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  1. Ansem59
    Bheliar crept through the cities, and then when he wasn't in the cities he ran faster than ten men combined. Truly, his might was incredible, but well maintained. Bheliar made his way through Seraphim and into Vain. He travelled quickly through Vain too until he eventually came to the outskirts of the Ungrate Desert. Bheliar stopped here and backtracked a little to a town near the outskirts of the desert. Once there he kept his appearence of a man, but changed his clothing to appear more ragged. Bheliar then stumbled into a local bar and immediatly screamed out that he needed water desperately before collapsing on the floor.
    Post by: Ansem59, Sep 5, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Ansem59
    Bheliar wanted nothing more than to end the mans life. This demon had gone too long without tasting blood in his mouth. However, his duty derived his action and he simply left the man where he was and continued on his journey.
    Post by: Ansem59, Sep 4, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Ansem59
    Bheliar saw the man and could immediatly tell he was intoxicated. "Well, you look like you've had a lot to drink! Are you feeling alright?" Bheliar went over to the man and tried to help him up and keep him steady.
    Post by: Ansem59, Sep 4, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Ansem59
    Bheliar quietly made his way through the land, but he soon found a city, and curious as to his own where abouts he decided it was best to go in. The demon then changed his appearence to that of an ordinary human, and casually walked into the city.
    Post by: Ansem59, Sep 3, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Ansem59
    Fardel stopped but kept his sword ready in case. He then turned to the girl "Hey, wait up a sec, seem's like this guy has something to say."
    Post by: Ansem59, Sep 3, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Ansem59
    Bheliar creeped onto the beach, first crawling, then slowly standing up, walking towards the shore line. Bheliar stood firm on the sand and looked at the sun rising in the distance. Bheliar then smiled and began walking, casually, towards a city...
    Post by: Ansem59, Sep 2, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Ansem59
    Whenever he could, Bheliar simply walked the streets as a civilian, but places that were locked down, Obstacles that stood in his way, he became a shadow on the wall and sleeked through area's that had been locked down. Finally Bheliar had reached the docks... He simply jumped into the water and began swimming through the perilous waters. Sure, many ships of humanity's making had perished in these waters, but demons had know it for much longer and been able to travel through it much easier than humans. Bheliar recalled swimming through these very waters when he was simply a child. And here grown humans were not capable of crossing it without the best of experience... how fragile they are.
    Post by: Ansem59, Sep 2, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Ansem59
    Deep within the confines of the citadel on the sealed isle, lay the demon gate. For a long time it lay as a testimate for what mere mortals had been able to do to pure darkness. A testimate for how light could conquer the dark. It had been there for many centuries, and ever since the demon war had not been used... until now...

    A dark glow came from the gate where a hand suddenly appeared from the portal, then an arm attached to it! Then a torso, leg, head, all to reveal that a monster resembling a man had come through. Bheliar chuckled a little as he had entered into the world of Fare. The humans had no idea what horrors would soon await them. As Bheliar's first act he noticed a gaurd sleeping quietly near the gate, obviously he was there to ensure no demons would get out. Bheliar snuck up behind him, grabbed his mouth and pulled his head back into the ground, which knocked him unconscience to leave an idea that the gaurd had maybe fallen backwards from his chair. If his plan were to work, mankind would have to believe no demon had escaped.

    Bheliar then snuck through the rest of the halls and gaurds until he had made it far away from the demon gate. He transformed his appearence into a well dressed man and simply walked casually away from the area that had kept him imprisoned in Rai for so long...
    Post by: Ansem59, Sep 1, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Ansem59
    Name: Bheliar (Holds another name in cases of hiding identity: Damian)
    Gender: Male
    Age: Timeless
    Weapon: Dark magic and deceit
    Appearance: Bheliar can change his appearance to anything he likes, he primarily changes into a man with long dark hair and blue eyes. He usually likes to keep the look of the higher class in order to achieve instant respect.
    Nationality: Demon
    Personality: Bheliar is cruel and evil, truly one of the worst demons to ever cross into the Fare plane. He will manipulate anyone and anything he can in order to accomplish his goals, but rarely ever works in a fashion that draws direct attention to himself.
    Bio: Bheliar once punished the humans in his possession with pride, honor, and joy. But when the humans rebelled He fought in the war against them, but with their strength in numbers outweighing his own, he was forced to flee back to Rai with his fellow demons. However Bheliar has now come back, unbeknownst to the humans, in an attempt to manipulate and turn them against each other.
    Post by: Ansem59, Aug 31, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Ansem59
    Fardel was surprised by the strangers actions. He still didn't trust him though. He felt and odd force coming from him... not good... not evil... just odd. Fardel ran after the girl and yelled "KEEP RUNNING!" trying to get her and himself away as fast as possible.
    Post by: Ansem59, Aug 29, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Ansem59
    Fardel turned around and was surprised to see someone there, although the hooded person did not look like someone to be trifled with. Fardel then used his sword and a little bit of magic to create a whirlwind to blow back the consumers in a bind to buy more time.
    Post by: Ansem59, Aug 29, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Ansem59
    "To be brutally honest, you are the only person I've met since I started my journey..." Fardel could feel a presence watching them. "I have a bad feeling about..." Fardel saw the gate that lead out of the city. "RUN FOR IT!" Fardel then started racing to get out of the city.
    Post by: Ansem59, Aug 29, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Ansem59
    Fardel was shocked at the girls ignorance. He motioned for her to walk beside him. "Well, for your sake, I hope we don't run into any of them. They still do wander... very few, but enough."
    Post by: Ansem59, Aug 29, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Ansem59
    Fardel kept a close eye on their surroundings and waited for her to catch up. Nervous throughout the whole thing. "Never seen one? How is that possible? Have you been sleeping under a rock or soemthing?"
    Post by: Ansem59, Aug 29, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Ansem59
    "The black devils! I can sense them drawing near..." said Fardel "You've probably been able to fend them off, so I'm sure you'll be fine. I am not going to take my chances though." Fardel then started walking faster.
    Post by: Ansem59, Aug 29, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Ansem59
    Fardel diverted his attention from her. He began looking around. "I don't have time for your games, girl. They are getting closer." He said very softly to her. He began to slowly walk away.
    Post by: Ansem59, Aug 29, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Ansem59
    Fardel looked at her dagger. Then he pulled his sword into view which he was holding off to his side. "I'm not interested in a fight. I have no issue with leaving you behind." said Fardel with some anxiety, hoping she would not create a conflict.
    Post by: Ansem59, Aug 29, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Ansem59
    Fardel heard the voice but couldn't believe it. He had been to multiple cities and none of them had contained a single soul. Yet here was one voice that crept out from the darkness and despair of their world. He looked around for a moment before spotting the woman, who simply looked a mess. Fardel almost didn't know what to say "Uh... hi there..." he simply started. "Uh, well, look. I, uh, am on my way to meet someone who can get me off of this planet, do you want to come along?"
    Post by: Ansem59, Aug 29, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Ansem59

    Somewhere else, deep in the darkness of space, behind the lines of the consumer hoard there was a planet where life still existed. Though the planet's inhabitants had been mostly desolated, some lucky few had survived. These few had made it their mission to escape the planet and find some way to hide away and regroup with other survivors... If any still existed...


    Fardel walked through the empty streets of one of his kinds greatest city's... It now laid in ruins. Fardel called out still holding out hope for other beings not possessed by the strange white creatures. Fardel knew the monsters would hear him and soon come out, but it didn't matter to Fardel. He had been able to outrun them before. For their tenacity had been reduced since the bulk of the hoard had left. And if risking a fight with them managed to save a life, that was all that mattered.
    Post by: Ansem59, Aug 29, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Ansem59
    Dr. Traken smiled "The Phantom always had a chance, it was me trying to gain the upperhand against him that was one of my goals. If the Phantom doesn't realize that he can just remove me now, then I have obviously overestimated him." Dr. Traken whispered to Phantoma. Regardless of anything that was being said, Dr. Traken could only think of one way to accomplish his goal, and that would be if the Phantom left for some reason...
    Post by: Ansem59, Aug 28, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home