i wanted to apologize for not being able to get to your request sooner, i was really busy last night! i will make sure to keep an eye out for...
omg hard choice x - x
what she said was a gaffe but those facebook comment posts by "famous" figures are always funny like jesus, harry potter, star wars characters, etc.
you could learn a new skill by making them yourself
that's good! i'm taking my online classes towards my bachelor's since i worked super hard for 3 semesters and got all my prereqs out of the way...
haaaaay how're you?
don't listen to them, you have to make the best of it so just roll with everything and it'll go fine. some people will be obnoxious but ignore those people. i'm glad you have a good group around you right now though.
i think i've said "this hurts you" to my friend like 5x in the past two weeks.
yes now love garrus even more like i do ; - ;
OH MY GOD LKSDLKJKLJFLK LOL....................................................................GPOY
asdkjshdjkfhdskf SAM WAt TeH HeL L LOLOLll
lolz it's okaaaay
Kites lol i usually like the posts as a way to acknowledge what you said instead of continuing with another post. i do the same thing on Facebook....
MOVED FROM GAMING TO SPAM: The gaming section is more for things like news. I'll move this over to spam since this thread doesn't really fit the criteria.
when you are related to a dude who works for this company you tend to stop begging for details after a while and go with the flow.
how about we all just wait and see????? lolz i mean i could always figure it out early but i dont really care to tbh.
fall is fabulous max i get to cut my hair so my bangs are back, get super fit, wear margiela, and travel to nyc and boston around time for my birthday since my fall semester at uni is easy as pie * 3 * yay. i love tea it is a miracle liquid * - *