So is mine accepted yet? I changed his value
Mya flipped back onto her feet and grabbed her sword into her hands. She then listened to Masamune about his whole background on what he had to say. Funny. That would be the last thing to think of when making a guild like that.The last part of what he had to say struck her hard, wide eyed at him. "Wh...what? D-did I just hear what I think I heard?" She shook her head in confusion. I'm not hearing things right! It sounded as if he just shared his feelings for me! Him!
Isn't it kinda too late?
Shucks =3= edited
Gonna make another char if that's fine Username: heartless_angel Known Name: Yoku Age: 19 Appearance: Dis Personality: Somewhat of a irrational and a bragging prick. Loves being the center of attention, though there's no real reason why he tries so hard being the center of attention. Actually hates playing video games, but joined SAO for one particular reason... Bio: Raised by a wealthy family, he had everything handed to him, but he knew that wasn't life although he did like having the feeling of being rich. He knew life wasn't all about getting things handed to you on a silver plate. He knew what he would have to go through in order to become successful in life. At school, he craved attention and love from his peers, especially from girls. He almost had them all except one specific girl. Mya. Seeing her uninterested in him and always staying away from the public irritated him a lot. He then found out that she always played this MMO called Sword Art Online. He thought if he wanted to get her attention, he would play it too. On the day of the in-game trappings, he played the game and was stuck in it, cursing the day he even thought of buying and playing the game and especially cursing Mya as the main reason why he was here the first place. Job: None Guild: None though he does have a great interest in the Laughing Coffin guild Weapon: Dis thingy Special Skill: Bloody Pain. His next attack leaves a mortal wound, causing the target to bleed and take damage slowly up to 15% of their maximum health (maximum, not current) depending on his level. However, this skill cannot kill the target if the target's health is below 15% of their maximum health. Bleeding damage lasts about 2 minutes. has a 10 minute cooldown. Other: N/A
If you remembered, there was a short animated film about Ezio's last days when a Chinese assassin came to him for help. I was wondering if I could use that as a reference to mention Ezio in China.
Question. Can we mention Ezio or is he not alive in this universe?
Mya didn't notice the timer count down until the last second which led to her downfall. She panicked and blocked all of the daggers before being held in a grip. She sighed. I'm sorry Masamune...I wasn't prepared for this kind of a fight. She tilted her head to Star. "You won't let me fight? Even a little? If I'm gonna lose, at least make it worthwhile. A final round shouldn't be this... anticlimactic. Well whatever. People would do anything to win I guess..." She opened her hand, dropping her sword onto the ground.
Mya looked across the field at Star and Masaru with a sad expression. Will they acknowledge me as a friend after this? Or will I continued to be shunned for my actions? Like the past 2 years...whatever the outcome is, I will have no regrets...I hope... She pulled out her sword and twirled it so she held it backward. She hasn't had much practice fighting with a sword backhanded, but it gives her a higher advantage of having more unpredictable strikes as not many people, if any, use a sword backhanded.
OOC: Bumpies bumpies bump
OH LOL XDDD SO Silleh of me XP
Oh I do? :o Mmkay I'll do that
Here's the link to the main RP: (Wow I can't believe I spelled extinction wrong XD) Rules~ 1. No Godmodding or Powerplaying 2. I'll try to keep this PG-13 (language, romance, blabla), but this may lean more towards the not-so-pretty area. Be warned 3. No killing others without permission from me and the victim 4. Try to make posts every so often so the RP can move along. 5. I will not allow anyone to play a child UNLESS you can absolutely prove to me you are an expert RPer and can handle the character well. 6. Make some drama plox. Makes it more fun :3 7. I might add more rules later on so keep that in mind 8. Haz fun peeps C: OC Form (Max 3)~ Username: Name: Age: Appearance: Infected?: Level of Infection: Bio: Other: ________________________________ Accepted~ Username: heartless_angel Name: Mya Stakes Age: 23 Appearance: Infected?: Yep Level of Infection: 5 Bio: She was born in a middle class family. She had a lot in her future. She had outstanding grades, a black belt in martial arts, applied to a great art collage, and a wonderful mom and dad. That was until the virus broke out. Their family fled to the Dome, but short on money. With only enough for two, Mya told her mom and dad to go in and wait for her soon. She was 18 at this time. She got into contact with the virus during an attempted rape in the slums. She managed to fight her rapist off, but got his blood into her eye. For the next 5 years, she suffered horrendous effects of the virus, struggling to survive. She now uses what is left of her life to help out those in need. Other: Very selfless and will help out those in need, but can get carried away into how much she gives.
OOC Link here! Some of you may know that this is my third time making this RP. Well...I really want this RP to soar and grow, but it seems that people aren't too interested in these types of RPs. So I will try revamping this RP to my best ability and if this can't get enough posts, then I'll leave it in the dust :< The Beginning~ Journal Log #1 (February 6, 2058)Fascinating discovery we made in the snowy Alps! We found a meteor lodged into the side of the mountain! A shame we could not bring the whole rock back to our lab, but we broke off chunks of it and took it back to our headquarters in England. The meteor seems to give off a strange glow that doesn't seem natural. Oh well. It looks very pretty this way. IF they let me, I might let my daughter hold a piece of this meteorite rock. Will start research on this very soon. Journal Log #2 (February 9, 2858) Remarkable! These rocks contain some sort of cells on them. This must explain the strange slow they give off! It's unknown what they do to us so we had to work in suits and a sealed lab. So far, these cells seem to have a structure of a virus of some sort. So far, we injected them into a monkey, a bird, and a fish. No symptoms have broke out on them yet. It seems like a harmless virus that is not effective against animals, but we shall keep close watch on this experiment as we still have no idea what effects they have on humans. Journal Log #3 (March 2, 2058)After about a month of observation on this strange new virus, we got some very confusing results. The fish and bird are still alive, but the monkey died. The main thing is that we don't know what caused the death. It seemed that the monkey just died because it got too old or we gave it spoiled food and some of us agree. I don't know. I keep saying that this virus was involved in this death, but they think I'm just overreacting. I hope they are right. Journal Log #4 (April 10, 2058)Another month has passed and looks like I was just overreacting. The bird and fish still live up to this day. In fact, we even tried giving these strains to more animal types like spiders, dogs, cows, various insects, and more. This should help speed up our research on this new virus. n the bad note, Jim got bitten by one of the dogs. I guess the dog doesn't like him too much. He's fine though. A little bite won't keep him out of work. I think we're missing one dog... Journal Log #5 (September 15, 2058)Jim was found dead in his home. Shot himself in the head. It was suspicious because at work, he always wasn't feeling well and he even started to talk to himself in disturbing context. Before he committed suicide, he was coughing up blood and was always delirious. We are worrying that the virus caught up to him. Even worse is that the towns nearby also had deaths that ended with heart failure and massive internal bleeding. It seemed that the dog made contact with town. How it spreads is still a mystery to us. We can't release information to the public yet. The last thing we need is panic within the public. We need more time. Journal Log #6 (December 25, 2058; TO WHOMEVER FINDS THIS JOURNAL, TAKE IT TO THE DOME. URGENT) Every scientist I worked with died from the virus. The mosquitoes got into the building and got us. We were so close to finding the cure. The rest ran off to The Dome. I myself am dying and have not much time left. At least my family is safe in the dome. I probably won't see them though. Whoever finds this journal, please take it to the scientists. The back has crucial information on the virus and its mutations. A cure could be produced with the info I have. No one else knows about the truth of this virus. The fate- 'The rest of the entry is covered in blood and cannot be read' The year is now 2060, 2 years since the discovery of the new virus. Humanity lies on the brink of existence only 1 million are left alive in the world. In a last attempt to save themselves, the world powers created a gigantic dome in the middle of the USA in order to prevent the virus from reaching a place. There they created a private army of several thousand to protect them from the infected. The Dome is the place where the rich and powerful would be safe. The rest of the people were left out to rot in despair and death. Riots broke out and looters started to plunder every home and store available People started to claim places in the slums and start turf wars. Those who still were clean from the infection fled from the highly infected pockets and headed for the Wild or took their chances living in the cities. To show that they still cared, the government sent out convoys to the people living in the Ring and out into the slums and even some vaccines that can halt the process of the virus at an early stage, but it wasn't enough to put out the anger and pain the people had to experience. What is it?The virus was not given an official name as the original scientists did not name it before their deaths. The people however named it the Sixth Strike as the virus goes through 6 stages before killing the person if not killing them in the earlier stages. Even still, the virus is very unstable and unpredictable. A person can die within a few days or maybe a few years. The high symptoms can also have the ones of lower symptoms. The virus spreads through:CoughingSneezingBlood-to-blood contactConsumption of infected meatConsumption of infected human/animal fluidsSexual contactBites Stages: Stage 1: No symptoms. The virus disguises itself as a normal cell, making it very difficult to spot and treat Stage 2: Sneezing, coughing, minor cold-like symptoms. Very spreadable at this stage of the virus. Stage 3: Fevers, more severe cold-like symptoms, cramps, diarrhea, trouble staying on two feet. Virus cannot be halted at this stage Stage 4: High fevers, shivering, vomiting, burred vision, constant headache, feeling of weakness, minor internal bleeding, some delirium. Children and elderly may die at this stage. Stage 5: Malaria-like symptoms, moderate internal bleeding, loss of coordination, insanity, insomnia, possible organ damage and/or failure, excessive muscle cramps. Moderate survivability Stage 6: Massive internal bleeding, maximum insanity, possible permanent comas, shock, organ failure. Death is guaranteed. AreasThe Ring - The area around the Dome. This area is populated by many slum dwellers, many protesters, and sometimes raiders though guards are always on 24 hour watch and will shoot trespassers and looters if spotted. The Dome - The last save haven for humanity. All the world leaders and the wealthy made their home in here. It's a paradise here. Lush environment, fancy homes, and infinite supply of grown foods. Animals are restricted within the Dome as they can be infected. The Slums - What used to be a grand city now lays in ruins of plunders and turf wars. Many bystanders take shelter in ruined homes and buildings, hoping a convoy would arrive to their place. Many looters and raiders lurk around, waiting to abuse the weak and maybe take in a helpless female for their personal use. The Wild - Outside the slums is the nature. People avoid the area now since it's populated by rabid animals infected by the Sixth Strike. Only the brave live out here, making a home for themselves. Access to other countries are cut off since there is nothing left but ruins of a once great nation.
I toat's agree with you. I mean there's nothing wrong with girls that can kick ass and break stuffz. There's a lot of posts about this, but many companies nowdays make characters that need to be appealing to the normal person out here. Also I wouldn't DARE say that to her face D:
Mya sighed heavily as she walked off to the side of the arena and preparing for the next match against Star and Masaru. After their fight with Shiina and Scarlet, she felt even less motivated to go through this tournament. Especially how Masamune acted. She thought she'd be used to it, but it still disturbs her how he acts. It didn't feel...normal for him. She decided it wasn't worth the worry as she tugged on her ribbon on her elbow. Besides, he owed her the explanation now since he lost the bet.
This issue applies to mostly MMOs and maybe a few other games out there. Nowdays, it's becoming more common to see classes that are gender locked. Some games for example would be C9, Vindictus, Dragon's Nest, and other games out there. Honestly, I don't have a big fit when it comes to gender of a class in an MMO, but some people find this not their taste and I can see why they would see this as an issue. In my opinion and a chunk of others, I don't see why a gender locked character is a bad thing. In fact, I think gender locking adds to a character's personality, even if it's small. Another thing is that it's probably better for that character to be what it is. For example, Vindictus has a character named Karok. He's a hella ripped dude who can punch the s*** out of things and just demolish enemies with a giant pillar. The picture would look awkward if a female did that. I'm not trying to be sexist and say that girls can't punch crap and throw giant pillars at enemies and look like they take steroids for breakfast (I hope there aren't any out there ._.), but it just looks unappealing. The last thing is equipment in game. Some games have female and male armor sets. In most cases, girls don't play MMOs (or there are guys who do play female characters and stuff, but still) and this causes a lack of female armors out in the market. Cmon, females don't play vid-*Gunshot* In this case, gender locking system can eliminate that can just put out one armor set for both sexes or that specific class. On the other hand, I do see hwy people dislike gender locking. Maybe they don't see a gender that should fulfill that role. I mean a female dual swordsman? Females can't use-*Gunshot again* Thus, some classes should be unisex and be available for both genders. Other than this reason, I'm not too certain what other good explanation is out there for a non-gender locked game :/ This is my opinion on the argument of gender locking. Feel free to agree/disagree/add more and whatnot on this. I'd like to hear your opinions on this.
Mya snapped her head towards the direction of Masamune and cursed to herself. Dammit. I was caught off guard... She then slid behind Masamune and stood in a defensive stance. "Sorry that I was caught off guard there."
Mya looked over at Masamune to see him stab Mina and catch parts of his talk to Shiina. After hearing Scarlet's question to her, it struck a large feeling of guilt within her. She's right...why am I spending my time with him? Something no one else would do? I...I don't know... She tightened her grip on her sword. Because she believed there was something else to him than what pain he commits? Because she wanted to give him another change at being a 'normal' person?