Reserving: Darui (Naruto Shippuden)
I live right on the bottom of the thumb. :D Jimmy Carter driving a peach...I would pay to see that. Thanks. I'd be your weatherman any day....
Huh...Maybe one of my family members who live down south mentioned the store to me or something, because I'm definitely not in the southern parts...
Reserving: Haken Browning (Super Robot Wars: Endless Frontier) Kaguya Nanbu (Super Robot Wars: Endless Frontier) Reiji Arisu (Namco x Capcom) Xiaomu (Namco x Capcom)
I agree. I think Itachi is in very able hands.
Transferring control of Itachi Uchiha to DarkTraitor. Enjoy it. c:
Publix...That sounds oddly familiar. Things have been quite well on my end as well. Not too much going on. Just trying to get through the last...
Hey there, Droid! Just droppin' by to say hi, and welcome back (again). We all missed you in the Cove family, and we're uber happy to see you...
Droid! Buddy! Pal! My Lord and Savior! Glad to see you again. Your ship's been converted into a space boat that periodically crashes into space icebergs.
Reserving: Male Trainer (Pokemon X/Y) I'm going to do all the sheets I need here in a moment.
Reserving: Grant Kirkhope (Real Life and Game Grumps) Fuckin' Larry (Game Grumps) Beesenbatz (Game Grumps) Gloop (Game Grumps) Barry (Game Grumps)
~Hot Spring~ Last time, Nick left out a bunch of characters for no apparent reason, so this time he's gonna post as some of 'em. Let's start with Rossiu.Having been used as the landing pad for a light-green haired girl (Eureka), Rossiu was a tad dazed. The impact from the fall from the Dai-Gurren mixed with the impact from being landed upon nearly KO'd him.Upon realizing what had happened, Rossiu's face turned red."U-Uh...I...Y-You...eep"As Rossiu nearly fainted for some odd reason that most likely involved some kind of religious rule he had back home, Jin approached the scene to help."What's the matter, Rossiu? Cat got your tongue?" Jin asked sarcastically before yanking Rossiu out from underneath Eureka, tossing him over the shoulder like a towel."Sorry about him, he's a little...Sheltered."Noticing that his attire was not appropriate for the Hot Springs, Jin placed Rossiu on the ground his behind.Seconds had passed, and Jin's white outfit began to glow orange, before finally flying off if his body in segments, floating in midair for a few moments before landing on the ground.Standing there now in his undergarments, Jin looked down at Rossiu."Rossiu! No partner of mine is gonna miss out on some well-deserved R&R! Let's go relax.""But I can't get in the water with my clothes on...""I'll fix that for ya!" Jin said before leaning down, grabbing Rossiu's poncho(?) and yanking it, somehow removing every article of clothing on Rossiu, aside from his undergarments.Rossiu simply sat there for a moment before realizing what happened.He looked down, noticing his nearly-nude body before looking back up at Jin. "Normally I'd be freaked out by this, but I'm more concerned by how you managed to get everything off of me, including my shoes, in one pull." "It's all in the flick of the wrist, buddy. Now let's go, Kamina and the others are waiting for us." Jin said, helping Rossiu up and leading him over to the Spring. Rossiu, however, stopped Jin, asking to go to Eureka for a moment. "Sure, I'll meet you with the others, then." Jin said before walking off. Rossiu approached Eureka once more, trying to ignore his almost-nakedness, before bowing. "I-I'm sorry for how I acted before. It was childish of me." Standing back up, Rossiu extended his hand out to Eureka. "My name is Rossiu Adai. It's a pleasure to meet you." Rossiu said with a smile. He wasn't sure how, but he was standing there, as close as he's ever been to naked, talking to someone with minimal stuttering. Where he got this sudden burst of confidence from, not even Rossiu knows. Genome listened with extreme interest as Noriko explained where - and when - she was from. She explained how she came to be a pilot, how anyone she ever knew was gone, and how important Team Dai-Gurren was to her. Noriko concluded with saying she would fight to make sure nobody lost any more friends. "What about you, Genome? I've heard a little about you from the others, but I'd like to hear it from you." Genome thought for a moment. He was unsure of where to start. "Well, I'm from the same world as Kamina and Simon, but in the past. Not anywhere near 12,000 years...I think...But the past nonetheless. I lived in a big city, filled with people living their daily lives. It was the golden age for humans, I guess. I didn't go to a traditional school. My father was a genius mechanic who worked for a construction company, and my mother was a veterinarian. They wanted to make sure that I followed in their footsteps, so they home-schooled me, and taught me everything they knew. In the mornings, my mother taught me how to care for animals. Everything from small house pets to huge animals you'd find in a zoo. In fact, she gave me a few animals of my own." Just then, Guame crawled up on the rock that Genome and Noriko were sitting on, crawling into Genome's lap. "This is one of 'em. His name is Guame." "Guaaa." The armadillo 'said' as he eyed Noriko. "Not the most common pet, but he's my best friend." Genome said as he rubbed Guame's back. Genome sighed slightly before moving on. "When my mom wasn't teaching me how to care for animals, my dad was showing me the ins-and-outs of mechanical science. He taught me how to build simple robots at first, until he finally moved on to the prototypes of his pilotable mecha. He was working on machines that would be used to carry extremely heavy loads. Things that a person couldn't carry on their own. But...Before he could finish...They came." Noriko raised an eyebrow. "They? Who's 'They'?" She asked. Genome shook his head. "I don't know. Nobody did. We couldn't even see them. One day, I was at the park with my pets, when all of a sudden, a giant light fell from the sky, and wiped out the city in seconds. Everyone I ever knew and loved...Gone in an instant..." Genome's breathing began to intensify somewhat. "I was alone. Me and my animals were the only ones left from that city. I spent weeks in that park, in a state of absolute despair. There were days where I thought the only way to end the pain was to end myself. But then my pets would come to comfort me. They would give me a reason to keep moving on. And that's exactly what I did. One day, Guame and I were searching through the wreckage of my home city, when we found a crater. At the bottom of it was a face that was stuck in the ground. Guame and I dug it up, and saw that it was a small mecha. That was the day I found Lagann. It's technology was like nothing I'd ever seen before. It's face could reflect the emotions of the pilot, and it even ran on the pilot's will to fight! I knew at that very moment, that I had the means to fight back." Genome's face had turned from a look of sadness to a look of determination. "From that day, I continued my father's unfinished project, but I engineered the machines to fight. I perfected it, and created Zen, with the intention of it being it's own singular unit. That is, until I found out about Lagann's combining capabilities. At that point, an entire world of possibilities had been revealed. I spent months gathering supplies and building more bodies that Lagann could combine with. Each one of my creations was as powerful as the last. Finally, I'd built an army's worth of mecha that were compatible with Lagann. I called them Gunmen." "But if you were alone, who would pilot the rest of your Gunmen?" "Good question. After I finished my father's project, I went on to find other survivors of the attacks. It took a long, long time, around 2 years, but I did find them. Each one of them felt the same pain as me, and we all shared the same motivation. We all wanted to save the Earth from whatever was threatening it. When we finally were prepared, we named our new army the Terra Brigade. We spent a while training, and teaching those who were inexperienced in piloting. Surprisingly, a lot of the new people picked up on piloting much quicker than I expected. Then, finally, The day had come when we were finally going to head into Space...But then we saw what we were up against. These...Creatures, they were enormous. Bigger than anything any of us had ever seen. Our entire force was no match for even one of them." Genome then looked to the Dai-Gurren. "The Dai-Gunzan - Or, Dai-Gurren as it's called now - was the next step. After seeing the sheer scale of the enemy, I knew we would need ships, strong ones, and lots of them. I thought that if I could build enough of them, we may have stood a chance...But I was never able to finish even the initial Dai-Gunzan before I was taken here...But apparently I kept the blueprints and built them in the future, since it was used against Team Dai-Gurren." Noriko looked confused at that sentence. "Wait...You didn't finish it...But then you did, and used it against us? What do you mean?" "I thought-Oh..." It just occurred to Genome; Noriko was unaware that the Spiral King was Genome but older. Genome took a deep breath and sighed. "Alright...I guess I should tell you. It's only fair." He stepped off of the rock they were sitting on, holding on to Guame. "The Spiral King...Is me. He's me as an adult." A look of surprise came over Noriko. "He has Dai-Gunzan's blueprints - and the knowledge of how to build Gunmen - because he's me. I don't know what happened, but something caused him to turn into some kind of human killing monster...Even worse, he's mutated my pets...Cytomander, Adiane...Thymilph..." Genome's voice became unstable as he held back tears. "Why, Thymilph...You were my friend...Why did you turn to such a wicked life...I didn't want to see you die..." Genome's grip on Guame tightened. "I'm staring my future in the face, and there's not a damn thing I can do about it! I can fight it all I want, but everything I've seen...Even my own friends are a reminder of what I'm going to become!" Tears began to roll down Genome's face. "Kamina and Simon's Gurren Lagann...Mina and Simone's Kokuren Lagann...Those new Gunmen we picked up...All of it, a burning reminder that one day, I'll be the one that builds the bodies and sends them after you! I won't be your friend anymore. I'll be your worst enemy..." ~Lastation; Crystal Cave~ As Cole was knocked to the ground by Nox Decious's attack, the Scout took the opportunity to swoop in for an attack. He charged in quickly, swapping out his scattergun for his metal Baseball Bat. "Swing, batta batta, swing, batta batta..." He finally reached Nox Decious. "Swing!" He yelled out as he swung the metal bat at Decious's head. Meanwhile, as Bentley explained his take on the situation at hand. "I don't think we need a plan right now...It looks like Jak's all the plan we need." Ratchet said, looking to Jak, who was still in his Dark state. The waves of fiery energy from The Darkness's Black Widow Blade flew at Jak quickly, only for them to be dodged quickly. Wasting no time after, Jak charged the Darkness. He swung once at The Darkness with his claws, but missed. After swinging again, however, Jak managed to land a hit on him, leaving for bloody cuts on The Darkness's chest. Jak then landed a powerful kick to The Darkness, knocking him on to his back. A dark purple aura formed around Jak's body, as if he was charging up energy. Seconds after, Jak jumped into the air towards The Darkness, his intention being to use the Dark Bomb attack.
Because he's awesome, HoT's allowing me to take: Jack Harkness (Doctor Who) Thanks, buddy. :3 EDIT: New reserve: Ryuuko Matoi (Kill La Kill) She probably won't be coming in for a little while as the anime she's from (Kill La Kill) is only just releasing tomorrow, I believe.
Not only do we get a release date now, but a free art book for pre-ordering? This makes me the happiest of campers. I'll definitely pre-order this ASAP. September can't come fast enough.
Okay, I lied, I have two more reserves: Holly Jones (Heroman) Axel Hughes (Heroman) And now that I've officially reserved every plot relevant character from Heroman, I return to my cave.
Missed a few reserves earlier: Dr. Minami (Heroman) Veronica (Heroman) Stallion (Heroman) Amanorich (Heroman) Alright, that's enough reserving for me...For now.
Reserving: Agnes Berge (Super Robot Wars UX) ???? ???? (Super Robot Wars UX)
Oh my god that guy. OH MY GOD THAT GUY. Nothing more needs be said.
What's enraging you, if you don't mind me asking?
It's goin' quite well. Same ol', same ol'. Yourself?