The French site FFdream interview the development team in Tokyo. They haven' t published the whole interview yet, but they say Lightning Returns will feature some form of Coliseum, more or less similar to the one featured in FF XIII-2. Source :
I' ve been told it' s not necessarily a sequel story-wise, rather a sequel in spirit, depending which source you read. Frankly I couldn' t care less which pretence of a story the choose this time around, I was never in it for the story. I' m just happy to see a top-view Zelda, too bad the art style looks completely bland. Oh well, as long as it' s not yet another stylus-only thingy count me excited,
My instructor was a super laid back old geezer, so zero amount of pressure there. I picked an accelerated formation, I spent a whole week driving. Well, 1/3 of it driving and 2/3 watching since we were 3 students per car. The minimum amount of driving experience required to pass a test here is 20 hours. We only spent half of that week on the road with the geezer though, the other half we drived on the school' s private roads without any instructor. A student had shotgun and a second set of pedals, and the cars had cameras and speakers so that someone could watch us from a control tower and talk to us if need be. I failed the first test I took (first time driving on a rainy day, lucky me -_-), took another a few weeks later and aced it.
Now I don' t agree 100% with the guy, any legislation proposed wouldn' t necessarily be bad or useless. For instance I' d be curious to hear him explain how passing tighter background checks on gun buyers would be a bad thing. Well, maybe he' d say it' s just useless, he wouldn' t be wrong in the sense that it' s currently being flushed down the toilet to Obama' s utter lack of care ... but I digress. I don' t know what you should do, but he does raise some valid points as to what you shouldn' t do.
Well, suspicious timing isn' t exactly proof of anything, I wonder if those letters were actually saying anything ... But anyway, in the absence of a culprit or a professed motivation, these sort of actions strike me as that of a bored kid kicking an ant farm just to watch the ensuing panic. Well, except both events are fairly low-tech and low-scale. Of all the things that could possibly kill you in the US terrorist attacks still aren' t amongst the likeliest, not even remotely, so I wouldn' t waste my time getting paranoid over this.
Source :
Just curious, have you actually watched it ? I thought it was awesome.
Had this on DVD a few years back. Judging by its cover and its price it was a turd of biblical proportions, so of course I bought it immediately.
Welcome back you old dog !
Courage is a peculiar kind of fear.
I don' t know if the series were ever broadcasted in the US, but here they were super popular in the 70's and 80's, you' d be hard pressed to find someone from that generation that doesn' t know who' s Harlock. The Daft Punk are from that generation, I suppose they were thrilled to collaborate with Leiji Matsumoto on Interstella5555.
Oh, so it finaly got a release date and an official trailer ? I' ve watched the original series, they' re classics. Don' t remember much of the story by now, but I thought it was good. A longer trailer was shown at a French animation festival three years ago :
Woohoo, thanks ! I' m trying ! Incidentally, yours is one of the names that make me click on threads. I' m much less articulate when it comes to...
Well I' ve seen so many gore movies that I can watch The Walking Dead while eating, all that gory stuff is just meat or CG or whatever. You' d be hard pressed to find a video game that can shock me. And yet I still remember that poor kitten that got squashed by a car right under my eyes a few years back, it shocked me like no movie ever did and I don' t think I' ll ever forget it. "It'sjusta" is either an acurate description (if it' s a movie or a game then it' s not real) or a copping mechanism. People die horribly everyday all around the world, I don' t suppose you pause and shed a tear for each and every one of them. Sounds like a recipe for depression to me, I' d say getting desensitized is actually healthier. Sad or controversial news make more money than happy news, between tv and the internet we' re exposed to them like never before, but we mustn' t forget that the one tree struck by lightning is always noisier than the growing forest' s whisper. What you don' t want to become is apathetic, but that' s not quite the same thing and I' m not sure I' m willing to blame the medias for that. If you' re motivated to have an impact on the world around you then the medias are a powerfull tool to help you do that.
Well I do rant about games, movies or stuff like that sometimes, it' s cathartic, but I don' t really understand how it possibly could ruin anyone' s fun. If I was to say chocolate tastes like crap no one would give a ****, yet for some reason when it comes to entertainment people take it personally, as if they were the ones being criticised. *shrugs* I' m not a big fan of bullying either, but hey, at least when people say stuff like "all those who like x are ****tards" and mean it we know who the ****tards actually are.
You have a funny way to ignore those "haters" and let them have their fun. ^^