Laguna- mkay. (Goes outside to find the kids)
Yes! She went home at the end of season 3. I liked her. And Captain Jack! Oops. Forgot about him. Hes my favorite too
Laguna- ummm... do you want me to go watch the kids while you do that maybe? And I guess I was here... but not IN the bar...
Mmmmmkay. Lol
Laguna- (goes inside) uhmm... good morning Ladies... you sleep okay?
Sorry, meant to say Jackie Tyler and got auto corrected. Shes Rose's mum. She was in seasons 1+2
Laguna- (hears Lightning yelling from inside) uh oh. I think the game might be over.
I've only just finished Season 3, so no spoilers please! My favorite episodes are "the empty child" "the doctor dances" and "blink" My favorite...
Laguna- Ahhh! Not the face! RAWWWWWR!!
Lol :) You have a favorite episode? Character? Daleks or cybermen? These are important questions.
Laguna- this isn't over yet! (Picks up Denzel) Gotcha!!!
Yippee! I'm honored! :D
Wibbly-wobbly. Right. I remembered wrong. :P and I do like it, I just got into it about a month ago and just watched "Blink" yesterday.
Laguna- um. Okay. Owww! You got me! (Falls to his knees, allowing Marlene to climb down) Noooo!
Hmmm... its all a bunch of squiggly-wiggly time-y whimey stuff. When I started, Laguna was searching for Ellone, but apparently there's a Squall,...
Laguna- Ouch! Denzel! Not too hard.... (puts Marlene on his shoulders) hey Serah! Wanna help me play bad guy?
She plays Zack Fair :)
Laguna- (Holds Marlene even higher) ROOOAAAARR!!!
The latest I've stayed up THIS week is 3am. I was on KH Synchronous with my sister, then my phone started freaking out, so I went to bed bored.
Laguna- (still holding Marlene) well..... *idiot, stop goofing off and clean* uhmmm... I won't let her hit you. Don't worry, Ill tell her it was all my fault and then she won't be mad at you! And by the way, Prince Denzel, your princess is still in danger!