It happened so suddenly. Grandma was in bad shape in China. Odds were, she may not make it til the summer when school's out. And by god, Allison's mother was not having that. Not after missing grandpa. So help her she would ensure her children would see their grandmother off at the very least should worst come to worst. Thus, plane tickets were secured, bags packed nearly over night, school stuff taken care of because this DID count as an emergency of sorts and Allison and her brother with their mother was taken to the airport and would be in China for the next week or so. Their father could not come unfortunately because someone still needed to earn money to support the family. Not to mention, it was not HIS mother that was in danger, but if he could've gone to support his wife, he would. However, it couldn't be helped. Plane tickets to China are expensive as is, and 3 of them took quite a bit from their normal savings/income moneytalk etc. During the plane trip over, Allison took the time to think about the mysterious e-mail she had received shortly after arriving in China. She was to die? In 100 days? From what? For as far as she knew, she was relatively healthy. Sure maybe she wasn't sure about her cholesterol levels, or blood sugar levels, and whether or not she was in danger of getting Type-2 diabetes from all the sweets she consumed, but as far as she knew, she was all right. What could possibly kill her out of the blue in 100 days' time? Regardless, she tried to peg the e-mail as one of those silly chain e-mail things. Only problem was, this e-mail didn't ask to send it to x number of peoples or you'll die. It just said she would die. Plain and simple. A statement. She WOULD die. Well she would worry about that later. Right now, she was here for her maternal grandmother. Despite the embarrassing language barrier...they managed good enough she supposed. And since they were here in China anyway, why not have some fun as well? So while visiting their grandmother, they also went sightseeing around some parts of China and various amusement parks and whatnot. ... 11 days later, Allison, her brother, and her mother were back home, touching down at the airport. Their dad was there to pick them up and load up the car with their luggage plus extra bags of souvenirs and various herbs for soups that increased longevity or some such and whatever stuff their mother had gotten and sneaked past Customs(I mean what?). Allison was tired from the plane trip but the unfortunate thing was that she had already slept a lot and was relatively wide awake from the time zone difference. When they got back home it was 'round midnight, and though she wasn't tired, she got ready for bed anyway and tried her best to go to sleep. But her mind was just racing around. She couldn't go to sleep. Not to mention it was so quiet, she could hear the crickets. They had been staying at a relative's place which had been in a city. It was no Beijing, but a city is a city. She had gotten used to being lulled to sleep with a symphony of cars and motorcycles passing by the apartment. Now it was too quiet and empty. It wouldn't be until another hour or so before sleep and a dreamless night claimed her.
Full Name: Allison Feng Zhao Appearance: Spoiler Age: 17 Likes: Games, friends, sweets, ice cream, making people happy Dislikes: School, homework, being a failure (I mean what?) Weaknesses/Fears: Staying in the fail zone, being such a fail, dishonoring the family, failing school Strengths/Talents: Faking being calm, sometimes being the comedic relief(depends on person), being super loyal to friends. Used to play piano a long time ago. Also used to take Latin, but can't remember a whole lot. Personality: Allison is the jokester of the groups that she is in. She tries hard to try to cheer up people by making them laugh at how insanely awkward she is. If this fails, doesn't matter, she woud just try talking about something or other. Until she runs out of things to talk about. Then it's just a forevermore awkward silence. However, the truth of the matter is, she has insanely varying levels of self confidence that fluxuate constantly. Thus, she ends up lying to people whenever they ask how she's doing. She will always say, "I'm all right." It appears that she trained herself to do this. Granted she's only like this AFTER she's acquainted with you. Before, she tends to be quiet and aloof. But if she finds an opening to speak/introduce herself without actually introducing herself, she will act on it. Nobody notices the "cool kid" hanging in the back. She also tends to take most everything seriously. If you say you've been possessed by a demonic being and nobody believe you, you poor thing, then by god, she will believe you. Tentatively. Until it becomes relatively clear you're not screwing with her. Because of her gullibility, there have been many a time that she was tricked. People these days lie like it's the truth. Sexuality: Straight? Could potentially be bi later on depending on what happens? Who the fudge knows? Contact Information: Favorite Color: Cyan OOC- FYI, I don't really pack that much.
I see you've found yuumei. XD Though for all I know you found her long ago. But anyway. CAN NOT WAIT FOR FISHEYE PLACEBO. I also wonder whether or...
Dawwwww you guys are cute. Also wow Bushy's actually pretty handsome. Nice job, Midnight. XD
And I'm a premium. XD Unless Saxima's packing some kind of secret ability to repel demonic mists that steal away your life's breath, that not even SHE knew about, I think she'd be a goner if we left her. And I'd rather not leave her, but we all know what happens then. Unless using her as a temporary shield stuns the statues long enough for us to break for it. Also, seriously Saxima? That light? Or are we just strong? XD
Well I can now see that we failed when we listened to Vivi and when we let Neku use up all our matches. There's no saving Saxima anymore. Which is in itself a pretty bad end. If you two had this whole thing planned out, I would still like to continue playing, regardless if it's past Halloween. Also new game.
The horns look fantastic. XD
......well. Still going with Vivi. Maybe he's strong enough to lift Neku up while we keep a close watch on....whatever the fudge is about to go down.....or he might get possessed again and just drop Neku......Vivi, this is your time to redeem yourself.
OH MY GOSH YOU'RE SO GOOOOOOOOD. Blue Lips was just amazing. I could've cried it was so beautiful. TT_TT
The statues could move? Was not expecting that....well let's see....who seems to be a secret acrobat and can hold their balance? you know what? Let's give Vivi a moment to shine. Vivi (I hope you're a secret ninja)
Oh cool I actually remembered a name! XD And all right. Regardless, I'm sure you'd look stunning. Especially with such a beautiful voice. XD Did you do chorus in high school or still singing in an a cappella group or some such? Or just on the side?
That's the ancestor right? Oooh.....niceness. I wish I could see pictures of the costume...the dress must be fantastic.
OH MY GOSH. WHO ARE YOU BEING? Also props to cosplaying. Some hard work man.
I don't have a costume. I do however know of a lot of horror short films on youtube. Most of which I've already seen, one of which is freaking terrifying, one disturbing because of the nature of the content, one that is kind of funny, one that is a bit disturbing, and....yeah. PLenty.
Fudge it, we're going statues. Who here's a ninja?
Hey man. You want to do this the cautious way, or the "throw-danger-to-the-wind" way? Besides I feel like we may need a diagram of height regarding the height of the statues, the tallest person in this party, and the chandelier. Or a good description. It just feels like a chandelier would be hard to get up to if it's really high up. Without a ladder. Or weak people who can't support a person's weight on their shoulders. Unless they're buff and work out or something. Anyway, ask Krowley. Why the hell not? Maybe he knows some physics.
Ask Misty. See what's up with her.
......well thanks Krowley. Duly noted. But how're we supposed to light the chandelier anyhow? And all those capital letters seem reeeaaaallll fishy to me in that inscription...reeeeeeaaaaaaaaal fishy.... Try to light chandelier.
Why Black Magic all of a sudden? Is there something magical about you that I might want to know? Should I consider studying in Brazil somewhere for a time?
You know what, Krowley's seems to be a silent observer. And there seem to be none beneath the chandelier, so let's go and check out why. Observe the holes.