I've been very close to tears out of frustration in math. Another time I had to excuse myself due to a panic attack (although that was more due to other crap going on in my life at the time)...
Ugh, been there, and probably will be there again after December >.>
Oh, no, it's not that! Besides, I'm not even sure if I was supposed to be eligible in the first place, since I was switching songs due to difficulty too...
I'm not sure if this makes me qualify, but I switched my song last round and someone else took the original one I'd signed up for, but then they had to drop out too >.< Oh, and just to let you know, it's extremely unlikely for me to get my lines in before Monday... Sorry Dx #living on the road
14 ;.; I feel so loved.
Just e-mailed my lines, let me know if there's a problem.
The panic is what makes it fun 8D Raging Bull and Vertical Velocity are the ****. X-Flight was okay, not as good as I thought it would be, though ;.;
I'm guessing this first one is a bit too complicated, but it's worth a shot >.> http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRzUyZvmV1OjQ0x7ZyzJYTNVdpE76678lw-FBw8A90F17TsYLZxwaVN3zfd If it doesn't work, here's a few more (in order of preference) http://bakarenders.com/renders/displayimage.php?album=1&pid=5875#top_display_media http://bakarenders.com/renders/displayimage.php?album=1&pid=6251#top_display_media http://bakarenders.com/renders/displayimage.php?album=1&pid=6250#top_display_media http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:...3xHaQ0tpiItsi4kor7fcG9PakqsSKen02dF2tb712ZsgA
There's mine. I think I've stuck with my current one the longest during my premdom, which isn't saying much >.> theonly9one Divine_Lunatic TheOnly9one Chesterfield Snapdragon McFistycuffs ~Ryan~ ~Ryanosaurus~ MadDoctorMaddie Janson
[A post that uses the thread as an excuse to tell an anecdote of said posters life]
Do you have enough money to go out of state for college? One of my co-workers daughters is in Detroit in a creative arts college studying game design, but she started out in Illinois Valley Community College. There seems to be a lot of universities in Chicago that offer that too (DePaul, DeVry, Illinois Institute of Art), so it kinda depends on your budget, and whether or not you wanna go to a private or state college. Try this site, and if that doesn't help, just try Googling it.
Thanks, it's just my inner demons nagging at me. I did end up sounding pretty angry xD Was trying to go more cheeky at first, but it wasn't...
Yeah, same thing, I wanna get in with my own merits. Same, then doing improv on my own really helped me out a lot, I've become a lot more...
Yeah, I don't really know where to start, but I know quite a few people who do, so I could just bite the bullet and ask them xP I'd probably...
Thanks. I really wish I had more time to audition and stuff, but I need to focus on saving up some money first. Ah, good. It's so hard to tell...
the location I've given (and probably everyone else's too) is a link. So I click it and it takes me to Google Maps. I was very disappointed to find that the Inner Rim has been left out of there, so no one will be able to find me. Spoiler: Name related geekery Also, funny thing I found in Taanab's Wookieepedia page: "Its populace was known for always maintaining an air of formality." "Rogue Squadron veteran Wes Janson was a native of Taanab." Does not compute.
Yeah, I know that feeling, I'm even attempting to turn my need of escapism into a career xD Sorry, bad joke from me >.> Hope things turn out...
West Wing was the ****. I've found that the best way to fall asleep was deciding to pull an all nighter. And staying in a reclining position while distracting myself from any thoughts.
Thanks, I haven't even had a chance to listen to the songs yet >.> I fell in love with the song due to that line xD
Yeah, I've seen some of your posts, if you need to vent go ahead, or if you need distractions, go ahead and shoot me a message. I'm hoping that's...