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  1. SmashFan127
  2. SmashFan127
  3. SmashFan127
  4. SmashFan127
    Profile Post


    Profile Post by SmashFan127 for Sora's Apprentice, Dec 4, 2012
  5. SmashFan127
    Today, I will make reserves based on different universes of the same character...


    Mario (Stupid Mario Brothers)
    Luigi (Stupid Mario Brothers)
    Marshall Mario (Western Mario AU)
    Post by: SmashFan127, Dec 3, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. SmashFan127
    Profile Post Comment

    I am also curious about that.

    I am also curious about that.
    Profile Post Comment by SmashFan127, Dec 3, 2012
  7. SmashFan127
  8. SmashFan127
    "That is ridiculous...You say you did not mean to hurt anybody, but you are obviously a great fighter..." Alucard was still frowning.​
    -Deadman Valley: Bounty Store-​
    The Stranger stared at the money for a moment, then looked back towards Crocodile. "5 grand, huh? If I'm to accept, where would ya recommend looking?"
    -Domain of Death-​
    Vash stood there, wondering how the events would work out.​
    Post by: SmashFan127, Dec 1, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. SmashFan127
    Very well. My next reserve shall be the seductive, forgotten woman of a not-so-popular anime.


    Loretta Oratorio (Wild Arms TV)
    Post by: SmashFan127, Nov 30, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. SmashFan127
    -Deadman Valley-​
    Finally finding civilization nearby, Stranger, with Shinji and Tieria behind him, spoke. "It's about time...."
    BGM - Remote Town
    He walked into the town, looking around him. There were people walking around, minding their own business, saloons, general stores, and houses everywhere. Stranger then looked towards next to the general store.​
    A bounty store? All the way out here? There was a sign and everything.​
    "By the time we get there, best wait outside... I gots ta pick a bounty..."
    Alucard frowned. This was not fun. His opponent was knocked out cold from something. The shadows around him disappeared, though he remained in the broken straitjacket. "How boring..."
    -Domain of Death-​
    Before Vash could retort, Wolfwood spoke. "Wait a second! Where do we go now? We don't have business here, so there's gotta be somewhere else we can go!"
    Post by: SmashFan127, Nov 30, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. SmashFan127
    Profile Post

    You a concept artist?

    You a concept artist?
    Profile Post by SmashFan127 for Beucefilous, Nov 29, 2012
  12. SmashFan127
  13. SmashFan127
  14. SmashFan127
  15. SmashFan127
  16. SmashFan127
  17. SmashFan127
  18. SmashFan127
    ....Darn it.... now I'm actually nervous.
    Profile Post Comment by SmashFan127, Nov 29, 2012
  19. SmashFan127
  20. SmashFan127