"Im a breeder....Rhys is a donor and Eoug- Our older brother got cross infected "she said stopping herself from saying his name "You?"
Eva took the note and read it "Im Eva."she said"who was he...exactly? my brother didnt seem to like him much."
Eva was in the kitchen,making some breakfast for everyone,since Rhys seemed to have gotten more than enough food. She had left her younger brother sleeping,Now I can take care of him.. she thought darkly as she eyed the empty bottle of alcohol he'd left at the sink before he'd gone to check on his little...friend.He wont ever do that again...it was danerous and stupid... She had been seriously unhappy with him when she found out about him drinking
If you are still interested in the crystal kingdom rp here is the forum its on http://rpheaven.forumotion.net/forum
Rhys turned and to lead the way back inside
Umm you didn't fill out the Oc sheet or get accepted and I also moved this rp to another fourm
" Uh yeah.. That's fine.. Wed better get inside.." he said distractedly
" Rhys... Who are these people?"she said wide eyed
Ooc but NYAN has said the leg is fine " my sister" Rhys muttered circling her to check for wounds and more importantly bites
Ooc her leg isn't hurt .. Rhys looked around for a weapon, picking up a pole just as a young woman ran round the corner" Eva?!" he gasped dropping the pole " oh my god Rhys!" she said throwing herself at her younger brother
He glared, but froze at the sound of fast approaching footsteps
" I'm not going"
" Molli, is your leg hurt?" he said sounding annoyed with this guy now" do you want to go or stay here?""
" her leg is fine she said"
" h-how did you know about my brother? " he said paling slightly
"You'll be safe with me...I promise"he said,he felt a sudden responsibility for this girl,he had found her-or she had found him rather and they needed to stick together to stay alive..
"They are animals"he muttered "And you only think they fear you...but they dont. Trust me...wait till the crossinfected show up...they'll get alot braver with that back-up" I can only hope Eoughan wont be with them...that this infection killed him,rather than becoming...like them...I dont think I could stand it if he was
Rhys turned to him,teeth gritted "who do you think you are? really! you think you can waltz over here and think you know everyones story? saying you can control the infected! let me tell you something....the infected are mindless,they dont follow orders,even the cross infected dont,they go where they want,when they want"He glared at him
"You cant just ask someone that!"Rhys snapped"You cant just assume you know everything about her! Molli do you want to go with this guy or wait back in the flat untill light or what?"