Not much. Just the scavanger hunt and the Porno Graffitti panel. Others are small things until 10pm xD So I guess any time between 3 and 9 would be coolio~
I'm down for it. As long as it doesn't interfere with my schedule xD
I'm here much too early. Nothing is really happening until 11 @.@ Looking forward to Nerd Courting later tonight though xD
I shall be going to AnimeExpo! Gah I'm looking forward to it this year <3
Grace's emotions hadn't change, anger still filling her up from whom was in front of her. How could he use Artan's place as such?! It was his fault as well that he had not made it. It would of been better had she split away from them earlier so her and Artan can worry about fending for themselves. Nothing felt right about this, not one bit. Yet, she knew that arguing it would be rather pointless, knowing that she had more important things to deal with. Besides, they would be forced to leave by morning as her friend's father had mentioned. This didn't really concern her anyways. She had planned to leave by early dawn. She had quite a few things to deal with before she left and didn't want to waste much more time hanging around these people she either disliked or hardly knew. They just were not worth her time right at that moment, and she could always just seek her vengeance later on when she had completed her current self-mission. Walking over to the living room, she set down the bags that had began to strain her shoulders. Although she was of Biokinesis magic, she was still achy if she didn't use her magic constantly. She let out a small sigh, stretching out her arm before taking a seat down and relaxing for a moment before she began her work. After all, it would probably end up as an all nighter and she would hardly get much sleep in before she needed to go. Not that she cared much for sleep at a time like this, even if most people would need it for energy. She had been sure to be trained to have good stamina and learn to conserve energy very well. But as she had heard Celeste's question, she had curiosity growing through her mind now. What in the world was Kendric planning now? Although many others had set him out to be the leader type, she could tell that he really wasn't too certain about what he was doing. In a sense, she had a bit of sorrow for him, having so much pressure put onto him just out of nowhere. And although she didn't want to bother with him, she still knew she wasn't making things any easier for him. She closed her eyes for a moment, thinking over how things had turned out. There was just too much going on for her to hold a grudge for so long. There was no use in such a thing when it was best for them to figure out a way to deal with things. Or at the very least, get them to a safe place while she fought back. "Look, I apologize for my behavior. I'm just not steady at the moment, for reasons I'm sure you can guess." She stood back up, holding herself as she walked back up to Kendric, looking out the small crack in the window's curtain. "There's so much going on all of a sudden. I know it was cruel for me to part from the group, but I just couldn't leave Artan or have them follow me and cause more deaths. It was much better that I was alone and not just dead weight," She pouted a bit, turning back to look at him once more. "But there's just one thing I would like to know. Do you plan to do something about what is happening, or just keep away and hide yourselves as fugitives?"
Never heard the Hall and Oates song and sadly I can't do so by phone. ; ; I miss having the internet. Great to hear you're well. I've been fine I suppose. Just getting ready for Anime Expo.
..there was a way I could be more involved in KHV again. I feel like I've lost all touch here. D: I never know what to do when I come online anymore. ; ~ ; I miss you very much. Baby, come back! But yeah, I hope I can be a part of the community again. :'3 And I'll start by asking how all you lovely people are. <3 Let moshi give ya sum lovin~
I'm definitely in this one. Hopefully I can find some internet access ; ;
Ah! My wonderfully, amazing and glorious beauty has returned! <3333 briefly Oh how I missed thee, the love of my life! :3c What a magnificent day it is indeed~ Even though it just started 3 hours ago xD How you been, my sugar plum? 8D
Ayer watched to the girls now, overhearing Angela's fear and feeling down about it. He couldn't take putting the girls through this any longer. Quickly grabbing their hands, he pulled the away from the others without another word. There was only one place he could think of to go and it wasn't too far from their current location. No matter what, he had sworn upon himself to protect them. And naturally this was the only place he could think of for them to be safe. It was a shame that he couldn't take everyone with him. But all that mattered now more than anything was the safety of his friends. "Look, girls. I know this is sudden but I just can't stand seeing you two like this anymore. I know that Kendric guy said we should stay together but I have no idea if the other's even have a place to escape to. So I have this place that no one knows about. Not even the police or anyone would be able to track us. It's the best place I can think of for us to be out of harms way for the time being." He sighed, but still held on their hands tightly as to not lose them and make sure they didn't get hurt. Quickly looking about, he dashed out into an alleyway, disappearing into the dark shadows. Although he lived in the outer parts of the main town, he had always had a place where he would go to. It wasn't the best kind of place to be or even walk around, but he knew for sure that no one would go looking for them. "You two need to trust me. Please." He looked back to them, smiling as he made his way towards his safe haven. Grace patted the last of the dirt onto her makeshift grave, sticking her spade into the ground as she wiped her forehead. She stared down for a while, closing her eyes and bowing her head in regret. "I'm really so sorry... I wasn't able to protect you..." She placed her hand to her chest, getting down on her knee and holding on tightly to the chain around her neck. "I couldn't live up to our agreement. It really should of been me who was hit.... It should of... been m-me... I should of the been the one in the back... doing much m-more to help..." She bursted out in tears again, placing her hand to into the ground. "Please forgive me... I tried so hard!" She trembled terribly before slowly calming herself down, digging her hand into the dirt and kissing the top of her hand. "But believe me when I say this... no matter what... no matter whom I have to take down... I WILL avenge your death. You can count on that... my dear Artan." She stood back up, brushing herself off as she picked up her bag as well as Artan's. Although she had much to carry on her own, she just couldn't leave his valuables alone. Standing for a second, a small smile spread on her face. "Rest well, for you no longer need to suffer. And remember, I will always love you and keep you in my heart..." That being said, she turned around and dashed off, quickly making her way in the direction she knew she had to go. Even if she didn't live or grow up in Tasnica, she knew the area well from years of study and exploring around with her now deceased friend. But even now, she could never forget the one place that always felt more home than anywhere else. After making her journey, she finally arrived to the right street, happy to have made it without being spotted. Yet as she turned the corner, her face had suddenly turned cold once she saw who was at the door. It was that idiot Kendric and his gang! What in the world was he doing in such a place?! Did he think that just because Artan was gone that he could just use his house for cover?! This seriously infuriated her, causing her to rush over and push Kendric on the back of his shoulder to get his attention. "Hey! What the hell do you think you're doing here?!" She glared at him, showing that she demanded and answer as soon as possible or she would have to use violence.
Grace ran a bit quicker, wanting to get out of the firing range as soon as possible. Although she was very confident in her abilities to protect both her and Artan, she wanted to get him out of there so they would no longer be in danger. But as long as she had him with her, she felt really good about being able to make it out of there. She had been training and building up her strength for moments like this after all, and she knew that she could do it. She would do almost anything to make sure he was safe and sound. Right now, although she didn't seem like it, that was her one goal out of all this ruckus. Panting heavily, she held tightly onto Artan's hand, dragging along without a single stop. Yet suddenly, she felt a splash of warm liquid hit her back and side of her face, it causing her eyes to widen greatly. She felt her world stop for a moment, things just freezing all around her. Her heart stopped as well, bracing her for the pain that she was so sure would come at any moment. However, nothing was happening. She grew confused, more than certain that she was the one who got hit. Was it that she had died in an instant? It wasn't until a second later that the true reality had struck her. It was Artan, her best friend, that had been shot! She just couldn't believe it to be true! How could he of all people be the one to have been hit?!She slowly turned her head back, eye instantly filling with tears as she witness that her friend was now dead. The horror was almost too much for her to handle. She turned her body quickly, catching him before he could hit the ground. She sank down to her knees, holding him close to her and crying loudly now. "ARTAN!! NO!! Please, don't die! Come on! Wake up..." She trembled very much, hicing and sobbing hysterically from her loss. "Don't do this to me... please, don't leave me..." She rocked back and forth, cradling him slowly as the shots continued aiming towards the students. She just didn't care anymore to run, her just wanting to stay there no matter what. Ayer chased after the girls. getting jumpy now that they might have too much struggle getting away. More important that that, he was worried about Angela. Losing a friend couldn't be easy, especially from how close those two were. He knew she wasn't feeling well but he was happy to know that she was strong enough to continue living on, even if her little sister Luna had to help with that. He would do his share of help later on if he could, but for now, all that mattered was them being able to make it out of this fiasco. He ran as fast as he could before suddenly stopping, seeing a girl had fallen with her dead friend. 'How tragic....' He was about ready to head on ahead before realizing who the two were. The daughter of the Leader of Wendel... and a boy named Artan whom he had hoped to be friends with in the future. At the very least, he had to help her out. Quickly stopping, he built up his aura and put up an ice barrier like he had before, making it strong enough to be temporary for her grieving. 'There, that should be good enough for now. The rest is on her own choice.' He quickly saved up his energy again and made his way back to catch up to his group once more. Grace cried for a moment long before her emotions had suddenly died off as a fire set off inside of her. She took hold of Atan in her arms before her aura had grown to a great amount, her instantly breaking out of her ice barrier without a bit of effort. She instantly got out of the range of bullets, speeding off in a direction opposite from her group and the other students.
Well out of sheer boredom atm and unsleepiness, I decided I shall post a few pics of meself. These are my sister's doing. -_- She enjoys giving me makeovers and what not when I have plans to go out and stuff. Spoiler: Not so thrilled moshi face lol This was back like 2 years ago on my birthday. Dun mind this look but yeaaaah~ And this one was from a few saturdays ago when I went on a double date with my other sister. Dislike mah hair in this one but eh.
Ayer looked around at the horror of more murder around, not being able to take it in. This was way too much. Why did they have to do this to students of all people? None of them had done a thing to deserve this and yet they were being slaughtered little by little. He couldn't believe how humanity had turned out, how this seemingly normal day had turned out to such a great tragedy. He shook his head of the thoughts, deciding it was best that he stick with the girls for now, figuring it was best to worry about them. To follow through with his promise to protect them at the very least, feeling rather fortunate that he got put into a group with them. He quickly followed after the two, praying again in his mind that they'll make it through. Grace wasn't to fazed again with the dead around, just thinking about how it was better off them than herself. She remained calm, watching as the other panicked. It was so pitiful to see them all reduced to suck messes, not having the mind power to actually think this out. Sure, they were being chased by teachers who have mastered their elements, but who was to say that they couldn't just figure out a strategy to fight back or at the very least, find a way to slow them down even in the slightest. She rolled her eyes as she walked over to Artan, helping him up to his feet from the place she had dropped him. "Come on, we need to get out of here for now. We'll follow our so called 'group' for now. We'll see later on if we can risk parting from them later in case they end up slowing us down or hold us back." She took his hand, adjusting her bag and weapon before starting to run off along with the others. Although she never showed it to anyone, Artan was the only one that kept her feeling purposeful and strong. He was the one person who knew who she really was, and she wasn't about to let that go.
But whores are always welcome here... I should kn- I mean, wut.
I was home with no internet by then. I started talking while I was still at school.
Yeah well now I'm using crappy phone interwebs so slow to hardly any replies nao :c
Well, that was a fun welcome. Hello. Sorry for not responding til much later. Kinda got bored of the laptop.
Poking my head in here for a bit. Haven't posted here in a while.
Grace tapped her foot repeatedly on the floor, watching as the other students scrambled over to the stairs and how some seemed to just be making matters worse as opposed to just getting up and out of there. She swore that some of the people here were just absolutely idiots and would have been better off left behind in this mess. At least the smarter ones wouldn't have to worry about possibly dying if they were to tag along and just ruin plans. "Nothing but delays. That's it. I've really had enough of this nonsense." She quickly turned around, her jade-like aura lightly glowing around her and turning up her strength just a bit with the magic. She then instantly took hold of Artan, slinging him on her shoulder and making her way over to the ladder. "And don't you dare struggle." He wasn't much of a problem to carry in the first place, him being all small and fragile. But she didn't want to take any chances in losing him. He was rather valuable to the group after all, whether the others saw it or not. At the very least, she would keep him by her side if she ever needed his assistance for something. He was pretty handy to keep around despite the way he looked, him not having let her down in the years they had been friends. She quickly jumped on before any of the remaining students could, not wanting to have to stay down there for much longer. She made sure Artan was steadily on her before making her way up as fast as she could, not wanting to think about what could go wrong had she wasted even a second taking her time. Once she made it out, she took him a deep breath, loving the minor exercise this gave her. It was always such a nice feeling to build up her strength so she could keep prepared. She then dropped Artan to the ground, stretching out her arm as she looked around at this new location. It was kind of interesting to her on the different things they had discovered in their time here, wondering how it was that such rooms and such could go on being unnoticed. Naturally, she was never allowed to explore around, regardless of being the daughter of the Leader of Wendel. Tasnica was surely becoming a rather fascinating place now, it making her wonder what else they would find, even if they were being perused and were in danger of being killed at any moment. "My, my. This place is surely starting to make my blood boil with excitement." She spoke aloud, not caring to whom around her had heard. Ayer watched as everyone made there way up, being especially sure that Angela and Luna had made it up safely. He didn't want to go on ahead of them and risk the possibility of being separated, in case the roof caved in or perhaps the teachers had made their way in. His main focus now was keeping them safe, even if it meant risking his own life in the process. He looked down at his spade for a moment, shutting his eyes and gripping it tightly in his hand. 'Please, bless me with the ability to use this thing to my advantage. Allow me to have the skills necessary to save those who may need my help in the future.' It was rather not the right time for him to be making such prayers, but he felt it was needed, it giving him a bit of a higher hope that they could all make it out of this alive. After all, they had already lost a student. He didn't want anymore fatalities to happen if he had the ability to help it. Once finished, he opened up his eyes once more, them instantly shooting over to the ladder. Noticing that not many students were left down below, he hurried his way over to it. He struggled for a moment to get the weapon in a comfortable position before making his way up, trying not to slow things down for anyone else. 'I hope that whatever we get to, that I'll be able to recognize something at some point. This is my home, and there has to be somewhere we could go.' He finally poked his head would from the hole, a frown going on his face. Yet another place he didn't recognize, not even in stories or tales of any kind. Sighing, his stood up straight, dusting himself off before noticing what had happened to Luna. 'Why must the older one act so cruelly to her siblings. We would never tolerate that in my household.' Making his way over, he placed a hand upon Luna's head, giving her a joyful smile. "Hey there. You okay? I don't know what's going on but I'm sure it must have been for the best. You were very brave to stand up to her like that. So kudos to you, little one." He laughed just a bit, hoping he could lighten up the mood for the time being.