Indeed I do. I just need some info. What emulator are you using, what version pokemon, and one or two computers. (and some more info depending on...
lol umm, kay lol. Sure. I have no actual up and running games prepared for battle, but sure. What level your team/who? Because you asked how to trade
Aaaah, just missed ya! Oh well . I have epic news. I got a tablette/e-reader thing! Funny how my page won't load on mobile, but normal works just...
-insert magactispacular entrance here- [IMG] Non! Its been awhile! :D
Okay, thanks for relaying the message :)
kk, good seeing ya.
Awesome, awesome.I cant wait for the release of kh3D. Only a little while longer lol. I pre ordered! :D
Ah, I thought you meant it spammed it was spamming it. It might be the site. Kind of like how when you do multiple spacing it just compresses them...
I see. What have you been up to since we last spoke?
Oh, I know I will be eligible for it, I am already half way there. I just mean I am never going to change it XD I have been using Adamboy7 for the...
Not much, just playing some games. Yourself?
Nice, congrats. I myself will probably never change my name lol
Hey look, it's Mello. lol I am good, how are you this lovely day? Didn't recognize you for a sec, I see you changed your name.
*Ehem* "MY GOD GET ON! xD"
Oh well. So long as we can catch up soon lol. How are you? How have you been? :)
Aaaah! I missed you by 4 freaking minutes on 3DS XD
Sorry about that. I have been eliminating the organization, one by one. And I beat the game twice XD May I say, Larxene is an absolute ***** even...
I see. reviewing the evedince, you my good man are guilty of being innocent.
Well, this is true. Of coarse if we are going over possibilities he could also flip over backwards in happiness because somebody thought of him...