And the army now posted an official article telling the servicemen not to buy the system. Wow.
Uh....... Being a semi-fan of FFX, and having FFXII cause me to give up on the series moving forward for a while? I don't think it'll sell well. A lot of people didn't like this game. FFX was popular for reasons I can't even remember, and while there's fans for XII, it was a point in the series where people bought it for the nostalgia of X and were severely disappointed in it in a lot of cases. Myself included. They won't rebuy the game. There's people who love the game that will buy it, but I don't see it selling nearly as well.
I heard that in the last poll from amazon they had to cancel the poll early because 95% of the people who voted wanted the PS4 over the one. Wow.
If Nintendo, during their most dominant times int he market: 1980 and 1990... With the technology today, did the stuff Xbox One is doing... People would react differently and still buy it? I'm just curious.
I love this guy, and his humor is hilarious. I knew it was a last-minute decision and add-on to E3 since they sat down and didn't tune off the customers. The whole: "It's the devs that count." The people who are refusing to buy systems GIVES THEM LESS MONEY. They might break even, But I doubt they'll even get that. Right now on Amazon, it's doubted that they will even have enough for their pre-order amount. The One sounds like they still have plenty left. I did enjoy the public spanking Sony did on the conference and the cheering afterwards. They deserved it for simply listening.
Still joking dude... :P You also forgot to mention the harassing of Nintendo fans during their event. That's much more classier than them not doing nothing like PS4.
The price is wrong for the PS4. XD... And two of the exclusives aren't One exclusives. Wow, it does sound like MS. Otherwise, that's a sad comparison. And I got a kick out of it.
Well, the last one didn't seem too popular, so I decided to give it one last shot, I chose one of my favorite old series when I was growing up: The Legend of Zelda. Do you prefer the old games with the dungeons and head scratching puzzles without a lot of gimmicks but seems to follow a pattern? Or the new ones, with something different each one that makes it different than the last? Or do you prefer both? Honestly, I played until Majora's Mask, and never really finished a game after that. I only played Majora's Mask once and the mask quests drove me crazy along with the shortness of the game. Even with the mask sidequest, it only took me two weeks to beat the game compared to two months with Ocarina of Time. I tried Windwaker and Twilight Princess, but the water traveling really made it painful for me to play and I really just lost interest in Twilight Princess. I watched a playthrough of Skyward Sword, and that usually makes me more hyped. But I just sat there and didn't feel anything towards the game. I stopped watching at the second dungeon and never really tried again. The old games has such a nostalgia for me. I play Link to the Past constantly, and it competes with Ocarina of Time as my favorite games of the series. Maybe I'm just old fashioned, but these new games don't seem to hold the same appeal.
I do think it was funny, even if the customers didn't mind, I'm sure Nintendo and maybe Best Buy wasn't thrilled/was pissed that this was going on, which REALLY hurts you when you're competing against/selling your stuff at the store. Seriously, I couldn't believe it myself until I saw the pictures and the video. That is one way to drive companies not to sell your product unless Best Buy agreed them to be there which I strongly doubt. This is going to hurt them in so many ways.
I know this has been a rumor, and there was photos, but here's an actual video done by someone at Best Buy watching the Nintendo event when a Microsoft employee came over and did a sales pitch for the One:
Yeah, I did listen to it, it was pretty interesting. =3 I think he shouldn't feel too bad for PR, they shouldn't have been hovering around. The PR lady should have really known fully what was going on and it was her call. It's not Joe's fault she made the call, I'm glad she did. The benefits, I'm still....... Eh about and I don't really like the fact this shuts down mom and pop stores since I get a better deal on games at a lower price somewhere else. I also am not convinced the "benefits" will really help. Especially since around here cell phone coverage is worse than the Internet. The family sharing, I see there's a "but" mostly because Nelson didn't really say anything negative. I just feel if someone tells you all the positives without the negatives, everything that is said most likely has a major catch to it that they're not saying. Which they've been avoiding of saying since the beginning. But that's just me. I do like the idea of a revolution. Especially since it sounds like MS is just listening to the devs, but maybe a little less influence from EA? Who's been voted the worst company of the year twice in a row in any business? I think if the devs don't do well this time, and they keep on getting screwed like Red, they'll refuse to make more games for MS.
I noticed that he either has the worlds best poker face... Or he just lies when he says he didn't know Mattrick's comments. If I heard about an Exec during an interview doing that before hand and not telling him, the first thing I'd do is go and wring whoever's neck that didn't tell him when it's mentioned like that. Even if the guys your superior, if you're representing your company, you HAVE TO know about this **** if it's public, which it was. Yeah, I also didn't like the fact that apparently he yanked the mic out of Joe's hands at one point. Completely unprofessional of him to do so. I know Joe got this as a last minute and he didn't look professional because he wasn't sure on the questions, but that's no excuse to bully someone like that and be rude and disrespectful including interrupting them constantly, pushing their point and being almost confrontational in their answers. "Do you want to be a part of the future?" was WAY out of line and very in your face when I don't see him doing that with other journalists. I feel bad for him, he was very apologetic afterwards and I don't see a reason he has to be. Most of what happened wasn't his fault, he was a little overenthusiastic, but Nelson didn't let him finish the questions 90% of the time.
I have a tendency to watch Angry Joe now since the One has been shown. He managed to snag Major Nelson who's one of the higher-ups for the Xbox One for a prearranged interview. Just thought I'd share because despite the fact it covers a lot of the same material, I saw some stuff that bothered me: One thing especially was that Joe was saying that PR were trying to come in during the whole interview and stop it. They were circling around and being a distraction from the interview and seemed generally mad that he was doing it. Another was that the way Nelson handled some of the questions. He was friendly and nice at first, then he started to get more confrontational and rude as the questions were directed to the concerns of the consumers over the One. Especially the fact he didn't answer ANY of the concerns or Don's comments.
Hmm... Hardest boss optional: Sephiroth of KHII, hands down. The non-optional boss, I'd have to think a bit.
It's also odd that another guy caught them and was forced to erase all his photos at a big MS shindig. From Midnight's link. Btw... I managed to convince someone in Youtube uncertain about getting a One or a 4 in five hundred characters because of the posting limit to not get a One. All I did was mention some of the drawbacks.
Interestingly enough... Someone asked on Youtube which to get, the One or the PS4, in five hundred characters I managed to convince him not to get a One. I'm dead serious, he sent me a message saying: "Wow, Microsoft sucks, huh?" after I replied to his question. That is saying something. And all I did was just say the problems of the one. In five hundred characters.
There's probably a massive catch to it like the rest. Just saying.
I couldn't agree more... I remember this last generation the Wii came out with Xenoblade Chronicles and Last story. I never heard any promise of it coming overseas, when it finally did, they put out so few that Xenoblade Chronicles goes for 100 used and 200 new last time I checked a few months ago. People say that games like those don't sell well, that game is being ripped off the shelves faster than they can stock them with no promise of more being made at all ever. There are developers, but they're mostly third party ones that are mostly family based. Carnival, Yoga, Monopoly, and plenty of others. There are some good games, No More Heroes being one, and it is a strong series, but it can't hold a system on it's own. When you just make party games and/or sport games, and focus on series that are under your brand (Super Mario, SSB, Metroid, Pokemon) or glorified remakes (Donkey Kong, Zelda, Pokemon). And you don't sell the really good ones like Xenoblade Chronicles to a public who REALLY wants them and makes them lose money and/or refuse to sell more where there's a huge market because of whatever reason, the developers are going to refuse to make games for that company. Nintendo barely had any competition for a while, it was DOMINANT in the 1980's and 90's. It did eh in the 64 era when people were still adjusting to 3D and transitioning their games to it. They did okay with the GC, I didn't like the GC, mind you, but Sony came in packing a punch with the PS2 and MS was coming in with it's first console. Two generations later, it's floundering, the games that are coming out are from Nintendo itself or party/sport games. I loved the first Donkey Kong games, Legend of Zelda until Majora's Mask was my favorite series, I never played Metroid, but I heard good things about it until Wii came out. But right now, I don't want a Wii U or am showing any interest in getting one because not only the price, but I viewed my Wii as a paperweight to play Gamecube games. That's it. I have no interest in the system. What I think Nintendo really needs to do is go to the developers, the good ones. Like maybe Konami, or Ubisoft, or one of the other developers coming along, with their hat in hand and a really good deal, and ask them to develop good games from them. I'm sure there's a lot of gamers filled with the nostalgia of growing up playing the Nintendo who will do it if they agree to their terms. If they decide to make it exclusive, if they decide to actually make it a mass market and sell to demand if not more, they will pull out of this pit that they're in. That's a lot of ifs, but that's the only way I can see them fixing it. They're depending on the Nintendo fanbase and unfortunately, I see that running out at some point. I see then going under sadly because they're not listening and doing what the devs need them to do. MS is doing the complete opposite, but there's a BALANCE, you have to listen to both of them. The developers make your game, sure. They are the ones who can make the calls on where the game is sold, fine... But if no one buys your system, which a lot of people are turning away from the One because of the "listening to only the developers" syndrome, you not only shoot yourself in the foot, but you shoot the developers. I have heard of stories of what happens to the developers who are console dependent only on one system. Rare right now being one of them. They are forced to go bankrupt or be sold to another company. It destroys companies making decisions like this and maybe Microsoft will wake up soon and realize how many holes they have in their foot and how quickly they're bleeding to death, but I don't see it happening soon. Sony right now, the reason why people are cheering for them because they listened. They did not just sit there and listen to the gamers, they have been sitting here since the two weeks of the Xbox One revelation and seeing the reactions of the fans. Yes, they spanked MS on stage and steamrolled over them, but the crowd LOVED them for that. The people who are going to buy their system LOVED them for that. The press could be eating out of MS's hand and Sony in five minutes got people swarming to pre-order the PS4 just reacting to what MS said. THAT is how you sell systems. They did badly with the PS3 and it bit them hard in the ass, they learned from that and came back next generation swinging. They came back and quietly let MS do their own thing and watch them dig their own grave. Sony hasn't said anything beyond what they did during that E3 presentation and people are still flocking to them because of what MS is doing. They probably are still giving flowers and candy to MS for what they have done to their system when all they have to sit down and watch. That's how you get to the top and watch the others try to get there. I am not a huge Sony fan, but I know when I see stuff like this that it is incredible to watch.
lolz... My Navy friend when I told him about the "benefits" of having the Kinect and the extra "features" where they charge you. He was PISSED. Apparently during their spare time after training sometimes they hook up a 360/Wii/whatever to the projector and/or tv and watch movies and play games or watch other people play games. It can get up to 40 people in the room at the same time and he says that it's a blast. He was really upset at the fact even if he got the One he couldn't do that anymore with the others on base. That alone made him refuse the system if not anything else.
I luckily didn't have a car in my college town. It was a small town where the store was a 20 minute walk away. But dear God, parking for the people who had it was a *****. I remember the parking lot assigned for my dorm got flooded every single year and froze over every spring. It was FRUSTRATING for the people who needed those spots and angered a lot of them.