i don't have any opinion on premium because i was not there when it was implemented. i don't know if it's been here from the start of kh-vids, or if it was added in later. and no, it has obviously not increased the the activity of this site, because of what you said. once they reach 1,000 posts, they will stop posting in other sections and go back to the spam zone. so why in the world would you do the same thing twice? i am criticizing because of people continuing to use: "this site will only become more active if we get these perks." i honestly feel like the only reason some people want this implemented is so they can receive said perks and they don't care if the forum will become active or not. because it won't. if anything, staff would have to deal with people spamming outside of the spam zone and posts will get deleted if they do not relate to a thread. it just seems like too much of a hassle for something that could easily be solved by just doing it on your own with no perks. good lord, i'm just repeating myself.
the con by tegan and sara
around the time you joined the forums, i stopped coming around except for maybe once a month because i had other things to do? that changed about a month or two ago.. so in all honestly, i have about ten posts a month. it's not much, but i don't think that makes me unable to voice my opinion on this topic. i just don't think it's right that the majority of you are saying you'll make the site active again as long as you get so and so perks. if the site not being active is a problem, do something about it without needing to get a prize at the end, because either way, once people reach Noble, they'll all go back to the spam zone and then this would have been useless, despite the few months it would take for people to get those posts by spamming other threads where posts do count.
might check this out if it's actually free to play. it's the only reason i played diablo 3 (that, and i got the actual game free. ;x) good lord i wish they would do this for world of warcraft.
i will have been here for two years, since you can't count. and i'm sure you haven't noticed, but i've probably been active about six of those months?
coda: a burn scar in the shape of the sooner state by los campesinos! "i can't believe i chose the mountains every time you chose the sea."
....... why don't you guys just post in other parts of the forum out of the kindness of your heart? seriously, it feels like you're making a bargain: "hey staff, we'll make this site active once again as long as you give us these perks." if you want the site active, just post on your own free will. you really don't need to get something new out of this, and the whole "there are too many premiums" is a bullshit excuse to add in a new usergroup. anyway, the minute people spam enough posts in other sections of the forum, they're all going back to the spam zone. i would rather not have pointless crap littering the other threads just so some people can get new perks.
fight song by the appleseed cast "so we'll look out on the lake, and we see the white light. i said it was gold, it should have been gold. then maybe all the crazy things you said would have a meaning. but this thing we have made; it can't stop. and it won't stop 'cause i can't face you now."
she reminds me so much of katy perry when she has straight hair but omfg. i love this song so much. kimbra marry me baby
i never want to post again
i seriously still don't understand why you guys need to be bribed in order to post in other parts of the forum.
advent- i really like this, but like others, i'm not that keen on the text. i think it might actually look a little bit better if the g wasn't almost invisible? but either way, i think it's really pretty. heartless- good lord i have no idea why i like this so much. it's rather plain, but everything just works so well together. i also really like the font for some reason. the colors fit well with the rest of the piece. misty- sore is so cute. *-* i really adore the background on this. i think it would have a completely different overall effect if the text was positioned differently, though.
the harold song by ke$ha "but now i see it was my past life, a beautiful time; drunk off of nothing but each other 'til the sunrise."
why on earth do you guys need to have some sort of motivation to post more? this is a rather silly idea, in my opinion. if you want the forums to become more active, post on your own. you don't need some sort of prize at the end.
dead hearts by stars
thank you for blowing my post out of proportion but either way, if that guy wants to be a ******, he can be. people can choose to look at him or not, but i'm pretty certain he has a right to wear what he wants, and if he wants to go into jewish territory with it on, then that is just the topping on the cake! and if wearing whatever you want is a little selfish, who the **** cares? let me spend my entire life doing what society says is acceptable and never please myself. yeah, no thank you.
i get really grossed out when skinny people show their bodies off. like, they are so selfish for being all "hey, society made it so that skinny people are the only ones who can walk around in whatever the **** they want." shut up. anyone can wear what they want and if you don't like it? don't look at them.