One of my favourite features is the option of two paths.. there are some games that do this, but a lot of games that would be better with this choice lacks of it (dante's inferno, Sleeping dogs from the top of my mind). Another great game with this feature is Spider Man Web of Shadows, a shame that it doesn't have trophy support.
I am bit surprised that everybody is soo interessed in the "console" they showed the console's power, it's conectivity, and what it will make.. the console it self is just a box whatever it is wont make much difference, i think they showed what really matter.
I wonder if someone buys an asian game, if it ever comes to U.S. there would be some patch that translate it... as far as I am awere all Brazilian titles are realy american titles (same region etc..) , but the system detects our choice of language (portuguese) and puts subtitles... did anyone in this forum ever bought an asian game for the ps3? The most foregein title I've bought was an European Mortal Kombat, that had english available.
Square is to blame for a lot in this reveal...
From my understanding X pronounces as "She/Chi/ki" like when you make an X² in statistics, never heard it as a "he" sound though.. in latin and greek X can have an Shh sound, and a CS sound, never heard the "R" being referred as a possible sound, might be wrong, but I don't think so.
If everybody with the conduit gene has died chances are that this gene would never reapper if you have the gene for blood type O , for instance, it didn't appear in your linage gene B or A, as this genes apeared before humans come to be, if you looked only by this gene henrence you would be more related to a Blood type O monkey , than to a AB type human (as genes slipt randomly without conection with one or another , the mendelian one's at least).. so If a gene is whiped out the existence the chance that it is born again is veeeeery unlikely, and since all genes coalescence in one original gene we could make a tree of genes that would be separeted from the "life tree". There could be however another explanation, like "proto-oncogenes" they are genes that in their native form do normal things or nothing, but with the right stimulus it can become a cancer gene... so we could say that the "conduit gene" is a inative gene, that with the right stimulus it mutates into its active form that gives the user powers... that would fit the game's plot , as people with conduit genes still need some kind of radiation (that bomb that sucks lifes of normal people and gives boost to conduits), but that's very unlikely to be the case , as in the end of game 2 (good side) people that had the gene, but didn't awaken their abilites still died, and the First son's and the FBI knew how to find the "Conduit gene" in people without powers, so the conduit gene is most likely always activeted but it needs an epigenetic activation to provide it's host with powers. I think is more probable this scenario: Even whithout the conduit gene, there were studies in conduit people, so some one knows the science of it and probably kept samples of the conduit gene and it's proteins.. if the main character of this game was exposed with the conduit protein or the gene (DNA vaccine) it would be possible to recreate conduit subjects... even if whithout the gene it is possible to mimic it's chemical reaction in someone.
It can be good even though i am not a shooter myself.
THis game will be AWESOME! I just in doubt.. I know Hokuto no Ken had an american version, and I hope Jojo get one also.. Is just that i am a huge jojo fan and I am thinking of buying the Japonese version.. the thing is that probably I wont understand nothing (and don't know if there is going to be language selection)... but I really want this game >(.
I don't play that much car games.. I felt a little wierd when I saw the guy describing the game.. it seemed like he was in love with the cars, what its wierd.. than again it could mean how much he loved the game and how excited he is about playing it and all.. I wouldn't buy it in the first week, but could buy it after seeing reviews,
In the Game 2, the good ending was obviously cannon, but at the second is complicated.. as the "good"(stupid) ending makes cole kills himself and billions of conduits making a huge carnage... the "bad" (resonable) one makes Cole sacrifice the humans to save all conduits... If the good ending is cannon than there should be no new conduit as everybody with the gene died (but if it is possible to have super heroes in that world, maybe is possible to remake the physics of superhero even whithout the conduit gene) , if the bad ending is cannon most people (if not all) should have super powers by now... so will have to wait. I like cole and his powers, but I don't think they should be reviving characters everytime they felt like it , just like comics do... so I am happy to be back to INfamous world, and that they respected that Cole's story ended... Ps.: By the way.. if cole was able to go back in time in INfamous 1 , why didn't he killed the BEAST by himself and prefered to screw up the life of the other Cole?
They're promissing to launch the Ps4 in Brazil same day as US x).. but I probably won't have the cash by than.. but It will be good to see the next gen.
Loved the first time I saw it at E3.. now it was kinda... same stuff.. we did see some of the gameplay.. still waiting.
About Diablo.. since before it was launched it was beeing made for console, it last so much time doing it that it end up in nex gen.. even though it is out dated even for the Ps3 (than again it will go to Ps3 also). Square and Ubisoft.. I expected more from them... both had already showed their games at E3... saying that there will be a final fantasy at Ps4 is nothing whithout even a single picture to show.. we would make more fuss if there wasn't going to be a FF in Ps4. Ubisoft is ALWAYS making a new assassin's creed, even though they just made AC III they could had annouced just the logo of the next AC that everybody knows it will come out next year as it always do.. just for the sake of having a new game at the show. I liked that Ps4 will access all previous playstation's game via streaming .. but I wouldn't want to pay for games I already bought last week, I hope they have some tricky way to identify the game via blu-ray than make the streaming so that we don't have to buy them again.. The controler is awesome.. if it is able to become a headset as I imagine i'll be happy, also all that shared experience will be great.. even though I only have 3 friends with Ps3 now, and I think it will be long time until I got more friends with Ps4.. It will be fun to play with famous people over the internet. Loved that they will not force you to play online or lock used games..
I would love to play a KH multiplayer with my friends :(*! And console playing is waaay better... that would give us things to do when the game was over, but still... the multiplayer basis of KH 358/2 are basicaly the same as the game, if they didn't had the time/or money to do it, they wouldn't do the multiplayer part as well.. But I hope that someday one multiplayer title comes to the Ps3, maybe a version of the BBS title... or a dlc who knows... but if Ps3 lifespam at the end is highly unlikely..
My first thought was using the moon stone to evolve eevee to a normal branch.. but that would make no sense as they had to give an explanation to why you can't evolve your eevee in previous generations as we had that stone all along.. I am beating it will evolve with a expecific trade (like a female eevee X male eevee both using an expecific iten) or an evolution that needs to be made in somewhere expecific like the moss stone, etc... The last attack seemed to me to be SWFIT: It is a normal attack.. that could mean it's type, but then again everybody can use normal attacks.
I was under the impression that Dualshok sixaxis (the one of Ps3) was great, but some people told me that they didn't like the analogs said they were slipery, I never had problem with them.. I didn't like that much of the L2/R2 as triggers, they were still better than the one in Xbox (when you are not playing a shooter game triggers just get in the way). This new controller seems great, but kinda ugly (but I expect the final version to be cooler), The touchpad will help cross gaming with Ps vita, the share button will allow everybody to make their own gameplays videos in youtube.. and if I am seeing correctly that might be a microphone (that or a sound exit close to the Ps button), also close to the Ps button there is a phone conection.. so with your Ps4 controller you will be able to have an automatic Headset with low cost.
I just hope that the L2 R2 don't become even more like triggers like Xbox controller... I really liked them in Ps2, then in Ps3 they changed (probably because of all shooter games), but shooter games aside in other games they became a drag.. keep pressing triggers arent as confortable as pressing buttons.
Who would tell aquaman would look badass?
I like mini games and disney music... so It was a nice break from killing heartless waaay better than the gummi ships
There are a lot of things that were leaft open in the previous game.. it is a shame that they changed companys rocksteady made a fine job in both games