O:... really?? I had no idea KHV has their own.. o.o How do i find it?
hai guise I have a tumblr n I post KH related stuff. Soo... if anyone has a KH related tumblr they have, pls post it, I want more people to follow. c:
Droppin' a hellooo~
There's only like two eps available on HuluPlus, which is what I use. I like the story a lot actually. I mean I've only seen two eps, I think it has a lot of potential. I had no idea the other eps where out btw, so now I gotta catch up lol. If anyone knows a good place so I could watch the others, leave a posstt~! c:
c: happy bday broski there are like 5 people i know with the same bday today lulz
Well I think Misty's the only one online now lol..
Lol Florida's actually gotten a little chillier. IT'S THE BEEEESSSTTT. I actually wore jeans today for the first time all year lol.
I'm aliiiiiiiiiiiiive! :v everyone keeps saying that lol
Lol idk that's weird... Go change it??
I was told there were splendors? I came for the splendors.
c: I'm great, u?
Lol so true
Lol Misty XD :3 so are you
Life's been busy; i moved, i'm a junior in college, about to turn 21 in a few months xD, I just started my B.A @_@. How's everything for you? :)...
xD Haha yup basically. My major is Digital Medi with a focus of Web Design, so this semester I'm taking classes like Intro to Digital Media and...
XDD haha it's good to see you too :lolface: