Lmao no xD I never used that name outside here. And I wasn't Paradox either, at least that I remember.
That was me too, just thought it was the other because that's the one I used while the longest ago.
You probably knew me as DeadHeart.
It actually has more codes, given it has more content, they're just lost in the old locked treads. As for the code, I'm not sure if it's from FM, but this is what I got: 11CE0B68 0000089B 01CB8C77 0000002E 21CB8C78 7465736D 21CB8C7C 00000000 01CB8C96 00000005 11CB8C9E 00000002 0032ED64 0000008A 2032F0AC 00020100 11CD4390 00000317 2036c3e8 0016f1a4 21cd52a8 48455f57 21cd52ac 00303030 21cd52b0 00000000 21cd52b4 00000000 21ce2fe4 40000000
Oh, my bad, misread your post, you mean like use limits, magic, hang onto stuff and whatnot? If so, I'm not sure how to do it, both things I have in mind would either T-stance when doing those anything he shoudln't or have a constant messed up texture.
Yeah, the only way, at least that I know, of making Anti use Reactions is to replace one form that can with it. And if you remove Sora's Action and Growth abilities it'll T-stance less, probably. Not sure how it works, just had the code from a few years back.
Was there any word on the "Retry" option from 3D/BBS coming back? That thing was really handy.
Roxas and DW Roxas can perform Reaction Commands E003FDFF 0034D45C 01C9F62F 00000001 01C9572F 00000001 21CE267C 003F00AC Jokered to R2.
Anti Form w/ Normal Commands and Reactions 4032F064 00130001 03020109 00000000 0032F054 00000006 201A1BE0 C60001B8
Exactly. If you can run the emulator you'll just need to attach Emuhaste to it properly and use the 'file dump' option to make one.
This is for the antipoint one, or at least looks a lot like it 2032ef40 0000000 And not sure, but think these should be the drive/summon/limit, most likely wrong, but worth a shot 2032f05c 46c35000 2032f060 46c35000 21ce3704 46c35000 For the others I think i'd need a dump at the gummy ship menu at least, so I can't do anything, sorry.
How can he say he understands the story completely if he ignores the errors you mentioned? They're part of the story too, and want or not, they're there, if he thought about it or not, now he knows it, he can't ignore it unless he's ignoring the story as a whole, which he isn't. Either way, I think your friend is wrong, at least to a certain degree. I think failing to analyze the errors is fine, after all that's just not paying enough attention or not thinking good enough, you can't blame someone for not noticing X detail. I also think that ignoring it as a whole is fine, you might be just there for the scenary, or action, or whatever floats your boat. But watching something for the story and purposely not paying attention to it is just wrong, you're just fooling yourself and having a fake experience, and that's just too delusional for my tastes.
Those digits don't actually define the characters, it's just that their(As in fightable HB gang + Stitch, since he appears there, he's thirty something too) values are really similar, normally you'd have to switch around most of those lines. Also 34 would be Cid and 36 Aerith if they had a different model/moveset for a fightable version, but they don't. And my bad about Cloud.
It's weird, Japanese people supossedly love the english voices, yet they're replacing them. Are they recording the scenes again or something? Yeah, that pretty much confirmed it's coming over, just gotta hope it's close to the japanese released and not 10 months later.
Good to know, and yeah, that's how their AI works, except Tifa which for some reason rushes into the center of the room and proceds to beat the everliving crap out of the wind. Anyways, here's the code 21cXXXX0 42485f4e 21cXXXX4 5f30ZZ35 21cXXXX8 004c5442 21cYYYY0 42485f4e 21cYYYY4 5f30ZZ35 21cYYYY8 2e4c5442 21cYYYYc 7465736d XXXX/YYYY are for who you're replacing, ZZ is for who's getting their place Genie: XXXX: b53b YYYY: b53d Chicken Little: XXXX: aeed YYYY: aeef Stitch: XXXX: 9ef7 YYYY: 9ef9 Peter Pan: XXXX: a3dd YYYY: a3df For the ZZ digits: 37 = Tifa 38 = Yuffie 35 = Cloud 33 = Squall If something doesn't work just say and i'll look for where I messed up.
Yeah there is, gotta make them though, and it's kinda been 3 years since I've messed with this >.> Try this one, if it works i'll post the rest. 21cb53b0 42485f4e 21cb53b4 5f303535 21cb53b8 004c5442 21cb53d0 42485f4e 21cb53d4 5f303535 21cb53d8 2e4c5442 21cb53dc 7465736d Should replace Genie with Cloud, also turn off Summon Animations or it's gonna crash.
They don't have jump animations so they can't follow you, maybe Yuffie can since she just pops up eveyrwhere, but that's the best you can get. And is it freezing in cutscenes? If so, you could joker the code to switch to Yuffie/Tifa and add another one also jokered that switches back to Donald and Goofy, that way between battles ending and the cutscenes starting everything would be normal. Not sure if that works though, just a thought. It'll always freeze on the main menu though, if that's where it's freezing. It is, I don't have the code right now and kinda busy, but look on the first page for a code called sub-status mod, switch them and magics also switches. Freezes a lot though, if i recall correctly. Edit: Found it(Just replace 4 for an F on a status mod), here 01C9553F 000000?? I don't remember the digits though, just that 05 was Final Form, so Master should be 04.
103400A8 0000023D Though that might just crash or not show the weapon at all, sorry, that's as far as I can help, but i know it's possible to have that work.
It's been more than 2 years i've messed with this, but did you try using the weapon mod on the first page? Just put one of the key digits on Goofy's weapon slot. If that doesn't work, you'll need something else, but I'm sure that was possible.