity shortage had caused the security cams outside to stop working. Life was getting very confusing all of a sudden. Earlier, at the point in time aforementioned, King Mickey’s eyes opened wearily as he himself awoke not too far from where Stitch had landed. Dazed from a hard landing, Mickey shook as he stood to his feet and looked around, and found the distance of view alarming; he was high above Disneyland in California, just atop the highest spire of the castle in the center of the park. The safe thing to assume was to say that the King didn’t know where he was, or that he might be confused as to the location. The truth, however, was the contrary; he knew exactly where he had landed: Earth. “Oh no…” He whispered quietly his inward panic as he scanned the ground far below. He summoned his Keyblade to make sure he still had his powers in this particular realm of existence, and nodded when he saw it appear in one of his gloved hands. He then jumped from the top of the spire and made an effort to land on some of the lower spires and buttresses of the castle he landed on before landing on the ground below, one knee bent and one hand to the stony surface he landed on. He jumped to his feet almost instantly and looked around with a fixed expression. “I gotta hope Yen Sid landed nearby. He’s the only one who’s going to have any clue what’s going o-“ He said to himself, but quickly realized something very worrying. Maybe, just maybe, he was the only one here. The thought saddened him greatly, but unfortunately, he had little time to ruminate before a black claw slashed at his back. Mickey jumped out of the way just as the scrape slashed against the back of his outfit, and did a one-eighty in the air to face his attacker, Starseeker in hand. What he found, to his great surprise, was at least three dozen shadows twitching and jittering, their yellow eyes unfixed and glowing in the moonlight. The King tried to shake off the initial shock and tried to prepare himself for the battle he knew he had to undertake. “There’s a lot of darkness this whole world over, and this place is a source of light… there’s going to be more of these, I know it.” King Mickey leaped right into the fray, and started whacking at the monsters, taking them out in one swing each. Still, the more he defeated, the more they showed up… Elsewhere, in Texas, Luxord pressed up from the sandy earth and spat a good deal of it out that had lodged itself in his mouth as he landed face first into the desert dirt. Spitting at the earth, Luxord rose to his feet, adorned in his Organization robes, and looked all around him to see only desert in every single direction, as far as his eyes could see. Sneering at the unexpected and unfavorable turn of events, the gambler sat in the cool night air, Indian style, and shot out one arm to be a ninety degree angle to his head; he was attempting to summon a pathway to darkness. The resulting nothingness both shocked and appalled him. Wherever he was, he was stuck and alone. He spotted a nearby large rock and hobbled over to its cover, his legs shaky from the fight from above. Resting underneath that red desert rock, if only he knew Demyx had awoken to a much similar response on the other side of said rock, and had wound up resting under the shade the other side of the same rock offered. The two sat and watched the area silently with very different discretions. While Luxord confidentially planned his next move, again Indian style in the dirt, Demyx sat clutching his legs to his chest as his teeth chattered in the freezing night air. The two of them pulled their hoods up nearly at the same time without knowing so, only Demyx was faster in his rush for warmth, and both of them sat and waited, but for what they did not yet know. Neither of them knew where they were, and neither knew how to find out. They only knew, at that point, they needed rest. In New York, Yen Sid had no time to worry about where to land or how hard the earth was below, since he controlled the flight himself, having taken charge early on when he realized his descending to the world. Standing tall, he folded his arms into his sleeves as he looked about at the city that lay before him. He knew this place well. The very spot above the city where he stood was a layer of the Empire State building, evidently so from the great height, and the spire still above him, extended from the rooftop. Below, cars honked, the occasional scream broke the air, and Yen Sid merely watched from above to assess. He closed his eyes disconcertedly and sighed heavily. “They are here.” OOC: Yen Sid and King Mickey having a clue what's going on is merely for dialouge and does not reflect any actual knowledge of what will happen, nor does it pose any godmodding potential.
Base gritted his teeth. Marahute had kept the Three Caballeros all together for quite awhile, but as she vanished, so too, in turn, would they. "One more time around, Amigos?" "We are with you to the bitter end, Señor Noble! Vamanos, Caballeros, Arriba!" Panchito shouted at the top of his lungs proudly. "That's right, the bitter-! WHAT??" Donald started out confidentially until the word "end" crossed his mind. "But I don't wanna go!" He lost all the fight in him and started to sob heavily, beating the floor below him like a child. Jose interjected and tapped on Donald's shoulder lightly with his cigar, leaving a small layer of ash on the duck's sleeve in the process. "It is, how you say(?), okay, Donal'. We'll be back again. It'll only hurt for a minute." Donald calmed down almost instantly and the fight was back in him once more. Meanwhile, Panchito approached Jose quietly. "Think he bought it?" "Panchito, it is Senor Donal'. I'm pretty sure he will buy anything. Still, this is going to really hurt..." Panchito stifled a giggle by placing his hand over his beak as Base prepped for another attack. Base knew exactly what to do. The last turn he'd have with all the Caballeros together, he'd use one of his more powerful Magical attacks. "Take to the tide! Aqua Splash!" Base shouted as he fired his chosen spell at the Trumpet. OOC: Just realized I've been writing Panchito all wrong. Panchito is the Rooster, and Jose is the Parrot.
I'm interested. King Mickey, Yen Sid, Luxord, and Demyx. If... I could play Stitch too... you'd be my best friend...>>" "Fr-Friend..." Name: Jonathan Archie Gender: Male Age: 19 Personality: He's a bit of a philosopher and intellectual always working his mind around any obstacles facing his path. He's a talented performer and constantly wants to entertain people and is love with the entirety of the entertainment business. His talents include voice impressions, singing, guitar and Piano Playing, and he excels at Drama as well as Comedy; a true prodigy of the business. He's often lazy and introverted by himself though, so there are days where he spends the whole day indoors, and even most of that in bed. From growing up surrounded by Disney as a kid, he is a major Disney fan, and somewhat of an authority on all things Disney. When out, he'll spend his days in a mall or at Disneyland. Brief Bio: He grew up in Florida surrounded by Disney. He played Kingdom Hearts as a kid, and still plays the games as they come out. A hopeful actor, he's living in California currently. Keyblade: Hyperdrive Appearance: He is a lean lad, with a less than athletic build (He has a fast metabolism, but he regularly works out to bulk up; little success). He has black hair styled into a bit of a blowout and feathered Caesar cut. He has a somewhat long-ish face and hazel eyes, mildly handsome features with pale skin. He typically wears suits even when it's hot out, but when he dresses down, he sports typical summery, beach going wear such as what you find at Hollister, Abercrombrie and Finch, Aeropostle, etc. Theme Song: Somewhere Only We Know- Keane
Vinyl Scratch summarized much what I perceived. Even though I am familiar with the characters, I don't think anyone who was unfamiliar would have a clue what is happening. I would like to see you describe the characters and setting not only so that the visuals are clear, but it also clearly displays the author's perception of the subject matter. We don't always notice the same things, but we usually notice a great deal when we are affected by a certain medium; I want to see what Hector noticed about the matters involved since Hector is the one playing with them and creating something new and interesting. I highlighted what I really wanted to say in red in Vinyl Scratch's quote. I'll say it again for good measure: Keep trying, I'm sure you'll get it. And I want to read more... please oblige?
This post previously held Chapter 3, which can be found above.
'Oh wow... people are listening to me.' The initial shock of the strange new feeling of belonging stirred in Sebastian Noble a deep sense of triumph. He felt like he was really more than just a tool in the fight, and that he was in equal part a member of a unit that was functioning beautifully. It took a sudden shocking blare from the trumpet as it bounced around to snap him out of his daydream. He glared at the devilish instrument and raised his Keyblade in its direction. "Frio!" He called out without the need for a one liner as the wheel of the Ferris Gear whirled as the tip shot out an icy blast of frozen devastation at the trumpet. He then turned to the Three Caballeros and acknowledged their assistance. "Muchas Gracias, aves dures." He had seen the current foe nearly take down one of the rambuncious amigos, and witnessed as Marahute flying above saved the ally. "Thanks to you too. But man, this is turning into a real aviary." "We're three caballeros, three gay caballeros; they say we are birds of a feather!" Jose sang, drawing the other two and Base in as he took to a hover. He then laughed with a high-pitched "AHHH HAAA!" As he fired with his pistoles into the air.
An enjoyable, empathetic read from beginning to end. What struck me at first was the absences of any dialogue boxes. There was certainly dialogue and spoken word, but a total lack of the typical way of displaying it in text. The novel thing was how much the conformity of " weren't needed to allow the reader to understand something was being said by a certain person. They way that it flowed gave the words an added "distanced" quality that was, truthfully, haunting and poetic. That was my favorite part. The ending didn't come as much of a surprise, but this is because I am unfettered by the Bohemian method of showing Pokemon in a different light than what is shown in the games/anime, or what is there but we choose not to see it. Such as the fact that Pokemon are living creatures just as we are, and we age and die. It is the stark reality that this has already happened to a trainer we know affronts our noneffective way to see past the glitter, because sooner or later we are all matched with our mortality. I love how this story displays that essence and makes it apparent in a world where we usually try not to think of the harsh realities we face in our own; it actually makes our reality better, I think, for it. A startling look at the future we never knew we wanted to see. A poetic masterpiece.
Base was ready to fight. Still, he knew they'd need help since so far they'd let the foe take a slight advantage and his preceding teammates seemed to be taking a divided offense on the assorted instruments. If they were going to divide their attacks, he figured he should take the remaining undamaged instrument and leave the Conductor... "Focus on the underlings first! We can focus all our attacks on the boss together once the little ones are out of the picture. The Master will be weakened by then because we'll have taken out an important factor of its offense." Base directed his strategy to the others. "Three of us can take on one each of the smaller ones personally, and then the last two of us, Krowley and Karina, can clean up after who needs the most help. Sound good? I'm here to help, not to command, but I think I can see what a good path might be." He paused. He knew an even better way to get through the small fries since they were dividing their strengths among the instruments. The Three Caballeros would be of great value in this circumstance, and he knew this. This was why he planted his feet on the waxy ballroom floor, shoulder distance apart, and took a deep breath. With his Keyblade at his side, he let out the air in a mighty, lengthened and high-pitched Grito de Delores that trilled and echoed throughout the wide, empty spaces of the ballroom. Within the next instant, three familiar figures burst out of a piñata that formed from out of the collected sound waves of the cry. As confetti blasted away with the piñata, the three figures, the The Caballeros entered the fight rambunctiously. Pablo, the rooster, had his pistoles blazing and blasting gunfire as he joined Base in the cry of independence, while José casually leaned on his umbrella and smoked his cigar, and Donald lifted his arms in a threatening manner and squawked incoherently. Base ended his sound off abruptly and followed it up with a shrill "AHA!" His voice returned to normal with a sharp look towards the three summoned companions. "Ready, mis amigos?"
Being attacked by a violin hit Base powerfully with a shrieking high-pitched attack. "Anybody have a plan? I was prepared for that and it still hurt I'm with you, but that's doesn't mean I'll just drum on my own. We need to work together!"