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  1. Cookiie
    [Tumblr OOTD OOC: none]
    Aileen tried to ignore how uncomfortable she was feeling as she listened to what everybody had to say. It was hard though, especially with Cherno's clapping. The sounds of it echoed and pounded in her head, as if it were purposely amplified to bother her. At one point she even winced in pain. Regardless, Aileen did her best to focus on what was important, and that was their current situation. Everyone had some sort of suggestion, but they had yet to come to a final decision about the solution. With Cherno's theory, there was nothing wrong with it at first glance. However, once Aileen began thinking about it, there was something about it that seemed like it wouldn't work. Temperance rejected his idea completely. Her negativity towards it seemed very unpleasant, but Aileen could understand where she was coming from. In the end, there were just some of them that would never get along. They all had different opinions, beliefs and values that conflicted with each others.

    At this point, she did not have much to say or suggest, so she decided to continue listening to the others. Meanwhile, she watched as Anthony toyed with the rubics cube that was tossed to him from Cherno. It didn't seem like he knew how to complete one. Aileen sighed, but her stomach began to hurt again. She looked at the floor and bit the inside of her lip. The pain. We need to get out of here, and we need to do it fast...
    Post by: Cookiie, Dec 6, 2012 in forum: Hall of Fame
  2. Cookiie
    [Tumblr OOTD OOC: none]
    Aileen was surprised when Anthony had cracked the code so quickly. Maybe all of those video games were good for something after all. Regardless, she was still puzzled as to what some of the rules meant, and why they were rules. No Analynne? Who's Analynne? I don't suppose it's that girl that took dance class with me 6 years ago...Aileen shook her head.

    It seemed as if she was not the only one who was curious about this rule, because soon after Quin quietly asked, " What or who is Analynne? " Honestly, Aileen did not have a clue. She shrugged and went on to think about the other rules. There was no point in wasting time on one thing....

    Anthony had also mentioned one part that he was not too sure about: 'save yourself or die two.' Was that a spelling error? Something to throw them off? A pun? Would Crestatia kill off two people if they didn't try to save themselves? A whole bunch of questions were running through Aileen's head at a rate almost too fast for her to comprehend. There was always the possibility that Anthony had gotten the last part wrong, but Aileen could not think of anything better.

    "Maybe we're all just supposed to kill each other."

    "This is crazy. Kill each other?!" Aileen could feel herself beginning to tremble as she spoke, "I-if she just w-wanted to see us...kill each other then she c-could've just stuck us into a room from the beginning, gave us weapons and ordered us to...." She paused. "Why did she give us all of these rules...and o-one hundred d-days...?" Aileen took a step backwards. She probably sounded stupid, but she just said whatever was on her mind.

    This is just effing outrageous. She had a headache from all the stress, and was starving. It did not help at all when Anthony had mentioned food while deciphering the code. Her stomach was still causing her pain. While biting her lip, Aileen decided to hold her backpack to her stomach to try to lessen the pain. This was all too much.
    Post by: Cookiie, Dec 5, 2012 in forum: Hall of Fame
  3. Cookiie
    [Tumblr OOTD OOC: none]
    Aileen was woken up by the repeated rumbling of the school. Was it an earthquake? An earthquake during a storm sounded too coincidental. Suddenly she heard several loud crashes. Frightened, Aileen pulled her feet back up on her chair, put her head in between her knees and used her hands to cover her head. What if we all die in here now!? What in the world is going on!?

    Realizing that nothing was falling from above, Aileen poked her head up and looked around. She could hear other voices from within the auditorium. Had more people entered the auditorium while she was asleep? Or did they just run into the large room in a panic?

    Aileen decided that it was probably best for the three of them to join whoever else was in the auditorium. Something suspicious was going on, and again, she had a bad feeling about it. She stood up and before heading off, she said to Chase and Brian, "We should probably join who-," the room was still shaky, and nearly knocked Aileen off balance. She held onto the chair in front of her. "-ever else is in here."

    Walking over, she could hear Abby's voice. "I-I think we can safely assume the is Crestatia's doing, is everyone from the email here?" Crestatia. That name. Aileen paused on the auditorium stairs for a bit, holding onto the railing. She was frightened, and it did not at all help that the group happened to be in the auditorium, again. Taking a deep breath, she continued to make her way to the group. Once she was there, she stood by Temperance, who was sitting by the trash can.

    "Um, so she's trapped us here so something's going to happen but what? Why has she trapped us? Can she not at least wait 100 days?" Aileen thought for a moment. What did Crestatia say she was when she was present a couple days ago? That she was a

    "Maybe we broke one of her 'rules' again? Or perhaps we were not being...entertaining? This is all a game to her after all..." Aileen suggested.
    Post by: Cookiie, Dec 4, 2012 in forum: Hall of Fame
  4. Cookiie
    [Tumblr OOTD OOC: none]
    Madeline walked quickly out of the auditorium to follow Quin. Before leaving the room, she said something to the trio, but she was so far that Aileen couldn't hear whatever she said. Aileen frowned. So much for additions to our group...
    Her stomach growled loudly. She hadn't eaten since lunch, yesterday, and even then, she had an extremely small meal. It felt like someone was ripping her stomach into two. She brought her feet up onto the seat of the chair, and hugged her knees to try to reduce the pain. It was not helping. Aileen squirmed in her seat to try to find her containers of pain killers and bottle of water that she kept in her bag. Once finding them she swallowed the pill, as calmly as she could. I hope they don't think I'm crazy.
    "Guys, if you don't mind, I think I'm just going to sleep..." Aileen said. She put on her headphones, put her playlist on repeat, then drifted off to sleep.
    Post by: Cookiie, Dec 3, 2012 in forum: Hall of Fame
  5. Cookiie
    [Tumblr OOTD OOC: none]
    " I do not think it a horrid idea, " someone replied quietly. It was definitely not Madeline. Had someone come in with her? Aileen tried her best to recognize the voice. The person spoke again, " At least there is some light in here, and - " Mid-sentence, Aileen assumed that the person was Quin. She paused before finishing her sentence and looked up. Is she staring at something on the stage?

    Quin then mentioned that she had to retrieve her phone, in somewhat of a rush. She also mumbled something even quicker, but the only thing Aileen could catch in the sentence was Madeline's name. Perhaps she asked Madeline to go along with her. Quin seemed panicked, while waiting for Madeline's reply. Aileen looked around the auditorium to see what was bothering her so much, but could not see anything suspicious. But then again, she didn't see Quin walk in with Madeline, so she was not one to judge. Why is my night vision so bad?
    Post by: Cookiie, Dec 3, 2012 in forum: Hall of Fame
  6. Cookiie
    [Tumblr OOTD OOC: none]
    Madeline walked into the auditorium looking for Yuna. She asked if the group was okay, but Aileen did not know how exactly to reply to that. She wasn't okay, but she wasn't doing terrible. She decided to let Brian answer.

    "It's too quiet around here. I haven't seen anyone not on the list since I woke up..." Madeline said. She was right. It was quiet. There weren't very many people in the auditorium, but even yesterday, there was some noise. was near silent. Where could everyone else have gone? I have a bad feeling about this... She frowned.

    Madeline took a seat behind them and asked if they had seen Yuna. Aileen shook her head, but Madeline did not seem to notice. Maybe it was too dark. Aileen looked over at Brian. He didn't seem to happy that Madeline had joined- she could tell from his aura. Aileen was not too fond of her either, but she didn't have anything personal against her. Madeline just did not seem like the person she would get along with.

    "What are you doing now? I get the feeling being alone isn't a great idea right now," suggested Chase. Aileen agreed.

    "He's right, if anything..."Aileen paused for a second, and mentally apologized to Brian. I'm so so so sorry. "If anything, you could stay here with us." Aileen waited for her reply. But I swear, if she ignores my offer, or pretends not to hear me....

    Post by: Cookiie, Dec 3, 2012 in forum: Hall of Fame
  7. Cookiie
    woooooow. i'm getting there , father >:
    Profile Post Comment by Cookiie, Dec 3, 2012
  8. Cookiie
    [Tumblr OOTD OOC: none]
    Aileen was in deep thought. Remembering the events that occurred in this very auditorium, made her think of everything she would lose if she died. Her best friend, ballet, family- her list went on. But would anyone miss me? Brian probably, but her parents would have Alice. It wasn't like they paid much attention to her anyways. How many days do I even have left? I got that email a week ago... She couldn't believe that a week had already gone by. Time was moving quickly and if today was Day 7, then she would only have 93 days left-if she didn't break any rules. Those rules...there were still the few that we couldn't get at Lacey's...I need to decipher them, but I can only do that on my laptop. For now...
    "Morning," said a familiar voice. The voice had startled Aileen giving her a mini panic attack. She hadn't heard any footsteps, or the door opening, but perhaps it was because she was so deep in thought. It was dark so she could not see clearly, but from what she could make out, it was Chase. Aileen put her index finger to her lips and quietly told him to shhh. She then turned to point at Brian, only to see him awake and looking at her. OMG. Another panic attack.
    "Sorry about that...Good morning, both of you."
    Post by: Cookiie, Dec 2, 2012 in forum: Hall of Fame
  9. Cookiie
    Guys, I don't appreciate being thrown at people >:c

    especially on my very own day
    Post by: Cookiie, Dec 2, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Cookiie
    [Tumblr OOTD OOC: none]
    Aileen walked onto center stage where she would begin her solo. As she got ready in her opening pose, the audience's welcoming applause had died down. All eyes were on her. Perhaps she was just nervous, but it seemed to take longer to start her music than usual. She took this time to look for people in the audience. She scanned the front row, where her parents and elder sister were sitting. There was an empty seat next to Alice, where Brian was supposed to sit, but he got caught up with some other issues and could not attend. When the music began, Aileen focused. She had gone into the competition confident. She had practiced for many hours and she loved her solo. It was a re-choreographed version of Coppelia. She had done everything perfectly, and nearing the end, she only had one thing left to do and it was a grand jete. As she leaped into the air, legs in full split position, she waited to get back on the ground- but she didn't. She tried to move her arms and her legs, but she couldn't. Suddenly, she felt her right arm jerk upwards. Aileen looked to her right. A string was tied to her arm and was tugging it upwards. Frightened she looked to her left and then down to her legs, only to see strings attached to all of her limbs. The strings were tugged and her arms and right leg were pulled upwards into arabesque position. Then first position. Second position. She could hear laughter errupting. Her parents. Alice. Everyone. Laughing at her. From a distance, she could even hear the faint laughter of Crestatia. By third position she could feel tears in her eyes...
    Aileen awoke abruptly following her nightmare with a gasp. She had never had such a dream, and she wished that she hadn't- especially because it had to do with dance. She wiped her teary eyes, and looked around. The room was still dark, which probably meant that the power still hadn't been restored. She yawned, stretching her arms over her head and arching her back, then looked over a still sleeping Brian. He looked so peaceful, which was incredibly reassuring. Waiting for her best friend to awaken, she decided to quietly listen to music.
    She stuck her hand in her bag to try to find her phone. Once she did, she pulled it out and put the earphones into her ears. Normally she would close her eyes, in order to focus on the music playing, but she didn't have to. The room was dark already. It was amazing how much the loss of one sense could affect the others. While a random song began to play, she noticed that she could still smell the scent of roses from the other day. Aileen then remembered the lifeless Anthony being possessed on the stage. The same stage that she was facing now. Sitting in this seat in the auditorium, was okay yesterday, but today it made her anxious. She nervously waited for Brian to wake up, biting her lip.
    Post by: Cookiie, Dec 1, 2012 in forum: Hall of Fame
  11. Cookiie
    [Tumblr OOTD Lunch OOC: none]
    Soon enough, Brian joined in on her singing. Aileen had always loved his voice and she was glad that he relaxed enough to sing for fun. After each song finished, her iphone would shuffle to another one, and she and Brian would just casually sing along. With all the fun they were having, she began to forget that it was freezing in the auditorium. When they were done singing, they just talked for a while, like they always did.

    As it got late, however, Aileen was getting tired. Her eyelids started to feel heavy. "Hey...Brian?" she said in a soft voice, "I think I'm just gonna...go to sleep now..." Aileen yawned, and before she knew it, she had fallen asleep.
    Post by: Cookiie, Nov 30, 2012 in forum: Hall of Fame
  12. Cookiie
    [Tumblr OOTD Lunch OOC: none]
    "Perhaps a SNSD song, if you wouldn't mind"

    "Of course I wouldn't," Aileen replied as she scrolled through the 'Artists' section of her iphone. Once she got to her list of SNSD songs, she pressed the shuffle button, and a random song began to play. It happened to a song that she loved singing along to. She imitated Jessica Jung's "GG" and "TRX" at the beginning of the song, which caused her to giggle afterwards. Aileen even attempted to do all of the high notes in the song. She was just trying to lighten the mood. Who said you had to be depressed during a lockdown?
    Post by: Cookiie, Nov 30, 2012 in forum: Hall of Fame
  13. Cookiie
    [Tumblr OOTD Lunch OOC: none]
    "The seats are more comfortable here anyways," Aileen said as she covered herself with the plush blanket and sat in the seat next to Brian. He huddled closer and she did the same. They would need all the warmth they could get. By the looks of things, there was no way that they would be out of school until morning. Sleep over at school it is...

    "We should listen to some music while we're here," Aileen said as she pulled out her phone. It was still fully charged. She had not used it much today- just for Tumblr here and there. "Any requests?" she asked with a smile.
    Post by: Cookiie, Nov 30, 2012 in forum: Hall of Fame
  14. Cookiie
    [Tumblr OOTD Lunch OOC: none]
    Brian took her hand and used light from his iPhone screen to lead the way in the darkened halls of their school. His hand seemed to have a certain warmth to it, or maybe her hand was just cold. Whatever it was, it gave Aileen a feeling of security as she continued to follow Brian to the auditorium.

    When he opened the auditorium doors, a current of cold air flew past them, causing Aileen to jump a bit. One of the school faculty members handed Brian two blankets. When he handed her one, she immediately wrapped it around her shoulders, holding it together with her hands. Now that she could gather some warmth, she realized that they would not be able to leave the school until the lockdown ended. And who knows how long that will take...

    Aileen decided to ask Brian for his opinion, "Do you think we should stay here, or go find somewhere else to sit? After all, we may be stuck at school for a while..."
    Post by: Cookiie, Nov 30, 2012 in forum: Hall of Fame
  15. Cookiie
    [Tumblr OOTD Lunch OOC: none]
    Aileen frowned. She had waited a minute or two for Brian to speak, but he didn't. She turned her head to look out the window. The rain continued to pour down heavily and it did not look like it would stop any time soon. Each bolt of lightning was visible in the sky. Soon after, the lights in the hallway flickered, then went out. Aileen could hear some shrieks around her, as well as some cheering, as class would be cancelled.

    Even with the windows right beside her, the the hall was dark. There was not heat either. It was getting colder, and Aileen was beginning to see, faintly, her breath. Perhaps sitting right by a large window was not the best idea. She stood up and walked towards Brian. Students were bustling around- a majority of them heading to the cafeteria and the auditorium. "Brian, it's getting cold here. Let's go to the auditorium and get some blankets," Aileen suggested. She stood there waiting for her best friend's reply. She was starting to get really cold. Goosebumps rose on her skin and she began shivering.
    Post by: Cookiie, Nov 30, 2012 in forum: Hall of Fame
  16. Cookiie
    [Tumblr OOTD Lunch OOC: none]
    Brian attempted to smile before leading the way to the courtyard. His smile was not genuine, she knew that much, but felt reassuring. At least with his attempt at smiling she knew that his usual personality had not disappeared. Aileen sighed and followed along.

    Once reaching their table, Aileen pulled her lunch out. She looked at it and frowned. How filling could it actually be? But competition is soon...this is all for the competition... She picked up her sandwich and began eating it. It did not take long for her to finish her lunch. It would not take anyone long to finish her lunch- it was that small. She watched as Brian was eating his.

    Suddenly, thunder began booming and rain started pouring down. The thunder had startled Aileen and caused her to jump out of her seat. When the rain started falling, Brian picked up the remainder of his lunch and ran inside. Aileen quickly grabbed her bag and followed him in.

    Inside where it was nice and dry, Aileen stopped to catch her breath. She shivered. She was cold and her hair was soaking wet. Her clothes got wet in the rain as well, but not as much as her hair. She sat down on the ledge by the windows. Aileen gathered all of her hair to one side of her head, twisted it and wrung out the excess water. She then looked over at Brian. "The weather is so unpredictable these days," she sighed and said.
    Post by: Cookiie, Nov 29, 2012 in forum: Hall of Fame
  17. Cookiie
    [Tumblr OOTD Lunch OOC: none]
    Aileen walked through the doors in the school. She did not want to be here. But if she did not come to school today, her parents would have accused her of skipping school- which would have been true. After the events that happened previously, saying that she was not feeling well was an understatement. She had walked home in a daze, and today, she was surprised she even made it home.

    Regardless, she was at school now. Seeing the building, walking through the hallways, and remembering what had happened in the auditorium the other day made her sick. She walked to her locker, trying her best to avoid any collisions. Other days she might not have minded them, but right now, she was just not in the mood. In first period, she pulled out her phone from her bag, went on tumblr and wrote up a post, which Anthony replied to.

    At lunch, Aileen walked from the art room to her locker to grab her lunch. It was not much of a lunch. The sizes of her meals were steadily decreasing each day. Her instructor had told her to diet before her dance competition and at first had this had made Aileen extremely frustrated, but recently she had naturally lost her appetite, which did not happen very many times before. She grabbed her lunch and headed to Brian's locker that wasn't too far away. Nearing it Aileen saw her best friend waiting, and waved. "Sorry to keep you. Let's get going," she said as cheerfully as she could, "Oh, and Anthony may join us."
    Post by: Cookiie, Nov 28, 2012 in forum: Hall of Fame
  18. Cookiie

    [Tumblr OOTD Milkshake OOC: Drama errywhere ;-;]
    One second everyone was having a discussion about something they were all worried about, the next, everyone is fighting. The rapid escalation startled Aileen. Before she could try to stop the fight, the entire group was told to leave the restaurant. They were kicked out of the diner. Kicked. Out. Aileen was becoming frustrated with the group of students. Getting kicked out of a diner. This is outrageous.

    She was just glad that her parents did not visit Lacey's often. If there were to ever find out that she skipped school, then kicked out of a diner, of all places, they would start a sister-comparison rage-lecture. I just want to leave. I'm done with this. No one listened to what I said anyways. Aileen looked around for Brian. Just as she was about to walk towards him, she heard Abby shout something. She didn't hear clearly, but when Aileen turned her head to see what was going on, she saw a gas tank heading straight for them.

    OH MY EFFING GOD. THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING. NOT NOW. Aileen was frightened. There were a million times in her life when she thought she was frightened. Haunted Houses. Roller coasters. Spiders. But those experiences did not compare to this. She could feel her heart throbbing. She was going to die if she did not run- and even if she did, would she run fast enough to escape? And Brian, he didn't seem to know what was going on yet. Aileen was too far to reach him though. No, but he saw. And he ran. Seeing this, Aileen ran in the direction that would get her out of the way the fastest. She had never run this fast in her life, not even in track.
    Post by: Cookiie, Nov 27, 2012 in forum: Hall of Fame
  19. Cookiie
    [Tumblr OOTD Milkshake OOC: none]
    The waiter brought over the milkshake Aileen had ordered. She thanked him and began sipping on the straw. She did not feel that she belonged at this meet up at all. Everyone was so involved, and there she was, sitting and sipping on her milkshake. Brian had not said much yet, but Aileen took this as a gesture to get her to speak. She had tried, but there was really no place for her to cut in. Aileen sighed and continued sipping on her straw.

    Suddenly, Cherno yelled for someone's phone. Aileen stared at him with curious eyes. When Jonathan gave him his, Cherno dialed a number, returned the phone and then ran outside. A moment later, Jonathan's phone rang. It seemed that Cherno could not handle the atmosphere in Lacey's. Oh, a germaphobe...I guess communicating through the phone isn't too bad...

    " What if this woman is answering to someone else? " Quin said, as she leaned back into her chair, " The text is in there, but is too small for us, obviously. Perhaps she desired that we not be able to read it, but the sole reason it is in there is because she had to put it in there, for rules. There is a chance that she has rules, as well as we do. It is also possible that she is not the only one; there could be more like her, and one hundred days is protocol. "

    This option was possible, but something about the idea did not seem right in Aileen's mind. She bit her right lip in thought. When she found a way to properly word her thoughts she spoke, "That could be true, but from what we saw in the auditorium on Friday and the way she acted," Aileen said as she lightly shook her head, "she seemed pretty...umm...self-motivated- or maybe it was just me..."

    I don't know anymore.... Aileen frowned.
    Post by: Cookiie, Nov 26, 2012 in forum: Hall of Fame
  20. Cookiie
    Hey could I get Renai Circulation , please c:
    Dreaming big.
    Post by: Cookiie, Nov 26, 2012 in forum: KHV Chorus