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  1. StardustXtreme

    ~Castle Baron~

    Asbel felt it, his body was getting smaller, to an age he never thought he'd return to, at 10 years old, now he had a problem, he had to keep his sword sheathed and literally wave it around like back in his youth, heck, at this age, he didn't meet Sophie at all, but it was a strange feeling and he heard Lambda within him. "How annnoying, with a body such as this, the handicap has become more greater, we better find this Chronos and defeat him, otherwise, you'll be no more than a infant and I'd rather not be so easy to be defeated." He said within his mind, but there was also another hidden meaning, with such a small body, Lambda's power will likely overload the young Lhant's body which hasn't adapted to a foregin presence, only his true body could handle it

    Asbel took a moment to consider this, it was true, it was near enough embarassing to be reduced to this age but with such oversized clothes, it made movement more difficult, this Chronos was being serious and pressing his advantage rather unfairly despite how some people done his challenge, the time of staying back and listening wasn't an option, it was either work with this 'Zidane' and woman or go out in the wide world as a ten year old, the latter wasn't appealing, so Asbel chose this moment to emerge, being seen by the occupants but he stood with no stance, sword sheathed, indicating he was no harm.

    "I'm Asbel Lhant, from the town of Lhant, I need your help to defeat this Chronos." He cut to the direct matter of the matter quickly, if they spent any more time waiting, they'll be in diapers before you could say eleth.


    Zack cheered at their victory and twirled his sword before sheathing it, doing his victory pose before the announcement of further de-aging came he felt his...SOLIDER uniform being mroe baggier than usual and the sword on hsi abck beign heavier, he shrunk but kept his unkept hair, but he had no muscle, the mako enhancements were still in his system so it helped his situation a bit. "Oh come on! Can't a hero get a better reward?" He groaned at this, if Angeal saw him liek this, he'd never hear the end of it.


    The team of TIdus, Cecil and Rydia turned out rather a good match after defeating their foe, thir reward? Age 10, Tidus dropped the Brotherhood sword with teh sudden surprised from it's weight, his body was just it normal weak self while his old man was around, no developed muscles from Blitzball training either, so that was a disadvntage, not to emantion the baggier clothing they were given, Rydia seemed to not have a problem, but Cecil with his heavy armour was a different matter.

    "Not good... not good at all." he said, jumping a bit at his higher pitched voice as a child.


    Snow fist pumped the air. "Haha! The Heroes always win!" He cheered but that was too soon, further deaging and his trenchoat was sagging on his shoudlers, eh shrunk in size but not badly, he was alaways a kind of tall kid, but no muscle was formed but his still had his L'Cie mark, indicating he had his abilites and his Eidolon, so worries there.

    -Fields away from Balamb~

    Squall paused as Chronos announced the win but treated them to a de-aging that he never wnated to experience, just like his time back in Edea's Orphanage, his gunblade was notably heavier and hsi usual clothes becoming baggier, and it seems his companion, he supposed he could call her that, suffered the same treatment, though, he looked away as it was clear her uniform as showing more skin than usual, he wasn't that stupid about women's reactions.

    "How annoying." He said with a annoyed tone but continued in his thoughts. "This Chronos is more dangerous than Ultimecia, we got to hurry before his whim's decide to make us unable to fight and win it in his favour without lifting a finger." He thought to himself in irritation.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Apr 9, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. StardustXtreme

    ~Lastation... Saved?~

    ichigo watcehd as the Goddesses and their Oracles literally attempt the impossible and actually succeeded as he panted a bit heavily, he couldn't move and laid on his back, his Bankai attire fading to his Shikai's, it took that much to just handle Madara? If he didn't have Zangestu to direct hsi attacks with hsi eyes closed, he would of been a goner, but, he knew he couldn't risk another situation like this, he needed to get stronger, but how? The Dangai wasn't anywhere in this strange world and most strong people are his allies, could he train to improve his skills?

    "The Final Getsuga Tenshou is not an option either..." he thought rather bitterly at that, if he even attempted it again, how much chance would he have of having just a small piece left over like last time? What if he lost his Shinigami powers completely? Teh risk was too great, perhaps he could undergo meditation and learn more from Zangestu, he only mastered the Getsuga Tenshou to the point he didn't need to call it's name out, what if Zangestu had more attacks at his disposal?

    "I'll ask him later, right now, rest is important... makes me miss Inoue who could heal so quickly and then I'll be back in top form." Ichigo paused for a moment to remember his friends and then thought about how he countless fought tough opponents, was Madara... another Aizen with the Houygoku? ichigo paled a little at that thought.

    -Digital City, Tower Entered~

    Agunimon looked at teh monsters that emerged, they were no doubt, Digimon, Gekomon, a Champion-Level Digimon, much weaker than what Zoey and the others supposedly faced an Ultimate, but it didn't mean they were weak, it can take a few Champions to take an Ultimate provided there was strategy invovled, were these Gekomon prisoners or assistants to the one who stood at the top of this tower? he shifted into a fighting stance just in case, never judge a Digimon by itls Level or appearance.

    "Are they prisoners or here to stop us?" he asked calmly, he did have his Beast Spirit, BurningGreymon and if worst came to wosrt, he could go as Aldamon, the most pwoerful form the Spirit Digidestined had available currently, if Tommy were in the group, he could go for his Zeta form, Emeperor greymon as a ace in the hole, btu for now, Aldamon was it.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Apr 9, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. StardustXtreme


    Gentarou took a moment to think, he didn't think he forgot any Switches, especially since they only had up to the 9th Switch for use, Zordon did say they'll be more as the Cosmic Energy that encompasses of a special kind gathers in the Switches overtime, the next one was the Elec Switch but for some reason, that Switch was not working properly, anytime eh sued it, only his right arm was partially covered when Zordon said it's meant to incur a States form for Fourze to power up, there was still another 30 more Switches to collect in numeric order.

    "I don't think so kengo, maybe you can check what we have?" he asked him.


    Shotaro placed a hand on phillip's shoulder. "Oi oi aibou, hold off on the alien research, right now, we need to search the Gaia Library for reasons as to why females are only abducted." He said to him.


    After Yu managed to espeace the food figth with Latias and Rhyme, he was surpried by seeing such a creature but didn't voice it, he was just a transfer student, so eh didn't know what was in Nitendo High. "So, Rhyme-san and Latias-san is it?" he asked politely, boy was Nanako going to be surprsied at today.

    -Food Fight-

    Tsukasa evaded another flying serving of food barely and he wondered how he should stop this insane thing? Become Decade and stop the battle? Nah, that sounded too troublesome and would blow his cover and he noted a frying pan somehow flying hsi way and he caught it by the handle rather expertly and he did the only thing he could, he slammed it down, actually breaking the table surprsingly and the fight paused thankfully.

    "You are wasting such good food that this school provided for you to eat and be healthy, would you rather this waste of food come out of your fees or your parents have to pay for it?" he said, letting the words linger in the air. "If the cooks are stiil going to work after this, you better be thankful, if not, there'll be cookery lessons to add onto your schedule." he said dryly, sighing and raised the rather dented frying pan, which didn't break luckily.

    "And we have juniors attending this school, what example are we, the seniors to do such a thing where a frying pan is literally thrown in the fray? if that hit someone with little to-no reflexes, imagine what could happen." he finished as there was some non registering females somewhere squealign at his words and tone with everyone, the Tsukasa Kadoya Fanclub, he swore they were expanding anytime he glanced.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Apr 9, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. StardustXtreme


    SHotaro looked over Hermione's shoulder to see Phillip was once again, in 'research mode' as he termed it and spoke. "Yeah, whenever something interests him greatly, he'll look up infomation on it until he is satisfied with teh results, have to make sure he doesn't get too into it, once, he looked up doughnuts and got overweight..." he said, not wanting to remember that day.


    Gentarou nodded. "Yosha, no one will get anythign from the Galleon!" he said and Marvelous gave a small smirk. "Then I leave it in your hands Utahoshi, Kisaragi. Let's go all of you."He ordered to them as Joe gave a noda dn gai jumped around a bit, nodding.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Apr 7, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. StardustXtreme
    Lara Croft from Tomb Raider Reboot.

    Great, so she'll teach me about anything I find and how to create makeshift weapons.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Apr 7, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. StardustXtreme
    Yes, I have chosen to become Yuma as well.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Apr 7, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  7. StardustXtreme
    Profile Post Comment

    Nope, I honestly don't know how to

    Nope, I honestly don't know how to
    Profile Post Comment by StardustXtreme, Apr 6, 2013
  8. StardustXtreme

    ~The Two-Stroke Meteor Striking Lastation!-

    Ichigo stabbed Tensa Zangestu in the ground to keep himself standing as Madara reteated and commented on his fighting prowess before parting them witha gift of not one, but two of the meterors, Ichigo barely had enough strength to even deflect them both, one he coudl do if he had enough strength and spiritual reserves, he wasn't sure if the CPU Goddesses could do it.

    "Damnit... I don't have enough left in me...!" Ichigo thought to himself, maybe if he had his Hollow Mask, he could do it or the 3-month training within the Dangai again.

    ~Lastation, The Other Group~

    The FF Crew managed to find a palce to eat, funnily enough called Fast Last Food and were digging in but Haruto causally laid back in his seat, munching on his doughnuts before pausing, as he looked out the window, a meteor was coming? No. TWO meteors? How, Noel had noticed this. "What...?" He asked in confusion.

    "Magic? but I didn't see any Circles... but this is a strange palce floating in the sky...if somethign fo that magitude hits this place..." haruto trailed off, his expression turning serious and Tidus finished. "We'll be goign down with it, but how can we stop something that large?" He asked everyone and Noel thought for a momemt. "Focus on one point under it and spilt it in half or... use whatever Magic we know to blow them to pieces?" he said and Tidus punches his hand into his palm. "Or the Aeons!" he pointed out.

    ~The Realm of Inbetween DImensions-

    Black mage clapped at the viewing screen where Madara and Ichigo's battle commenced with somehow, a chair and popcorn. "Now that's destruction incarnate there, I gotta get his autograph!" He said with a smily expression as Narutaki stared at the abilites at madar's disposal. "That could be the power to destroy Decade forever..." he said and BM looked over his shoulder. "Geez, what's your fixation with Decade? You make him sound like Chaos's child." He muttered and narutaki sighed. "Decade destroys everything he is in contact with."

    "You need a new job... but what you're saying this Madara guy could get rid of Decade?" He pointed out and Narutaki nodded. "You shall make contact with this... Madara and see if he'll aid our cause."

    "Yeah yeah, I'll move along when I see how those goody-two shoes will manage two Meteors, not everyday you see a casting of a such a spell of planetary destruction."
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Apr 6, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. StardustXtreme
    Masaru chuckled at Star's frustation, it was cute to see it before she grabebd his wrist and pulled him along, obivously going to run to Mya's shop but he elt her drag him, keeping up with her before a ear-splitting explosion had occured and Star's corncern, Mya's store was nearby where it orignated and he nodded, putting more force behind his steps to break into a run where it came from.

    "What on earth is going on?" he thought to himself.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Apr 6, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. StardustXtreme

    ~Lastation, Kurosaki vs Uchiha~
    Ichigo gasped before Madara used a Water Dragon attack and pinned him down and he struggled a little, eyes still closed before he had an ide,a he stab tensa Zangestu into the ground and fired a few Getsuga's from the tip buried in, unbeknowest to madara however, the Getsuga travelled underground and came out from all sides, hitting Madara on his sides or the back.

    "At least I won't have to undergo Hollowification anymore... but, how long can I keep this up? He must be losing whatever he using to create those attacks, I knwo I got nearly limitless spiritual energy but even that has to empty sometime... should I use...the Final Getsuga Tenshou...?" he thought and shook the thought away. "No that cost me my Shinigami powers, I was just lucky to have small pieces of it left inside me and it took almost all the Captain's and Vice-Captain's Spiritual energy to refill it, they aren't here either... so, i'll have to improvise, Zangestu, I'm giving you more of my power, use it however you see fit." He thought as his spiritual energy flared and formed somewhat a skull face behind him (OOC: think of Ichigo vs Kenpachi) as he raised hsi sword, the ground breakign apart.

    "Let's finish this in one strike." He said to Madara as teh sword was glowing in a blue light. "When I counter, I don't let them cut me... When I protect someone..." his mind flashed to Vert's form as she smiled, back when they were in Nerd's basement and he continued hsi trained of thought. "I won't let them die... and when you attack..." Ichigo spoke hsi next few words. "Kill!" he cried out, if Madara coudl sense the killign intent reflecting in his sword, it was screaming, almosta s if it wnated a taste of it's blood.

    ~Digital City~

    Takuya thought for a second. "Always happy to help a fellow Digidestined to save the Digimon, oh and I doubt have a partner like you both, I'm sure Zoe explained that." he said, he knew his help woudl be great, but the question was to him, how far did their digimon evovle to? Champion. Ultimate or Mega? He knew he had at least the power to become Aldamon, but without Tommy around, he couldn't use his most powerful form, EmeperorGreymon.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Apr 2, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. StardustXtreme

    ~Lunch Room~

    Marvelous had to wonde about something. "Shouldn't thid Zordon have something we could use to launch into space?" He wondered to himself as Gentarou knew he could reach the Earth's atmiospehere in space but never go into deep space as Kengo said it was too risky to even attempt.

    ~Unknown Point in Time/Space-

    A train whistle was heard as a bullet train was riding on black trackes that were beign formed as it went along, the area...was really a junction point to different time tracks, this was DenLiner, a train that travels through time as within a carriage, the Taros were around a coffee table as there was a strange waitress, a unimportant but minor character that would never be used much as she served Mochas to the Taros.

    The door opened and in came a man with a cane, this was Owner as the passengers refered to him, he is charge of the DenLiner as well as ensuring time remains on it's proper course, he wasn't a Time Lord for that matter either, there are many who govern and follow the laws of Time. "It has come to my attention through Momotaros-kun that the Earth is in danger, no?" he asked rheotarically, he knew the Earth had many defenders, Den-O being one of many since it was he to given Rotaro the belt and Pass, There was Zordon who the Owner was a friend of, sadly, he couldn't partake in games such as eat curry witha flag in it to leave it standing by so little for one, Zordon knew time was a dangerous thing to mess with.

    "So what are you suggesting!? we seat backa dn do nothing, I want to take those idiots down!" Momotaros said and the Owner gave him a stare, "If DenLiner was forunate enough to travel in space, we would of done so, however, we can't stop this event from occuring, it's a fixed point in time itself and that must be followed, no matter what occurs, only after a certain situation occurs, will we be able to change the course to a better one, after all..." He said with his hands on the cane, staring out the train.

    "Kamen Riders aren't the only defenders of justice..." he said with a rather small grin.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Apr 2, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. StardustXtreme
    Masaru had to give a light chuckle at Star's attitude and reactions, but then again, it was natural to act that way since she was married to him. the honeymoon was also set in motion too, he planned to go to Coral Village on Floor 22, ti had a lake and a nice view to add to the scene, of course, they weren't going to live there, just rent a cabin for a few days to a week if possible, of course, the Col would be a impressive amoutn had it not been for grinding levels and Star's profit of making weapons, so that raked up the Col nicely.

    "Wait and see, it is a surprise after all." He said to her and thought back on how long everyone been trapped in this Game for, 6th November 2022, Sword Art Online offically released 10,000 copies as the first batch, needless to say, those copies were all brought in record breaking moments, but on that same day, the Logout Button was removed from the system and Kayaba Akihiko, creator of the game announced this was a game of survival and it wasn't a joke, people died in this game, either by Monsters, Trap Rooms, PKers or just not seeing the point to live and commit suicide, it was either adapt and surivive or lose and die, the only way to escape this prison was simple, complete the Game and get to Floor 100.

    If only that were easy, in order to progress to another floor, you had to beat the current floor's boss, and they would progressively get more difficult, it was April 24th of the year 2024, that meant the survivors were stuck in here for a total of eighteen months and twenty-two days.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Apr 2, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. StardustXtreme


    The food fight had ensured as Yu was somehow being lucky enough not be a target, he nevr recalled anything like this happening during his previous schooltimes, it was a new twist to say the least, he would of thought Teachers would stopped such a quarrel, but then a girl, wearing a beanie hat with a skull design pin on it clucthed his uniform, she seemed to be perhaps slightly older than Nanako, but the innocenc ein her eyes was shining through them, she said Senpai, so she was obivously a junior. "Do you have anything to contact him with? A Cell phone or something?" he asked her in a rather kind tone.

    Gentarou was pulled by Kengo to be invovled in such a fight. "But with this, we can all come to an understanding Kengo!" He said to his friend as Tsukasa ate and merely sided stepped any projectiles that came his way. "And there goes a good serving of food, honestly..." he said with a mutter, the cooks weren't bad at their cooking, but he coul deasily make their dishes better.

    Ryotaro was eatign well away from the mayhem, luckily enough, he was being sensible as Marvelous, gai and Joe at another was watching the fight go on. "Everyone's so full of energy!" Gai said witah burst of energy himself.

    ~With Shotaro~

    Shotaro was wondering the building, wondering how the hell thsi granger got the deed to the Agency and the events steemed from it, but what could he say? That Narumi Sokichi passed away because of that incident with the Crystal Order? "Begins Night." He said lowly under his breath.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Mar 29, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. StardustXtreme

    ~Madara vs Ichigo~

    Ichigo felt the intense flames of the Fireball approach and jumped above to avoid it, he wasn't even using Shunpo yet and Tensa Zangestu informed him Madara's movements, eyes still closed and a dragon made of wood approachign him, only this time, eh wasn't goign to run and his sword engulfed itself in black and red energy. "Getsuga... Tenshou!" he called out and swing it, an arc of crescent energy slamming into the Wood Dragon, causing smoke to appear and Ichigo took thsi moment to charge into it, using the cover so Mardara wouldn't spot him and from it, another arc of crescent energy shot out from it but Ichigo wasn't there until another Getsuga was attacking Madara from behind.

    Marvelous didn't sya a thing, he was focusing hsi efforts on being warm and not detered by it, Harold spoke "I suspect Drumstang has conditions like this." He said, muttering.

    -Digital City-

    Agunimon wondered about this fortress invasion, something must be up. "Why are we invading it? I'm not exactly up to date as you guys are." he said to them.


    Noel looked around, there were monsters in this...strange plac,e maybe he could hunt them down with Vanille and Fang? Problem was, they burst into pixels of data, so no luck there. "We'll find something that looks like a place to eat and I suppose, go on from there." he suggested as Tidus nodded. "This place must have food, but...I can't help but feel this place is kinda like... a Machina city perhaps?" he asked in confusion, he never seen a floating city before.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Mar 27, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. StardustXtreme
    There'll be a ruling about drawing the same type of Triggers, besides, you only only Drive Check with the Vanguard, and all Grade 3's are Twin Drive, and you cna only Twin Drive Check once, even if that Grade 3 has a abilty to stand itself again.

    Most Triggers you can draw is 2, but you'd also want to get Non-Trigger cards to increase your hand for Shield, now, most likely, I'd allow 1 Perfect Guard (A card taht makes you discard 1 card of your Clan to negate a attack of any Power) a turn, however, the agem focueses on strategy and if you want to take enough damage to activate Counterblast, Counter Blast becomed flipped damage adn cannot eb re-used unless you use a paticular monster that re-flips damamge, one being Cursed Lancer of the Shadow Paladins and the Clan of Angel Feathers.
    Of course, I think they'd be Non-Random or Random Fights and seperate Top 5 Lists for each of those formats, of course the banlist of Vanguard will be followed alogn with perhaps a edited banlist of reducing powerful cards down to 1.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Mar 25, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  16. StardustXtreme
    or just create a Cardfight! Vanguard FIght Arena.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Mar 25, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  17. StardustXtreme


    SNow gave a cry out and brought hsi fist directly into Tiamat's form, grunting with effort to send the creature flying but when it tiried to striek him, he used Steelguard to protect hismelf from a huge amount of damage.


    Squall merely nodded and headed tot he General Store to gather whatever supplies were left, there was no shop owner so it was free for all, there was no real surprise there before pocketing the items ina magically pocket dimension bag that all Students were given (OOC: Well, you have to wodner hwo they carry all the items and weapons around with them.)

    "All prepared, we'll set off unless you feel anyone else is occupyiing the town at this time?" he asked her, they were soliders so he did need to geta grasp on this woman's abilites as to efficently work with her.


    Zack slashed acroos the Tiamat before performing a Octaslash upon the monster, utlizing Sephiroth's powerful attack although, not as powerful a steh man's swings were, he was having a ball of a time.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Mar 23, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. StardustXtreme

    ~Madara's Genjutsu World~

    Ichigo felt Madara's balde run through him and he spat out blood, coughing a little before hsi eyes were firmly at a glare with the man before wondered how he got here, was this his inner world? Like with Muramasa? No it felt different somehow and e couldn't help but feel like he experienced something liek this before...when was it...? The Bakkoutou perhaps or...Aizen's abilites?

    "Can't...give in..." He thought and heard some familar words. "Trust me Ichigo, as long as I'm here, you aren't alone..." Zangestu's words echoed in his head and he closed his eyes before reopening them, Tensa Zangestu fired a Getsuga from the tip of it's blade and he controlled it's path, blasting Madara in the face and he gave a yell, using his abnormal strength to free himself from hsi wooden prison.

    "Let's go... Zang- No, Tensa Zangestu." he thought and blue energy covered covered his body and before Ichigo realised it, he was back in reality, Tensa Zangestu cancelled the genjustu from within Ichigo as a Getsuga formed in the blade and he fired it at madara at point blank range, utilizing his speed to leap back.

    "Do not look into those eyes Ichigo, I suspect they are what made you appear in that other world." teh fmailar voice fo tensa Zangestu speaking within his mind and Ichigo nodded slightly and closed hsi eyes shut, holding Tensa Zangestu firmly in his grasp.

    ~Digital City~

    Agunimon nodded and followed his friend and landed nearby Takato and Rika, they had partners obivously since he did notice Takato being there, he remembered the Quartzmon Incident and that he along with Tai, Davi, and Marcus were brought to a different Digital World by the Old CLock man, quest was, did Takato know who he was or wa she earlier point in time?


    haruto took Rydia's apology and nodded, before switche dteh belt on and it spoke. "Connect~ Please~!" it said before a huge magical circle appeared beside hima nd he reached a hand in before pulling it back, he was holding a brown bag a steh magic ccircle disappared and he opened it, revealing it to be a doughnut, a plain siuhar one as he bit into it.

    Tidus was surprised at that. "Where did he get that from?" he asked with unmistakble disbelief, eh seen many things that peopel wouldn't think of, Aeons, Sin, Blitzball, Magic, Machines, Airships but creatign a portal to somewhere just to get food?

    @Galleon DOcked at lowee~

    Marvelous nodded and started trudging in the snow, makign noises of it being crushed, obnivously not bothered by the coldas Yuri followed suit whiel harodl conjured Warming charms in his friends clothings.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Mar 23, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. StardustXtreme

    ~Ichigo Vs Madara Uchiha~

    Ichigo wondered what he emant when he was the oen who killed this Izuna person but he didn't have time to think that when Madara declared him to prepare to die with a strong gust of wind and a charge forward and ichigo lauched himself forward. "There's a weak spot in this attack, focus on the area where the attack si centered from then...!" he thought and focused his spiritual energy to create a thin layer of coating to protect hismelf as he slammed trhough teh attack with his Bankai's speed and brought his sword up to block the huge fan and turned his balde to it's side, creating sparks and enabling him to slash at Madara at close range.

    ~Digital City~

    Takuya paused for a moment and saw a familar Digimon, Zephyrmon, which could onyl mean oen thing, it was Zoe, a fellow Spirit User and the oen who carried the Spirits of Wind by Ophanimon, meaning she was proabbaly the signal he got and he brought out hsi D-tector and his hand was wrapped in one strand of digital code and he scanned it on top of the D-Tector. "Execute! Spirit Evolution!" he called out before hsi body was wreathed in flames and in his place stood a humanoid Digimon and he leapt between walls to reach a building that wasn't hindered by other ones and to easily be spotted, he had to admit, it felt nostalgic to be back in his Digimon state.


    Haruto eyed the young green haired woman, Rydia she called herself. "Haruto Souma or my alter ego is known simply as Kamen Rider... Wizard." he introduced hismelf as Tidus felt his hand gripped by Yuna's as Noel looked at the buildings, eh was fascinated by it.


    harold muttered soemthign udne rhsi breath, promising to hex Draco if he kept complaining as Yuri chuckled. "It is cold here, but he amount of snow is unbelievable, it's like a winter wonderland." he pointed out as marvelosu seemed unbothered by the cold. "So, this is what you humans call snow is it?" he asked anyone.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Mar 22, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. StardustXtreme

    I achieved it! All forms of Utopia thus far, I am now a happy man.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Mar 21, 2013 in forum: The Playground