*a shadowy figure appears above me smiling a big toothy grin* ???: he'll be dead in a couple of hours...goodbye *vanishes*
Me: *dashes towards her clashing swords hard*
Me: *cuts start appearing all over my body*
Me: *takes a fighting stance* you ready charisa?
Me: *starts getting dizzy* wait whats going...who... *falls on the ground passed out*
Dracon: that's fine I'll let you two finish then I'll take up a sword
Me: should I bring Aaliyah along? Or leave her here?
Me: *points to the back seat of the car* there she is, I'm not sure how well she is though she's stable but I'm not sure for how long
Dracon: I need to cool off first you guys continue... Me: actually yeah it probably would be good to calm down first
Me: *steps out of the car seeing rosey* hey im right here, thank you for coming.
Dracon: I came to watch and also to get away from cr.... Me: what happened? Dracon: I don't wanna talk about it... *goes and takes a seat on the...
Me: *see's rosey appeoaching from the distance*
Dracon: *grabs the attack with his claws tossing it right at the ground*
Me: *takes my sword cutting right through the attack* Dracon: *slowly removes cr's claw from his neck* hmph... *walks into the training room*
Me: *sighs still stroking Aaliyahs hair hoping rosey gets there soon*
Me: *gets into a stance* ladies first Dracon: *glares at cr with the eyes of a wolf* get your claws off my throat...
Me: now we move to sword to sword combat? Dracon: come on dont be such a lizard *almost at the training area*
Me: why thank you Dracon: im gonna go check it out *walks off to find joe and charisa*
Me: *hears some more explosions* how close are you rosey?
Me: Bankai!! *the sword becomes nothing but dark aura as a kimono appears on my body* Dracon: *pouts* oh come on stop being a worry wort