Yess, yesss, gooowd. I'm still undecided if this is hilarious or scary beyond all belief. Going with yes. In need of more hair flip.
Oh that's not good, she can't always get on.. Everyone gather in the summon Danu circle. Think thoughts of Tim Curry and Tom Hiddleston cutting potatoes with chainsaws, that's sure to bring her around.
Oh my gawd, I haven't seen that guy in 10 years. Doitdoitdoitdoitdoit. Then he can meet Scar, bloody cats. We'll have a death reunion down in the underworld.
Pffft, I'm always completely on topic. As the creator of the RP I must always give off a sense of composure and stabili- SQUIRREL.
Yes rangers, unite for my cause. Obey ye master.
Unlike Meta Knight, who will tear a new one in everyone before they can blink.
Oh come on, he's running around at such a high speed with only shoes on. The possibilty of him tripping could restult in- DEARCHE, THE BED NEEDS NEW SHEETS, THESE PLASTIC CUPS ARE MOST NOT UNBREAKABLE. THERE IS CHOCOLATE MILK EVERYWHERE. That would a great idea to try, we can totally make a future project out of this.
Stern likes furries, Stern likes furries~ Hey, Stern, if you end up with the hedgehog will your babies be sonic-materials?
Don't give me excuses, give me results! sweetchristdevelopment Sleeping with Levi tonight
Just kidding, but yeah. It's like BBC decided to cause the fanpocalypse with Sherlock and Dr. Who.
Plus I'm pretty sure he's dating Watson in that series, tumblr fanart leads me to believe this. It's on the internet so it must be true.
I watched the first episode with everyone on livestream once, I liked it, but I mostly just see it all over tumblr. Of course you can though, he's...
So it's that kinda thread. DEARCHE, you're lacking in this department. Develop, for I have needs.
You underestimate my scheming ability, I thought you'd try this. Never imagined I'd become the one whom- DEARCHE LET ME LOVE YOUUUUUU
You dreamed of creating the worlds most powerful glomper. You succeeded. /DT'ssecretlabexplodes
Tell me I'm pretty. Oh right, that was my bit to tell you. Britannia, unwittingly allied with Zero's forces, just declared war on the Reapers. We're waiting for post template to come back before we get really into it.
Don't I look pretty now?
I keep mistaking you for myself, then DT after I see the avi/sig. Once I finally get it down pat you having Dearche, DT as Stern and Bushy as Levi you all will change them. Half tempted to use a U-D theme.
No other god has such fabulous hair. Except Hades maybe.. when it's lit. Bro, the world has been screwed beyond all recognition.