3 supermods viewing ...I'll miss you Heartless.
(Because I don't wanna do the color thing cause I'm tired "How can you speak? You have no vocal chords, Or mouth for that factor."
He darted from atop the trees tapping the Side of the knife, Changing its direction. "Did they ever send the wrong guy for this..." He turned to face Ren and Ray. ''You guys must leave for the moment.. I only came here for the soul. However...One of you will see me again very soon.", He looked up at Ren and then turned to face Star. "I didn't know he had it in him to hurt someone...". He was wearing a dark robe that seemed to protect his body from heat.He jumped above the energy radiating from Star's body and moved his hands, around. He pulled out a heart-ish crystal and seemed to suck the air from the area, Effectively trapping Star's soul in it. "You'd think after attempting murder, He'd be going down." He rolled down on the floor, on the other side of Star's body. He opened a dark portal and exited through it.
I was going to say something...But No... @Ravemaster Convo Also, Who votes we make Degrassi: The Online Generation? T'would be fun. I should actually watch Degrassi... I know that there is alot of Drama, though. Also, Weren't Jaden and Star talking about how much the arena should be about dueling? When you said dueling, I thought you meant Cardgames, not Swordsmanship... What ever happened to Carly? She hated me( Probably tried to kill me 3 times) And now she left. No one who hates me ever just leaves, They always make me cry and feel souless. She was a good RP-er, Probably on my level of dueling. She might have been able to do something. Also... what happened to the current rp?
I... I feel like this is going to become My Wife and Kid's soon ... Or Degrassi. We've always been like Degrassi, If they played Children's card games. We could make a Degrassi : The Online Generation lol
Why do you have the quote the entire post? Seeing the same picture three times scrolling down gets annoying.
Brooklyn, I can handle Zeal's Death. Zeal fades into bubbly Darkness. 1:32 - 1:50 lol
lol Thanks.
Hurry! Yell at me!
Whenever I change my name it will be to either: Patrick Star Squidward Quincy Tentacles Hope Estheim Terra (With a Fancy T) or Near (I'd use Nate River,But there is already a Nate_River) But I'm like...280 post away. Correction: About 150
He can only Challenge Zeal, Since Nate still hasn't been introduced.[DOUBLEPOST=1357252498][/DOUBLEPOST]Also, I accept.
I do, But... You must admit that They are Superior Heros.
Someone challenge me...
You remind me of rat ,I like rat. Hmmm...Sorry for offending you. You'll probably be able to yell at me at around 8. 8 your time, Since I also...
Not bad, But it just seems like you don't like them, and it's usually not a member, Usually a group of a people. If your going to yell at me...
Uhm ... Kind of. I joined in 2007, Came back in 2009, There was a hack and my (Along with a lot of other accounts and Threads) were deleted, so I...
Did you leave the arena? Or are you just waiting for the tournament to end?
Aswell ... No mod would ban you for being such a hypocrite (Seeing as how you also talk about CtC13, And alot of other members) . I reached my...
You could use "and" at the beginning of a sentence, It just wouldn't be correct, Or at the very least very annoying,Because "And" is a...
The use of the word "And" was unnecessary - and not correct. You're not supposed to start a sentence with "And", So at any rate we at least know that whatever your intelligence is, It probably forgot 1st grade English. Do you remember "Wumbo"?