well.. if I was given the chance to Volcanic Queen your number and set five face-downs without them being locked down/destroyed before your next turn, I'd use them.. and if they're all negated, then in the same sense that Quasar + five face-downs can be considered unbeatable, the one who summoned number 16 loses due to the no unbeatable combo rule? same as for if I tried swarming the field with Fables and all of my synchs were negated and all set traps destroyed. of course, that's one of the problems with non-random dueling.. you have LaDD banned, why not ban Quasar too?
Yes, be very afraid of the fire kings.
Same Tarot card~^
Yes, and I don't think it's that broken. you can summon monsters normally since Shock ruler only disables effects. you can set your traps normally, shock ruler doesn't stop you from doing that. do you really need spells when your opponent has to do a -2 or more cards just to get him out? set super poly, problem solved. Edit: Nvm then, Fred reminded me of Xing Zhen Hu.
http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Fool_of_Prophecy http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Arcana_Force_0_-_The_Fool You want dark magician and dark magician girl? take these. Spoiler @ Jaden ..why is Number 16 banned? also, destiny leo no longer needs to be there.
Marik has Ra, Atem has all three.. both of them cannot exist in the same universe because then there'd be more than one of the same legitimate god card in existence, which would break the boundaries of the universe! Edit: also, dibs on Tron, although he's not of gen 1-3.
this is actually a good idea to use in an RP.. too bad this arena's pretty inactive now.
Wrong. Sartorius would have Prophecy, Atem would have.. I have no idea >.> probably Rienzel's Horakhty OTK fusion gate loop.
it doesn't matter if the video game is outdated when it has all the cards you need to build your deck on it. you can practice on that and get used to the new archetypes later once you're not so rusty anymore and can duel on DN.
you know, you could just play against Terra. no offense, Terra, but this also makes you a very important person since this means you can help with playtesting the same way an AI would in any video game in my opinion. any MMO needs a beginner town. unlike you, I'd slaughter anyone mercilessly even with the weakest deck, so that wont work. that is your uniqueness! /fails to make my post any less offending.
Then I'll add to that and say new cards have more complex effects than in the blue-eyes/clown days.
you do realize he said basically the same thing I did, but with more sentences?
Indeed my heraldics are a force to be reckoned with.
on the contrary, there are more original decks now than before due to a wider variety of cards and archetypes to choose from. it is true that mostly everyone runs staples, but those only help with making your decks better, not to cause every deck to be the same.
Behold! Me using heraldics is so scary that even just setting a monster and two face-downs is enough to make someone leave! (also causes people to lose by their own cards.) Spoiler this was from within two to three hours I believe. they have officially earned a place under my scraps.
indeed SAO is a great anime. I gave it a 10/10! anyone who watches anime would have most likely heard of it at least.
extremely hard to kill utopia ray causes opponent to surrender.
I believe Rienzel's deck has almost every single card supporting its goal. there's a reason why he has a trap searcher and field searcher as well as card destruction and duality. if he opens with a bunch of normals, he can use duality to hopefuly get his field to fuse or dump them with card destruction to draw five, two in which is hopefuly his field or cat/chain material to start the loop.
back when I was emotionless, I would have wrote down the names of everyone on earth, because I thought humans were an evil species and had to be eliminated for world peace to happen.. but now I realize no one has the right to do that, so I wouldn't use it at all.
because pokemon.