Mahiro-kun's fine. BUT IT'S YOSHINOOOOOOOOOOOOO Q__Q Yoshinoooooo.................. *sob* I HAVE TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS!!!! Yoshino better be...
And yes, Yuuichi-kun is one of my top seiyuu. If I wrote a list of all the seiyuu I love, it will take a LONNNNG time to write it and read...
*continues fangirl rant* I better get going with Magi. I'll try and fit it into my schedule. Any anime you two are looking forward to in...
pretty good. how bout you?
...? I've got plans with Yosuke that week
It's Kuroko-cchi!!! Awesome as always~~ I love how you highlight the hair and eyes in your sketches. It's really bright~~ The hands are REALLY well drawn too! DRAW THE OTHERS TOO~~~~
Do the others too!!
I SAW THAT!! I was like "kya~~~ Kuroko-cchi~~~~<3"
good... how bout u?
Which anime are you looking forward to in spring? Who's your favorite character from Inaba? Favorite anime of all time? Favorite anime of 2012? Favorite anime character of all time? Favorite FOOD~~~? Favorite staff (i don't know....)? If you were stuck on an island with 30 other people around the same age and all guys, what would you do? What would you do if the Inaba incident (like random murders) happened in your town? (Leave it alone? Get involved? Try solving it? etc.)
O__O Have you watched this week's episode of zetsuen no Tempest??!! there was a "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" point in it.....
Mind if i jump into this fan-girling conversation? RYOHEI KIMURA VOICES JUDAL~~~ Kimura-san also voices Kise-kun from Kuroko no Basuke... Please comment~
nice to meet you~~ Chie-desu!
OMG I will be waiting~~<3 Post on Pixiv too! Wanna bookmark them, cuz they're too kawaii~~~~
lol lucky.... waiting for golden week......
.... have no idea what to say to that....
Morgiana kawaii~~~ ^__^ I love how much movement is in this piece! I love your art style~~~ Pretty much no negative in this.... GOOD JOB~~!!
oh right....