Please, Heatran, sir. Leave me be. I do not wish to be eaten. ; ~ ;
*lands* Where's Giratina when I need him? ; ~ ;
O-Oh p-p-please n-no....
Gotta love my Gigi then <3
Thank you for defending me, P-Palkia
You were saying? S-Someone help me.
No more being a meanie head. No, no.
I'm scared. But I have my friend...
I'll keep close to Giratina now ; ;
What? I-I didn't say anything, Nope, nope.
Th-Thank you, Grand Guardian of Space. ; u ; Spoiler: On another note Fear me nao!
I-I'm sorry, Palkia! It was a joke! P-P-Please don't hurt m-me.
I'll get the frying pan.
OCC: I haven't been too sure how to reply. xD Syusuke nodded at he watched them all for a moment, feeling he missed out on some important things as he was gone. Not that it was really much of a surprise to him. He'd grown used to it by now with the amount of missions his sister had taken on since they all got together. Every time she ran off, being the protective older brother he was, naturally, he would follow after her to be sure she was safe. After all, it was the most important thing to him to keep Shuri safe, regardless if he knew her skills. They were all each other had now and there was no way he was planning on losing her no matter what mess she got herself in to. He shook his head from the thoughts not, wanting to focus on completing his task. Finally stitching up the wound, he smiled, liking that he did it correctly again just as he was taught. He knotted the thread before taking his scissors and cutting the rest off. "There sir, good as new. Just don't try to do much for a while or you'll end up opening it up again. And you wouldn't want that, heh." He placed his tools on another tray before grabbing a bandage wrap and tightening it around his leg. Once done, he moved along, cleaning off the other cuts that were more minor, knowing only a few would require the use of bandages. Which was good since he wanted to waste as little as possible. "Well there you go, sir. I did the best I could but I think you'll be fine for now. Just drink some water and be sure to alert me if anything is wrong." Shuri sighed as she finished with her gun, happy to know that there was no damage done. Everything about her sniper rifle was in top shape and would surely last her a great while. She looked back to Alex then, wondering if he took as much care of his gun as she did. After all, she was militarily trained on how to use and care for a weapon such as it. She was almost tempted to ask before stopping herself instantly, wondering what in the world was going on. Why was she suddenly interested in this stranger? 'I suppose it's perhaps because he is a fellow sniper...' She told herself, pushing off her thoughts on the topic. Instead, she place her gun back near the edge, positioning herself for another search of zombies.
I be losing my motivation to clean. I'm getting pains in my chest and stomach (haven't ate since yesterday but my body refuse to until I finish) and I'm tired (1 hour of sleep). ; ~ ; What do I do? Someone help me keep up with the cleaning. I need to finish before my mom gets back home which could be at any time. ><
I-I understand *Hides*
D-Don't hurt me, P-P-Palkia. I'm s-sorry.
Well I guess they're different which is weird. The Space Mountain here is pitch black after it goes up. So you can't see a thing besides 'stars' which is awesome~! <3
Are you sure you're talking about the right ride? @_@ Also, which Disney did you go to? I find Disneyland boring now. Not much for older people to do there. At least not in California.