Hmmm, dunno what I'd be title wise.
Masaru was within the Town of Beginings after hearing Kayaba Ahikhiko; sprlcaimation of the NerveGear's function of frying their brains if forcibly removed and already a few players died that way, thankfully, his mother and sister didn't attempt it, but the onyl way to get otu was to clear the 100th floor. "That'll no doubt take a while, and most of the players have probably gone and taken the best grinding spots or the Beta Tester's have already done that..." He though to himself as he walked the streets. "My HP represents how long I can survive in this world, but if it hits zero... I'm a goner." He thought and even though it was the cruel truth, it did state the fact that was a important one, but the question was, what to do now? "I suspect the dungeon isn't easy to get to Floor 2 as all FloorDungeons have a Boss, more chance of a surivial is teaming up with other play-." his thoughts were interupted by colliding into someone and he took note of what occured, he bumped into a a boy wielding a katana (Kuroi) and he sheepishly smiled. "Ah I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going, was thinking too much you see." he said with a embarassed tone, rubbing behind his hair as he spoke.
Fixed it.
~Ox vs Decade and Kirito~ Kirito charged forth as the Ox's head was downa nd he leapt upon the horn, still running as he stabbed his blade into the creature, dragging it along, yelling out a battle cry and leapt off as Decade pulled out another card. "This will teach you some manners." He said a steh card slid in into the belt and he hit the sides. "Kamen Ride: Ryuki!" as Decade's armour changed to a completely different one sans his the Decadriver then he brought another card out. "Attack Ride: Advent!" as a red chinese metal dragon apepared from out of nowhere and charged into the Ox, swiping it with ti's blade liek tail and then Decade slid another card in. "Final Attack Ride: R-R-Ryuki!" The Dragon reteated and D-Ryuki leapt up and twirled as teh dragon mvoed behidn him and shot a burst of flame, acceleataring D-Ryuki witha kick at the ready, causing a explosion as the Ryuki transformation cancelled, revealing Decade once more ~jaden~ "Neos!" He said and Neos moved to literally punch Ivan Ooze through the stomach.
~Battle~ The Kamen Rider looked at Asura Pain and heard him talk about not being able to destroy God and how annoying Kamen Riders are. "God? Sorry, but I don't believe in that, maybe it's because I have nothing to believe in the first place." he admitted to hsi foe and stepped beside Kirito who got up. "It's impossible to become a God..." He said and the Warrior turned his head slightly to Kirito. "Maybe you're right about that, but I seen things that humans never have a chance against, now then, how good are you with that sword?" He asked him and Kirito grasped his Elucidtor. "Do you need to even ask that?" He said and the Warrior looked at Pain. "I'll handle bulky, can you handle Summoner there?" He asked and Kirito nodded as teh warrior brought out a card. "Let's go then, Black Swordsman." he said and Kirito ran for the Deva Path as the warrior slid a card into the belt. "Final Attack Ride: D-D-D-Decade!" The eblt called out as larger versiosn of the card appeared before Decade and leading towards Asura Path and he fired his gun, a crystalized blast growing bigger with each holographic card it passed through to cause a explosion on contact as Decade waited to see what happened
Username: StardustXtreme Known Name: Masaru Tokura Age: 15 Appearance: Spoiler Personality: A friendly individual who looks out for others and relaxed for his age, but internally, all he seeks is to become stronger to protect those he cares or meets, despite their differences. Bio: A young man who was born into a reasonably wealthy family to live out in the countryside with a mother, and a younger sister by 2 years, he wanted to become strong to protect her but he doesn’t become so overprotective but rather gives space to her, he does love games, epsiecally RPG’s and saw SAO as a way to experience it completely, but little did he know, he’ll be fighting for his life. Job: N/A Guild: N/A Weapon: One-Handed Sword Special Skill: Absorption Slash (He takes the brunt of the attack and absorbs half the power to strike with, however, it has a cooldown of 5 minutes Other: N/A
That's alot, but Hot wants Neku, he can have him and Tapion. Guess I'll have Takato and Guilmon.
Shotaro: It's a obsession. Me: Now Kirito won't kill me. Yuri: Well, you pitted him against Asura Path. Me: Well excuse me, I thought missile projectiles against Kirito would be a nice match up.
What characters did you have?
~Planeptune: IchigoxVert Evidence Part II or whatever~ Okay, Ichigo's done many things, but this was proabaly one of the things no person would ever expect, why do you ask? Oh nothing apart form the Goddess of Leanbox being on top of him, straddling him and well, basically said Goddess placed one of his hands on her breasts and kissing him deeply and attempting to evovle said kissing stage to frenching stage and his body did demand food but let's not forget, he was still a human with teen hormones unlike the other Shinigami and what was mor,e he didn't resist one bit, and actually allowed the young woman entrance. Somewhere witin the world, a certain plush perverted doll would get the feeling he's just been outdone and outclassed and in another world, Isshin Kurosaki felt shivers run his spine as he cried to the huge poster of Masaki. "Darling, Ichigo's finally getting a girlfriend~" Ichigo heard Noire outburst but do you knwo he thought? "You know, I could get used to this..." he thought and within his Inner world, Zangestus tared upwards as the sun shone brightly, with clouds in the sky. "It seems there'll be no rain at all..." ~Black mage~ Yes we returned to our favourite psychopathic Black Mage with Fighter, WHite Mage and Pumrya as he paused for a moment. "Why do I get the feeling a pairing just become more concrete?" he said witha hint of disgust and brought out a book, looking it up and his eyes narrowed before closing it "Fuggin'' hell, A Human Reaper of Death and a personafication of a Goddess of a computer console just become more closer now, and how did this occur? Oh a 17 year old man just deflects a huge ass meteorite aimed a floating landmass, I swear it'll eb the fatty Neptune doing this but no... it had to be the busty one, all this love pish posh is makign me sick to my stomach." he complained and got looks from his 'compainions'. "And we're no closer to discovering where this Decade is! I swear I'd get mroe screentime with the Villians of DIsney but noo... I'm brushed aside like some minor villian! They are going at the top of my to kill list if they somehow get bakc into my good graces."
~Vs. Asura Path~ Kirito was grbabe dby the throat. gasping for air, the man who could very well snap his neck in two and be quick about it, his allies having the advantage over his newfound friends, even fi he could slice off the hand of the path, it woudl be ove rin mere seconds, he hated to admit it but he lost. "Attack Ride: Blast!" A mechcnaical voice called out as a few bullets hit Asura Path in the back, forcing him to let go of his captive to see who struck him out of nowhere and a silvery veil formed and out stepped a most peculiuar warrior, holding a strange weapon as he stared at Asura Path. "Sorry, but I can't let you kill a young teenager, why not face me? I destroy anything that comes into contact with me." he said and looked at Kirito. "W-who are you?" Kirito coughed out and the warrior tilted his head. "Just a passing through Kamen Rider, remember that." he said with a calm tone. ~Battle 2~ Eternal watcehd as Tobi absorbe dteh attacks coming for him and he spoke. "They're persistent in their endevours, they are just weak, let him retreat, I want to see if they are able to become stronger, if not, the next time we fight, we kill them, no arguements about it?" Eternal asked and Lambda looked at him. "What a foolish idea you have, but it should be amusing, but seeing that these fools don't know when to give up..." Lambda created a ball fo energy. "We weaken them to the point they cannot stand no longer, as to prove how futile all this effort this." he thrown the energy ball at his enemies as Eternal merely removed the Eternal gaia Memory and re-inserted it, unleashing another Maximum drive upon them.
Kirito was slicing and dicing missiles coming for him but theexplosions causing smoke was being created and in the smoke, moved within it, if the Pain's couldn't see inside the smoke, he had a advantage. "Sonic...Leap!" He said quietly and charged forward witha unparalleled speed to slice through Asura Pain but even fi eh did damage him, it wouldn't be enough and he remained focused. "Damnit, I don't want to use that butif I don't, I may be worn down eventually and die by this guy who seems to have aendless number of missiles." Kirito thought. ~Avengers~ Shotaro noted Jack apeearance, he did look kinda badass in retrospect but somethign about him did pull people to him. ~Eternal vs Saber~ Eternal watched as the Excaliber attack came he braced for it, actuaklly takign the blow and all ti did was make the suit more dirter looking and he removing the Eternal memorya nd stuck it into the Dagger. "Eternal! Maximum Drive!" It said before he swung it and arc of energy came for Saber and he stepped forward "You're nothing more than a nuisience, be gone and find your Master, I want a true challenge."
Themes? i'll upload those a bit later.
~Avengers~ Shotaro looked at Banner. "We find out why we were brought here and try and find a way back to where we all were before." He answered and flicked his wrist. ~City in the Sky~ Meta was impressed and Marvelous looked up. "Better than standing around in this ruined city." he said to them. ~Eternal vs Saber~ Eternal brought his dagge rup to block the blow, not surpsing that hsi weapon didn't break from the real cold hard steel of Saber's and he delievered a kick in Saber's chest, knocking him back and brought a another USB Stick with a dark green casing wih a U on it and he slid it into the slot on his right hip as it spoke. "Unicorn! MAximum Drive~!" as he pressed the button and his fist glowed ina green energy and he delievered a punch to Saber coming back for another strike and it conencted, causing a empowered punch to send Saber flying. "Eternal Hell awaits me? No, that is the journey you shall undertake." Eternal said and stood arrogantly over Saber. ~Jaden~ Jaden moved ready as Neos moved into a fighting stance.
I shall now add another Hero/anti-Hero/villian/ whatever Username: StardustXtreme Character Name: Tsukasa Kadoya Appearance: Spoiler Media they are from: Kamen Rider Decade Info: A amnesiac who doesn't remember his own world and is able to transform into Kamen Rider Decade and strangely, knows how to fight and have masterful skills of everyday skills but cannot take photographs properly, so he travels to Alternate Realites of Worlds but a prophet named Narutaki tells the inhabitants or heroes that Decade is the one who heralds their destriction and must be destroyed so they can live but Tsukasa cannot claim it's a lie or a truth since he doesn't remember.
Kirito was surprised as teh serrated blade stuck his body but he leapt back, noting the damage on his HP was reduce by at least a 1000, that left him with 17500 Hp left, but his HP woudl restore by 600 during battle every 10 seconds as a skill. "How could he dodge that so quickly?, it's almost if he knew which direction the attacks would come from... I'd understand if it were a Party between these guys then they could Switch to deliever quick attacks or rapid guarding... wait...their eyes... they are all the same, could they be a connection between this?" If so, then the Other Pains are just an audience." Kirito cursed in his thoughts, SAO neve rhad this kind of advantage to monsters. ~Eternal~ Eternal's prey's attention wa staken by the arrival of soemone named Gilgamesh it would seem as Lamda merely ignored the new arrivals. ~Avengers, Rider and Pony and SUna Silblibgs~ Shotaro cancelled the transformation as he was in civiallan form. "Looks likely, but it's best to remain on our guard since this is a world where we aren't famialr with at all and who knows what our enemies have as allies."
~Boy's Dorm~ Harodl too felt a new stranger in the castle and sighed at it, no one seemed to want to give him a break but Hogwarts notfied him someoen was handling the matter personally. "He's proabbaly outside Hogwarts, biding hsi time until w eleave, after all, this place has a strong Fidelius Charm placed on it, I just wiped teh knowledge of it from Doppelganger's mind since even though he had Hermione's fragment, he created his own magicial signature and Hogwarts had it registered, so I can declare who can know the secret." He said and laid back on the bed. "After all this blows over, I need a long vacation..." he said with a sigh.
~Kirito vs Asura path~ Kirito was surprised that the man had concealed missiles but he dion't let that impair his judgement as he brought his sword in front of him and with a fast bit of footwork, slice through the missiles and past teh Asura Path, slicing through a bit of it's torsos when the missiles exploded and he turned around to slice at his exposed back and then moved back to see waht Asura would do. "If he's got missiles, my guess is he's a long range fighter while his other selves cover the weaknesses of each other, but if I can stay a close distance to him, his weaponary will be useless unless he wants to kill himself with them." Kirito thought, but he knew he had fast reaction time or reflexes honed by the battles he constantly fought in SAO despite being a teenager. "Let's test that theory out/" ~Eternal vs Saber~ Eternal gave a mere nod. "You will face a eternal hell." he said, moving into a stance.
Spoiler 1. If you recall, when Sugou si introduced, he shakes hands with Kazuto as he says in surprise he's Kirito, most likely, the goverment and such released infomation about Krito freeing the Players or the previous visits Kazuto has at the hospital, Asuna's father inquired about it since Kazuto asked the goveremant where Asuna is in exchange about what happened in SAO. Kazuto most likely never told Sugaha about his account name and he did debate on choosing the name Kirito but he decided on that perhaps to show Sugou that he can't get away with anything and also, so Asuna can know it's actually him, either that or Sugou woudl think Kirito is just some random person tryign to emulate the SAO Kirito. 2. Ah the powers of look-alike and neve rjumping to a conclusion, it's proabbaly teh fact Kirito of ALO has spiky hair and pointy ears, after all Suguha's Avatar looks nothing liek ehr real world self except her face, but we have to remmeber, it's a survival thign going in ALO with the race's and secondly, Kirito is more focused on saving Asuna from Sugou's scheme and reunite with her. 3. It was 2 months after SAO was cleared but in those 2 months, anything of could of occured such as increased security or a law stating all MMO's are checked throuoghly to ensure a scheme like SAO never occurs again. I admit, Kirito is dense to feelings of other girls he encounters but Asuna has that spark they didn't have, plus, the other girls weren't front-line fighters since Lisbeth was just a blacksmith, SIlca a Beast Tamer whose partner was killed and also allowed to live 3 more days, it's likely after she used it, she stopped fighting. Sachi died sadly but if she lived, Kirito would probabaly end up with her.