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  1. Kites
    LMAO kfjdslkfjdsklfjdsklfjldksjflsk
    Profile Post Comment by Kites, Mar 19, 2013
  2. Kites
  3. Kites
    This was an interesting tibit of news that everyone pretty much saw coming. He had maybe one good year where he came in parading to do good business for "the gamers" but ended up just as any business man would in this situation. Especially since not long after he took over there was the whole "Spore DRM" issue. I wouldn't go as far as to say that he "took huge risks" because games like Mirror's Edge, etc. were already in development prior to him becoming CEO and even that was seen as a "failure" to them (even though it critically did well). IP wise they have been churning out more profitable IPs but not because of consumer confidence anyways, though it's better than just releasing Madden or those games based off of movies (LOL) but honestly looking at their abysmal stock trends it doesn't really say much. It's just that they have acquired smaller houses (most of them mobile) that created the IPs and now they are making money off of them. Sooooo. Yeah I wouldn't expect too much. I just love that it's happening during Sim City's release, even though that wasn't directly the reason for the step-down.
    Post by: Kites, Mar 18, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  4. Kites
  5. Kites
  6. Kites

    So many of you already know that the Saint's Row: The Third expansion pack "Enter The Dominatrix" was cancelled and plans were made to have it turned into a full blown sequel. Now we have news that (much to my delight) the next Saint's Row game will be released August 20, 2013 for North America, August 23, 2013 for the rest of the world. This August release is for CURRENT GEN CONSOLES and PC.

    Teaser Trailer below:




    Courtesy of the Saint's Row Facebook

    Personally I am excited for the next installment of Saint's Row. I was actually talking about this with a friend the other day and it's great that I didn't have to wait long before some news rolled in. Kinda "eh" about it still being set in Steelport as I was hoping for a new location but you never know. The thing about Enter The Dominatrix is that the Saints are put in a virtual reality version of Steelport from what I understand so things will be a lot more ridiculous this time around (considering how they are adding SUPERPOWERS). Saint's Row 2 was probably my favorite in terms of balanced gameplay/craziness/story, but I loved Saint's Row: The Third for its graphical improvements and smoothness, etc. Are you guys excited for it/which is your favorite Saint's Row? I figured I'd get sort of a discussion going (LOL). Also do you think this timing is good? Considering how GTA V is now pushed back to September 17, 2013 and Saint's Row is a more ridiculous version of GTA.
    Thread by: Kites, Mar 15, 2013, 5 replies, in forum: Gaming
  7. Kites
    nooo i like garrus so garrus shall stay
    Profile Post Comment by Kites, Mar 11, 2013
  8. Kites
  9. Kites
    Profile Post Comment

    a nicolas cage~

    a nicolas cage~
    Profile Post Comment by Kites, Mar 10, 2013
  10. Kites
    Citadel Trailer:

    Post by: Kites, Mar 4, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  11. Kites
  12. Kites
    Yeah honestly no one should be worried that a price hasn't been announced for the PS4 yet. It's a marketing (I don't want to say ploy but yeah it's a ploy) strategy that they would only say fabulous things about the PS4 for its unveiling and leave the bad news for later. They would be absolutely insane to release it at $600 or whatever the hell they priced the PS3 at during its release. However, I because they are making a big ass deal about the Vita with the Playstation 4, I could see them making a bundle package with that if not immediately during launch, perhaps down the line, idk? It wouldn't be any skin off of my back if they didn't do that though. A saving grace for the Vita is that it isn't region locked, similar to how the PSP wasn't region locked either so importing games, mostly RPGs I suppose, would increase your library????? I still think it's dumb to charge for a game you already purchased. Yay for UMDs on the PSP, the most useless form of game storage medium ever. Right on, Sony.

    Nintendo is lucky that is able to substantiate itself, though it has been losing money. At the very least it is a good thing that Nintendo sells pretty well both in the east and the west, unlike Microsoft who is just dead in the water in places like Japan because the marketing strategy is SO WRONG omg. Japanese are not interested in the XBOX and I am speaking from experience but obviously that has been written about so many times. If anything developers should stop porting/translating XBOX games (WHICH ARE REGION LOCKED) to Japan before they stop developing for Nintendo. smh.

    Basically, both statements are ludicrous. If they are obviously going to continue developing for Nintendo because they don't want a bad relationship with them, then obviously they think they know where there is money to be had. Fans are always going to complain, but the 3000 people playing BLOPS 2 on the Wii U isn't exactly a substantial enough portion of the population to be super upset that COD didn't do well on a WII U. I mean come surprises that they are going to buy a NINTENDO game for a NINTENDO console. ~Wow revelations~

    I guess we should all just toss the consoles and join the PC master race that Gaben has been touting for years. CONSOLES ARE DEAD YA'LL CAN GO HOME NOW!!!1111
    Post by: Kites, Mar 2, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  13. Kites
    First off all, to even think that Black Ops 2 would do remotely well is stupid. I guess there are some people that only own a Wii U, but honestly that is really unlikely/pretty rare I guess considering how the Wii U is fairly new to begin with. No one thinks, "oh hey let's buy a Call of Duty game for Wii U, that'll totally go over well considering ALL MY FRIENDS will be online playing that." No.

    Second of all, Nintendo doesn't market anything third parties do very well, because they would much rather put their self published games as priority. I'm sure things like that is mentioned in passing, but Nintendo's first priority is games made for and by Nintendo. Besides, a Wii U's target audience isn't really the COD "type".

    However, I think it goes both ways. For example, with Ubisoft pushing back the Rayman title in order to make it a multiplatform release is just as idiotic. Instead of delaying an already finished title, make it a timed exclusive. While I'm sure there will be better sales due to a broader audience (and I see the developer's point about "not enthusiasm" for the console, pulling shit like that won't make it any better. The Rayman title would have done just fine as a Wii U exclusive, hell it may have even urged some people to get a Wii U, just look at it, it stylistically is perfect for a Nintendo console and is more the target audience, plus other Rayman (and Tonic Trouble idk if anyone remembers that) titles have been on Nintendo platforms before.

    This is a similar situation for the Playstation Vita, a bunch of promises for games and great potential, but crappy as hell launch lineups and a lack of news. It's only until recently that the Vita and Wii U are starting to shape up as something worth dropping a couple hundred bucks on. Nintendo's Wii U recent news with new titles that will be shown at E3 should be interesting and hopefully kickstart developers to "develop" for the console and hopefully get more third party support. Because honestly, the Wii U up until this point doesn't have much to offer so I'm not surprised people (both developers and fans) are disappointed.
    Post by: Kites, Mar 1, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  14. Kites
  15. Kites
    Profile Post Comment

    o tanks dude u cool 2

    o tanks dude u cool 2
    Profile Post Comment by Kites, Feb 27, 2013
  16. Kites


    Post by: Kites, Feb 23, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  17. Kites
    FOR RELEASE ON MARCH 5th, 2013 ON XBOX 360, PC, and PS3 (MARCH 6th ON PS3 IN EUROPE)

    First off the BioWare blog has revealed that the new Citadel DLC will be $15 (1200 MS points; 1200 BW points)




    Mass Effect 3: Reckoning DLC (Multiplayer) FREE ON FEBRUARY 26TH, 2013. (FEB. 27TH FOR PS3 IN EUROPE).


    Post by: Kites, Feb 21, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  18. Kites
  19. Kites
  20. Kites
    Profile Post Comment

    ;3; ♡♡

    ;3; ♡♡
    Profile Post Comment by Kites, Feb 20, 2013