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  1. Twilight_Nobody13
    Quick question: Would using the name Laughing Coffin as a guild and making Masamune its leader be against the rules?
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Dec 5, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Twilight_Nobody13
    Masamune waved bye to the pair, smiling as they walked away leaving the poor little newbies all alone with him. Turning back to them, he drew his sword, "So let's talk about your little speech..." The boy shoved the girl away from him as Masamune slowly approached, still smiling. Once his smile faded away all that was left was the look of a killer. Swiping at the boys hand, the sharp blade sliced into it, knocking the sword from his fingers and lowering his health. "Acts of bravery were never well recieved where I stand..." Slashing sideways, he cut into the boys' chest, earning the typical frightened expression as his health dropped immediately to red. He moved for his sword and the tip of Masamune's blade pierced into his leg. "If I were to say something about it...I'd say you underestimated who your opponent was. The people who could've beaten me have left you all alone..." Watching the boy swallow hard and start to breathe in a panicked way only made it more fun. Yanking his sword up, the boy started to crawl towards the party, tears streaming down his cheeks as his health flashed red. "Please..." "Don't's disgusting. Don't will be what puts me closer to level 6." Kicking his leg, Masamune flashed a look up at the party, grinning, "Don't treat me like some low leveled punk." His grin turned into something of feral anger and he stabbed his sword into the boys' back, erasing what remained of his health. He faded, fizzing out and shattered as he died.
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Dec 5, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Twilight_Nobody13
    Savannah: Genma & Hayate VS Hiruko

    [​IMG][​IMG]VS [​IMG]

    Hiruko's tail twitched as Ra and Lukya suggested they leave. "Go! Hurry!" Hayate charged, his sword reflecting sunlight off the blade as he created two Shadow Clones. Genma turned to their former companion, "We'll see you later, Harry. It was nice meeting you. I'll be back to figure out what that monkey guy is exactly. I've always wanted a tail of my own..." he mused with a grin on his face. "Genma!" Jumping, Genma waved bye to the boy who lived and joined his friend in combat.

    Savannah: Kakashi's group


    Shaking his head, Yamato whistled for Kakashi's attention, "Kakashi-sempai, we need to get going. Colette isn't okay. We should find a medical ninja as soon as possible to treat her head wound." Kakashi shifted away from Alucard, choosing to ignore his presence completely. "Alright...lets get going. Goku, Yuri... Ah...Jiraiya-sensei, Xion I'd hate to ask this of you...but do you know where we could find any other shinobi? From what I've seen, none of us are skilled in healing. Taking care of Colette should be our top priority right now." Colette fiddled with her Cruxis Crystal, "Th-thank you for worrying about me, Mr. Hatake...but really, I'm fine."

    Savannah: Minato's cooking


    Minato sniffed and set a firm hand on the Kamen Rider's shoulder. "I will try. I'm not bad at cooking...but if it's not enough...we'll have our good friend the Kazekage fetch us something else to eat." The Kazekage glowered at him, folding his arms and turning his back on the Hokage. Minato frowned, "We're going to need a way to actually cook this..."

    Mt. Imulsion: Lambent! FUUUUUU!


    Karura and Yashamaru clambered out of the caves after the odd boy and girl and their jaws dropped at the sight of what could possibly the most frightening image they'd ever seen. "Wh-what is that?!" Shielding his older twin, Yashamaru took a deep breath to calm himself. He wasn't the Fourth Kazekage's right hand man just because he was his brother-in-law.

    Outside DoD: A Time of Dying and Rock Lee!


    Lee grabbed Neji as they fell, landing on the quickly filling water in the hole Terra had created and lept back up to the surface. Deciding to let this enemy get away, Lee set Neji down carefully, pulling out the spears in his comrade's leg, shoulder and arm. "Neji...who was that girl?" Shutting his eyes, Neji refused to accept he was still alive. He felt as bad as if he'd let Hinata-sama be injured. Getting no answer from him, Lee looked up to the people gathered around. The odd man in red, the man in red's friend, the boy that had shot blood out of his hand and the girl. Bushy eye brows furrowed, "Do any of you know medical ninjutsu?!" He would not question their lack of coming to Neji's aid, assuming they simply weren't that good of friends.

    Bowser's Castle: Following Sasuke


    Kisame turned around, a look of disbelief on his face as he saw the ugly looking bullet speeding towards them. "Ah...this place is really weird. I feel kinda bad for these guys..." Xenree tucked the small child between herself and Itachi. "Your brother certainly knows how to make an entrance..." Tobi, still lost in his thoughts, tapped Allison's shoulder, "What kind of things can you do?"

    Bowser's Castle: Third Room


    Sasuke nodded slowly at the next room. "Yup...I was right...this place is insane. I might go mad." Hinata stepped close to one of the pipes, her anger filled Byakugan eyes following the Piranha Plant as it rose up, opening its mouth to bite her. Her glare bore into the plant as she shoved her fist into it's mouth, chakra burning the inside of it's mouth. "Seriously ugly. Now you tell me where Naruto is!" Sakura and Hinata shivered in terror at the vision of pure malice before them. Vert smiled, waving her hand towards the hostile Hyuga woman, "I don't think it can talk." Sakura nervously laughed, "Let alone speak with your fist shoved in it's mouth."
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Dec 5, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Twilight_Nobody13

    Hai guys~!

    Reserving: Petey Piranha

    Because who doesn't love a giant piranha plant wearing a red and white poka-dot speedo...who kidnaps pretty princesses, puts them in cages and tries to eat an Italian man wearing overalls...
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Dec 5, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Twilight_Nobody13
    Username: Twilight_Nobody13
    Known Name: Shiina
    Age: 17
    Appearance: 1200x1000 wallpaper_www.wall321.com_66.jpg
    Personality: timid, warm hearted, strong sense of right and wrong
    Bio: Shiina lives with her parents and was a straight A student. Joining the world of SAO with her older brother, she thought it would be a good way to make friends.
    Job: Beast Tamer (wolf)
    Guild: N/A
    Weapon: Spear
    Special Skill: Will add later

    The guy in my latest post is fodder for Masamune.
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Dec 5, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Twilight_Nobody13
    Masamune dropped his hand from the door, his sword already touching Star's blade, shifting it away from his neck. He'd moved when she called him a fake. Why was it people were always trying to kill him today? Had he killed today? No. Was he going to? At this rate...yes. "You could call it an accident...but that was at first. It's been a week since we've been trapped in this game. I've done enough tedious tasts to rid myself of a cursor that brands you as someone not to be trusted. Earlier...was and accident. But Nakamara...was no accident. I set her free." The image of her surprise played in his head over and over. "You say you'll kill me? You say...creating fear isn't something I want? My how innocent you must be to believe that. How about we test your ability to--"
    His hand jerked to a halt and he turned halfway to see two more players standing in the hall. "No?" he echoed. A frightened girl clung to her male partner. Her partner drew a short sword and a shield off his back, moving the girl behind him. "Th-that's right. Y-you can't go around k-killing people. It's wrong... A-and I know those people know it too. They'll f-fight you just as I w-will..." Irritation swelled inside his chest. Was it local idiot day? Who had let this coward out of its cage.
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Dec 5, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Twilight_Nobody13
    Masamune shifted his gaze from the frightened little lamb in front of him to the blade held at his throat. With a group their size it was possible they could take him out...but a bunch of frightened kittens like them wouldn't ever kill him. "Oh, is that so? Then by all means...give me your 'death sentence'. For all that counts...I'm already dead." Straightening, he removed his blade from Ittoki's face and reached out, ruffling the boys' hair. "You guys are so annoying... I like you." He skimmed the group, taking in their low level equipment and frowned, "I do have a name...and I suggest you start using it unless you want me to kill you. It's Masamune. I've been playing games like these all my life...I've got nothing left to live for. What do I care if I die in a game..." His thoughts turned sullen, 'I should return to the front lines...but...not as a Red Player... Few more days...and I'll be in the clear.' He stared at the boss' door for a moment. Would helping these kids out a little gain him forgiveness? Did she really die in the real world? In his moment of uncertainty, he hadn't realized what he'd said aloud. "If they do die in the real world...then when we get out of here....I'd gladly pay for her life with mine." Stepping cautiously through the group, Masamune touched a hand to the door, pushing it open without a word to them.
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Dec 4, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Twilight_Nobody13
    Holding up a finger to Star behind him, he pushed off of the wall and tapped his sheathed sword against the floor, "Now need to be so hasty here. Honestly I'd rather not get involved...but as you can see I'm heading that way also. Even..." he flicked a cold glare behind him to the Beta Tester, "If you believe you could take down the boss with two people, Ms Beater... This isn't the Beta version anymore and these...are a bunch of low leveled I wrong?" He noted their reactions and it seemed only one or two knew what his orange cursor meant and he could use that to his advantage later on. "As for your accusation my lovely little merchant... I'm no thief. If I even wanted what you have, it would cost me a tiny fraction of my Col. I, my a Player Killer." He enjoyed their expressions for a moment, even if it meant he had to give up his secret. "You theory is if you die by monsters you may very well die in reality. But perhaps...dying by the hand of someone close to you, like another player, will set you free from this game. Anybody wanna try it out?" Dropping his hand to the hilt of his sword, he drew it slowly, letting the ring sound out. Red-brown eyes shifted to the one who'd spoken about idols. "Annoying..." He took a single step towards them, flexing his fingers around his sword, he dashed, his sword stopping inchest away from Ittoki's face. "I hate idols."
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Dec 4, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Twilight_Nobody13
    Edging around the corner, he found it for the little glow of several green cursors. Eeeehhh...why were people just standing around in a monster ridden dungeon? Moving closer, he listened to them yammer on about leaders. Well at least they weren't completely oblivious... A devilish smirk spread across his lips. It was too bad he couldn't hide his orange cursor. Playing as a Red Player sure was going to make tricking the little newbies difficult. He whistled loudly as he leaned against the wall behind the rather large group. "Newbies taking on the boss? Sounds pretty foolish to me. You kiddies would be better off back in the Town of Beginnings where it'" He couldn't help but smile at the word. No one was safe in this game...unless all they did was hide out in town. "At's safe from monsters." He had the insane feeling like his cursor was glowing wasn't but he felt like it was so obvious.
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Dec 3, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Twilight_Nobody13



    The Kazekage regarded Naruto's words carefully. Even if he didn't have all the what Gaara had said before and what Naruto said he got the picture. "Your ideals are foolish and naive." Minato chuckled, earning himself a glare from the Kazekage. Turning to regard Luffy's choice in dinner...and Ace's arrival, he finally felt his hunger. How long had it been since he'd last ate? About....lunch the day he died. So sixteen years ago... He felt drool form in his mouth and swallowed, " attend to...him." he vaugely pointed over towards Ace and took the small animal out of his hands, "I'll handle this..." Both the Kages' stomachs growled as they looked at the small animal. "I wish Karura was here....she'd make a fine stew out of that thing." Minato's eyes traveled up to the wistful Kazekage, "Karura...your wife, wasn't she? Makes me wonder what Kushina would make..." Both the men stared off into space remembering their wives' cooking.



    Colette had heard this speech from Lloyd before... "I'm sorry... Um...but Goku is right, we should get moving then." She stood slowly and started to hum as she walked. Yamato followed close behind her, ready if she were to collapse. "What and odd girl... Right..." He turned his uncaring gaze to Alucard. This guy...had an aura of evil around him and Kakashi didn't like it.

    Outside DoD:


    Neji stared up at the mountainous rock Terra was going to throw at them. He hadn't protected Terra like he'd promised... Pretty soon he expected to turn into Naruto...minus the strength and stupidity. "You do not frighten me! I will break through!" Neji knew those words. Struggling to reach out and stop him, Neji only succeeded in falling over, blood trickling from the corner of his mouth and pain lancing through his body. "Third Gate, Gate of Life...OPEN!" Lee's skin turned a dark red, veins erupting around his temples, his hair floating upwards as a large amount of green chakra flooded his body surrounding him entirely. Lee vanished as he moved, reappearing directly in front of the mountain Terra was overkill chucking at them. "Mad Dance...of INFINITY!" Lee punched, kicked and any form of striking, struck the mountain until it crumbled under his drastically increased speed and strength.

    Savannah: Kage Bushiin no Jutsu!


    "Who are says here...this is Sasori of the Red Sand's puppet, Hiruko." Hayate's previously stabbed body disappeared in a poof of white smoke. Genma grinned, "So that's the member we're dealing with. I didn't think any of the Akatsuki would actually arrive here. I guess that means I owe you about 100 yen, huh?" Hayate broke through the surface of the earth, sword in hand, slashing upwards at Hiruko. A tail made of reinforced steel shot out from underneath Hiruko's cloak, blocking Hayate's blade. "You're going to have to try harder than that to beat me. But please...I don't like to be kept make it fast." Landing and jumping back, Hayate frowned. This would be harder than he thought.

    Bowser's Castle: Second Room


    Sakura punched through a wall of Koopas, sending them flying. "Protective Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms!" A bubble of blue formed beside Sakura, deflecting Hammer Bros' hammers and any other sort of projectial thrown at them. Hinata stepped in front of her innocent duplicate, a vicious look in her eyes, "Get LOST!" Her fists, coated with blazing blue chakra, slammed into their faces. All while Vert hung on to Sasuke's jacket as she sliced through Goomba after Goomba. "We're not getting anywhere! Sasuke-kun, stay back will you?" He rolled his eyes, ducking under her outstretched arm and formed handsign after handsign. "I can fight too, you know. It's so uncool for the girl to protect the guy. Check it! Fire-Style: Fireball Jutsu!" Breathing fire on a mass of the exposed little minions. Sakura clenched her fist tighter, "How's...THIS, CHA!" Sakura slammed her fist into the ground with a Dry Bones beneath her fist and the ground broke apart in places. Cracks ran along the floor under their feet.
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Dec 3, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Twilight_Nobody13


    Minato followed after his son, "Naruto...don't move around so much aren't fully healed...." Kazekage grumbled something about not having food since the day he died the first time... "Lord Kazekage, would you please stay focused?! If...if Naruto hurts will I explain it to his mother?" A brief look of fear crossed his face, "She'd pummel me..." Ignoring him, the Kazekage examined the ground as they walked, "You don't need to worry about Gaara, Naruto. He is the Kazekage now....he can handle himself. What I'm more curious about did you convince him to forgive me?" Even to that question, Minato was confused. He looked to Naruto and let his reaching hands fall to his sides. Obviously this was a question the Kazekage deemed important if he was calling Naruto by his name instead of asking Minato.

    Savannah: Kakashi's Group


    Colette blushed, emarrassed by Goku's sudden apology. "Oh...n-no, it's alright. I'm fine, really! It doesn't hurt at all." The two Jonin frowned at each other. It was impossible that it didn't hurt...was she putting up a fake smile just to make them feel better? "Colette-san...if it hurts you don't have to lie to us. We're all adults, we can handle it if one of our friends hurt another. We know Goku-san wasn't himself. Please dont..." "No, really, it doesn't hurt. I...I'm an angel so....stuff like that doesn't hurt me...." Her words made no sense to the shinobi but her tone made it sound like it was a painful experience.

    Outside DoD:


    Neji thrust a palm with a laser of concentrated chakra towards Maskull as he turned into smoke. With his Byakugan he saw the hand touch Terra's shoulder and before he had fully grasped the reality of the situation he was being attacked by his former comrade. Sure...she'd been annoying at first...but he'd just started to get to know her. "Terra..." She called him the man with the white eyes as if she'd completely forgotten his name. Out of reflex, he blocked, breaking apart the rocks thrown at him. The spears he was too distraught to use his Rotation to block. One pierced into his shoulder, forcing him to take a step backwards. What should he do? He couldn't hurt Terra...he just couldn't. Turning his eyes to the one called Maskull, he wondered why as another spear of rock pierced through his thigh. Dropping to his knees, Neji shut his eyes, a small smile on his lips. "Neji~!" his time of dying he would hear Lee's voice. Weird how the brain worked. "NEJI!" It was so much louder than he remembered...and annoying. How long was he going to imagine Lee screaming his name? He didn't even like Lee all that much....sort of. "Like the Prince coming to save the Princess! Rock Lee is here, bravely saving the Princess Nejiko!" Now it wasn't even sounded like Lee was doing another of his stupid skits....making him into a girl again. Opening his eyes he saw a blur of green. "Leaf Combo Attack!" Rocks and spears shattered from the blows from Lee's kicks and Neji sat wide-eyed staring at Lee as he landed in front of him. "I will not let you hurt my friend anymore!" "Lee..."

    ????? - Bowser's Castle: Tobi and Allison


    Tobi relaxed. No need to get so worked up over one insignificant man. He could play with his little puppets all day long for as much as he cared. Pulling Allison closer to him as he proceeded to transport them to where Sasuke was, he sneered at the man, "I only have one girl...and one destiny. If I were to wish it...the Moon's Eye Plan would commence on this planet instead of my own. Perhaps...I might just do that." He added quietly in his own head that Rin still wasn't his girl...even if he called her so. His love was one-sided...but he would never forget how she died. Disappearing, subconsciously he made them reappear behind Sasuke. His mind mulled over several things.

    Desert: Haunted Wasteland


    Gaara led them to a ruined building in the middle of the sandstorm. Sighing, he hurried inside and found it at least suitable to rest in. Temari and Kankuro flopped down by the wall. At least the solid stone of the walls would keep the sandstorm away from them for a now. Looking up to their other companions that had followed them, his turquoise eyes bore into them. "We'll rest here for now. We...uh...I don't know what's up ahead...but if it's anything like the feeling I keep's nothing good." Temari pulled on his sleeve until he sat next to her and rested his head on her shoulder. "Rest, Gaara. You must be exhausted too."

    Desert Collossis:


    Shikamaru washed his wound and rebandaged it with the torn pieces of Hermoine's clothes again. He didn't know Sai well enough to just start giving him orders...unless..."Sai...?" The pale boy looked over to him. Sai sure looked different without his headband on and his hair wet. "Is something the matter?" Looking away from him, he sighed, "Am I...still the Proxy General to you here?" Finding his question curious, Sai thought about it for a while before smiling at him, "You're the Proxy General still. Since...this is a new world entirely...and I'm not sure where to go...or what to do here. So I'd rather follow your orders than wander around aimlessly. It's the most logical decision." Shikamaru didn't like the sound of that. It meant he still had a lot of responsibility. was only one person...and Sai could handle himself pretty well. "Alright then...we should get back inside that and find those old ladies. Even if it was incredibly stuffy in there...and some pretty weird things were set up...ah it's such a drag!" Listening to Shikamaru complain made him seem so much more human.... He was still complaining even as they re-entered the temple in the mountainside.

    Edge of Forest: L's Group


    Konan looked at Firion and shook her head slowly, "I don't know them." Though she didn't know them...the green haired woman was something special. Konan looked upwards at the giant tree that had sprouted behind her. Had no one else thought it strange that this tree glowed and had strange green fireflies around it? And the fact that it suddenly appeared out of nowhere? Yuan walked slowly over to a tree and slammed his fist into it. "Dammit! If we can't follow Yusuke...then where do we go? What do we do?" He needed time to think.... Martel set a hand on his shoulder and looked towards the rest of their party. "What do you all think we should do?"

    Savannah: Ninjas, Wizard, Monkey


    Hayate and Genma ran after Harry. Apparently this Kratos person was someone that he knew. "I'm going to take a wild guess and say...he's from your group of friends?" Hayate weezed, running wasn't for him anymore... A kunai lodged into the ground several feet diagonal to him and he felt another pierce the back of his leg. Turning, Hayate met the solid glare of an Akatsuki member. Since Hayate and Genma had never met this one...they searched their memory for what Kakashi had told them of the rest. Pinning a name with the hunched form, Hayate pursed his lips. "Don't worry...that kunai wasn't poisoned. But this one is." Another kunai flew at him.... Genma skidded to a halt and started to run back to his friend. "Hayate, move!" Too late...the kunai buried itself deep into Hayate's chest and he fell backwards. Glaring at the hunched over Akatsuki member, Genma drew a kunai of his own.
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Dec 2, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Twilight_Nobody13



    Minato hugged Naruto tightly, "Naruto... None of that matters little boy..." Too happy to care what the Kazekage thought of him or the fact that Naruto was all grown up now. Kazekage rolled his eyes, hovering over them. "You nearly killed your father. For someone who's going to change the ninja sure lack a lot of control. Or perhaps willpower is the problem." Minato checked over Naruto, making sure his wounds were healing. "Lord Kazekage...please, my son has been through a great deal. Don't make this seem like a big deal. Naruto is safe...we're all alive..."



    Kakashi stepped back away from Goku, sighing in relief. "Yes...there wasn't a change in your over all appearance...just the hair and crazy glow around you. Not to mention you knocked Colette unconscious and tried to murder us." Yamato frowned, "Kakashi-sempai, please...It appears Goku-san doesn't remember anything about what happened... Colette will be fine once she wakes up. the meantime, does anyone know what this crystal is on her neck?" He fingered the red crystal and it glowed, Colette's eyes snapping open, "No! This is my birthday present from Lloyd!" She clutched at it, startling Yamato. "Sorry... I-Is...Goku alright?"

    Outside DoD:


    Neji stepped in front of Terra, his Byakugan activating. "Terra doesn't need anymore power. She's not going anywhere with you."

    ??????: Tobi and Allison


    Tobi gripped Allison's shoulder harder than necessary. He didn't like the mentioning of Rin. "Sasuke is a true avenger....he doesn't need any help. What do you know girl?" Anger caused his Sharingan to swirl into his Mangekyo Sharingan.
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Dec 1, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Twilight_Nobody13
    Lilith's Office:

    Lilith set her chin on her hand as she watched the second pair enter the room. "Oh? More of you? Hm....I'm guessing you're here for a mission, hm?" Her blood red eyes scanned the folder in front of her. "I've got something for you. How about this. Vienna...not a General Class...but we can't have Dura's terrorizing people. Since it is such a peaceful place...the negative emotions are easy to pick up and gather together. I'd be careful you don't get yourself ambushed. Well...that's it. Duras in it's your problem. I trust you have your World Key?"


    Ash sighed as they spotted a fleeing black cloak. Satomi ran after it, "Wait! Hey!" The cloaked figure ran to the nearest house, turned what looked awfully familiar to her as a World Key and fled through the door. Before it closed, she slipped inside, following the person out onto a well lit street. Taking a cautious step forwards, she rocked forwards, her foot dangling over empty space. The water filled canal of Vienna's streets had surprised her. Why here? What would a Meister want here?

    Ash frowned as his partner disappeared. "Excellent...." Without a way to follow her....he was stuck here until further notice.
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Dec 1, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Twilight_Nobody13
    A sigh escaped pale lips as he sheathed his sword. Red-brown eyes scanning the recently emptied room of monsters. It wasn't as exciting as fighting in a duel...but he wasn't looking for more people to cry at his feet and listen to them beg for mercy. Dressed in all black, the man ran his fingers along the wall. "It was around here...." Finding nothing, he scowled at the useless wall and another sigh slid from clenched teeth as a familiar light lit up behind him as more monsters respawned. How long was he going to stay in his room looking for that chest? Oh...but he wanted that item... Ducking, a sword sank itself into the wall in front of him above his head. "Well that's no fair...the challenger should let the challenged strike first. Don't you agree?!" Turning in his crouched state, he drew a sword from a sheath he held loosely in his opposite hand and slashed through the what he considered funny looking skeletal knight. Seven more advanced on him. Looking at the wall behind them he noticed a differently colored panel. "Found it...." Sidestepping a poor swing, he cut down two of them in one deft swing of his blade. The sounds of other players fighting and their voices reached him through the wall. "Ho...more people..." He remembered....if only breifly the expression of shock on his party members' face when he'd run her through. The rest....wrong place at the wrong time....but the first had definatly not been on purpose. But who wanted to do a tedious quest to rid themself of an orange cursor? What did it matter to him if people thought he was a murderer. Wasn't that exactly what he was? Grabbing the head of a skeleton approaching from his blind side, he held it there for a moment, idly watching it swing it's weaponless arm in an attack pattern that couldn't reach him. Tch...boring. What good is fighting an opponent I've memorized the attack patterns and formations for. I'd rather fight...someone with a mind of their own. Tightening his hand around the skull, it cracked and eventually shattered, shattering the rest of the creature. Sheathing his blade he stroad over to the panel and pushed it in with his finger. A click sounded and a door opened, giving him access to the chest.

    "Let's go together, okay, Masamune?"
    His hand jerked to a halt before the chest. "Foolish child...she was." Flipping the lid he lifted out his newly acquired Defense Ring. Taking his time bringing up the menu and equipping it, the +10 defense bonus was enough to please him for the day.
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Dec 1, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Twilight_Nobody13
    Haha...I should hope no one would be foolish enough to allow him to kill them. Is it alright for him to start at a higher level than two? Like perhaps level 5? I would imagine PK's would be a bit stronger than their victims...err opponents.
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Dec 1, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Twilight_Nobody13
    Not too late is it? (I just started watching it so I grasp the basics)

    Username: Twilight_Nobody13
    Known Name: Masamune (Kin-Slayer)
    Age: 19
    Personality: Masamune is a quiet boy with a bad streak of ignoring people he claims to find uninteresting. With a hard exterior to crack and an even harder center, he's often viewed as a cold-hearted person.
    Bio: Masamune's parents divorced when he was eight and as a result was bought everything he asked for. Seeking companionship, he entered the MMO world and taking it by storm, using the codename: Kin-Slayer as a title....albit forced upon him. He holds a fascination for NerveGear and SAO since it was released. Once he turned eighteen, he moved out of his father's house and lives alone. Within SAO since the start an accident occurred involving him and a party member. The accident ended with a PK.
    Job: N/A
    Guild: (Optional) N/A
    Weapon: One-handed sword
    Special Skill: 3-Hit Combo Each strike is stronger than the last with the first dealing the same amount of damage as the user has sustained and has a cool down rate of thirty minutes.
    Other: Is it alright if I make him a Player-Killer?
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Dec 1, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Twilight_Nobody13
    Savannah: Ninjas, Wizard, Monkey


    Genma peered over Harry's shoulder. He'd noticed the boy kept touching the ring on his finger... "That ring somethin' special to you?" Hayate stopped, covering his mouth as he coughed and scanned the area, "Your friends should be around here somewhere... Maybe a little further..." He was mumbling to himself again. Rotating the senbon in his mouth with his tongue, Genma likened Harry's sullen attitude to Sasuke's.

    ????: Tobi and Allison


    Tobi stood still, quiet even, as he processed this odd fellow's words. He'd ordered him to leave....funny... "Interesting... It's been a long time since anyone's ordered me around. Can't say I really enjoy it." It reminded him of Kakashi...and that in turn reminded him of Rin.

    Bowser's Castle: Odd Group


    Sasuke whistled at the sight of the completely frozen creature and the noise altered the comically furious group of koopas and goombas to their location. Hinata punched him in the stomach, "Moron!" "Ow...sorry..." Sakura glared down at Sasuke and curled her hand into a fist, "Looks like we've got no other choice! We'll have to fight then!" Hinata slid into her Gentle Fist stance, the other Hinata simply raising her fists, "Let's kill 'em!" Pulling Sasuke up, Vert drew a large spear out of some pocket in her dress, "Will we be...killing 'em softly? I've always wanted to say that." Sakura looked back at her, frowning as Vert giggled to herself, "What does that even mean?" "Doesn't matter right now!" Sasuke swallowed hard as Hinata slammed her fist into a poor goomba face.

    Outside DoD:


    Neji sighed, if they asked...and they had...about where they were going...then that meant none of them knew where to go. Looking down at Terra, he smiled gently, "It's no trouble. Can you stand?"



    Minato knelt beside his son, concerned for his well-being. "Do you attempt to kill yourself all the time...or just when your dim-witted son is involved?" Looking up, Minato blinked, confused, at the Kazekage. "What you just did...and that could've gotten yourself killed. Then were would Naruto be? Without a father you honestly believe he'd forgive you a second time for dying because of him?" Minato looked away, unable to answer. He knew very well Naruto wouldn't forgive him... He still blamed himself for dying in the first time...and sealing the Nine-Tails inside Naruto...even if it had been for the sake of the had been selfish of him. Kazekage walked over to Kirito and looked after the Kamen Rider, "You think like that stupid Hokage too, don't you? Risk your life to save others...huh. If your value isn't so high...then why try to save those who's value is even lower than yours. Minato was keep calling yourself a Player...some sort of Soloer, whatever that even is. If you truely wanted to save'd think about yourself first." Minato picked up his son, hoisting him on his back. He knew Naruto would have plenty to say to the Kazekage if he were awake... It was just Naruto's view on things...but he had a special view on things. For that...Minato would've given his life over and over again to protect his son. "You should think more about your own children...Kazekage. Gaara...needed you and you left him alone." The Kazekage jerked, refusing to respond to the Hokage's truth filled words.

    Savannah: Kakashi's Group


    Kakashi stepped carefully over to Goku, checking to make sure the man was still alive but not dangerous. He sighed heavily. Yamato proceeded to create a wide bench to lay Colette down and probe the back of her head, making sure she wasn't bleeding. "How is she, Tenzo?" Sighing at the old codename, Yamato's eyes caught on the odd pendant she wore, "Unconscious...that's all. She'll probably have a bump on the head when she wakes up...but nothing serious. And you shouldn't call me Tenzo,'s Yamato now." Shrugging off his words, Kakashi made sure their group was still in one piece.

    Desert: Haunted Wasteland


    Nervously Gaara reached behind him for his siblings, "Stick together...I have a feeling if you get lost here...we won't be seeing you again." Temari nodded and grabbed Kankuro's sleeve, gently settng a hand on her youngest brother's gourd on his back. "Right behind you." Proceeding through the sandstorm, Gaara lead them to each flag pole, scanning for the next and leading them towards that one. He'd noticed the floating, wavering light had always been in front of them...but only as long as he was looking towards the next flag. "It's starting to creep me out."
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Nov 30, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Twilight_Nobody13
    Lilith stood and patted Rose's head, "Don't do anything improper to this young girl, Masamune... And do get the job done. I'd hate to send another group after you to finish the job." Chiaki frowned, "Glad to see you're still concerned for my wellbeing and anything else I do... Alright then, Rose, let's go. Quickly before she starts handing out more opinions on my lecherous behavior." Chiaki fumbled around in his pocket as Lilith slid a tarnished silver key across the table towards him, "You're getting ahead of yourself. This key will give you access to anywhere you wish to go. Just a bit of a perk." Chiaki took the key, grumbling under his breath as he opened the door, finding himself looking at the other pair outside her door. "Good luck...she's nuts." Storming out of the office with his hands behind his head, Chiaki stopped in front of the first door with a keyhole he found and examined the key, "I'd be worried if I hadn't seen the others using this thing."

    Satomi set her heeled boot on the top of a gravestone, "Time to find those Meister weirdos..."
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Nov 30, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Twilight_Nobody13

    Tsukiyomi Ikuto (Shugo Chara)

    Because he's hot and a BAMF
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Nov 30, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Twilight_Nobody13
    Chiaki pointed straight ahead. At the end of the long hall down from the testing area was the Headmistress' office. Reaching the door, Chiaki exaggerated his exhaustion. Opening the door, he put a finger to his lips for Rose to be quiet, "I've only met Lilith once before...I've heard...she's a real beauty." The door swung open and they were met with a scowling light gray face framed by pure white hair. "'re...already standing there... You didn't perchance happen to..." "Hear your lack of respect? Yes, I did." "Oh...well..." He swallowed nervously and she pulled them inside, "Sit...let us discuss your mission." Taking a seat in a low leather chair, Chiaki patted his lap, "You can sit.." "In the other chair, Miss Rose." She glared at Chiaki, "Now...Masamune...Rose, you two have been not only assigned as partners but you were born to serve eachother and in turn serve me. I am Lilith...Headmistress of MagiK Acadamy. Now...this mission I have for you two. I need you two to go to the Nightwing District and take care of the Duras infestation. We've not detected a General it should be an easy job. One perfect for a newly joined pair."
    Post by: Twilight_Nobody13, Nov 29, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home