I hope not, I don't want to get a PS4 anytime soon because of the massive price tag. I do hope when it finally comes out it doesn't become what Ultima IX was like because they moved the developers all to the Online series. It turned into a really crappy game from that. I doubt it, but if they decide to rush it, it could end up like that.
Wait... Three... Deathspank and some web developer were the only two before me. I forgot about that guy. I know all the staff before the move were 4-17.
With DLC, patches, Demo's that cost money. *there's one so far that I found, $2.50 for downloading the demo in Japan, too lazy to google it* And tons of sequels not including the price of video games today. Do you think video game companies are getting too cheap and lazy before this generation of console? Do you think games are being rushed out because now patches can be made to fix any problems games have instead of taking their time to iron it out before it hits store shelves?
I'll never forget my number. Two. I probably have the easiest one to remember of everyone who ever joined. :P I do know Vivi's Dark Side was like 18 or something because he found vBulletin before any of the members did via Google. He sure as hell had dedication.
Considering that Versus XIII has nearly has had as long as a development planning as KHIII if you look at when KHII came out. It must be a helluva production schedule for Vs. XIII, but that's just me. I still think they're stringing us along at least a little bit.
I would have to say Riku, Axel or Ven. All three of them just have an appeal to me that just made me fall in love with them that has never gone away.
Should I remind you about Trubbish? *I haven't even played since Ruby and I heard about that Pokemon* Anywho, I'm eh about this game. I just think Pokemon has become a cash cow on how much you need to do to "catch em all" without resorting to, you know, cheating. My wallet really can't afford hundreds of dollars of games to get five hundred to six hundred pokemon. One of the biggest reasons I started playing the games is to catch them all. The last game I played was Black and I only got to the first gym. Granted, I liked the storyline, but the choices of Pokemon other than catching repeats and trading was so drastically reduced I couldn't even go to the first gym with a full belt. And no, I couldn't get my Wifi to work. I might get this game, but I'm leaning heavily towards no right now just because it just seems more like you have to trade and/or use a cheat code to get any pokemon you really want.
I would like to see a Kingdom Hearts movie, but it'd have to be made right. Take Final Fantasy Advent Children which some people liked as an example of how bad a movie adaptation can be. I don't think they'd do a good job unless they really nailed it on the head for a good director and writer.I would pay money if there was a well-written, well made Kingdom Hearts movie.
My favorite is Final form. It just looks so powerful. I also love the colors.
A horse racing book, noted... But it also goes really in-depth about the business side of horse racing. Especially the huge crash during the 1980's and the poor decision making in farming businesses that lead many to bankruptcy. Calumet Farm was one of the most famous horse-racing farms of all times, having won the most Triple Crowns and second in the most Kentucky Derbies. Family issues drove to non-family members owning the farm leading to greed and massive lending and poor decision making that lead the farm to bankruptcy and one of the most controversial racehorse deaths of all time. The book is extremely well-written taking on both sides of what happened fairly and trying to stay neutral on what happened to cause it to fall apart in less than ten years after they were in the green by eight billion dollars and debt free nine years before bankruptcy hit the farm and the remaining family members hard. I would highly recommend it to anyone who loves horses or wants to read about business practices. Anyone else read it?
The last book I read was: The History of the Kentucky Derby. And yes, I know I'm a horse racing nerd, I love reading history about that kind of stuff and it was a very interesting read.
http://www.devicemag.com/2011/11/04/modern-warfare-3-sells-for-over-1000-on-ebay/ I know this is old, hence the reason I'm not posting this in current events. But I found this recently, another one sold for over $9,000 with four different bidders before it came out. Seeing the screenshot of the auction myself, despite it saying it'll be overnight shipping, it's still four dollars for three to five day delivery. Which would land it on launch day. So I'm curious, would you spend a lot of money to play a game early and why? How much? Personally, I wait for the used games mostly unless it's something I really want. I would try to sell a copy that I got on Ebay early because I would pay off my school loans with it, but that's just me.
If you'd really like to see art, watch: Breaking the Habit music video. It's graphic, but amazing to watch and beautifully done. That or: What I've Done.
*holds up frying pan* Don't you dare... Unless I actually break some rules. >< I think I'm actually being overly cautious and that's why my post count is going up so slowly. lolz...
I know, it's been a long time since I was blue. I just can't wait until I reach premium though honestly it should've happened years ago.
Wellp, season 11 trailer is up now: http://roosterteeth.com/archive/?sid=rvb&v=more I loved Red vs Blue, but the last two seasons have been discouraging for me. This has reached the eh level for me, I don't feel nearly as hyped as I did in 9 or 10. I do admit, if they go back to their roots and cover what happened after the break-in, they refound a die-hard fan. But right now, I'm not really enjoying Red vs Blue as much as I used to. What do you guys think?
Less than a hundred to go. :P
I have a poster of Days. I still have the postcards, too. I am now thinking about getting more posters, I didn't know there was more, tbh. lolz...
I also love: "Hands Held High." I've heard a TON of complaints about the song itself, but I actually enjoy the song and it's symbolism. A lot of people made fantastic music videos about it and 9/11. I still get tears in my eyes listening to it.
Considering that Versus XIII is supposed to come out before KHIII and that there's been literally not a breath of a hint of Vs. XIII coming out anytime soon. I mean, I was still admin when the first trailer came out for Vs. That's how old it is. I don't see any hint for KHIII. Maybe another spin off of the Kingdom Hearts series, but not III. I do agree with you, DA. It'd be nice to have a 2.5 to come out soon.