He's pretty old again. Should the cardinals even bother going back home?
Erasing hate and prejudice is easier said than done. You might shut someone's rant down when citing your own experiences, but it'll take a lot more than a quick anecdote to go against someone's core beliefs and/or upbringing. Your best bet is to hope that every racist's life is saved by a black guy at some point... And know what? That may still not do the trick.
I wonder how much he costs...and what he has done to benefit humanity to make up for it.
I have too many to actually list, being the deeply cynical and bitter person I am. Here's just a small sample: Mosquitoes My blood is apparently delicious. Dysfunctional computers Computers have to work absolutely flawlessly or I'll want to slap them. This is really just a flaw of mine, but it still ticks me off. Bad drunks The people who can't stand their liquour and end up bothering women, getting in fights, or becoming alcoholics. They give us well-mannered drunks who are only out to have a good time while feeling light-headed a bad name. On a related note, people who look down on drunk people who aren't doing anything wrong. Get off your high horse and get wasted with the rest of us, you pricks. People who adamantly refuse to admit that they're wrong Either they get me to doubt myself or they deny me the pleasure of being right for a change. Assholes. "Wait..." Mainly because for some reason, the frequentcy of hearing this word rises exponentially with the urgency I need/want to be somewhere. I don't like the word in general, because it's seldom used in a positive sense. If I'm waiting, it means I don't have something I want yet. No one likes that. That makes some kind of sense, doesn't it? Gratuitous fancy language They're not "utensils", they're tools. It's not "urban exploration", it's walking the fuck around town. Trying to sound smart is a good way to show people you aren't. Used to be very popular on KHV up to the point that I of all people started disliking the Discussion thread. Not because I didn't understand the words, but because the posts were becoming a pain to read. Things have lightened up here, fortunately. Dutchmen It's a Belgian thing. I actually have a very mild stance by comparison; I'd even consider going out with a hot Dutch girl if she asked me really really really nicely, and paid for the drinks.
Epica --- Facade Of Reality
Not at all comparable, but whatever. Of course it's the best among those three, but I honestly hope those aren't the only options. I guess anything else would involve occupying the base and thus invading the country though. I hadn't put much thought to it, but I guess it is the best way.
I think looking at physical pain alone underestimates the psychological anguish that comes with being trapped. But you're right of course; in the end, it doesn't matter. Also, why do you seem to think that going nuclear is the only alternative?
Exactly. Obviously they won't go lightly over the possible options, but sometimes it just seems as if they stop looking for ways to file off the sharp edges when a sufficiently convenient solution has been found. It's probably just an impression though. I find it hard to imagine any "civil" way of waging war that doesn't involve sending thousands of representatives of both factions to neutral-ass Switzerland for a huge card tournament with a winner-takes-it-all arrangement. I do, however, find the difference between between aggressor and recipient to be of utmost importance when deciding which side I'm on and even that is seldom black and white (and not the only criterion at that).
Local newspaper. It was just the "indirectness" that surprised me, not the fact that the US has been building another bomb. Military tactics isn't my thing; I thought bombs just went boom and blew people and buildings to tiny pieces. When a bomb is actually used to trap people and leave them to rot, I find that surprising (even though in retrospect, it has been used like that countless times before). Not that I'm shocked or anything, but it serves as a reminder that we go far to get what we want. Kinda naive of me when I think about it. It does trigger an explosion. The explosion just won't reach the bunker, but all the other strings attached are there I'd imagine. I could see how that is a good outcome, but how much thought has anyone put into finding out whether or not it's the "best"? I always wonder that when the decision considered happens to be the easiest one. I guess we're both naive in our own right. Is really kinder to have their conscience slap them in their faces with every enemy they gun down? They have to get shit done anyway, lest their own people pay the price for it. Soldiers get tired of questioning the justice in their actions and then having to execute those actions all the same. Dehumanizing wars was the logical outcome. There's really no "right" way to resolve some conflicts. Whether you're waging war on a nation or starving its people with economic embargos, the difference in "civility" between the two isn't too hot imo. I'd rather have all our world leaders holding hands around a bonfire singing "Kumbayah" too, but what are the odds? Well if it makes it any worse, the assumption that they are building nukes is just that: an assumption (granted, a more than plausible one at that). That wasn't exactly my issue though. Even though they're non-combatants (mostly), they're still anything but civilians.
So, here's the thing. The States have got this bomb called MOP. It's a heavy thing encased in a strong metallic layer. This enables it to penetrate the ground and attack subterranean targets, let's say, oh I don't know, a secret nuclear testing facility in Iran called Fordo or something. This bomb has all but been specifically made to prevent Iran's nuclear program. (They've been testing it since 2004 and it was deemed finished, until they discovered the aforementioned base, since when they've decided to adjust the bomb so it would be able to destroy it.) No problem so far. This is all well and good, but the thing that struck me most is how the bomb actually works. You see, it doesn't go anywere near deep enough to actually blast the facility to bits. No, what it does is blast the access tunnels and ventilation system to bits instead. I'm usually not even close to wishy-washy where war is concerned, but choking trapped scientists to death does sound a bit...medieval to me. I can see the rational benefits, and methods like these may be as common as the sun rising in the east (military history isn't exactly my forte), but I was somewhat surprised when I read how it works. Oh well... Let's hear your two cents.
I think school is fairly important, or at least it has been to me. Not just the education, but the environment of meeting people, having topics to talk about, making friends and all that is equally important in my opinion. I don't want to grow up being a wallflower that's dumber than a bag of hammers and partly thanks to going to school, I won't. Of course, that doesn't mean I actually liked going to school a whole lot, but I see the advantages now.
I. Yesteryear’s Cradle Interlude: Eons Pass II. One Skip From Eden III. Boundaries IV. Violet-Eyed Monsters Interlude: Healing Factor V. Lonely Blue Pearl Yesteryear’s Cradle It could have been the breath of the One Or maybe it were the wiles of none The day that birthed days Snap the light, like a twig, And make a spectrum spark Creation is an aggressive event Having more time and space than it knows what to do with A feast ensues The elementals waltz with one another Soon they’ll all be kings and queens Sprinkling gems across the expanse Soon… Eons Pass Life is gushing growth More than the sum of its parts One Skip From Eden True Rapture Lush and pure “See who we are We are the essence” All in its rightful place A sudden wind blows diff’rence The established vigour startled Cautiously welcomes a pompous thud A foot of a new creature known as Man Boundaries Choosing matter over mind Has me wondering every time If there’s nothing more to find. Understanding from start to finish; It has me glinting through my limits, Probably being good for business. I’m striving for an end of daze When my fingers split the drapes And marvel at what’s outside the cage. Boundaries subside before me As bittersweet chapters in my story, But to the victor goes the glory. Choosing mind over matter Turned me deaf to idle chatter, Absorbing ambition all the faster. I swear to have the present sutured To its trophy wife named future. I’ll craft the jewelry that will suit her. To cut the edges like a razor, To preserve the welfare of our races: That’s why pencils have erasers. Violet-Eyed Monsters This is love, else we wouldn’t have bothered A thirst for your splendor’s secrets, for a clue Having our talons tilt the balance Devastation just to gaze upon you On solid ground our wonders dwindle So on the firmament we’ll lean Working to soon become immune To the inadequacy vaccine. Constrictingly thin Fittingly slick My conscience is feeble and The choice not chosen Is a harsh mistress. There is a heat that will bribe this glass To a humbled puddle it will be melting The atmosphere we once held dear Shall be in dire need of welting. I tell the others horrific tales Of being just one card in an endless deck. I instill fear and hate by being afraid: I am the cobra’s neck. Beads of a new greed gleam their violet evil As we rip the veil off the heavenly bride Assumin’ we are therefore human: One part self-loathing, an equal part pride. This is love, else we wouldn’t have bothered…? Folly’s thunder strikes in cycles. By the next round I’m sure we will Think that he who’s throned on a mount of bones Is somehow still king of the hill. … Through our parallel carcasses we swear: We’ll once again be with you. Your ribcage grin will transform in- -to a hair of the dogs that bit you. Healing Factor Eons are passing Oh, the time this takes to mend Forming boundaries Lonely Blue Pearl She was overcome Hues and shapes draw closer Resilient remnants checking back in They, too, are no longer units No longer science They embrace the ravished matter Work the magic of an untold compassion Are you prepared, milady? Ready for another round of all-encompassing irrelevance? Ready for a torrent of headbutting dualities? Shall I bring the guests then? This survivor, she accepts This demiurge, she is ready She has overcome (Quiet applause) A momentum of matter A phoenix made of stars In chlorophyll necklaced and beshawled Feeling a billion of yesteryears cradle Comment: Behold! My magnum opus. Seven poems, one story. CAN YOU HANDLE THIS?!
Mizuchi, which are water serpents in Japanese mythology that are masters of illusions. Never heard of them until Shin Megami Tensei, but the Mizuchi boss battle in Nocturne was so cool that I looked into its origins. It's another common username of mine.
I collect video games, particularly role-playing games and action-adventure, but I will occasionally delve into another genre if the setting appeals to me (giant robots are a big plus, as are mythologies of various kinds). I'm gradually becoming more of a collector than a gamer, having about six games in my shelves that I haven't even played yet. I'm kinda stupid like that.
I prefer the work at home bespite (or rather due to) being distracted too easily.
It's bad, but not as bad as some people would make you believe. It doesn't cause any direct fatalities, it isn't a gateway drug and it's hardly addicting (not in the way that nicotine is, for example). That being said, it certainly isn't healthy and huffing a weed/tobacco mix is actually worse than either of them separately...somehow.
Or you have faith because you are afraid of death. No one can say for sure. Religion was a convenient way to explain lightning and people suddenly dropping dead, but ever since more adequate explanations presented themselves, I don't see any use for the supernatural aspect of religion but to provide a way to cope with finity. Not fearing death doesn't mean you're content with just any way of dying.
I can seen myself wanting this generation but not if continues the Generation V trend of throwing buckets of potential out the window by stuffing it in useless multiplayer content. I read White's instruction booklet for the heck of it and found the better part of it explaining functions (C-Gear, Xtransceiver,...) that are only relevant if you have a dozen friends who also play Pokémon. I can see why it would appeal to the target audience, but personally I can do without it. So yeah, I hope X and Y steer clear from that shite. Oh, and if this game doens't have a Dark Gym I will riot. But yeah, I too am looking forward to more information. I think the Fire/Psychic, Grass/Dark and Water/Fighting combinations would work well. As for the Legendaries, I have trouble even guessing their types. Xerneas could be part Grass, part Ice or part Steel for all I know. As for Yveltal, Dark/Flying seems to be obvious but other combinations come to mind as well. A Poison-type Legendary would be cool.They don't have that yet if I'm not mistaken.
It is selfish, arrogant and a while additional plethora of ugly words. That still doesn't make it wrong. Read on. Love, friendship and kinship are cool and all that but I like to retain some measure of individuality, thank you very much. I can love and be loved but I don't want to be half of a whole, even when I move in with someone or have children. I'm willing to share my time, my material possessions, my deepest thoughts and emotions with the person I love, but not my life. I'm willing to make some personal sacrifices. I'm not, however, gonna stick around for shits and giggles, or to put someone else's conscience at ease. I find this a reasonable extent of selfishness. And even so, do I really have to give everything in order to be called anything other than selfish? That's bullshit. Nor should it be seen as placing a higher value on your life than you do on your own. No matter how much someone loves you, they don't know you as well as you know yourself. If I were to call it quits and my family would act more heartbroken over their loss than relieved that my suffering has finally ended, than they aren't being any less selfish than I am. Does your definition of love include wanting someone alive against their will? I should hope not. You decided to ignore everything other than the quoted part of my post, didn't you?
Same here. That, and the fact that Fire is always the rarest type of the three to find in the wild. I refused to pick a Pokémon that's called "teh pig" though.