You got that right!
Banned for being right about the new Starseeker!
I am Oda.
Yeah I always have logical reasons.
When you said Railos it surprised me since I suggested that in a pm chat with him.
Hahaha well Cypher has six followers and follows seven. If he followed me I'd follow him.
I meant I was the one who started calling you Rai.
I was the one who gave it to you wasn't I?
Oh right your name change.
Banned because I'm a brit and we don't have spring break.
Why did you say that mate?
Banned because Zelda and Flood have no life.
I was referring to Railos.
Wait what?
I hardly ever like anything.
It is kind of funny that he approached you for the same reason I did. I guess he is becoming more like me each day!
Cse2311 is a good mate of mine I consider him like a little brother to me. and I'm his Oda-nii Right!
Cypher looks like my Little bro has said hello to you haha.
I am glad you enjoyed Chapter Seven and I do hope you watch Sword art Online. But for now I shall grant you the chance to read Chapter 8. Chapter 8: Power of the inhuman Jin was at the lead as the pulse wave expanded but this time the pulse was larger than before as the data of the entire room and the boss was revealed. Every single piece of data was copied and the copies were absorbed into Jin's blade. Everything reverted to normal but Jin's sword was now twice the size of him. Barely able to hold it up Jin used what strength he had to swing it at Amaury successfully taking about a quarter of Amaury's health. "What was that?" asked Jin now barely able to stand up. "You tapped into your primary data core, it is when your emotions are strong you get an ability boost making them stronger. But if you can not control your emotions it can put a great strain on your body as you have just demonstrated" said Amaury as he kicked Jin in the gut sending him flying into a wall knocking him out with yellow health. "Seven entered my dungeon to face my trials then me. Two have fallen but I will not kill them until all have fallen" said Amaury as he stared at the remaining five. Star was the next to rush at Amaury determined to take him down, As Star was running his hands began to glow. Once Star had reached Amaury the word "Lionfist" appeared before his eyes. Hid hands now had taken the form of lion claws was Star delivered several blows decreasing Amaury's health by 1% each time. Star's combination of punches were brought to an end when Amaury stomped on the ground knocking him off balance. As Star regained his balance Amaury delivered a powerful knee in the gut then launched the winded Star into the far wall with a devastating kick knocking star into Red health effectively removing him from the battle for now. "That is three down and I seem to have lost quite a bit of my health. No matter I will take you four down too" said Amaury as he rushed towards the unprepared Oda only to be intercepted by the attacking Myst. Myst's axe was glowing as he managed to push Amaury away from Oda while Joser was approaching from behind and Bloo from the left. As each of the trio attacked Amaury successfully dodged every attack attempt showing no fatigue while who foes were starting to show how tired they were. "You three fight me while the forth just stands there not moving a muscle. Can you protect yourselves and him? That is the question I will now answer" said Amaury as he rushed towards The trio after throwing his axe at Oda. Bloo used his shield to block the axe while Joser took the chance to retrieve Star and Place him next to Sapphire just in case Amaury resorted to dirty tactics. Myst took the role of facing the unarmed Amaury alone just managing to dodge the devastating punched and kicks thrown at him. Amaury jumped back and reclaimed the axe he lost when Sapphire took off his arm leaving the battle as it was before but with the remaining fighters more exhausted. "You three have battled well but your bodies are losing energy you will soon lose what strength you have left giving me a sweet triumph." said Amaury as he slowly began to walk towards Myst while Joser collected Jin and began to carry him to the same place Sapphire and Star now lay. "We will defeat you Amaury! You can bet on that!" said Bloo as he rushed at Amaury with Myst as Joser placed Jin next to Sapphire. Amaury dodged Bloo's attack while Blocking Myst's while Joser now ran to return to the battle only for the three of them to be pushed away as Amaury began to spin creating a weak force wind sending just the Trio a small distance away. "Your attacks are meaningless, the only thing that can hurt me is your sword abilities but can you use them correctly? or will you fail like Jin did?" asked Amaury just before he burst out laughing while staring at the fallen warriors in the distance. "Quit laughing at them now or I will make you!" declared Myst as his glowing axe began to enlarge from the handle to the edge of the blade. The axe slowly began to take the shape of a guillotine as the glow turned from white to red. Myst began to feel a strain but countered it by letting go of his rage bringing the power of his attack back to basic level. Now that he had finished charging his sword ability Myst swung his weapon while charging at Amaury. As the attack made contact the word "executioner" appeared before Myst's eyes as Amaury lost about a quarter of his remaining health from the attack. Although the blow was quite damaging Amaury was still able to strike back by using his axe. The axe made contact with Myst's back causing a bit of damage but not defeating him but before Myst could do anything using his left leg Amaury belted Myst across the room with a kick to the face leaving Myst out for the count. "Amaury you used to be human how can you do this? How can you be willing to beat us into pulps then watch us die? It just isn't human" said Joser as Amaury turned to face him. "Human? haha I lost that the day I came to this world. All I can do now is live a fake life here so why should you live a real one when I can not" said Amaury as he ran at Joser who ran round Amaury in a circle to stall him. " You are a fool Amaury, you may live a fake life here but I can honestly say with what heart I have that, a fake life is better than no Life at all" said Joser as his sword art ability finished charging. Now he used what agility he had left to jab his daggers into the torso of Amaury where they remained as Amaury knocked Joser away and pulled them out while his health turned red. Before Joser could do anything Amaury rushed him head first and impaled Joser on his horns. Joser was now losing health at a rapid rate and within a matter of seconds his health turned yellow. Bloo ran as quick as he could and managed to get onto Amaury's back where he used his shield as a lever to lift Joser off the Horns just as the health turned Red. Taking the chance he had Bloo jumped off Amaury carrying Joser who just passed out from the pain he was in. Bloo quickly rushed Joser to where Myst was lying and placed him on the ground out of the way. Knowing that Bloo would attack again once he had got Joser to a safe distance away Amaury too the chance to walk towards the now defenseless Oda. "Well look what we have here, the man who was so eager to fight now frozen in place because he can't process how I came to know so much about him and his companions. Pathetic" said Amaury as he stopped about five yards away from where Oda was standing. "I will end Oda quick because as stated before, I am no normal boss I have player data in my code. Do you know what that means? No? It means I can do this" said Amaury as he began to charge what seemed like a sword art ability. His remaining axe was absorbed into his hand transforming it into a claw with five sharp blades where the fingers should be. "You shall fall to my ability Titan's Claw!" said Amaury as he gathered a powerful force in his claw and rushed at Oda with the blade extended forward to pierce Oda's flesh when Contact was made. The shear force of the attack caused the ground to crack as Amaury took each step closer to Oda's location. Once Amaury had reached Oda he pushed forward to strike Oda in the chest with an extreme force but Bloo came out of nowhere. He knocked Oda aside and tried to block the attack with his shield. Unfortunately the attack was too powerful, the force shattered Bloo's shield and sent him flying into the wall as his health began decreasing.
The effect having an audio muted differs on the video's style. My videos were lip sync videos so without the intended audio the video was worthless.