Don't tell me what to do.
I actually liked Vanitas Remnant because it was bound by the same restrictions as the player and still managed to be difficult. It had 8 "commands" and a Shotlock, and all of those had to recharge before they could be used again. The only way that it "cheated" was with its ridiculous speed. Do your research better. Those elements from DDD were only from the trailers and had absolutely nothing to do with the gameplay. The KH3D engine wasn't totally finished yet, so they made the trailer in BBSFM's engine instead. Further, they were also only in BBSFM, which was Mysterious Figure's second appearance. MF isn't a buffed version of Young Xehanort, YX is a debuff of MF.
So does that mean that I'll be getting back all the pins that I lost after I got my last Castle Oblivion pin? I'm still slightly bitter about that.
The Steam Summer Sale should be super soon, so it may be best to patiently pause for the purpose of prying a preferable price for Final Fantasy VII. Actively adding alliterative appeal is dangerously difficult.
Babies are the new chihuahuas.
How dare you have an opinion that is different from mine. Leave now or suffer the consequences. ANIMALS RULE!
Out of curiosity, would you happen to know if SotC HD is Vita Remote Play compatible or if it's only the Collection? I'd love to try this game out, but I'm not in my house nearly as often as I want to be anymore. Especially if you get that beautiful cover-art to go with it.
Dude, just pop it or use some astringent.
That scene almost brought me to tears when I saw it in Evolution.
Also, there's an English Patch for it that just got finished recently. I am unsure of KHV policy on that, though, so go find it yourselves you lazy jackasses.
Is it even legal for anyone but Akira Toriyama to have the surname "Toriyama?"
No, Final Fantasy is only on Nintendo. The series wasn't on Playstation until Final Fantasy VII. Sure, there's Dawn of Souls and Anniversary Edition, but those are Final Fantasy: Dawn of Souls and Final Fantasy: Anniversary Edition, so they don't count.
Firefox didn't update for me. That's probably because I'm using Chrome, but it could be something else.
Actually, Final Fantasy is a Nintedo exclusive.
Or he's at that point of drunkenness where he's more focused on everything because he's aware that he's drunk.
Yeah, but nobody except the people who've actually played FFVII remember that one.
It's not even out yet. There was an MMO out a few years ago that claimed to FFXIV, but that was obviously a fake.
Just how likely am I to get chosen? I mean, I assume they'll give just them out to anyone considering they've picked KHVidians for it, but I'm still curious about my chances.