We get marks out of 100. Here goes: Ancient History: 80 English: 86 Maths: 83 Extension History: 70 Religion: 84 Art: 82
Well I do. Just yesterday I was feeling realy bad gor scabbing money and lifts off everyone else, but now I have no free time :/
Tsk tsk. I'm planning on getting my Ps next year
I knew there was a reason why I was in a happy mood today :)
Oh sheeeeeiiiiiiiiiiiitt
Because its convenient NOTICE: IF YOU HEAR ABOUT A MASSIVE PILE-UP ANYWHERE IN AUSTRALIA, IT WAS MOST LIKELY CAUSED BY ME! Because now I can drive: View attachment 33376
*looks at votes* I love you all so much! :D
That's debatable *shot*
It appears that just after I received my Ls (this thing that lets you learn to drive), my sister rings me and says "come and work at my cafe." I now have a job and a license, in a matter of minutes. Sh*t. There goes my free time :/
Oh yeah? JACKIE CHA- fuck.
NOOOOO JAYN DON'T GET RID OF THE CHORUS OR KN OR DR!!! I STILL HAVEN'T HAD MY TURN FOR DR YET! Given that Christmas is pretty much next week, people are pretty busy with stuff. I know myself I can barely record things around this time because we've always got visitors and stuff. Also, and this is my fault, but Shake up Christmas and KN are due on the same day as Idol, so those who want to participate in everything are gonna have a lot on their plate. Regardless, I use KHVC and KN for my singing practice. YOU CAN'T GET RID OF IT!
Heyyo! Can you tell me how you did the lighting in your SOTW entry? it looks so amazing!! :)
Zelda was last seen: Viewing forum list, A moment ago
We have 3 entries ready to go! Remember to send yours in by the 22nd!!
Of course Amaury made this game... Crash Bandiclaus was last seen: Viewing forum list, 1 minute ago
muff monkey: I remember saying that entries like yours make me not want to enter. This is absolutely beautiful! I love the lighting and the colours you put in this, and the text is absolutely gorgeous. Well done! surfer santa: I feel like the left side is a little empty, but the tag as a whole was very nicely done. I wouldn't have picked those peachy colours for Sora but you made it work. Also love how the text is really subtle and nice. Good Job! Plums: I love it. Overall I think its a little too pale but you've got the blending and the smudging spot on. I also really like the texture it has. Nice work!
9, 23, 25, 30 Please and thankyou :)
Yep! You can enter even if you havent entered before! :)
Sent mine! I'm pretty sure they went through...
I dont have a santa hat in my avvy, does that mean I dont celebrate it?