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  1. Aragorns
  2. Aragorns
  3. Aragorns
    Post by: Aragorns, Nov 22, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Aragorns
    Profile Post Comment

    How's that improvisation for ya?

    How's that improvisation for ya?
    Profile Post Comment by Aragorns, Nov 22, 2012
  5. Aragorns
    Lowee: Shadow, Light, Darkness and now a Hogake! THIS JUST GOT AWESOME!!
    Makuta laughed. "This will... please me... indeed." That's when TerrAnsem made himself known.
    "COME GUARDIAN!!" He yelled. He was there, Chaosripper in hand, Heartless Guardian behind him, smiling for all the world like this was the most hilarious thing he'd seen. "You will Submit to Darkness!" Then he charged at Minato, striking down towards his head with Chaosripper.

    Makuta laughed again and then jumped to avoid the Quake. Using the jump, he struck down at Teridax, his swing powered by the Shadows.

    Lowee: Well, that backfired.

    Zexion did not know what to say, so he just stared. What had he done? He didn't know this would happen... if only he had a heart. "Blanc, wait!" He suddenly shouted. Then he went on. "Blanc, I... you know that I'm a nobody! Nobody's don't have hearts, so.... we can't feel emotions! But... if I had a heart.... then I would love you." At these words, Zexion's powers went a bit out of control and they found themselves in a strange, but beautiful, snowy cold place. See, even though this was part of Zexion's powers of illusion... they were still there, but they weren't... they were in a realm of illusion, so to speak. Due to that, no one would be able to find them... it would've been like they just disappeared. Zexion sat down on the ledge and sighed. "... I remember what it was like, having a heart... vaguely... and I want one again. I really do... then I would be able to know what feelings felt like again... maybe then I would know what it feels like to love someone..." All true, as it happens...

    Helgen: After the dance.

    They had been dancing for a bit, but then Hope stopped and looked into Vanille's eyes... then something to say(No doubt from Molthanus) came into his head. "You know... if your a princess... then won't ya need a knight to protect you?"

    Elswhere in Helgen: Vanitas confesses... something odd.

    "... So... whilst we're alone now... can I just say how much I've missed ya? I was actually worried, not having seen you since... the tower. I was...." He took a bit of a pause-breath. "... I was scared you were dead when the Reapers came."
    Post by: Aragorns, Nov 22, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Aragorns
  7. Aragorns
  8. Aragorns
    Profile Post Comment

    Heyo, how's your day been?

    Heyo, how's your day been?
    Profile Post Comment by Aragorns, Nov 22, 2012
  9. Aragorns
    Post by: Aragorns, Nov 22, 2012 in forum: Forum Families
  10. Aragorns
    Well... that's my post done... finally... at last...
    Now, hopefully, I won't get backtracked again.
    Post by: Aragorns, Nov 22, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Aragorns
    Glad to see this is still up. Well, I've decided to use Papercut, the last minute at least(The sun goes down, I feel the light betray me).
    As for progress, I have... made very little. I'll try to make more today.
    Post by: Aragorns, Nov 22, 2012 in forum: Production Studio
  12. Aragorns

    Ratrex nodded, and went in to finish off NHB-K. She summoned her Keyblade and kicked him down, placing a foot on his chest and putting the Keyblade to his throat. "Your time is up." She stated. But just as she was about to deliver the finishing blow, Batman got up and kicked her in the head, rendering her unconsious. "Fear does not affect me. By the way, you have the worst rope-tying skills I've ever seen." Illidan looked outraged. Kael'Thas shot fire at him, but Batman used some cyrogenic batarangs to counter this. With one swift movement, Kael was also on the floor. "Two down, two to go."

    Roxas's dream.
    Roxas was suddenly attacked by some swords, he fell back when they hit his chest, blood running down his clothes. A man appeared, with dark skin and white hair. "Who are--" "I must see if you are a worthy master." Roxas was confused by this, but he slowly got up, his chest in constant pain. He tried to block it out, and summoned Oathkeeper and Oblivion. "Those are interesting blades. Perhaps I could recreate them... if they are good enough." To which Roxas replied. "Shut up." And the two began battle, the mysterious warrior using two swords. Roxas immediately knew the name of them, and they said it in unison. "Kanshou and Bakuya!"

    -real world-

    Roxas was still unconsious, but... he was saying something... his lips moved and he said the words whilst unconsious - "His body is made out of swords."

    -Dream world: Unlimited Blade Works-

    Throughout the battle, the warrior Roxas was fighting had used Kanshou and Bakuya throughout most of it. Roxas did not know why he knew the names of the blades, but this wasn't the time to ask questions. They got themselves into a point where they're blades met in a lock. "I am the Bone of my Sword." Said the warrior. Roxas immediately knew what that meant, and his subconsious had uttered it whilst he was unconsious(see above). Roxas forced his Keyblades out of the lock and jumped back. The warrior was now holding a bow and a sword that transformed itself into a more projectile shape. Roxas knew the name if that, too. Caladbolg II. How did he know that? No time to ask questions, because this warrior fired the sword and Roxas put his Keyblades into an X shape to block it. It was a straining task, the former sword pushed him back inch by inch, sweat streaking down his face, the pain in his chest becoming almost unbearable. "Steel is my body, and Fire is my blood."

    -real world-

    Roxas's subconsious continued to use his voice. "His blood is of iron and his heart of glass." What could the boy possibly be going on about?
    Post by: Aragorns, Nov 22, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Aragorns
    Lowee: Slowly defrosting an ice princess... or whatever the title was.

    Zexion thought about the situation... and the question. What DID he think of her? She and he were... very similar... in a sense. True, he wasn't nearly as foul-mouthed as her, but still...
    He also found her... was attractive the right word? Or was it beautiful... that is, if a nobody can percieve beauty. Somewhere in him, he was sure that if Nobody's could perceive beauty, then he would deffinatley see her as beautiful. Out of all honesty, he rather enjoyed her company, and... well, for some reason, he 'felt' that if he had a heart to feel with, he would probably feel nothing but positive feelings for her... perhaps love wasn't entirely out of the question. Unfortunately, Zexion realised only too late that he had aired all his thoughts out in the open, and he then felt a slow red creeping up to his face. Of course, when he said his thoughts, it was grammatically correct, 'her' and 'she' being replaced with 'you' and 'you're' etc. As well as 'he' replaced with 'I' etc...
    GokaiGalleon: Roxas' new concsious - Molthanus
    After Roxas had yelled abscene things to Molthanus, Molthanus responded, and showed that he understood Roxas more than most people here. He also told him to go talk to Hermione after the duel was over, but to watch out - Harry might still have feelings for her. Roxas was about to argue that Harry was a good guy and that Hermione would be better off with him, but Molthanus interrupted that he had given up much already, and that he did not want Roxas to make the same mistakes as he made in the past. On that note, Roxas went to watch the duel... standing in a corner, being sure not to be noticed... probably wasn't going to work.

    Lowee: Shadow, Light and DARKNESS
    Makuta laughed. "Friends? What friends? If they were truly your friends, then they would stick by you - even if you turned to the Shadows... they would not do that." With that, he focused all his power into pushing the weapon down, forcing his counterpart onto his knee's.At this time, a presence seemed to have started watching them... which, of course, was none other than TerrAnsem himself. He would make himself known later...
    Post by: Aragorns, Nov 21, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Aragorns
  15. Aragorns
  16. Aragorns
    Xagranos: Well... Roxas has mysteriously disappeared from Saber's arms then. And I do NOT have too many writers blocks... I just have alot going on recently...
    Joker: And... what? We didn't even know Stardust HAS Skype until now. Besides... the way Roxas acts is very relevent. Extremely. And quite frankly, Crossover Saga and Crossover Cove are actually very different... his mind, anyway. He's probably just crazy.
    Me: I'll try NOT to get anymore writer's blocks/whatever... thought I can't garuntee it.
    Molthanus: I can!
    Me: Yes you can, Molthanus... yes you can... damned White Drag-- whoops, spoilers!(Purposeful spoilers)
    Roxas: Was that supposed to be a joke? 'Cause I'm not laughing!
    Joker and I: Why can't you see|The funny side?
    Post by: Aragorns, Nov 18, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Aragorns
    Well... that's alot of Pokemon...
    Too bad I'm not getting any xD

    On a more relevent note. I will be introducing a new OC soon... well, I say "new", he's actually old... but either way, I will probably be bringing him in...
    be prepared.
    Post by: Aragorns, Nov 18, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Aragorns
    As Molthanus said in the RP section... I honestly have NO idea what's going on... I read what I could, but... I'm not sure that's enough.
    *headdesk* I probably sound like the laziest person in the world.
    Xagranos: Yeah you do.
    Shut up, me.
    Post by: Aragorns, Nov 18, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Aragorns
    At first, Roxas actually thought someone generally cared... then Hermione went and passed him over for Basco. He didn't show how upset he was - it's extremely easy not to show emotions when you're a nobody. Infact, he didn't even blame her. He felt that some extraterrestial force had prevented him from asking. Infact, he even made up a name for this force and started yelling at it. "Why, Molthanus!? Why do you do this to me!?" If only he knew what that yelling would accomplishe...

    Planeptune: Oh boy...
    Zexion pondered Blanc's propisition for a bit, then shrugged, thought 'what the heck', and jumped on. Then he said something which was a tiny bit suggestive... which was not like him.
    "Perhaps we could go somewhere away from the others.... a little more.... private." Meanwhile, Genesis got off Neptune rather quickly and decided to follow her for the duration of this time. Demyx, on the other hand, decided to try his chances with Ram/Rom(Whichever one has the blue hair when they're transformed...). Another thing I should point out is a strange feeling that IF should be getting... almost as if someone is watching her...

    Makuta easily managed to block his petty 'brothers' attack. "I thought you were better than that. It would seem the light has made you....weak...." With that, he swung downwards towards Alternate Teridax's head with tremendous force.
    Post by: Aragorns, Nov 18, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Aragorns
    *eats popcorn*
    This is better than those human drama's!
    I'll try and post tomorrow!
    Post by: Aragorns, Nov 14, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home