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  1. Cloud.Strife.
    Profile Post

    Mmhhmmmm .

    Mmhhmmmm .
    Profile Post by Cloud.Strife. for Aelin, Jul 27, 2012
  2. Cloud.Strife.
  3. Cloud.Strife.
    Profile Post

    Mm-hmm .

    Mm-hmm .
    Profile Post by Cloud.Strife. for Aelin, Jul 27, 2012
  4. Cloud.Strife.
  5. Cloud.Strife.
  6. Cloud.Strife.
  7. Cloud.Strife.
    Ruxakan appeared near the northern border waiting for the boy to fly by. As soon as he did, he summoned an illusion of a rock flying at him. He watched as it flew and the boy swerved to avoid it, crashing into the ground. He smirked and opened a dark corridor to him and entered.

    Brady tried to tuck into a roll as he crashed but he really wasn't expecting it. He crashed into the ground and turned sideways over and over. The one in the Dark Coat walked by him, and reached down and touched him on the shoulder. Brady saw horrible things, terrible, awful things the Organization could do. He was trapped. He was trapped in a war with the Darkness that he could not win. Darkness was the only way to peace. His mind raced to form a conclusion: The Darkness is the only way out. Giving into it is the only way to survive against the Organization.

    So he did.

    Ruxakan smiled as he watched the boy split into two shapes; a heartless and a Nobody. He chained the Heartless down, and put his hand on the Nobodies shoulder's, the boy's eyes blank. He dragged the heartless and steered the Nobody into a Dark Corridor, and they were gone, without a trace.
    Post by: Cloud.Strife., Jul 27, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Cloud.Strife.
    Maybe I'll find some other wielders in this next world. Only good person back there was the other kid, not that Silver person but the other boy. Not the pirate. And the girl was so prideful and confident, it was nearly sickening. Besides, he didn't need them. He could train himself.

    "Perfect." Xamsdek said. "Time to weave the illusions in order to make him one of us. He's alone, so we can make him an Organization member. Ruxakan, this is your department." he said to a hooded member, who took off his hood to reveal short black hair and a pretty face. "Very well." he said, and disappeared into the Dark Corridor.
    Post by: Cloud.Strife., Jul 27, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Cloud.Strife.
    As Brady flew north, he contemplated on this new pirate. Man, what a jerk. he thought to himself. Hope he doesn't follow me.
    Post by: Cloud.Strife., Jul 27, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Cloud.Strife.
    "Fine by me. I'm going North. You guys want to come, you know where to find me." Brady said finally. He walked out, jumped on his black and silver Key Glider, and took off northward.
    Post by: Cloud.Strife., Jul 26, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Cloud.Strife.
    Profile Post

    Yeah .

    Yeah .
    Profile Post by Cloud.Strife. for Aelin, Jul 26, 2012
  12. Cloud.Strife.
    Profile Post

    Yeah .

    Yeah .
    Profile Post by Cloud.Strife. for Aelin, Jul 26, 2012
  13. Cloud.Strife.
    Profile Post

    How sort of?

    How sort of?
    Profile Post by Cloud.Strife. for Aelin, Jul 26, 2012
  14. Cloud.Strife.
    "If you mean by interesting that we'll be checking our pockets for our wallets every ten minutes, then yes, extremely so." Brady said, shaking his head.
    Post by: Cloud.Strife., Jul 26, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Cloud.Strife.
    Yeah, didn't even do nothing.
    Profile Post by Cloud.Strife. for Aelin, Jul 26, 2012
  16. Cloud.Strife.
  17. Cloud.Strife.
    Profile Post

    Yeah .

    Yeah .
    Profile Post by Cloud.Strife. for Aelin, Jul 26, 2012
  18. Cloud.Strife.
    OOC- That was in Brady's thoughts -.-
    "Erm, you just tried to attack us though. Not very trustworthy." Brady said.
    Post by: Cloud.Strife., Jul 26, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Cloud.Strife.
    Profile Post

    Like I said, idk.

    Like I said, idk.
    Profile Post by Cloud.Strife. for Aelin, Jul 26, 2012
  20. Cloud.Strife.
    Profile Post

    Uhm, maybe.

    Uhm, maybe.
    Profile Post by Cloud.Strife. for Aelin, Jul 26, 2012