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  1. CloudStrife2k9
    Although DDD has just been released last Summer, do you guys think that maybe 2.5 could have KH2FM+ BBSFM+ Re:Coded and then possibly Dream Drop Distance as well? I mean to put the hand held game onto a main console would be really cool.

    I do understand that it JUST came out, but I dunno. Three games and then a movie? (Coded cutscenes) It would probably sell a lot more. I know that the chances of seeing DDD in this package are slim to none, but .. y'know.. just hoping :c

    I really want to play Dream Drop Distance without buying a system that I will only play for ONE game.. I did the same thing with Birth By Sleep and I am now regretting it -.-

    Blah, anyways, I'm REALLY excited for this HD Collection. A LOT more excited than 1.5. KH2 was by far my favorite Kingdom Hearts game.. and my KH2 disc just recently stopped working :''''''''c *sniffle*
    Post by: CloudStrife2k9, Mar 15, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  2. CloudStrife2k9
    Anybody else kind of upset to the fact that it's only a PS3 game? /: I was hoping it would make it's way to xbox. I guess I should have expected this considering that the original was on the PS2. But still, they have to realize that they would make more money if they were to make it multi-platform. And seeing this, just leads me to believe that Kingdom Hearts 3 will as well not be on 360 and only PS3 /: Looks like I have to go buy one... along with a 3DS /: ._.
    Post by: CloudStrife2k9, Sep 25, 2012 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  3. CloudStrife2k9
    Bolt. I think bolt would be amazing. haha.
    Post by: CloudStrife2k9, Jun 8, 2012 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  4. CloudStrife2k9
    I agree with you VERY much on that. I've been waiting for them to make that game. It's over due.

    Oh my god. I seriously hope that the upcoming games will be multi-platform ;__;
    I don't want to buy a PS3 just for ONE game. :c
    Post by: CloudStrife2k9, May 4, 2012 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  5. CloudStrife2k9
    Awesome:D Just goes to show how close the release is! :D

    To be honest, I think that in Kingdom Hearts 3, it'll either be like BBS (Meaning that there are like 2 sides to the story) or Riku will be the Main Protagonist .
    Post by: CloudStrife2k9, Apr 27, 2012 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  6. CloudStrife2k9
  7. CloudStrife2k9
    This has to be the best comment I've seen on a thread... LOL.

    But anyways, YAAAAAAAY:D Now I can't wait for a trailer, even though I already seen the English Subbed and Dubbed version, it's always nice to see the legit NA one:]

    AND on a side note, I can't wait to play the game the first day it comes out! And by that.. I mean I can't wait to watch the walkthroughs on youtube greenbounce
    Post by: CloudStrife2k9, Apr 6, 2012 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  8. CloudStrife2k9
    LOL. This is very true. Didn't even think that ahah xD
    Post by: CloudStrife2k9, Apr 2, 2012 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  9. CloudStrife2k9
  10. CloudStrife2k9
  11. CloudStrife2k9
    No, sir. YOU are the slow one.
    TROLOLOLOLOLOLOL. Mike put 5 stars, meaning FIVE letters. Ventus is 6 letters. xD
    Also, when he met Roxas before in Kingdom Hearts 2, he didn't REALLY meet him.. iunno how to explain it, but yeah lol.
    Post by: CloudStrife2k9, Apr 2, 2012 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  12. CloudStrife2k9
    No need for a script, because they actually meet in the game:p
    Post by: CloudStrife2k9, Apr 2, 2012 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  13. CloudStrife2k9
    Could it possibly be
    *drumroll for the spoiler*

    Sora meets Roxas ? :OO
    Post by: CloudStrife2k9, Apr 2, 2012 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  14. CloudStrife2k9
    I was hyperventilating. THE ENTIRE TIME.
    THIS. IS. AMAZING!!!!!
    HolyCRAP. I NEED a 3DS now ! D:
    Post by: CloudStrife2k9, Dec 19, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  15. CloudStrife2k9
    Profile Post

    Hai:D greenbounce

    Hai:D greenbounce
    Profile Post by CloudStrife2k9 for Ø Riku, Oct 26, 2011
  16. CloudStrife2k9
  17. CloudStrife2k9
    Profile Post

    Lmaooo:D Whats up?:P

    Lmaooo:D Whats up?:P
    Profile Post by CloudStrife2k9 for Krown, Oct 21, 2011
  18. CloudStrife2k9
  19. CloudStrife2k9
  20. CloudStrife2k9
    Yay :D
    Only if he was able to do them alone:D Even more epixx :D

    Anyways, by far the best Riku code. Considering the Limits, obviously, and that he can actually take damage.
    Good job bro:D
    Post by: CloudStrife2k9, Oct 16, 2011 in forum: Video Showcase