People seem to be after me after the whole DMC thread.
You don't really need to like anime to like Japanese games. My little brother hates anime but loves the crap out of Final Fantasy.
It sure sounds like it to me when you scream out something that is meant to be a joke.
If you watch Inception know what, never mind.
It is, you should play them.
If you watch Rambo backwards its about a man who brings cops back to life with his magical bullet sucking gun only to be drafted to Vietnam[DOUBLEPOST=1358649271][/DOUBLEPOST] You sound butthurt. Its a joke BTW.
Disgaea 4
I certainly hope you have some left for me KHV
I'll bow down to you once you know the power of sardines
Because the modern gaming audience doesn't know what a good game is Nocturne <3 :3
Can we just make a separate board where we put the "I'm so bored" threads in? I think it would save alot of space.
I would say something offending but I honestly can't. So I'll just do this instead: "insert offending joke here"
The American bombings in Japan as told by America to Japan.
I seriously fucking hate this song.
Point in question?
Now we're having threads behind people's backs I can't wait until the day when I go on another break you guys are gonna throw the biggest party.
Dark Souls makes Kingdom Hearts difficulty look like Pamela Anderson's honkers, they're fake.