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  1. Dinny
    Hai Rat how you doin'
    What cola would you use to represent yourself
    Can I hug you
    How do you art
    Is sleep necessary?
    Current/Crazy/Initial/Forever Impressions?
    Ice Cream and Waffles or just Ice Cream or just Waffles?
    Why Rat and not Cat (hi Cat)
    Post by: Dinny, Jul 1, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  2. Dinny
    haha yeah, been busy with school. Hello! c:
    Profile Post Comment by Dinny, Jul 1, 2013
  3. Dinny

    He blinked at her, eyes slightly widening as she turned away from him and spoke. Her words were harsh and her tone of her voice was bitter. He straightened his stance once more, glancing away from her. Everything slowly began to feel wrong again. The feeling he had while he tried to put up with Sean earlier that morning returned. It had gone for a while, when he caught sight of Maria. It as like a glimmer of hope. Hope for the possibility of sunshine to finally break through the dark cloud over his head. Sadly, that sparkle seemed to be fading.

    "Was there something you needed, or...?"

    For a second, he was speechless, returning his attention towards her. With her looking away, she didn't see his stunned expression. It was so off-putting. So odd. It suddenly felt like he was talking to a total stranger. His insides felt like they were flipping about and he couldn't seem to look at her for much longer. He inhaled sharply as his chestnut eyes danced away from her, "Um, no, I was just. Um. Uh." he didn't know exactly what to say, but would rather fill the dragging silence with er's and um's and uh's. He just wanted things to be okay for a while, because he's been having a pretty crap morning. He thought Maria could be that distraction from what he was so upset about. Well, not really so much a distraction - more of a remedy, but now, all he could do was wish Maria could turn his frown upside down. He let out a small sigh and forced a smile on, looking at her once more "Just... just wanted to say hello and well, I hope you enjoy your time with whoever you're meeting then. See you later."

    Before he could say anything more, she turned her back to him and started walking away. It made him frown, his eyebrows furrowing together as he watched her go. He didn't stop her or walked after her or even moved in the slightest. He let out a heavy exhale, seeing his breath in the cold winter air. It felt like his whole world just got flipped upside down. He felt even more empty than the past few days. Part of him honestly thought people were concerned or missed him while he was away - but he didn't feel like any of them did. He just felt alone.

    He hung his head down, looking down at his boots. What was he doing wrong? He felt so lost and broken and abandoned. Maybe he should go home and have a chat with Michelle or his mother, but this usually made him accept all the sadness rather than have it go away. Plus, he didn't want to go home since he knew he was just going to rot in his room again - and he was already trying his hardest to avoid that. He didn't want to go to the Animal Shelter because that would have meant facing Sean again, which was not one of his plans for the day either. He lifted his head up one last time, looking up at the blonde actress who continued to walk away from him. He wished she didn't have to leave him but he probably deserved it. He wanted to spend the day with her. He wanted to smile again - like, really smile. However, that didn't seem to fit anywhere into his schedule today.

    He blinked and watched her for the tiniest bit longer before turning his back to her, stuffing his hands deeper into his pockets and walking the opposite direction. He hung his head low and watched as he put one foot in front of the other, making his way to the auditorium - taking the longest route possible. Staying inside the sound booth, probably taking a nap to distract himself and try not to succumb to nightmares seemed like his best bet so far. All company seemed to do was put him in an even more disturbing mood.
    Post by: Dinny, Jul 1, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Dinny
    Elisa spent yesterday coped up in her room, giving herself a pep talk. She had finally let go of Ryder, at least for a moment, and for the morning she sobbed plenty - mostly because she was trying to make a decent blog post in honor of Richie. After that realization from the night before, when she woke to vomit, she knew she had to try and do something. People were really trying to reach out the her and she was acting like a little brat. Her mother was really trying, Bryan even texted her and even, Maria. But honestly, it was mostly because of Ryder. She knew she was being too selfish. Plus, her eyes and body were pretty much done with crying so much.

    Eventually, she did make a blog post. Very short, but it got the message across. She had to be honest though, she knew that the blog post was as much as for herself as it was for Richie. She had to learn to accept it and sobbing really wasn't going to make him come back. She did feel like a part of her was taken away - or rather, ripped out of her body and it was horrible. But things were getting better, well at least in her standards of coping. Instead of feeling devastated she grew to be empty. More like, forced it. If she felt depression crawling up her spine, trying to weave through her ribs to get into her heart, she forced herself to feel empty. She'd refuse to eat and take a sleeper - then everything would just melt away.

    She took sleepers at night, to get her to sleep peacefully. She always took a little extra at night to try and drive the nightmares away. Of course, when she'd look down at her palm that held the little white tablets she'd think of adding more. A lot more. More than she, or anyone in general, could handle. Not just enough to get her to the hospital, but to the morgue. It was something she thought of a lot before Richie entered her life, all due to selfish dissatisfaction, but now it was much worse and a whole lot more tempting. Sadly, she knew Richie would never forgive her and would definitely scold her and take away her clothes, laptop and cute things in the after life.

    The blue haired teen finally started putting her outfits together with more thought - and a little more black than usual too. There was another rehearsal today, but it was still very early. She was already dressed, donning thermals, a black skater skirt with an ink polo tucked in it, her black Dr. Martens and dark make up to match. A thick denim jacket was folded over the edge of her bed, ready to be used when she left the house. There was rehearsals in a bit and she still hadn't figured out how she'd be getting there but she already texted Ryder she didn't need a ride going - nor his company. She was definitely clinging onto him way too much, probably draining the boy too. So, she lied that her mom would take her.

    She say back on her chair, leaning back with a deep sigh. She flipped her computer open, the screen showing her blog. There were plenty comments under her last post yesterday - possibly a ton of condolences messages and such. Tears tempted to sting her eyes, but she didn't let them fall. She closed that window and opened her iTunes, playing songs to calm herself down and feel empty again. She leaned back once more, letting her thick lashes tickle the bags under her eyes as the screamo continued on. She let the hardcore tunes fill her room in full blast, the screaming from the songs contrasting the peaceful, effortless position her body slumped in with its chaos. [DOUBLEPOST=1372629767][/DOUBLEPOST]

    Tucker pressed his lips together at her greeting. She didn't sound the same, not like when she spoke to him before. Then again, who could blame her right? After all that's happened - plus, if he wasn't lying to himself, he did kind of avoid her as well, up until now. He lifted a hand to scratch the back of his head nervously, glancing away for a while. Man, if the cold wasn't tense enough. This was just weird! Maybe he should just act all chipper and you know, more of himself. It wasn't because he wanted to hide something from her, but that's just how he got through these kinds of situations. It was easy. It was what he knew.

    I've been... fine. What about you? You haven't been at rehearsal.

    Alright. This wasn't going to be so easy after all. A thousand lies immediately entered his head, and his mind filed through each one - checking which would be the most believable. He drew his hand back down and into his pocket, clearing his throat once more. His chestnut eyes traveled back to her gaze, but she quickly reverted it, turning slightly to her side. Wait, this was Maria. He didn't have to lie. This was the girl who pretty much knew him as much as his family and Michelle did. He wondered about the blue eyes behind the dark sunglasses she wore, what were they saying - or rather, what were they saying that he probably wouldn't be able to read? He stared at her for a moment, that off-putting feeling still lingering around the blonde girl. Something was up.

    "Th-therapy. It's been tough the past few days and well, you know I'm nowhere near as strong as any of you guys with coping up." his voice mumbled as the sentence ran on, but he didn't look away from her. He didn't step closer, but he leaned forward, trying to look closer at her features - something behind the sunnies caught his attention. He wasn't terribly close. He tilted his head to the side curiously, "Maria, are you, um, are you sure you're alright...?"
    Post by: Dinny, Jun 29, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Dinny

    After landing that blow to the Tanker, it was a game of cat and mouse - and despite the obvious cat-inspired costume she wore, she found herself being the mouse. She hadn't been able to land another blow just yet, but instead, grew busy of dogging and avoiding attacks - and whoa, they weren't just attacks from Tanker, but from the other young guns who fought by her! She constantly transformed to and from her purple haze state and human form, barely able to keep up with everyone and man, was she getting tired.

    She huffed as she zipped through the maze of constant attacks from Tanker and the others, "Man! This is a tough first night out! Never knew having team mates would be as cool as it was annoying!" and before she could actually address that thought to anyone, rather than leaving it as a narrative, she let out a yelp as she watched one of the Tanker's cut-wires fly towards her. It would have been a really cool near-miss if she had transformed into her smoke before it hit her. But yeah, it just would have been cool and not actually happened. The wire hit her and sent her to the ground. In a panic, she tried to tranform back into her smoke form but it was just glitchy. Once she hit the ground, her body bounced and skidded almost on the ground - hovering at some moments as she glitched from human to smoke. Finally stopping, she let out a frustrated sigh. Man, that was so not cool!

    She folded her legs and sat up, readjusting the cat ears on her head and examining if her costume had any damage - which it didn't, probably from the material it was made out of, which made her smile despite the humiliation she felt. She wish she could have made a much cooler debut to the team, but she hoped the others would understand. She was more of a lab rat, she's never actually fought - and her training was always in a controlled environment (her parents being biased to not hurt her). Her bright blue eyes glanced around looking at her team mates who were still fighting together. She wondered how long they had been a team and working together harmoniously. Finally, her eyes fell on a figure on the ground near by. Oh! It was the magic guy! He still hadn't recovered? Must have been some energy surge in his mana, huh? (Candice actually does not know what she is saying in her head)

    She got up, giving her hands a little shake and rotating her foot a bit to release the tension in her ankles then jogged over to him. "Hey Apostle-Apostle! You alright? You don't look too radical right now..." she put a hand to her hip and leaned to her side, cranking her neck to the side as well to look at him. She squatted down with her knees together, "Come on! You're not out of juice are you? What you did was preeeeetty cool, Apostle-Apostle. You should do it again, and then make the big guy go WOOOOSH and BOOM and junk. I don't know if I can do much, but look at-" at this phrase, she turned to point at the Tanker but something else had caught her eye. It was a blur of black with a hint of white, but the arsenal from this quick footed blur was no mistake. She got up to her feet once more, marveling at the moving figure, until it finally came to a stop after successfully harming the big robot. Her blue eyes seemed to sparkle as she finally confirmed who it was: Ghoul. A delighted grin appeared on her face as she let out an excited squeal, "It's Ghoul! Oh my goth, IT'S GHOUL. IT'S REALLY HIM!" Now that was another hero she looked up to. Hell, his name kind of even connected to hers. Ghoul. Phantom. Pretty cool, heck yeah. Her bottom half transformed into the purple haze, allowing her to rise above the ground once more. She quickly turned back to Apostle-Apostle, hands balled up into fists as she shook them excitedly. "Come on! That's Ghoul! We're surely going to win now! Get up, A-A! Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!!"
    Post by: Dinny, Jun 29, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Dinny

    He should have worn gloves. The cold handlebars of his bike bit at his palms and fingers. He waved a final goodbye to his ginger haired friend inside the animal shelter, who waved back with a smile holding more of concern than glee. He could see Sean's furrowed eyebrows as he glanced at him for a second longer outside, in the bitter cold, before he gave his bicycle a little push and hopped on it, pedaling calmly towards the school.

    It's been a while since he was on his bike - more so, out. He'd been rather distant from everyone lately, coped up in his apartment building, barely answering any calls. Michelle, who was his therapist and not in town, had finally responded to his message and agreed to chat with him about things over Skype. The news eventually reached his mother, much to his dismay, and she called more regularly. Her tone was always one of worry, again, much to his dismay. He hadn't gone to the shelter either, afraid that the animals would catch his depression - or whatever emptiness and repulsiveness he was feeling. He also attended just one rehearsal after that horrific event, but skipped on the rest - he wasn't the only one missing after all, but today was different. Today he finally got out of the clothes he wore continuously, was able to get past his bathroom mirror, and return to the shelter to help out the animals. He wouldn't have done it without Sean, who grew to be very annoying but possibly more helpful than Michelle or his mother had been. If he was being honest, he would admit that this was not much to his dismay (but of course, Tucker the idiot acted like it was).

    He could still remember the loud knocking - or rather, banging - at his door so early in the morning and more so, the even louder yelling from his friend. "Tucker Knowles you get up this instant! I am sick and tired of you ignoring my calls and texts - what if I needed you? What if the animals needed you?! Don't you dare play the I'm sleeping card on me. I heard you plucking guitar strings just a moment ago. Stop sulking and open this door right now and let me in or I'm going to break this door down and rape you."

    The cherry haired teen opened the door angrily. He still remembered his friend's shocked expression on how he looked, it wasn't just the angry expression he usually never had on his face. It was how his eyes were a bit puffy, as if he had been crying and hadn't slept. How his hair was unkept, his lips dry and his clothes wrinkled. His voice was hoarse when he spoke as well, "Wrong. Choice. Of. Words." his tone however, probably terrified him. It was almost threatening. Tucker released a little grunt before shaking his head a bit, "And quite your yapping, you're going to wake the neighbors."

    After letting his friend in, it went a little rollercoaster-ish then. Sean forced Tucker to take a shower, get dressed properly (specifically in the shirt Sean gave him for Christmas) and go to the animal shelter to have breakfast with him. It wasn't nice, well, not to him at least but he followed - not wanting Sean to get any more aggressive than he was. Sadly, during the time he got ready in the bathroom, Sean - being the annoying boy he was - attempted to fix some of Tucker's things in the living room, finding something that alarmed him. Papers with notes in Tucker's handwriting (they were notes on his Skype-therapy session Michelle asked him to write down since she couldn't make notes for him, plus she believed it would help him out) and this lead to another argument between the two friends, quite the heated one - but it ended well, mostly since unlike what happened with Maria, he didn't actually have to talk much about it since Sean was being a total snoop and read most of it for himself. They went to the animal shelter, ate breakfast, but it was mostly silent which really annoyed Tucker even more. He felt like Sean suddenly treated him differently, out of pity - which he hated. But that brings the story to where it was now, the two friends left it there. There was a silent goodbye, the obvious expressions painted on their faces and the pedaling of a bike.

    With a visible breath in the cold winter air, Tucker parked his bike by the school parking lot, locking it into place. He stuffed his shaking hands in his pockets after pulling his warm blazer more tightly against his body, then began walking. He wondered if anyone was out in the school this early and what would his reappearance for rehearsals make of the cast and crew. Before he could even begin to think about the blonde girl who preoccupied about half of his sulking, she seemed to appear on cue in the distance. He blinked his chestnut eyes together. Was it really her? She was dressed rather differently from normal, wearing worn out jeans and wrapped in a knitted top - but nonetheless, it was her. Seeing her was not at all much to his dismay. He really did kind of miss her. He didn't respond to that last text message of hers, it seemed like she didn't want to talk to him - even though he wanted to. Plus, after this incident with Sean - he felt like he could trust her even more for some odd reason.

    He licked his upper lip nervously. He'd have to face her sometime right? He began to walk more briskly towards her, in silence while he was still far away. Finally closing the distance between them to about twenty more steps, he cleared his throat before calling out to her, "Maria!" he waved slightly, giving her a small smile to be polite. He jogged up to her, stuffing his hands back into his pocket. He quickly tried to find words to tell her, but his mind kind of went a little funny so he ended up with a pretty lame, "U-um, morning… how've you been?"
    Post by: Dinny, Jun 29, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Dinny
    Tucker had seen Maria limp out of the auditorium quickly. She hund her head low and walked straight out without a word. He hung his head low too as was slumped in his seat but he watched her go. He didn't recognize her the entire time from where he sat (in his defense, she was wearing a hat and he was a couple seats behind her). He wanted to follow her out and ask if she was alright, but she was out so quickly (okay, that was a lie) and he felt this air of awkwardness at the thought of talking to her (truth!). He sighed as he sat up properly. Suddenly, his phone buzzed in his pocket. The long vibrations in his pocket signified that this was no mere text but rather, a call. He reached down for it and peeked at who was calling - Sean. He could already picture the call happening.

    Sean would say something like "It's my mission to cheer you up!" or "Get yourself together! We're going to my place for video games and pizza!" and he knew if he said yes that it would be Sean's first step to uncovering what bothered him - or at least, that's what Sean would think. He stuffed it back the phone back into his pocket and ignored the buzzing. He then left the auditorium a while after everyone else had gone.

    He pulled the hood of his coat on as he walked out into the parking lot, hopped into his car oblivious of his surroundings and made his way home. Once he was home, he stripped off his clothing and took a quick, warm shower. He then walked over to his bed, glancing momentarily at his bed side table where his phone lay. He bit his lip nervously as he gambled on his decisions of what to do. Giving into his quilt, he reached forward and sends a text message before he battled the night and his inability to sleep peacefully.

    To: Maria
    Hey, sorry I haven't been... talking.
    I saw you leave the auditorium a
    while ago and um, I saw you, uh,
    well, are you alright?

    Elisa sat up and glanced at the sleeping form on her couch. Ryder had placed a movie on and she simply pretended to sleep. Luckily he had fallen asleep not long after. Her tired blue eyes stared blankly at him, watching his motionless body. If she didn't notice his breathing, she would have sworn he was de- she felt an unpleasant jolt in her stomach and she quickly pushed herself off from the bed. She scampered towards her bathroom, slamming her hand on the light switch and stumbling forward. She hung her head over the toilet and puked.

    She hated vomiting but she couldn't help it. She just felt so awful again, plus, Ryder forced her to eat all that food. It was just so awful and so depressing and she couldn't take it. She flushed the toilet once she was done and went over to the sink to wash her mouth and brush her teeth a couple times. It was so repulsive.

    Once done, she walked back towards her bed, closing the lights of the bathroom. She stood before her bed, looking at Ryder for a moment. With him being alive in her mind, he looked really tired. God, what was she doing to him? She had clung onto him so desperately that it probably drained the boy completely and what did she do about it? Nothing. She just clinged on more. She was being absolutely selfish and childish and stupid. She wish she could do something else but every time she gets pulled into such a dark place she just broke - and Ryder always seemed to be there to fix things.

    She grabbed a blanket on her bed, throwing it gently over Ryder's sleeping form. She was tempted to sit on his lap and snuggle into him and sleep there instead but she couldn't find herself doing that, with her self-pitying thoughts occupying her mind. She climbed back onto her bed after and sneaked a peak on her phone. Earlier, she had received a message from Bryan. Bryan Chambers. The love of her life (well, for at least two years of her life - which is the record anyway). However, her heart didn't seem to skip a beat - it was probably too tired from just focusing on beating and not dropping dead. She looked back at it, opening the message and reading it over in the darkness. It did give her some comfort now. He seemed concerned. Worried. It kind of made her stomach jolt again - but in a pleasant way.

    She glanced back at Ryder. Maybe she should give Ryder some time to be alone. Maybe she had to stay away from him a bit... she looked back at her phone and finally typed up a response,

    To: Bryan
    Thank you, thanks so much Bryan. Things aren't
    anywhere near great... Um, sorry I'm such a
    downer, it's just hard now and yeah um I would
    love to hang out though. I promise I'll try not
    to cry too hard haha

    She sent it immediately, half of her wishing she hadn't. It was pretty impulsive but it was already too late. the message sent successfully and all she could do was lie back down, and have some more nightmares.
    Post by: Dinny, Jun 24, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Dinny
    Internet is now stable but Senior Year has begun and I'm like a super determined mega dork so I don't know how often I can be online because of that. I've got a lot on my plate this year (insert long list here) and I'm prioritizing school above all else. I'm going to try my best to keep up with my post deadline and end my days and such because I do not want to quit this RP because it is like my favourite one I swear \cries\

    Just another heads up lol ilu + imu u A u
    Post by: Dinny, Jun 24, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Dinny

    "I want all of you gone by the morning."

    She let out a deep sigh as Artan's father exited the room. She felt her body wobble, feeling like it had turned to gelatin or jellyfish (luckily, it hadn't done that... yet, and hopefully not any time soon). She was loosing her grip on the weapon she just attained. With a couple of rapid blinking, she gripped the handle of her hand-cannon tightly. Her lanky limbs reached forward, scampering over to one of the wooden chairs in the room they were now in. She collapsed on it, hanging her head back and shutting her eyes. She drops the large weapon on the floor beside her. She was so tired.

    Her always-alert bunny ears twitched as it picked up on the depression sobbing of a woman from upstairs. Celeste pressed her lips together, her eyebrows furrowing as an even more depressing thought entered her mind. What happened to Artan? Had he died in the chase? People have surely died. Who died again earlier? Those three girls was it? Being shot? Yup. Yup that's how it happened. It just want bang. Bang. BANG.

    The exhausted shape shifter bent over as her forehead rested on her knees. Her hands were on her pearl-white bunny ears, folding them to lay flato n her head frustratingly, as if trying to block out the reality of what was happening. Gosh, what was she even thinking? Why did she make herself remember all that awful, morbid event? She felt like bursting into tears and probably vomiting too. Everything was just so wrong. She just wanted to escape. She wanted to go back home. She wanted everything to be alright, but no, that wasn't an option. That wasn't going to be one for a while because apparently, they were criminals now. Stepping out of this safe house (though they weren't so welcomed) could mean stepping into their deathbeds. That was right. She was going to die wasn't she? She was going to die. Just like that. It would go bang. Bang. BANG. Then she'd be dead.

    Small whimpers escaped her as she remained hunched forward. Tears weren't flowing out of her eyes even though she felt like breaking down. She just wanted to know what's going on, but asking that would be pointless - none of them knew what was going on. Nothing more than what they already knew, at least. It was the wrong question.

    Slowly, she releases the grip she had over her bunny ears, until she was hovering her shaking hands above them. She slowly sat up and while her lip trembled she looked at her other classmates and school mates, "What's going to become of us once we step outside?"
    Post by: Dinny, Jun 24, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Dinny
  11. Dinny

    She sobbed into his shoulder, shaking terribly and making the most horrid noises as he stoked her hair. She was probably a brat wasn't she? Being so indifferent and just broken and helpless. It was probably really pathetic how much she clung onto Ryder and honestly she didn't even know why. She was just feeling so lost and depressed and broken. She didn't exactly know if she wanted to be alone or not because being alone or with someone was no different. She didn't ignore the sadness, rather, she couldn't. It was like the depression had a death grip on her. Gripping her so tightly she was about to explode inside and spill all her guts onto the ground and tainting the white snow with red. It squeezed the tears out of her eyes constantly and caused the familiar loss of her apetite.

    "Elisa, you have to--we have to go inside. You have to face everyone eventually. They're all probably hurting as well. And the rehearsal is mandatory. Whatever is going on inside is probably important."

    He was right, but she didn't want him to be and with a sudden pull towards the door and a stern "Come on,", they entered the theatre. Oh how she didn't want to be there. She stared down at her black shoes as she followed after Ryder, feeling the warmth of his hand squeezing her own - but it wasn't exactly comforting. Nothing was.

    She almost bumped into Ryder as they came to a stop, and her tearful eyes studied the ground before her: three pairs of shoes, three shadows. Her vision was blurred but she could tell the new pair of shoes and jeans belonged to a man's and she had a small hunch on who it was.

    "Elisa, Ri--er, uh Ryder, thanks for joining us."

    She was right. She couldn't mistake that voice. He had almost said his name, which caused her to bite down hard on her trembling lower lip. She couldn't look up at Erik. She noticed Ryder take a seat and so she sat down next to him, still keeping her head low and eyes locked onto the ground. Erik was still close by but she just couldn't greet him or acknowledge his presence. She suddenly remembered the night before the incident, when Erik and Bryan brought her and Richie up to a room. She remembers Erik carrying her all the way and being very gentle and kind to her (although not kind enough because he left without cuddles) but then she began to remember that Richie had gone in her bed and snuggled with her for a while.

    Five minutes. Five minutes that she later complained about and even got pissed off at because they didn't cuddle long enough. God she felt like her insides were going to burst. The last thought of her with her best friend was one of anger. She must have been such a horrible person. Her heart began to ache and her stomach turned and grumbled. It was like her organs were getting mad at her too. Her hands balled into fists that were digging onto her thighs. She could feel her nails piercing the skin on her palms. Her vision had gone even worse and she knew she was crying again. She bit down at her lip harder, so hard it turned white. Oh the things she would do to take those five minutes back.
    Post by: Dinny, Jun 22, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Dinny
    School started = less activity but hey I had the most WONDERful last day of summer

    oh and i chopped my hair off the other night
    Post by: Dinny, Jun 22, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  13. Dinny

    The warm waters trickled down her skin as she slowly turned to nob of the shower for it to close. That's when the water went drip drop drip drop from the tips of her fingers and the strands of her hair. Her blank, blue eyes lost their sparkle and with it came the emptiness of her mind. She felt hallow inside. She felt dead. She knew her heart was beating and that her chest would rise every time she took a breath but other than that it was meaningless. Everything suddenly felt so meaningless.

    Moving, breathing, drinking, sleeping, walking, bathing, interacting - it all felt so programmed. She felt like everything she was doing now, had to be done because people told her to. Slipping into her undergarments - even that felt like a task. She didn't bother to brush out her short hair or apply any make up, she exits her bathroom in her floral undergarments. The only thing that really ever seemed much use in her life lately was crying. Her eyes hurt so much from it and she felt more dehydrated than ever, but that's pretty much all she's been doing lately. She had not been eating at all again and she hasn't even touched her computer. Crying. It's all that she could do.

    Elisa wandered out of her room and towards her closet, mindlessly reaching for a sweater and tights to wear. She dropped them on the edge of her bed and looked over her desk for a moment, eyeing at her phone. She had received a text earlier from Erik - but it's been taking her a while to get ready. Ryder was probably already outside, in her living room, speaking with her mother. Before she could even respond to Erik about not going, Ryder had texted that he'd take her to rehearsals. He probably got the text through Richie-

    Her teeth found her way to her bottom lip and bit down at it furiously. Her eyes began to stung again. Every time the name entered her mind she just couldn't take it. She felt like her insides were going inside out. Her hands balled into fists as her eyes traveled towards a photograph lying on the floor.


    It was her favorite photo of her and Ri- her best friend. She usually had it by her bed side table, but she threw a fit last night. Crying and sobbing and thrashing things around. The photograph ended up crashing on the floor, slipping out of its picture frame. It made her sob even harder last night. She curled up beside it and sobbed until she could barely breathe that she quite literally passed out beside it. It was horrible. She felt like falling into that abyss once again, but no. Ryder was already outside and she had to leave. She was desperately clinging onto her best friend's twin brother and honestly, she didn't know she would have ever gotten through anything without him.

    Blinking the tears out of her eyes, she quickly jumps into the large sweater and pulls the tights over her skinny legs. She slipped into boots and she was out of her room in a flash, not wanting to look back at anything. She quickly walks down the stairs, tears still n her eyes. She passes through the living room quickly, already heading for the door. Her tone was matter-of-fact and ignorant, "I'm not hungry. Have to leave now, bye mom. Let's go Ryder."

    She crossed her arms over her chest as she braved the cold to get into Ryder's car. She quickly hops into it shotgun and slams the door indifferently, waiting for Ryder to hop in next to her. As they drove to the school, she sat in her seat quietly, breathing deeply - obviously trying her hardest not to begin sobbing. Her breathing was shaky and tears kept falling from her eyes silently. She ignored most conversations, except from the casual 'yes' and 'no' answers.

    Once they made it to the school, she still didn't talk. Ryder didn't leave her, which she was silently grateful for. As she stood in front of the large doors, obviously very late to the rehearsal call, she found herself unable to enter. She felt her lip tremble as her hand touched the cold metal door handle. She pressed them together tightly only to separate them soon after in a shaky breath. Tears welled up in her eyes again, already rolling down her cheeks. She shook her head and closed her eyes tight, as she gripped the door handle tightly. Whimpering escaped her before words finally came out of her chapped lips, "I-I c-can't do it…! I don't want to go!" the tone in her voice was no longer blunt and indifferent. It was shaking and pitchy. It was broken.
    Post by: Dinny, Jun 21, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Dinny

    The petite bluenette strutted over to the chalkboard, not amused by whatever their gym teacher was up to. She just wanted to get started. She snaked through the crowd of students until she was up by the board. Lifting her finger to guide her, she scrolled through the list bottom to top.

    Team 5 Lance

    Team 5 Frida

    A small sigh of relief escapes her. Honestly, she was kind of terrified to get some kind of wimpy, pathetic partner she had to take care of - or worse, a non-power user. However, this name was rather familiar. There weren't many robotic students in her gym class after all - or at least, none that she bothered to know about. Really, T-classmen didn't exactly impress her. Other than their weaponry, they didn't exactly have powers. Most of them at least. They were kind of like the N-classes, except they had some techno-jazz somewhere in their system. Rip off their bionic arm, or strip them from their super suit or whatever and they're just pathetic non-power users. That was most of them but definitely not all. Such as this Lance person (well, person-ish). Unlike most of them, she's heard that this guy is pretty much a robot and that's all he is. Taking away his "suit" wasn't an option because his suit was him. It was all he had left. Now, that was cool. That was power.

    She smirked. Of course, she was far better and stood much more a chance than her partner but she was glad she didn't get some wimp. This was it. This was her chance to redeem herself from yesterday. It was her time and Rendium wasn't even going to stop her. She figured that it would give her a challenge but it shouldn't be too awful. Since her powers were genetically enhanced/mutated, that meant her genes and cells and really her entire body, that meant she would be affected quite differently. It wouldn't just stop her powers but it would also weaken her, but Frida brushed that aside with a confident smile. She was strong, agile and kick-butt. Weakening her wouldn't stop her from completing the course at all!

    Her eyebrows furrowed together suddenly. How would it affect her partner though? Lance the Robot-guy? Would he just stop functioning completely or what? Wow, that would be horrid. That would be no good. She pouted. Nope, no good at all. Maybe it was best to just ask.

    She pushed aside (quite roughly) the students that were in her way as she searched for her partner. She found him soon enough, through the crowd of other freaky looking and normal looking students. She tiptoed and shoved his shoulder, thinking that just tapping it would be no good at all. "Hey!" she called from where she stood as she flattened the souls of her rubber shoes on the flat surface. Her rose colored eyes danced around his various features before she looked up at him and avoided beating around the bush, "How does Rendium affect you?"
    Post by: Dinny, Jun 21, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Dinny

    "Tucker you have to speak up soon."
    "Sean, I don't get what you mean. I've been talking all this time. Isn't that right boy? Isn't that right? Yes that is! Good boy, Bugsy! Good boy!" in his hands was the head of a happy Retriever. Its vibrant, golden fur was warm against his large hands. Its wagging tail, joyful eyes and hanging tongue made the cherry haired twenty-three year old smile.
    On the other hand, his scrawny friend released another grunt. He shook his head and closed his tired eyes, as he leaned back onto the wall with his hands crossed over his chest. He opened his eyes once again, watching his smiling friend who was kneeling on the ground, surrounded by happy animals. Sean, however, looked at him with deep concern, "You know what I mean. Tucker, I'm worried. I know Michelle isn't around and you're not cool with talking and stuff but I've all you got right now! I'm no therapist, but I'm a friend. Come on man, please!"
    His chestnut eyes glanced away from the cheerful animal in front of him, as he stroked the fur on the top of its head. His smile disappears for a moment, as he listened to what his friend was trying to say to him. He understood completely of course, what Sean meant but he knew he couldn't face it. He was too lost about everything. He pretty much really didn't know what to do and he felt content on not knowing and not doing anything about it. He felt like it would be better and safer to not acknowledge anything. Just go back to before, it's gotten him through the past eight years, right? Smile and forget.
    He got up on his feet, smiling back at his friend and closing his eyes in a cheerful manner. Bugsy, the golden retriever, circled around Tucker before going off to play with the other dogs. "Buddy, I think we're not in the right page then cause I have no idea what you're going on about." he laughs before adding quickly, "Oh! Have you bought a new batch of food for the animals!"
    With another frustrated growl, Sean straightened up from the wall and took a step towards his friend. He stood at around the same height as him, and his angry eyes met Tucker's. "Stop changing the subject!" his tone was very stern and incredibly I-am-tired-of-your-crap, "You're the one who bought a bunch of new supplies and food for the entire shelter yesterday! Tucker, just talk to me! You're scaring me. I find the shop opened in the morning after Christmas and I find you in the cages with the dogs and the cats, balled up in the corner looking like you've just committed-"
    Tucker's eyes had fallen to the side again, and his smile had disappeared. His friend obviously chose the wrong choice of words. He was already at a loss with the whole Maria thing but then when he walked into that kitchen and witnessed all that… death he just didn't know. He didn't know at all. He was upstairs the whole time and everything just unfolded without him knowing. Like, what if he was able to do something? What if he could have saved them?
    Sean sighed frustratedly, "I'm sorry. Look, Tuck, you're just- I just. I'm worried. I know what happened is completely horrible but you can't ignore it and just smile and hide it. You can't just pile yourself up with work and keep yourself busy for two days to distract yourself from what happened. It might be good for the animals to get all this affection but you need some attention too. It's okay to grieve and be sad. You're not alone."
    The cherry haired man looked up at his friend. He sighed himself and smiled a bit, placing a hand on his shoulder, "I know and I'm sorry but, thank you." Before any of them could utter another word, a small tune came from Tucker's pocket. A message? He pulled away from his friend and dug into his pocket, pulling out his mobile phone.
    Message From: Erik
    URGENT! Mandatory
    rehearsal. EVERYONE
    must be present!!
    Tucker gulped. That would mean he had to face everyone. He didn't know if he was ready, but it seemed really urgent. Plus, he did have to face them eventually for others shows. Well, he could avoid it by keeping himself coped in the sound booth but that was kind of unrealistic. He had to face them soon and having Erik call them all together?
    He glanced up at Sean. Maybe he was right. Maybe he had to stop ignoring it. He pressed his lips together, thinking about it for a moment. "I have to go."
    Sean glanced at the phone in his friend's hand, noticing the message that was opened on the screen. He nodded, patting his friend on the shoulder, "Alright. If you need anything just call. You've done more than enough for the shelter these past two days." he added jokingly with a smile.
    Tucker chuckled as well, before grabbing his thick coat on the counter and heading outside and getting into his car. He drives carefully to school.
    ✌ ------------------------------------
    It took him a while to actually enter the auditorium. He watched a man he didn't really recognize, but seemed rather familiar, from a distance entering before him - in a rather clumsy manner - but he couldn't exactly follow suit. (definitely not in the same way that's for sure). He stood outside in the cold for a moment, embracing himself and cozing up inside his large coat. He still felt unprepared. For what exactly? He really didn't know. Perhaps everything, actually. He was never good at facing reality. He would rather just keep running. It was something he was good at.
    No later, he entered the theatre. Not wanting anyone to catch him hovering his hand over the metal door handles. He walked in silently, hands deep into his pockets. He saw Erik sitting on stage, giving him a small wave and the guy who walked in before him looking happy. He took a seat a couple rows away from everyone, but nothing too far away, still not really knowing what to do. He'll face reality at his own pace. Besides, what's the Sound Guy to do mingling with everyone anyway?
    Post by: Dinny, Jun 21, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Dinny
    I'm posting for a bit today because my stepdad is a saint and let my borrow the wifi for the car and it's plugged into my room now but I probably only have it for tonight. I also will be busy the entire weekend due to events I need to attend and I will be starting school on Monday (sunday night for you guys) so I'll only be able to post after classes however, not sure if I'll have internet by then. Hopefully I will but just a head's up if ever!
    Post by: Dinny, Jun 14, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Dinny

    "Hey Elisa! How did you slee-"

    Suddenly, everything before her was red. The pancakes, the eggs, the white plates, her lavender sweater and her bare skin - all tainted with red. But what was it? She had an idea, but she didn't even want to think about it. Her eyes widened as her lips remained in a line. She could feel her fingers, also tainted with blood, shaking as she held her breath and slowly turned to her best friend beside her.

    Richie was bent over, coughing madly and holding his abdomen. The blood came from him, it was pouring out of his mouth and all she did was watch in silence as it unfolded. He then fell over, curling into a ball, still coughing madly. She was still holding her breath as her shaking hands grabbed the edges of her chair pushing back at it, as if trying to escape from this nightmare. She felt sick in her stomach, not because of all the blood - but because she was watching her friend - no, her best friend curl up and vomit blood and hurt and weep and all she could do was watch in horror. She felt tears beginning to well in her eyes. No. What. What was going on? She didn't take her eyes off of her best friend, but she knew other people were falling over as well.

    That's when Richie's eyes had met hers. They were... bittersweet, as if something beautiful was going on in the boy's mind even though everything was quite literally blood hell around him. Her mouth separated as the tears that collected in her eyes started rolling down her cheeks. She inhaled a very shaky breath as she pushed herself off of the chair and kneeled beside Richie, her bare knees tainted with his blood. His vivid green eyes began to flutter to a close, loosing all signs of life. "No..." she muttered, reaching out to him. Her finger tips hovering over his cheeks. ", rich... babe, come on..." each word being separated by sobs. She cupped his face in her hands, tilting his head up as if she was waiting for him to open his eyes and start smiling his beautiful smile again.

    This was not happening. This had to be a joke. Some sort of prank. Her best friend was not dead. Sophie had creeped up next to her, examining Richie. Her tearful blue eyes looked up at the owner of the house. She couldn't even think. Her mind was going crazy. What was happening? She didn't know. What would become of them? She didn't know? What happened to Richie? Was he dead? Was this a prank? Would Richie be okay? Had her best friend just been taken away from her? WHAT WAS HAPPENING.

    Richie was not responsive to her, and Sophie had left. Her shaking hands slowly let go of the boy as she finally began to look around the room. There were others. Yup. All dead. Lots of blood. Motionless. Lifeless. Gone. She bit her lip. No. This wasn't happening! No! This wasn't happening! This wasn't happening! This wasn't happening!!! She pushed herself away from Richie, unable to look at him any longer as she let out sobs and a frightful scream. She pressed her bloodied fingers onto her eyes, trying to blind herself of such nightmares - but they were already haunting her mind: Richie was dead. He had just died right in front of him. Richie. Her best friend in the whole entire universe. The one who taught her to dream a little bigger and live life to its fullest. Now, he was gone.

    "What's going.........on?"

    She recognized the voice immediately, snapping her head up as she saw Richie's twin come over. He ran over to his brother and began violently shaking him, which only caused Elisa to sob even harder. She couldn't even look at Ryder crying out for his twin, wanting a response as much as she did.

    "What-What the hell happened?"

    The turquoise haired teen finally snapped her head up, looking up at Ryder. He was on the floor much like she was, stumbled back out of horror. Another sob escaped her as she pushed herself off of the floor and leaped towards him. "R-Ryder...!" she wrapped her arms around him, clinging onto him for her life, sobbing into his shoulder. They were never too close, since Richie wasn't close to his twin much either. They fought sometimes and Elisa didn't like getting into conflict but she always tried to be polite to him. Now, she just didn't care. She didn't care that she desperately embraced him. She felt more alone than she had ever felt in her entire life. She just wanted Richie back. She wanted him back now and she wished this was all just a nightmare she'd wake up from and she'd find Richie in another room, snuggling with some hot guy.

    She hugged her best friend's twin tightly, her sobbing not coming to any sort of stop. She could barely make out that authorities had arrived but she didn't really care. She just wanted Richie. She wished that the body pressed onto hers wasn't his twin but himself - but she couldn't even look at Richie. Not now, probably, not for a while.


    He stood there for a moment. not really knowing what to do. He got up to his feet, with his back turned to Maria. No. He couldn't just leave but really what could he do now? it was late but he didn't exactly have plans. Yet he felt this need to be up and out of bed. He glanced back at the sleeping lady behind him before turning his back to her again. God, he was so not good at this... Whatever this was.

    A soft greeting caused him to jump slightly and he turned back at see Maria awake. He gave her a short smile as she spoke again, "Yeah, good morning."

    Okay. See? That wasn't so bad! Maybe he should just let things happen and maybe things wouldn't be so hard. God, this was weird. Havin someone else know about his past - other than Michelle and his family. Hell, even Sean didn't know about it. Yet this girl, who seemed to have a particular liking to him, knew everything of it. He really didn't know how to handle this sort of thing...

    Her voice made him jump again slightly. He looked up to see her throw the covers off of her body revealing her bare legs, barely covered by her dress. His eyes widened and his cheeks started to burn, he quickly turned his back to her again as he scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. Before he could even put a thought to what just occurred, there were a couple footsteps and she was right by his side. She stood directly in front of him and her hand reached up to touch his skin, muttering options to start their day.

    Tucker pressed his lips together tightly. His heart began to beat faster and he could feel his cheeks still burning up slightly. Maria was so close again. Her fingers hovered above his collarbones under his thick sweater, with the tips of her fingers caressing his bare skin over the collar of his sweater. His eyes were fixed on the floor to his side again. He couldn't look at her. What was she even doing?? Did she forget all about last night or something? Did she Still not understand what certain boundaries he had for himself. 'Okay. Okay. Don't freak out. This actually isn't anything. You're just freaking out Tuck. Oh that was redundant. Wait. You have to respond. Her question!! but wait. Now what? Um. Um. Tucker, think!'

    Her voice came again, now meeting his confused chestnut eyes. He glanced into them for a second before he reverted his gaze again, this time to the window. "Um... Let's uh..." He began, his tone was kind of shaky. Well if they stayed that meant it would just be the two of them and he would still be freaking out and feeling weird like he was now. The people awake, he knew there were because they were so noisy - it kind of sounded like a riot, but he ignored it plus the kids could be a really great distraction and maybe he wouldn't have to worry about Maria for a while... But then he'd be running away again. He looked down at her finally, grabbing her hand and holding it in his as he pulled it away from his chest. "Um, let's join the others for breakfast!" He said quickly and added a cheeky grin. He looked down at her, noticing she didn't have shoes on. He cleared his throat and let go of her hand, " Well I'll leave you to get ready. I'll go ahead and um... Yeah." He smiled and gave her a pat on the shoulder... Not really knowing why he did. It was kind of childish. Like how he treated kids in camp but really he just didn't know what to do. With that he headed for the door and closed it behind him before she could stop him.

    A sigh of relief escapes him as he began to walk down the hall, he reached into his phone again and began to type a text,

    To: Michelle
    I've told her. Everything. God, I don't
    Know what to do and how I'm feeling
    Right now. It's so weird. Can we
    Meet up soon? Thanks.

    He stuffed it back in his pocket and stepped down to the first floor. The kids were always a great distraction from anything he was scared of dealing with. He sniffed the morning air for the scent of breakfast in his attempt to find the kitchen - but then horrible noises began to echo through the walls.

    Completely alerted, Tucker began to run towards the noise. When he turned to the dining area he had to catch his breath and clasp his hand over his mouth to not vomit. There was blood everywhere and dead bodies on the ground. Before he could speak - even though he didnt exactly plan to, police officers came in. They passed him completely and went straight to the children. One man walked over to Sophie, having a chat with her. His chestnut eyes darted across the room. Maybe he should have stayed with Maria after all...

    "What happened?" Came a voice not from his head. It was a police officer from behind him. Tucker turned to face him. He was upstairs! How should he know! He would like to know the exact same thing!! He felt like a failure suddenly. He was probably one of the few adults who stayed... Guilt began to build up inside of him. This was just too much for him. Hadn't he been through enough? He couldn't even think anymore. He looked down at the ground, shaking his head and swallowing nervously before breathing out, "I have no idea..."
    Post by: Dinny, Jun 14, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Dinny

    Elisa woke with a start. Like someone had just turned the on button. There wasn't any time for a yawn, a couple stretches or the fluttering of eyelashes. There was only time for run-and-don't-vomit-on-the-floor (one word, hyphenated). The turquoise teen had her hand over her lips as she tossed the covers, leaped off of the bed, ran out the door and opened another (thank goth it was the bathroom!), slammed it behind her and ducked to the toilet where she finally released all that toxic from her body.

    Jeepers, it was so gross! She hated vomiting. It was the vile of the earth that stopped her from going into bulimia (but put her into anorexia, back then). Thinking about it only made her vomit more which was so awful. Gross. Gross. Gross.

    What did she have anyway last night? Two or three glasses? Man, she really was low-tol. Wiping her lips with the back of her hand, she stood up and flushed out all the repulsiveness. She wasn't even looking or breathing anymore. She just shut her eyes tight and held her breath as she groped for the sink. Once she got her hands on it, she turned the faucet on and washed her hands. She ducked forward and started to wash her mouth with water. As her hands and lips and the toilet were all clear. She opened her eyes to look at the mirror and breathed again.

    It made her gag and she reached for the mouthwash on the counter and gargled four times. With a sigh of relief and her breath smelling minty fresh she placed her attention to her reflection. That was gross too.

    Elisa tried her best to smoothen out her hair, which didn't do so well. She also pulled down at her sweater, realizing that it rose up again, revealing her floral undies and flat stomach. She put her hood on, with the kitten ears popping up but mostly to conceal her horrid, messed up locks. Finally satisfied, she made her way back to the room (luckily now, she had the sense of actually remembering it was).

    The empty room greeted her. Two beds, one girl, no Richie. She sighed and walked over to her side where she found her boots and put it on, finally. She saw her dress on the floor, and grabbed it, folding it up neatly. She changed last night? Wow, she didn't even remember. She put the folded dress into the large pocket on her sweater and then headed out again.

    She had been hearing noise from down stairs since she was at the bathroom. Maybe that's where Richie was. She followed the noise, then she followed the scent of delicious breakfast food until she found herself amongst many other teens. She smiled and then and waved, slipping in a soft "hello." before taking an empty seat beside Richie. "Good morning, Rich." she said to him sleepily and planted a quick kiss on his cheek, then filled her plate with a bit of egg and a small pancake.
    Post by: Dinny, Jun 12, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Dinny
    CLOTHESMOOD» SHOCKED TUNESLOCATION » SOPHIE'S HOME (2nd FLOOR ROOM) OOC: just got home about to pass out will post as elisa tom gomen

    Sudden cold bit at the skin on his lower back. It caused a shiver to run down the red head's spine as his mind traveled from dreams into reality. The sunlight from outside didn't even tempt the young man to open his eyes - which still felt like they weighed tons. He still felt really drained and tired yet the cold was just there to wake him up! Was he really awake? Or was it just going to be the pull-covers-over-self-again then sleep for another hour or two?

    A small groan escapes him as he scooted away from the cold and tucked himself back into the covers. He flopped his right arm back down at the form next to him, hugging it again tightly. Warmth. There we go… much better. He kept his eyes closed and went back to his steady and shallow breathing. He felt incredibly at peace at the moment, which he wasn't so used to lately. It was probably because the play was finally over (which was also very sad) and that meant he could relax more. Also, that he got to spend lots of time with animals in the shelter that Christmas day. Oh! It was probably because he was just so drained out from everything he spilled last night to Maria! Yeah that seemed like the most logical reason. Finally got those demons out of his mind. Let them get some fresh winter air before coming back into his- 'WAIT. MARIA. '

    Suddenly, he began to notice the way his arm would slightly shift forward every couple of seconds and how it felt a little warmer in some places, like over his shoulders, by his neck and the back of his head. Also the steady breathing by his forehead. His fingertips were hovering over something lightly, coming into contact as his arm would shift - in sync. He pressed against it gently. Breathing. That's what caused his arm to shift. And wait! He caught something between his fingers, twirling them slightly he realized it was some locks of hair. After that realization, he quickly pieced it together. Last night. Secrets. Maria. Drained. Bed. It only meant one thing - cuddles.

    His eyes immediately opened and everything he imagined was confirmed. He felt his breathing halt and his cheeks burn up. Under the covers, Tucker had scooted closer to Maria. His right bicep rested by her side as his forearm curled up and his palm rested by her shoulder, trapped within some of her golden locks. Her arms were wrapped around him, with her hands caressing the sides of his face. Her head rested by his, with her lips hovering over his forehead. It was like she was cradling him. When did this happen? He recalled sleeping soundly next to her - but not at all this close! His lips pressed together tightly as his cheeks really, really burned. He felt his body tense up and squirm a bit as his chestnut eyes traveled up to look up at her. He honestly did not expect any of this, in fact, as he remembered he slept next to her, he thought he'd wake up alone and she would have gotten up already. Tucker wasn't exactly one to wake up early unless he needed to - but then again, Maria did have a big night. She must have been tired too.

    He gulped nervously. Okay. This was actually a little nice and all, he had to admit, but this was just too awkward for him. Nope. Nope! Even though his mind kind of liked the comforting affection, his body couldn't handle it. He pulled his arm back to his side slowly, and carefully pulled himself out of her grasp. He froze completely when the girl shifted. 'Don't wake up. Don't wake up. Don't wake up.' He watched her until he thought she went motionless again before finally detangling himself from her. He carefully slid away from her as he pulled the covers off of himself. He swung his legs over the edge of the bed and twisted to look back at her for a moment, before he turned back and sighed out deeply.

    What now? No, really. What now? He pretty much told her everything that he never wanted anyone to find out. What did that make her now? What was going to be of the two? He groaned again, not knowing the answer to his questions. The man bent down, and started slipping his boots back on. Man, it must have been late. He sat up straightly once again, pulling his phone out from his pocket. He quickly checked for messages, which were 2 unread messages from his mother and from Sean, but ignored them for now and checked the time. Woooooow. It was late. Almost eleven. He let out a sigh and looked back at the girl who lay in the bed. Should he… wake her up?
    Post by: Dinny, Jun 12, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Dinny

    She had given up with a huff after opening to three empty rooms in the second floor. She crossed her arms over her chest and marched downstairs. Why couldn't she find Richie? She didn't know but she really wanted him right now. She just wanted to cuddle up and sleep. She wore a pout the whole time, as she made her way to the kitchen. Her throat was also burning and she desired some water.

    She opened a cabinet- seems like the lady of luck was finally at her side! Glasses were there and she picked one and then opened the fridge and helped herself with some water. Closing it and placing the pitcher back inside she slid down against one of the counters, sitting on the floor. She kept her knees close to her chest and kept her legs together to hide her floral panties.

    She took a sip from her water. It felt very refreshing, but at the same time she felt really lonely. All she wanted for the entire night was someone to cuddle. Well actually, she would very much like cuddling all the time - when she was intoxicated she knew she could get away with it. Sure, she had a low tolerance and could get very tipsy and affectionate real quickly. Sometimes she would just drink a bit or at least holding a drink and pretend to be tipsy so she could cuddle. God, that sounded awful but it was true. She loved cuddling. Richie got off with getting down and dirty but she just wanted someone to hold her.

    She wanted someone right now. She really wanted to cuddle. Richie didn't count at the moment because she was kind of upset with him (though she was sure she would forget almost immediately tomorrow... or rather, later today) and they only cuddles for five minutes. She gulped the last bit of her water, then reached up to place the glass on the counter. She was too lazy to actually get up and place it properly which wasn't too great.

    Suddenly a hand grabbed the glass from her and properly place it on the counter. The teen looked up to see the Butler guy. Did he think she was drinking agin? Uh-oh. "It's just wa-"

    "Come with me. I will escort you back to your room."

    She blinked. Was he psychic? Oh she sure hoped he was. She took his hand that was reached out and got up with his help. She smoothed out the bottom of her sweater and followed him back up the stairs. 'I want someone to cuddle. I really really do Mr. Butler guy. Maybe Bryan Chambers. The cute one with brown hair. I want a cuddle buddy.'

    Before she knew it, the door closed behind her and he was gone. Guess he wasn't psychic. Elisa sighed and pouted, it was worth trying. She walked past Richie's empty bed and walk to hers. She was still alone. She felt like crying for a moment. She didn't exactly know why but she did. She was acting like such a child - but maybe that's just cause she never pictured being alone in the early Christmas morning. Instead, she stomped towards Richie's bed and stole all of his pillows. She placed them on her bed and arranged them neatly on the side. She hopped into the other side, tucked herself in (along with the pillows) and cuddled into those. She closed her eyes and attempted to sleep. Wasn't a person, definitely not Bryan, but it was close enough.
    Post by: Dinny, Jun 11, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home