Out in the darkness of the shade of the pine trees well away from the weather worn bar, the little auburn haired boy stood hugging the broken picture in its shattered golden frame. His turquoise eyes narrowed and reaching with his mind, he found one...no, several minds battered and torn by events past. But, one in particular held interest for him. The young man they called Scott. He'd kissed his precious Luce. He'd flown too close to the sun...and it was about time he was burned. It was his Luce that had looked at this slab of meat called a man with those fear and anger filled silver eyes. A look that should've only been for him to see and no one else. "Those eyes..." the words echoed in Scott's head just like before, "They're mine. You stole them from me. Anger, fear, frustration, jealousy...those are the things I see in your mind, Scott. She'll never feel the same way, that's what you're afraid of, isn't it?" the little voice mocked, each word slowly creeping towards the low timbre of the demon held within, "She'll be angry at you forever. You, who offer what every woman wants, will be alone. Trapped with your memories. Memories of the people you've killed. Their poor lives hung in the balance and you snatched them away. You're angry that she doesn't feel. You're afraid you'll get her killed. You're frustrated that she refuses to accept your makeshift familial love. You're jealous...because she spoke to Adam first." The little demon grinned from ear to ear, "Without hesitation she told Adam everything. She put her trust in another so easily and with you...she hesitates...she grows angry. Her fits of rage against you. Do you really believe them to be out of suppressed affection? Or mearly because she wants you out of the way for someone else to move closer to her? Hm? Haven't you ever wondered what happened before you came? That maybe it was first come, first serve? Adam was there before you. And so were several dozens of other human males." His little voice lost any recognition that it was a young boy and took on the full reverberating timbre of the demon housed in his tiny body, "What makes you so special to her? What holds you apart from the others that have touched her? What makes you think she thinks of you as anything more than just another potential rapist?!"
Staring, Minato scratched his head before a light bulb went off in his head, "That's right, I thought I recognized you two. You're that idol girl and her so-called knight." Laughing, Minato set his hands on his hips, "Oh...what a ruckus. So you're Masaru...yeah, I've seen you a few times. I guess since you two are married now I won't be seeing much of you." he paused when Star mentioned being pushed aside by the guilds, "Huh? Oh, no, it's not like that. I was once apart of those big guilds...but I couldn't just sit by while young kids far below the required level were up on the front lines trying to be heroes. I told them if they wanted to be heroes...they'd have to fight like heroes. As per agreement...Heathcliff let me go to train those kids and...I head back every few days to help out." His expression became solom, like he felt bad, "But..." snapping out of his gloom, Minato summoned eighteen more of the exact same dagger, "It's not like they don't run me ragged when I go back. All's fair. Ah, don't worry about the money. I think I've got enough here to pay normal charge."
Taking his dagger back, Minato twirled it by inserting his finger into the metal hoop on the end. "Very nice... Oh, something else? Hmm...well...I only need this one currently but I have a dozen others, just like this one that could use a tune up. But I won't trouble you with that. I have a smith a few floors up." He sighed, "Actually, if you could point me in the direction of a good inn....it appears I'll be needing a place to stay. Rotten to the core big guilds...ruining the flow of the front-line." Out of habit, his hand slid into his pocket and pulled out nothing. "Ugh..." My boy...
Lowee Campground: Begin the Operation Kakashi stood, his plan planned out in his head as he started to divide the Shinobi. "We can't all go in at once. We'll split up into traditional teams and sweep the area. Shisui, on my go I need you to head to where Grodus is and place the marking directly on Grodus' back. After that, Sensei, Genma and Raido will transport the Goddess' directly to him. Meanwhile, our teams will wipe out any and all X-Nauts in the residential area. Sakura, Sai and Obito will be with me heading to the east. Asuma, Hayate, Neji and Mei will go west and circle round and dispatch the X-Nauts there. Temari, you will take our Vert and Soushi and head to Shisui's position through the center of the area. Take out those you can, but don't take too much time. We'll need shinobi there to back up the Goddess'. Yashamaru, you'll stay here with Sensei." He dug into a pack that Sakura had brought with her and pulled out several headsets from their world. "Everyone take one. The distance from here to the edges of the area is max of the range of the signal." Handing them out to the shinobi and one to Vert and Soushi, "Everyone set yourselves to the third channel. Report in every five minutes. If you don't...Yashamaru will come find you. All set?" He waited until each shinobi connected the black strap around their neck like a choker with the receiver on the choker and the ear piece in their ears. "Good. Scatter!" In teams of four, the shinobi vanished, heading towards their designated positions. "Ladies...I'll leave it to you all to give Shisui the signal to move." With that he vanished with his team as well. Shisui stood by, rolling his shoulders, "Ready when you ladies are. The second I leave, you'll need to be ready. I move pretty fast." Minato shuffled, struggling to stand up, to his guard and gave each of the girls one of his special kunai. "I'll be able to move in a little while. Once I can, I'll be there to assist. Whether Kakashi likes it or not, I'm going to be a huge asset to you in this fight. If I can help, I'm not going to sit still. I am the Fourth Hokage, after all."
Jumping as the door opened, Minato nervously closed the message, "Oh, um, yes...I just...need this repaired." The dagger he used normally on the front-lines only appeared in his hands as he held it out to Star. The three-pointed dagger was split in two places as if from a sharp sword. He smiled and rubbed the back of his head, ruffling blonde hair, "I got too serious and the poor thing was on it's last few bits of durability. Silly thing split and nearly got me cut in half."
Wandering around floor 47, Minato was feeling rather accomplished when he found Star's blacksmith. It wasn't open but the lights were on. Debating on knocking or just leaving...he chose knock. Rapping his knuckles on the door, while multitasking the sudden notification from the front-lines, Minato frowned at the message. Ordered to take a break? Worry rode front and center in his mind. But they were going to make a breakthrough soon...why would they order him to take a break now?
Alexandria: Kratos' nostalgia only grew and a small smirk appeared on his face. "My name is Kratos Aurion. I'm just a mercenary." Keeping things uncomplicated were best when dealing with the short attention spanned. He turned to their newest arrival, "That's right, some self-proclaimed God, Owari. Unfortunately...I've never seen this place before in all my travels." Castle Baron: Martel's smile never wavered and she knelt to his level, "I am Martel. Guardian and Summon Spirit of the Great Tree." To prove her point, as she stood, the image of the Great Tree itself suddenly sprang up behind her. Even it's image radiated the glow of mana.
With the dagger out of his inventory, Masamune felt empty. But...it was in good hands now. Turning on his heel he left the restaurant, passing by Yoku and Inferna as he left. He didn't see them...he barely saw the road in front of him. This time...it was personal and the last time it was personal he'd ended up killing the girl he cared about. This time...I won't make the same mistake twice. He walked swiftly all the way back to the warp gate and transported back to the Laughing Coffin's home base.
See now that would've been better to say than just saying the single character is taken. Saves me the trouble of going through them all.
Are all the Seven Deadly Sins from FMA taken?
Holding perfectly still, Masamune barely registered Inferna's kiss...as awkward as it might've been. Turning when he heard Mya speak, he waasn't thinking about Inferna at all. Everything from his suspicion to her knowing him to the real reason Shiina wanted him dead raced through his mind. "Even you know there are things you shouldn't know about me. But if you're talking about her..." he scowled at the door, "That b*tch is next on my list." Wiping his sleeve across his mouth, he re-equipped his armor, along with his cloak. "I'll kill her. Right after I kill that b@stard PoH. Stupid wench falls for a psychopath and now she thinks she's hot stuff." Anger cooled in his blood by the chilling feeling that he would need to move closer to PoH than he was already. Not good...even now by being a co-founder of the guild, he tells me enough of the stuff I wish I didn't need to hear. Reciprocating that is easy, but now... Pain, disgust and a slight glimmer of fear crossed his face, "I'll have to do it again..." To lower himself before them....the ones closest to PoH and PoH himself....and reestablish the tie he'd severed. Slamming his closed fist against a pillar, he pushed down the hatred he felt. Hastily, he flicked open his menu, typed out the short code to PoH and selected his rarely used dagger and held it out to Mya, "Take it. The dagger has sentimental value to me. This time...you won't see me again for a long time."
I didn't know there was two Sloths... I've almost finished Fullmetal Alchemist and I read quite a ways into the manga in Brotherhood and I've only heard of Sloth in Fullmetal Alchemist.
Alright. He was amusing though. What about Sloth?
Reserving: Dr. Marco the Crystal Alchemist (Fullmetal Alchemist) And if the first Greed is available, I'll take him too.
Chuckling, Masamune pushed down the part of him that wanted to deny, blush, or anything else embarrassing. "Love? You think I love her? How foolish. If you were a real PK you'd know very well that we need those on the inside to accurately work a guild." He leaned close to Inferna, the words she spoke sounded right...but he had been one of those who'd targeted the woman PoH had been involved with....so taking pity on her was difficult. "PoH doesn't love anyone. He doesn't like anyone. He barely tolerates his own guild members." Undisguised rage sparked in his eyes and radiated off him. "If I'm supposed to remember every stupid woman that tries to kill me, you're sorely mistaken. There have been plenty like you, who do it just as well as you do." Running a lock of her hair run through his fingers, he grinned maliciously, "All of them pretty...all of them cunning...just like you." As much as Masamune didn't want Mya to see him differently....being a PK was much more like having a split personality....and this was his. "If you're still alive and claiming to have tried to kill me, it must've been early on in our time here. All the rest...are already dead. I'll admit I was foolish and naiive in the beginning. I felt bad when I killed little girls..." Leaning closer to her face, he knew the expression on his face quite well. One of a mass murderer... He'd seen it often enough in the real world. "Not anymore." he purred.
Zanarkand: Yuri and Repede hopped onto a higher slab of stones and saw pink. "Estelle!" Finding a random slab of wood, he grinned at Repede, "Let's go, Repede. Even if it's not Estelle, it's still people." Nautilus: With the young red-head challenging the blonde man, Yuan sighed and took to the Chocobo the young red head was sitting by. Petting it, he grimaced at the foul smelling bird. "Do you know where we are? These birds...stink...but their genetics are quite interesting." Alexandria: Kratos' face didn't give away any of what he felt inside. Jumping down from the rooftop, he huffed, "Is that so?" Nostalgia settled in his heart, "You remind me of someone I know. You called yourself a soldier. Where did you come from?" Castle Baron: Martel wandered, following the song until she rounded the corner of the castle and found the small blonde man. Her green eyes traced him before she smiled, "Hello." Meltokio: Hearing voices behind him, Kain turned, pulling his lance off his back. "Beings originally from this town... If there are others here...then Cecil...could also be here."
Irritated, even if he didn't know the woman, Masamune stood, grabbing his sword as he did. "Did you say something? I dunno what kind of weird reference you're making by calling me 'Big M', but saying something like that about her isn't needed." He stared at her face, her clothes, everything for a moment, "Do I know you...from somewhere?"
Masamune dug into the food that had appeared before him, "I'm not really. All I did was just experiment with the limits of the game. After a few years of doing that...knowing the little things isn't much of a feat." Waving half of a sandwich around, "Eat it anyway. Even if it's an illusion...it fools our brains into thinking we're getting food and water enough so that we don't feel fatigued by it." He looked around and took note of the red-headed player sitting a ways away. She also had an orange cursor. Flicking open his menu, Masamune's sword appeared on the table.
Lowee Campground: Uchiha Shisui relaxed and his Mangekyo Sharingan went back to a normal Sharingan. "So you've already interfered with Uchiha business. You should've stayed out of it." Shisui avoided Ichigo's eyes as he exhaled, "This isn't your fight anymore. You will allow me to handle Madara Uchiha. Until then, I'd prefer if you didn't say anything else about the Uchiha's in front of Obito." Obito whipped his head back and forth between Shisui and Ichigo. "NO, shut up! You don't know anything about Madara! He might be a crazy old man, but capable of bringing a meteor down on a planet?! You're insane! You probably--" Shisui instantly moved to Obito and clapped his hand over the young Uchiha's mouth. "That's enough, Obito. You should keep something a secret." Shisui bent down to his level and patted his head, "There is nothing more you should say, Obito. I understand your anger...but Uchiha business is Uchiha business." Turning back to Ichigo, he glowered at the orange haired Shinigami. "We have nothing more to speak of." He sank into his thoughts, 'Itachi...I know you did as I asked...so why am I alive?'
"Hm?" Pulling him from his thoughts, he half smiled at the restaurant. "Why not. I bet you haven't had breakfast. It's the most important meal of the day, after all. Even if it is only pixels." Since he couldn't be bothered to remember his own friends, he figured trying to help Mya make some of her own was best. "Cmon...NPC's are good news for me. And since they have scripted dialogue...it's fun to mess with them." They also couldn't die. Masamune knew that as well. At least...if they did die, they just came back the next day and went about what they were programmed to do. Entering the restaurant, he inhaled the scent of eggs and toast. "Figments of my imagination...or...programming. Ah...trying to make sense of a game is hard on my brain." Rubbing his head, he dragged Mya into a booth and flopped down on the cushioned seats. "I'm not computer smart...as you might've noticed, but I know my way around this system. All the pre-programmed combos...they're useless. If the code is already there...I'd rather not use it. Let someone else have their fun with a worthless code." Realizing he was talking hatefully again, he smiled, apologetic already. "Sorry...none of the others use their own muscles to swing the sword. That is...they'd rather think of this as nothing more than a game." He thought back to the bets he'd made with Mya and how even as he won...he wanted to tell her.