Shapur was itching to attack and put this enemy in its place. He knew that attacking was stupid, what with the poison surrounding them. He growled and simply stood there for this round. "I don't suppose any of you have some powerful technique you've been saving?"
Shapur reeled from the attack. "Can't take much more of that..." he mumbled, then glared at the treant, a mad smile plastered on his face. "For how bad this looks, I am having the time of my life!" He ran forward and dealt a swift blow to the treant's trunk.
Shapur growled. "Son of a..." He ran forward and struck the treant in the trunk.
Kind of both. xD Gotta deal with it now. I'll tell you about it later.
I'm a little annoyed at the moment. But other than that, i'm okay.
Shapur ran forward and attacked. ((Woo, ten minutes later and I would have been skipped.))
How you doin'
Cool. :3 I have to go now, though. A friend is over and I don't want to be a ******bag that is on his computer the whole time. xD Byebye.
Meh, i'm okay. How are you?
Green. :3
That sounds fun. xD
xD Well, I hope you have fun. I'm going to try to go to sleep. Have a good night. <3
I can't sleep. xD But wow, too lazy to sleep.
How are you doing?
I did indeed. Had tons of fun.
"More puddles." Shapur sighed. "No matter." He cast fire on the treant.
Cool. ^^ Hope you had a great holiday.
Shapur glared at the treant. "Just die already!" He ran forward and dealt a quick blow to the treant's trunk.