Seems legit.
The Lord of the Rings (the books) were a sequel to The Hobbit, they just shot the movies in a George Lucas order. Some characters appear in both.
First picture from the second movie released : So ... wait ... the whole Smaug arc will be covered by the end of that movie ? I just wut ? Okay, I clearly didn' t see that coming at all. Apparently the whole third movie will be focused on something called "The Battle of the Five Armies". Don' t tell me what that is, I' m too busy dancing around, fangasming at the prospect of not knowing the story beforehand, not even a single scene.
This time she doesn' t send him to the temple of time anchor point, she sends him before that, when they met in Hyrule Castle. If Link didn' t open the temple of time to begin with then Ganondorf couldn' t have followed him there, seized the triforce and ****ed Hyrule up, that' s the point. Zelda' s time travel mojo created two time-lines : - One in which kid Link enters the temple, is frozen into an adult and beats Ganon. - One in which kid Link knows better and never enters the temple. Well, at least that' s what the game says, but Nintendo confirmed a while back, in a book called Hyrule Historia, that there is actually a third time-line : kid Link enters the temple, is frozen into an adult and ... fails to thwart Ganondorf somehow. I kid you not. I assume he' s beaten into a bloody pulp by Ganon. That particular time-line leads to the sealing war told in the prologue of A Link to the Past. Here' s a translation of Hyrule Historia, pages 68 and 69 : ... And on a trolling note : I guess he never even tried Zelda 2. I can think of much harder NES games though ...
I found this one : It seems to do a better job at vulgarizing it, but I don' t know nearly enough about quantum physics and entanglement in particular to fully grasp what it says ... ^^''
On a side note I noticed a few details that give it weight, besides the ambiguous lines at the beginning : in the last shot his kids wear exactly the same clothes as when he left them, and the topple is actually his wife' s totem, not his. However I think the point is that Cobb doesn' t even look at the topple anymore, he doesn' t want to know. Maybe I should have added "I don' t want to know" as a fourth option. ^^''
Time travel rules aside you' re assuming : - That we' d actually be willing to use it to change the past, but I dare hope our scientists would be smart enough not to experiment with this all wily-nilly, even less to make it available to citizens. I' d see it as a way to expand our knowledge, not as a practical tool in itself. - That we' d be good at it, but many of the stories allowing time travelers to rewrite their own time-line are used as cautionary tales. They don' t show a world rid of mistakes, they show a world where mistakes can have monumental consequences. Fringe or The Butterfly Effect for instance.
Banned because your body has ways to try to shut the whole thing down if it' s an illegitimate ban.
I don' t get it either. Why the hell would gas be free for Indians ? I assume this is Bieber being a moron rather than a racist so ... is there some historical background that I' m missing ? And about "Indians", I had no clue the word wasn' t deemed politically correct anymore. What' s the deal, has it gained unwanted meanings like "retard" or "gay" ?
Making alcohol on your own is quite easy though. Try to make an assault rifle from scratch or to buy one on the black market, I dare you (this is rhetorical). If some rednecks completely lose their **** over this it means they don' t deserve a gun to begin with. Let them slip, jail them, good riddance. On the long run curbing the number of guns, their accessibility and their power wouldn' t decrease violence itself, but it without a doubt decrease the body-count : golf clubs and knifes aren' t exactly as deadly. It' s a democracy, the wild wild west is long gone. That' s weird, they don' t ask for cars that can reach 800 mph or ask to ban speed limits do they ? Shouldn' t they be allowed to put all the other drivers' lives at risk for the sake of their own selfish freedom ? They' ve indulged themselves with lax to no gun control for so long that they don' t even notice all their arguments against more control are just special pleading.
Optimists think they have five more holiday weeks to come this year. Pessimists think their holidays will be crippled with 47 weeks of work. Happy optimistic year (randomly thrown smack in the face of anyone reading this) ! C' est assez profond pour toi ? ^^
Not sure if sarcastic or totally gay. xD I should know by now my help is never wanted. T_T
Y ... you're welcome ! (Just kidding)
Well ... That was irony. That was sarcasm. Damn, ninja' ed.
modernism <= this is a post.
*looks his watch* Oh my, try not to pass out before midnight. ^^''
Do you listen to Help at each breakup ?